Avatar of AimeChambers
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  • Posts: 1465 (0.49 / day)
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    1. AimeChambers 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
And by answering 1x1's today I mean tomorrow because I'm sleeping the day away.
7 yrs ago
Gonna try my best to answer 1x1's today!
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Finally got around to finishing the new season of BBC Sherlock. Oh Bollocks!
7 yrs ago
When all you crave is ramen... but you've already eaten it for your last two meals!


Hi there! I am Aime (aw-EEE-meh) and I'm an addict to collabs and OC creation! I have a forum called 'My Personal Unfinished Business' if you wanna check it out. I'm currently doing some danganronpa rps while slowly working on rebooting my own rp 'Folly of a Felicitous Prince', check it out! It's like, 3:00 AM right now, so I might just be a litttttttle bit tired happy-go-lucky... but that's fine! Um... I suppose I should put some stuff about me right? Here ya go!

-I've been a roleplayer for over 8 years, but I do take hiatuses sometimes. If I haven't come on in a while, nag me about it! I'm trying to be good and not do like 60 rps at once.
-My characters usually have traumatic and dark backstories so don't be alarmed!
-I typically start my replies out freakishly long no matter who I'm roleplaying with. Afterwards, I match mine with how long my partner's replies are.
-I love adding a little bit of humor even if it's dark, but before doing anything too spontaneous, I promise to run it by you in OOC first.
-P.S. I love fluff! And yaoi! All the gay every day!

Most Recent Posts

It felt nice for Alver to ruffle his hair. While Hank- who was also younger than him, but not by much- acted like he was the younger brother, he only bumped elbows or gave him 'manly' forms of affection. Micah leaned into Alver direction for a second longer than necessary before listening what the Albino had to say.

Micah smiled gratefully hearing how Alver had treated his son so well, "Luke's a little ball of sunshine just like his mother was. I'd like to think he has a little piece of her soul passed down inside him. And plus, I get to spend time with such a cutie every day! He has been wanting to act manly later, though I haven't let him stop calling me papa yet. I wish he'd let me still hold his hand wanna walking across the street though..." A small look of surprise crossed the Blonde's face, before realization set in, "Luke usually tries to hide that Little Red Riding Hood is his favorite, though Goldilocks is a close second, he thinks it's too girly."

Images played through his head of Zac and him sprawled on their stomachs as Alver read from a big book of fairy tales. Even though it had been sunny outside, the two boys ended up snoozing by the time the Albino boy had finished thanks to his soft and melodic voice.

Micah looked over at his watch, before realizing it was in his bag... which was still in the bathroom. Whatever, he would get it later. It had to be at least around midnight with all the talking they had been doing. "I guess you're right... You sure I can sleep in your bed?" He still looked a bit sheepish, waiting for a reply.
There was a small smell of burning oil and wood in the air... along with another scent that Joshua's brain tried to correlate with an unwanted memory, but couldn't exactly place it. What was it? There was an overflowing metallic smell that overflowed the man's senses, giving the man's gagging reflux a chance to exercise. Blood... and a lot of it. As he opens his eyes, there's a cloudy sky directly above him, he's seemingly on his back. The clouds give off a weird feeling though, they are a mixture of smoke and strange moisture in the air. His body was temporarily immovable, just the nervous system trying to process what the hell was going on. He was lying on wet grass and as he raised his arm... the entire back of it was covered in browning blood.

Smoke licked at Joshua's nostrils and he began to cough maniacally. The man finally shifted into a sitting position before getting all the way off the ground. The grass was littered with body after body. Crushed heads under sliced up horses, legs sticking out of fallen war tents with astounding needlework and patterns. There was a nearby river that looked like it usually carried fresh water... but the liquid was dyed a deep blackish red and there, crossing from one side of the land to another was a row of wooden boats, slowly burning and all attached with a long chain...

That smell that no one could normally place was the smell of burning human flesh.

The sound of a cry of pain. There was someone still alive out there! A shadow of movement passing in between the fallen tents and what seemed to be plated armored soldiers that held bronze swords. Their hair kept in black high buns and waists tied with colored sashes drenched in blood. Out in the field of cut down tree stumps stepped out a man with only one arm, a cloth pressed tightly against the wound. He wailed in pain as he continued to move forward, his eyes blurry and his body ready to give out. Not looking where he was going, the man stumbled over a fallen horse and seemingly couldn't get back up.
Name: Liu Shen Yu
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: Long black hair with a middle parting, one long bang pulled out of a half updo. Light brown eyes that turn gold in different lights.
Personality: Shen Yu has always been known as one of the more serious generals. The 'Shen' of his name meaning he is a 'deep thinker' was the perfect name to give him from early on, for Shen Yu will always analyze everything for a good amount of time before taking action. The man has had most things given to him early on, so his endurance can be strained after awhile and he doesn't feel failure too often. Because of this, the man can easily be swayed to do irrational things when he is in a bind. The best way to beat him is to keep just out of his reach, a battle of endurance is much stronger against him then a battle of arms.

While he may be fully grown, the man has no woman around him and is quite oblivious in this respect. He has always loved the feeling of battle and such things as riding horses, never doing such things as worrying about the inner court. He knows that in the future Shen Yu will have to produce an heir, but until then he remains quite the single pringle. And it's not as if there haven't been advances, but the man is extremely oblivious, especially if the advances are from the same gender.

Biography: Shen Yu comes from an old noble family that has been running low on money ever since the civil war between the princes of the Qi kingdom. Usually a clan of scholars or merchants, in order to gain fame and favor for the Liu clan, Shen Yu went into the military. As a boy, Shen Yu had loved to be taught the way of the sword and horseback riding. After the required amount of teaching was over, the 12-year-old ran out and found a new master to teach him even better techniques. While he was from the main family, everyone called him some kind of brute for going into fighting instead of calligraphy and writings, but Shen Yu didn't care.

After years of being taught the means of being a soldier and the honor of being a military officer, his master Long Tian died. Grieving, but resolute, Shen Yu joined up with the military and steadily moved up the ranks. He had thought he had gained favor from the higher ups when he was given the position of general... only to find out that they wanted him to guard the border, not allowed to return back to his hometown or clan unless of the death of one of his immediate kinsmen. To make matters worse, his rations for his men weren't the best, making life miserable. Shen Yu's life from here on would be quite difficult.

The Setting

During an ancient age when twelve nations were continuously at war, the two great kingdoms of Xi Lei and Kingdom Li were about to embark on a heated war that would inevitably swallow one of the two large kingdoms whole. But fate had a different idea. During a battle that Li would have surely won, Li's masterful tactician devised a plan to create a line of boats connected with a lengthy chain to create a bridge over the separating river, only for Xi Lei to burn the bridge with a sacrificial ship of alcohol and fire, stopping the Kingdom of Li in their tracks. The rest of the battle was smoldering and bloody, taking many lives before the kingdom of Li's army retreated.

Our setting starts at the birthplace of this war feud post-battle, near Fen Cheng at Aman River.

Can anyone survive this now turned barren wasteland?

The Plot

After a hard life behind him, Joshua is suddenly thrown into this world with no knowledge of how he has gotten there. Where will he go and what will he do? The man finds that there is a recruitment for soldiers in the Kingdom of Li and where there is work, there is food. But what if he is caught or gutted by the future enemy?

But that is just what happens and he is whisked away by a handsome- yet strict and horrifying monster of a general.

Can he escape before his death?

Totally want to write from where we left off. I'll pester kiwi 'til she looks into it again~

@Lovely Complex
While Micah did want to hear about any problems Alver had been having, he felt a bit of relief as Alver changed the subject. The idea of sharing everything that had happened while they had been apart seemed too hard and too shameful. The man who had abused him and tainted the childhood friend that Alver knew... Micah couldn't tell the Albino about him. How could Micah bring himself to talk about the effort he put in everyday to seem happy and smile, to ignore the different delusions that started to plague his mind as he got more and more stressed with each coming day? The insecurities he felt over taking care of Luke when he couldn't even properly take care of himself?

Mikaela gave an only half fake smile, but then lit up when the topic switched over to Luke. But... A blush slipped over, "You guys talked about that? Luke must be defending his own territory! The Blonde laughed, imagining what it must have looked like. Luke had always been protective of his father, making sure he didn't run into poles walking down the street, pulling Micah away from the counter whenever he thought he saw a suspicious person. "I also assume that you've already worked your charms on him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep."
@KiwiBaer@Lovely Complex@fabricant451

So I know you're restarting "Just be Friends", but I was hoping that if you aren't too busy you might join me in rebooting this rp? I was going to try and turn it into a 1x1 when I read over the OOC and wanted to see how Jem would react to the EricxNico situation.

*puppy dog eyes*
It wasn't that Micah hadn't noticed his shaking, it was that he couldn't understand its source of reason. Alver had always been the strong one in their relationship, the strong mother that seemed to have years of experience over him even if he was so much older... "I haven't been able to hear much about your life since we- we..." Micah took the chair and moved it so that he sat next to the Albino, finally not rambling because he didn't have anything to say.

"Parted. I have my own problems, but as Emily always said, 'communication goes both ways'. If you have any problems, I'm here and if you need to talk about your past, that's what I'm here for too. It's the least I can do, because after you took care of Luke and I'm sure you two got along fine and I'm still going to impose on you and... yeah." The blonde slipped his hand over Alver's, "Just gimme a heads up so I don't ramble too much."

"But that and this are separate matters! I can't have my older standing thrown out the window! Luke's going to start thinking that you're the better parent!" He pouted with a huff, shaking his head again and letting his damp bangs spread around every which way.
None of this really was Alver's fault, but Micah felt like the other man was blaming himself, which was stupid! Micah took another sip of his tea before setting it down and crossing his legs under the table. "I'm-" No... He couldn't say he was fine. That was the thing everyone said when they were anything but. That was even an unspoken rule for the two of them was children. When one of them said "I'm fine. that was the warning siren that something was really wrong. The time spent together had been both of their getaways and Alver had been the only one who actually spent the time to listen to Micah's insecurities as a child.

"I just need to get back to normal, or as close as I can get."

But then the Albino started going on about stupid things. Micah stopped trying to small, he stopped trying to put on a show like he always did. His face unreadable. The man got up from his chair, pushing it back with a nasty screech and moved over, pulling on Alver's armrest to move his legs out from under the table before grabbing hold of both armrests to close Alver's escape routes. Well, if you look at it that way.

"...Gimme a sec, I'm trying to remember how Hank and Emily did this..." His tone was a little sheepish, but his stance was firm. "Okay. Alver Rozu." He paused as the gears in his brain tried to work. "'You are not a problem, and you are not a nuisance. I care about you and I don't want you to try and escap'- Oh wait, that's my problem. Um, like, when I got into fights with Hank or- and um-"

He stopped himself again, "'Just stay.' I think that's what they always tell me? Honestly I kinda get it but really I still-" Micah took a hesitant step back, "I wanted some way to assure you, but I don't have a way with words and um-... I'll shut up now. Go back to babying me."

Memories played through Micah's head of the interventions Hank and Emily would have with him. More often than not they would come whenever he said something and they got annoyed somehow, like when Emily was pregnant or Hank was drunk. The thoughts tore at his heart, remembering how much love and kindness they had put on him with those words, and Micah hoped they would do the same for Alver.
Micah gave a little sigh of annoyance, "I don't need to be coddled like Luke," he then dug into the pasta. He really thought that homemade was so much better than the dish at work. Mikaela barely avoided getting a noodle on the nightshirt, it instead fell on his collarbone and he picked it up quickly, sweeping up the remaining sauce with his finger. After spooning some vegetables onto his plate and mixing them with the pasta, he finally took a sip of his tea.

"Well, I guess that means I'm doing something right..." The Blonde spun his pasta around with his chin resting on his elbow. He felt rather self-conscious with Alver staring at him so much. It wasn't much of a compliment to say Luke acted like him, seeing as what a hot mess he was.

Oh god, what had Luke said? It wasn't that he had ever demanded the young boy keep quiet about his daymares, but the boy hadn't really gone around telling anyone either. Micah supposed that meant he was getting along with Alver, but he wished his son hadn't brought it up. As always when Micah got obsessed, his delusions spilled into his reality slightly. While he wasn't looking straight at the Albino, soft silvery words filled his mind from what the man was saying.

Micah gave a quick shake of his head. He usually connected sound with color, but the hues always confused him and made his eyes strained. Micah set his fork down and pulled at the extra fabric of the nightshirt on his lap. "Your experience?" A sad smile passed over his lips, "The fae and their pretty lights, the tens moon? Marina doesn't appear for me anymore, if that's what you showed him." Meadica was a nymph that his parents would have called his imaginary friend. She would always spend time with Micah and the others whenever they played in the wilderness, but she couldn't leave it herself. "I don't have the time to go outside just for myself, and I doubt she'd enjoy my company."

The smaller man rubbed at his temples. "It's probably just stress, what with work piling up and all. I don't have a good outlet for it..." The Blonde shivered, "What other reason could there be?"

He finally looked back up at Alver with a watery grimace.
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