Avatar of alexfangtalon
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  • Posts: 2749 (0.90 / day)
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    1. alexfangtalon 8 yrs ago


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@HushedWhispers That should work just fine. Who’s making the Lord?
Besides ones that already have someone working on them what important roles are left?
I'm around as well. Just have absolutely no idea what kind of character I want.
Ignore this post...

I will not.

8:00 AM

Through the smell of the harbor and a song coming loudly from Sadie's phone, the 21-year-old college student woke up for the day. She groggily got herself ready for the day. She needed to hurry and get to Footsteps since today was an away game. All hands on deck sorta deal. She grabbed her phone and earbuds turning the song she woke to on at full blast. In two days she had a showcase and a habit of her's was to listen to the selected song as often as she could to get the sound down perfectly.

Leaving her small and somewhat chilly, due to faulty AC, apartment, Sadie made her way to the Coffee Pot. Ever since she let her friend borrow her Keurig the darn thing just doesn't seem to work right anymore so until the foreseeable future Sadie has become a Coffee Pot regular. To be honest she really likes it. The coffee is much better when made by someone who actually knows how to do it. Her only issue is that she seems to have the inability to wake up properly until that first sip of the dark nectar.


She hadn't spent long at the Coffee Pot. She had work and didn't want to make everyone do all the prepping for the day without her. When she got there the only other person there was Ted. He almost always beat everyone else here despite being far from a morning person. It was impressing if she had to be honest. Waving to the chef, Sadie made her way to the front and started cleaning up.

She had been there for about 30 minutes before Tommy walked in she finished what she was getting ready and moved over to help out the other waitress so they'd be done before opening. When they finished she looked at her watch noting that opening time was on the horizon and quickly stuffed her earbuds into her pocket and waited for the first patrons of the day.
@RawrEspada4 What would you say to Sadie working at Footsteps Sports Bar? After reading the thing about it the thought came to me.

To be honest, another reason I do the vote thing is because sometimes it helps me see which I like better. (This is between you and me but I legitimately started feeling sad that img 1 got more votes). But I found a solution. Since the images both sorta fit my plan is to, when it starts getting warmer in the rp, to switch the images. It’s a compromise. Halfway happy. Cause I really really like both. I’m strange aren’t I.

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