Avatar of Andrew Blade
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 127 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Andrew Blade 6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current At the age of 30, I got rid of my smart phone and switched back to my flip phone. I've used the same one for the last two years. Battery lasts for a week.
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6 yrs ago
I was told Avengers was mind-blowing, the best Marvel movie to date. I hear some stuff happens that fans are upset about though. That may change things for some people.
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6 yrs ago
Meh. I like to bounce around.
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6 yrs ago
Just because I have a Captain America tattoo on my shoulder, that does not mean I'm a manchild. It's my love for juvenile humor and poor decision-making skills that define my manchildness,,,
6 yrs ago
If you don't like Pinkie Pie as a grown-ass man, then you shut your normie mouth and sit the fuck down.


I'm 32. Married, 3 kids. I've been roleplaying online since I was 14-ish. Started with chat rooms, then forums in my late teens. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice a few years ago after going back to school online following a disastrous attempt at college (18-20) when I first graduated high school. I spent some time bouncing around crappy jobs, then enlisted in the national guard when I was 22. I deployed to Afghanistan about two and a half years later as an airborne infantryman. I came home in 2011 and bounced around a few jobs. I spent a lot of time working as a security officer for the public school system and mentoring young kids that didn't have much in the way of positive adult male figures in their lives. I'm still enlisted, I now work for the marketing department of an insurance company as I strive to purchase a house.

I like to think I specialize in modern, realistic settings, though I'm open to everything if it catches my interest. I have an enthusiastic interest in most forms of combat and a background in mixed martial arts and self-defense, as well as both the use and construction of firearms. I'm a big comic book enthusiast, particularly a fan of Captain America. I read a lot of Vince Flynn's American Assassin series. I play video games when my family gives me the chance, but nothing very serious. I host Dungeons & Dragons at my house every other Sunday with a handful of friends. If I think of anything else, I probably won't add it, but you can sure ask me about myself anytime you like.

Most Recent Posts

I shall be posting soon. Not reserving a place or anything, just letting everyone know I'm still here.
When his nurse started cleaning below his waist, he was both grateful and disappointed that he couldn't feel anything below his waist. He purposely found something interesting on the other side of the room to inspect while she scrubbed his manhood, not wanting to see if his cock responded to her touch.

A smile interrupted his discomfort while she scrubbed his lower body and commented that he would make a good personal trainer. He was immediately reminded of some of the videos he'd seen being traded among the guys in the barracks that involved an attractive woman and her male personal trainer.

"Darling," he said, realizing after the fact that she might not appreciate the affectionate pet name, but hoping she'd forgive him anyway, "When I'm aces again, I would be absolutely delighted to be your personal trainer, your masseur, and even your personal chef for a night or two. I know that this is your job, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to do anything that would repay the kindness and assistance you've given me."

When she announced she was going to turn him, though, he chuckled, "I don't think you can turn someone who's already straight," but even so, he gritted his teeth and prepared himself for the pain that would undoubtedly course through both his arms when she shifted his body. He grunted once, but otherwise did his best to hide the physical torture he felt. Chambers regretted having them take him off the higher dose of morphine, but that couldn't be helped now. When she was finally done, he let out the breath he'd been holding throughout the process and sighed- his heart rate slowly returning back to normal as she dressed him again.

Before Celeste left, the petite picture of a hot nurse that Jason was having trouble scrubbing from his mind was made worse when she lifted her scrubs to reveal her bare hip.

"Dinner, and a show?" he responded with a smirk, "Sounds fair to me!"
Celeste's advice was solid, and he was getting into his own head way too much. Taking a deep breath like the petite redhead had told him, he let it out and tried to relax- as much as he could with his body rigged up the way it was. Surprisingly, he found that if he focused on her- her words, her voice, her lips- it was a lot easier to forget his feelings of emasculation and tell himself that what she was doing was her job, and something he needed her to do. Moving forward, Chambers needed to start accepting his circumstances and doing what he could to make the best of it. This woman disrobing him while he was practically immobile removed every last vestige from him. Never in his adult life did Jason imagine being this physically vulnerable before, but he was becoming comfortable with it- with her at least.

"Food... I haven't had anything to eat really in forever," he admitted as she soaped his naked torso, "I'll have to take your recommendation. Medium rare sounds good too. I don't know how much of it I'll be able to finish, but it's worth a shot if you'll help me eat it. Probably better to cut it up and use a fork, though- just the burger, I mean, not the fries."

With a smile, the patient closed his eyes and tried again to relax while this woman bathed him with a warm cloth. As he grew more accustom to it, the more difficult of a time he found he was having not being aroused. If he weren't basically helpless, he might have made a pass at her.

"Ah, which tattoo is that?" he wondered, bringing himself back to the moment, "The Japanese symbols down the back of my neck read 'Mugen no Jyuunin' which translates to 'Inhabitant of Infinity.' Kind of a play on immortality- which I guess rings true after surviving an ordeal like the one that put me here. I think I'd like to see any you have to show me. I figure it's only fair since you're seeing more of me than any other girl before the end of the first date."
So if I feel that my rifle that was created as a short-barrel, semi-automatic, magazine-fed, centerfire rifle identifies as a rimfire, single-shot, bolt-action, I won't have any issues with an assault weapons ban?
Swallowing his pride was not something Chambers had learned to do very well. He couldn't recall off the top of his head any other time that he had felt so powerless, and it was quite possible that he never had. When his nurse finally came back, he knew that he was going to have to get past his discomfort and make the best of it. After all, an attractive, well-built woman was about to take his clothes off and touch his naked body. Sure she was wearing latex gloves and he couldn't even feel anything below his waist, but sometimes you have to take the little victories.

"Shaved?" he asked, his mind wandering for a bit before he realized exactly what she meant.

"OH!" he exclaimed in realization, "You mean my face. Let it grow out a bit, we'll see how it comes in and go from there."

His eyes averted from the woman as she prepared to expose his naked body. His embarrassment compounded by the natural deduction she would make from his comment about shaving, along with the fact that he wouldn't be able to help her adjust his body very much with his arms as badly hurt as they were and his spine still injured. Trying to quell the redness that flushed his cheeks, Jason closed his eyes and tried to tell himself to stop being so negative. An attractive woman was taking his clothes off- if you called a hospital gown clothes. That hadn't had that happen since the last time he was home over 12 months ago. It would be best to just enjoy it as best he could.

"I'm sure you get this all the time- and please, forgive my boldness- but if you see something you like... feel free to let me know."

A sheepish smile cut across his lips, and he realized that it was almost impossible to look her in the eye, "You don't have to, it'd just be nice if you did. -Like what you see, I mean. -Well, and tell me, but even if you don't tell me, it'd be nice if you liked something... I mean... You know what I mean."

I was going to reply to all the gun stuff, but I feel like everyone has said their piece and done a pretty decent job of articulating their points, and I don't feel like repeating myself. Instead, I'll just allow this to move forward into the discussion of allowing consensual adult polygamous incestual relationships, which, I'm not in favor for, let me be clear, just because of the insane amount of psychological damage I feel it would do to children that were witness to these arrangements, but for which I also have no empirical evidence and no desire to research. And that was a stupid-long run-on sentence, but fuck it.

Edit: You might all be beautiful people, though some of you might actually be terrible human beings, and I appreciate the vast majority of the discussion here and marvel at the maturity on display.

Also edit: Oh, and this just happened: washingtonexaminer.com/house-democrat…

So even though it will never pass, fully expect anyone you know that isn't an anti-gun liberal to spend their tax return on an AR-15. This is going to sell more guns than any marketing strategy that could ever be concocted.

But realistically speaking, a legitimate incident where someone shoots their gun to defend themselves is not too common. If someone takes out a knife as they approach me, and I quickly take out my gun and point it at them, they're more than likely going to run. Just the mere sight of a weapon is enough to deter a number of criminals. I get what you're saying about reliability, but the "what if" argument, in my opinion, is not stronger than what has already happened: hundreds of kids and adults dying in an educational setting (not including other places as well, which dramatically increases the number).

Cost comes into play, sure, but the price for just about everything else is only skyrocketing even more. Look at healthcare, for example. Sure, it isn't a "right", but it's damn ridiculous. We're talking about people's lives here, not a damn gun. I'd first like to see affordable healthcare and then worry about getting everything else right, like reducing gun prices in the event that they'd all be more expensive due to the mandatory biometric feature.

I'm arguing in favor of this because guns aren't going away, nothing anyone can do, it's a right. With that said, there better be effective alternatives in order to avoid, or more realistically, reduce the number of deaths in schools and other places as well.

If the mere sight of a gun reduces most criminals to flee, then why even carry a gun? Just carry a toy! Is this just something that you assume, or do you have actual data to support the idea that most criminals flee at the sight of a gun? And this biometric device can be built on new guns, sure, but what about all the guns currently on the market? Do you suggest forcing all the current owners to comply?

And then there's this- almost all professionals use firearms while wearing gloves. The same would apply to hunters in the winter, as well as anyone that cares to protect their hands. But they can't use the gun if they have to wear gloves. Biometrics are nice as an option, but mandatory? Not reasonable.

So, let's say we do get rid of guns, just hypothetically. We ban guns, we crush them all into dust, and they're gone. Now people are just going to commit mass murder with cars and bombs and knives. We haven't solved anything at this point except giving our government a citizenry that is completely at its mercy. If they say, "You have to join the military at age 18 and serve for at least four years," we can stop them from rounding people up and throwing them into the military. If the government doesn't like what someone is saying about them, there's nothing stopping them from crossing off the First Amendment and throwing them in jail.

Again, Venezuela is a current example in the hear and now. So are Iran, Russia, and North Korea.

You can't say, "it would never happen," because it's already happened other places.

We are a government of the people, but the best way we retain that is by ensuring that our governing officials have a healthy respect for what we can do to protect our constitution without their assistance.

If you want to read through that whole legalese and interpret it, be my guest. FAL's would be more common if there wasn't so many restrictions on them, for whatever stupid reason.
@Andrew Blade
Only on its parts? I'm no expert but I'm fairly certain I've seen one or two in second hand gun shops?

So I believe, and I may be incorrect, so I'm going to look this up once I'm done, that kind of like Russian AK's, you cannot import all of the necessary parts to construct them, but you may use parts that were already in the country prior to that embargo. I'll double check.
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