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    1. alexfangtalon 8 yrs ago


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@alimariloasun Love the daughter face claim. Despite the only movie I've seen her in being Teen Beach Movie she's a good actress.

Either way, I like that Andy and Caiden aren't going to be the only people of the younger generation. Caiden would wonder about her but would hope she wasn't Andy's kid as if she was that'd be another reminder to every one of Andy.

Location: Pick-up Spot -> Front Gate
Interaction: Ramona(@canaryrose), Nico(@Karisma), Kass(@Hey Im Jordan), and Sunny(@alimariloasun)
Date: August 24th; 6:25 AM

Well, so far so good. The girl took the card and was reading it. She gave a nervous wave as the girl, well as Ramona, to be more precise, introduced herself. She seemed nice and cool so far. She was also in the same cottage. That was a pleasant coincidence. At least she already could know she wouldn't be the only new student in Zinnia. Even better was the fact that this girl seemed to be trying to learn ASL. A bright and genuine, as opposed to nervous, smile appeared on Elysia's face. The young girl put away the notecards and began signing, Yes, I know ASL. I'm happy someone else here does. I can help you learn--. At this point, Elysia paused. She realized when Ramona said she was learning that she probably meant it. Ely decided to slow down a little. She pulled out her phone to make sure that Ramona understood what she said so far.

But before the could continue much longer the two girls were approached by a tall man who seemed very kind and approachable. He introduced himself as their dorm leader. Elysia breathed a quiet sigh of relief. He seemed kind. She knew that the dorm leaders at private schools could be mean. But he seemed to be someone that wouldn't make life too difficult here. She began pulling out one of her notecards until she realized he probably already knew what was on the thing. So, she took out her phone and typed out a short, "Hello, pleased to meet you." She dared not type out his name in case Robot Elysia got it wrong. She shook her head when he offered to help with luggage. Other than her backpack, she only had one suitcase. Ramona had a duffel bag and two suitcases. If anyone needed help it'd be her. She followed along until the trio was stopped by a taller girl carrying a thermos and cup.

She must have known Nico, meaning she likely wasn't a new student, because she quickly addressed him handing Nico the thermos. She then turned to the two smaller girls, wait. No, she was looking right at Elysia? A momentary flash of panic crossed the youngest of the three girls wondering why her until the taller girl expressed why. Ely nodded her head yes when she was asked if she was Elysia. How did she know it was her? Ely didn't know anything about anyone here other than her roommate's name was Kassandra. But then the girl introduced herself as Kassandra. Guess that makes sense then that she could easily guess she was Elysia. Nico may have told Kass about her.

But then that also meant it was likely she already knew everything on her silly little notecards. Elysia started feeling like maybe she wasted her time with them. But she'd save that thought for after move-in week at least. She quickly typed out on her phone, "Pleased to meet you. Hope we have a good time together." Soon after the group began moving once again. Elysia fell back towards her quieter ways. There were plenty of people in the group so she didn't need to try and make conversation. Also, the fact that Nico began giving the tour to the newcomers of the group. She looked in awe at the amazing campus. Everything looked beautiful. She just couldn't believe that she was accepted to such a marvelous place. The seeming end of the tour brought the group to the front of the Zinnia Cottage. Ely looked at the building with a smile. It looked so wonderful. Nothing like the normal dorms she had looked up on the internet. She noticed that Nico had somewhat backed off from the girls. Did he want them to chat some or was it just that the tour was over?

Either way, Elysia looked to the other girls. But before she could finish typing on her phone she saw two more students approaching. A confused expression crossed her face as she realized one was riding piggyback on the other. That was certainly odd. When they reached the steps to the cottage the girl dropped the boy straight onto the ground. She was a little uncertain about the new girl but the boy didn't seem to mad. The girl walked by them addressing everyone nicely at least. Before she could think about it though the girl was gone before she grabbed her notecards. Maybe later was what Elysia thought. Then the boy introduced himself and even held the door open for them. Elysia gave a small smile and decided to go on in. For a moment, she paused and looked with mouth agape at the remarkable interior. Did anything in this place not look incredible? When she realized she was blocking the way Elysia quickly stepped the rest of the way in. She pulled out a notecard and waited for everyone to enter. She then held the card out to Sunny. If they were going to have some form of conversation then she might as well get her introduction to him out of the way first to avoid slowing down the rest of the group's chat.
Still here. Just haven't quite determined the character I wanna run with. The original character I had in mind was female but I didn't want to make the ratio to one-sided.

Location: Pick-up Spot -> Front Gate
Interaction: Ramona(@canaryrose)
Date: August 24th; 6:25 AM

"-si. Elysia. LYSI, Wake Up!." The young girl groggily sat up from the backseat as she was, almost, gently shaken awake. She slowly rubbed the drowsiness from her eyes looking at the two sitting in the front seat who had been attempting to wake her for the last minute. In the driver's seat was Adelinde while her father Ryon sat in the passenger seat. "You were out like a log, Blueberry. Dreaming about what Wellington would be like?" Ely took a momentary glance outside the car. People. More people than she had expected. The girl looked towards her father giving a short nod. She had indeed been dreaming about what Wellington may have been like, but the not so great sleeping position, as well as her nerves, lead to the dream being a little on the bad side.

First, she dreamed that she missed Move-in week. Showing up late, not being allowed in her room, and being unable to unpack her things as she was stuck in the main room. She was at her first day of class, and every other student the school had was there. They were forced to take turns introducing themselves. She was nervous beyond belief, and her family caught on to this fact. "Hey, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Adelinde can turn the car right back around and I can try my hand at homeschooling you." Elysia shook her head no. She pulled out a piece of paper she had written on earlier because she knew that they'd try to talk her out of doing this. It reads, *I decided to do this. So, I can. Don't worry. Drive safe. I love you.* She quickly typed on her smartphone, the only remotely expensive thing the family owns. Even compared to the vehicle they were in now which on the outside didn't look like it could drive for an hour let alone nineteen. The phone piped out the message she put through it, "Tell Eliza I don't blame her for not being able to come. Work is important. Get rest before you leave for Iowa."

The two in the front gave each other a look before both exited the car. Adeline went to the back to get Elysia's luggage while their father opened the back door for Elysia, giving her a long hug once she got out. "You always worryin' about us too much. You stay safe, and if you start to panic just remember what Dr. Stiles said to do and you'll be fine. I have faith in you." The teenager hugged her father tight scared to let go knowing it'd be a long time before she'd see them face-to-face again. After they finished hugging, Adelinde gave Elysia a hug as well. Despite the rocky start the sisters had, they had grown very close in the previous few years. They hugged for almost as long as Elysia and Ryon had. Letting go, Elysia rubbed the starting of tears away. Elysia grabbed her backpack from the car throwing it on her back and then took her suitcase from Adelinde.

She walked over to where the other newcomers were waiting. She turned to look at her sister and father as they were about to drive off and signed, Bye. I love you. Then waved as they drove off. She looked at the others around her. There weren't all that many people here. The school was really small in number so not many new students usually came but they were all still new faces. There wasn't too much talking except for one girl who seemed to be talking to herself but also at them and the world itself all at the same time. There was also a boy sitting on the sidewalk that didn't seem all that approachable. Looking at everyone Elysia had settled on who to approach but then the coach arrived. Out of the driver seat emerged a man who looked like the ultimate gentleman butler. The impeccable suit, pristine visage, and excellent posture. Had she somehow found herself at an old-fashioned British boarding school? Despite his beanstalk physique, the man easily gathered everyone's belongings into the coach along with them themselves. He had a job and he was good at it. Was everything about this school so prim and proper?

Elysia quickly sat herself at a window so that she could watch the scenery as they rode up the mountain. Not long after she sat, the girl who could talk to anything sat right beside her. It felt like she had enough enthusiasm to match everyone else and then some. The girl talked so fast that Elysia couldn't find the time to get any type of communication across. She even fumbled with pulling out the note cards she'd made which had her name and other general introduction pleasantries written on them. The view outside the window drew her attention from the attempt to introduce herself. Sure, she'd seen a lot of forests but she had never been up a mountain. The sensation of her ears popping was strange but the sights more than made up for it. The highlight of the drive had to be the tunnel though.

The moment they entered the tunnel Elysia became glued to the window. She couldn't take her eyes off of it. It was so pretty. The fact that a student had made it caused it to be even better. When they finally exited the tunnel, the teen had a moment of sadness which soon became replaced with the desire to draw. She grabbed a sketchpad from her backpack and pulled a pencil from her pocket. She stared at the pad for a few minutes and was about to begin drawing when her attention was drawn to look out the window once again seeing that the coach had stopped. It was beautiful. Everything looked so amazing. So magical. She wanted to draw all of it but she noticed the driver was informing her that it was time to disembark.

She got up carrying the sketch pad under her arm putting her pencil back in its pocket. She looked around for the girl who she had sat beside to introduce herself but she didn't see her anywhere. Other than those who had been at the pick-up area there were a few more people to the crowd. Some had started talking with others but Elysia looked around unsure of what to do. She knew she was supposed to wait for her dorm leader to come to her but what should she do until then? Elysia looked at the people around her and determined she would introduce herself before she missed her chance. Setting her sights on someone, Ely walked with her head slightly down straight for that person, holding out to them one of her little pre-prepared introductory cards.

So, Aubrey's sister went missing a month ago and then she saw her in the woods. Now she was here. But wait, she had been missing for a month. Why would she have shown up now and how does that lead to Aubrey being here like the rest of them? '...' No! Stop thinking about that. She must be an outlier from the rest of us. Whoever or whatever did this just tested whatever gimmick they had on her before grabbing the rest of us. But no, if that was the case that doesn't rule ou- STOP! I absolutely cannot think about them being here. That would just be stupid.

While he had been reflecting on what Aubrey said, Marcus had missed what he had even spooked out of it's hiding space. According to some of the others, it was just some cat. Whatever. He could just watch the video back later and get a close look at it.

As Aubrey took charge and instructed the others to move Marcus fell right in line. He had some thinking to do and having someone else lead gave him the time to do this action. But the moment of reflection did not last long as a piercing scream cut through the silence like a knife through all those cakes that don't look like cake. At first, Marcus was startled. He felt like screaming would eventually happen again, but not from so far away. Which meant there were others. At this realization, Marcus on instinct rather than thought darted in the direction of the cry right behind Freya. She was a little faster than him so she easily got there first.

Marcus had to do a double-take looking at these creatures. They looked exactly like something out of a video game. However, they look much more real than could ever be displayed on a screen. Freya ran forward kicking one of them in the face. Marcus, however, was not the kind of person to play sports so his general physique, while well kept, was not very athletic. But, as almost every weeb who owns a katana has done, he has practiced swinging that weapon around a time or two. Not skilled but let's just say he knows how to smack things. So, Marcus, while dropping his GoPro, grabs the biggest stick he can see that he knows he'd be able to swing and tries to crash it down on the other mini-martian's head.
Music to my, uh- eyes I guess since I can't hear the webpage. Anyway saw some familiar faces on the int check so that makes this triple intriguing.

Just going to work on her here. May need to resize the image.

Her history isn't all sad, I just wanted to get the big details in there without it being like 'this is what happened and then this, etc', and I didn't want to make too big of a text blob so I sorta cut it off where it is.

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