Avatar of Angela Skyler
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  • Posts: 24 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Angela Skyler 8 yrs ago


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@BlackPanther OMG I am sooooo Sorry it took me so long to get back on. I dropped my laptop on the kitchen floor, and basically just cried. Anyway my computer is broken...more like dead, but in other news I have gome to my school to use the computer! Here I am. Thank God my brother is a teacher here or I would be screwed. I see you moved on! Thank goodness I didn't want you to be stuck waiting for me. Ok on to posting now!!
She knew who he was as soon as he showed himself, and what he said just affirmed it. "What a round about way of introducing yourself...Summer King." She said unperturbed as she took her feet out of the water, and effortlessly stood up. Her hair fell over her shoulders as she gently bowed her head in a show of respect befitting a King. She smiled again to him without hesitation. She caught the lightness in his tone, and the smirk on his face. She wondered if the rumors of his foul moods could even be true. She tiptoed around one of the pools, with her arms outstretched for balance, keeping her distance. "You may call me Janna if you wish." She said brightly. Janna was what her mother liked to call her, and what Cymbeline preferred out of her short list of nicknames. Cymba, CJ, and Celine just weren't her favorites, and giving out her true name was a no no.

She knew of the Summer King by rumors and reputation. She had even caught a glimpse of his face a few times during the Autumn festivals, and galas. But fear was a hard emotion for a Mazikeen fae to fully grasp, and Cymbeline was a eccentric one at that. "Do you mind if I am here? I found this sanctuary sometime ago. It is my hideaway." She said lightheartedly. She came here practically everyday since she found the place fifty or so years ago, and it had become her secret refuge. If the summer king told her she was not to came, she most likely would find a way around that. He was not her King, but this place was apart of his kingdom, so his ruling still applied.

She glanced over at him for a short second, admiring his eyes. The honey color was lovely and reminded her of the amber necklace her mother always wore. He was beautiful, and his olive skin and black hair were a striking contrast to the colorless Cymbeline. She wondered what had brought him here, to this place. The peace meeting was tonight, and her King's hunt would soon be starting, so what was a kind doing wondering around.

@BlackPanther The fact that you can even type out such good posts on a phone makes you PRO.
@BlackPanther Oh I see it! I had to take a shower to wake myself up. Working on the reply now. :D
Should we start a running list of what times people are usually on the site?

its 10:15 pm here and I'm going to bed soon, after I get one more post in.
@KioruxSesheema @rechonq To clarify things. No one knows Aisling name, it's kept from ALL Fae.

Except for The Fall King.

That's what I thought. Cymbeline likes to call her Ms. Marigold. On account of her hair being the same color as marigold flowers.
Cymbeline could feel someones eyes on her. As a Mazikeen fae, foresight was natural. She glanced to her right, spotting honey colored eyes in the tree, she idly wondered who was hiding away there. She smiled quietly to herself fiddling with the hem of her dress. The tweeting song of the birds above and the smell of morning dew made her happy.

"Are you going to introduce yourself?" She said calmly as she dipped her toes into the pool before her, creating ripples and startling the little fishes into scattering in different directions. A breeze brushed her hair behind her, and she looked up to the place were the pretty eyes gleamed from the shaded shadows. She smiled lightly to him and then went back to wiggling her toes in the water, and enjoying her surroundings she opened up her wings to the gentle wind.
@Krinos Solstice

Cymbeline would have no idea what to do with a dying human stumbling into her pretty little hideaway.lol
@Angela Skyler
And now she's being watched :)

You are a freaking quick writer/poster. Bare with me, as it normally takes me a bit of time to think of and type out a post. :D
@BlackPanther Ok she is in the summer lands.
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