Avatar of ALonelyParrot
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 413 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. ALonelyParrot 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Signing off.
5 yrs ago
Got my wisdom teeth pulled. The worst part is not the pain but the lack thereof. Having numb lips is not fun :(
5 yrs ago
Ay, probably been placed under a wicked sleep spell. *Yawn* Welp, nothing I can do about that!
1 like
5 yrs ago
*Opens beak widely to yawn* It's been a while since I've been active!
6 yrs ago
I 'ave projects rn. AARRGGHH!!! Especially from my AP classes! DOUBLE AARRGGHH!!!


Ima ordinary guy highschooler with that is going through school. I'm still haven't experienced RP that much. Thus, I hope to see where I stand and what my skills are.

Most Recent Posts

@EnterTheHero Oh, don't sweat it.
@EnterTheHero Would it be fine to start posting? (Also, I just read the IC and it was awesome! I didn't notice until now, though.)
@cunfuzzler While we wait, I'm just wondering where the animation in your signature comes from.
Could I just inch across the planet like an inch worm? I'm stressed from projects so I need a way to procrastinate. (and relieve my childish desires of being an absolute fool)
Banned for self-banning. (Wait, what?)
Banned because I have a butt load of projects and I need a way to procrastinate.
This is going to be pretty much a game of sburb/homestuck. Duh. However, this RP will be run slightly different from the usual normal RP. Because of the highly person to person nature of Homestuck, it would be very difficult to hold conversations between characters owned by different people. As such, interactions between characters will be run by one person (or by 2 switching off every so often). However, operators (us) will still control the actions of our characters outside of interaction. A chart of how the interactions will go are below.

*Added Hussie just for fun. He might not be in the RP, though*
The rules of the game will follow pretty much the homestuck canon. One space and time player with any combination of other hero aspects to accompany. However, to keep things a bit simpler, we won't be having any of the Cherubs or Trolls interrupt the session. Other than that, it will be pretty much like homestuck. (I'll be adding more to the chart later)
@tobiax Hmm... I don't feel particularly up for Armor digivolution. We've already set the characters up, and also, I would like to keep the battle scenes more simple.
Just wondering, what's the timezones of everyone? I'm in the pacific time zone. (PDT)
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