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    1. Anomaly758 6 yrs ago


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Current Contemplating victory. Or not.


Just another wandering soul. Maybe. Boop.

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The unarmed Swarmer stopped just a dozen meters away the Mandalorian starfighter, conventional reaction thrusters pushing the small ship backwards a little. Despite the Swarmer's designation in her home galaxy as a "microvessel", the two ships were on-par in size.
Within moments, Vasti's hail was answered by the low, calculating voice of the Kadeshi Ambassador.

At first, it comes out as a garbled transmission, before coalescing into a surprisingly clear and understandable communication.

"We, the Kadeshi, wish you no harm, alien. I'm accustomed to welcoming visitors into the Garden, but it seems that our current circumstances have drastically changed our routine. We are the Kiith Nevaar, a Kadeshi bloodline that has thrived for 10 generations within the safety of the Garden, and the spire of a vessel you see behind your starship is the Nebula-5, our home away from home, though the name 'Starlight Lance' has grown popular among the crew and our people."

"Our intention is to return Home, as unlikely as that seems in this scenario.-" The small ship slowly spins around on its axis as her lone pilot continues. "-Seeing the rather diverse gathering of starships here, I have come to the conclusion that you and your people know just as much as we do about the current predicament.-" It finally finishes its revolution, facing them once more.

"So, instead of demanding answers to our curiosities of this world we find ourselves in, and the way out of it, on behalf of the Nebula-5, I request an alliance between our flagships. Safety in numbers, as they say, and you may find the facilities on our vast starship useful."
The Ambassador concludes, hopefully appealing to their possible sense of distress in a calculated move to ensure the survival of his clan in a strange, unknown galaxy.
@Queen Raidne Yeah, I see your point, just that the entire thing bothered me about how empty the ship was, and again I justify the increase in attack craft with the lack of sufficient support ships to sustain them all at once. I see all the additional hundreds more like reserves; fresh attack waves after the first few.

Anyways, my ship doesn't have shields at all, just thicc armor (sorry, lol). Defense fields and Progenitor phase shields are the closest in the Homeworld universe to shielding technology, and it's to be noted that both are only activated when they're needed most to mitigate massive amounts of damage 'cept that Phase Shields are "skin-tight" and Defense Fields cover up entire groups of frigates.
Ayy. I guess you're right. I wonder how the ships handle here. What is this physics you speak of?
Well... It really bothers me, at the same time the idea of, you know, having a driving force from it is a nice idea too. The basis of what bothers me is that it's a fully fledged mothership, a massive vessel with a severely lacking population AND strikecraft count.

I'm gonna decide to bolster the numbers to more sensible levels for such a ship. I look to find other venues for interesting events and interactions. Thank you for your thoughts. To save the time of looking over the bio, the numbers I have in mind are 504 Swarmers from the previous count of 90 (Including a portion of 54 being of the Lance variant since they're different ships entirely), while the crew count goes from 800 civilians and 700 military personnel to 3200 civilians and 2000 members of the military.

I sincerely hope this doesn't make anything unbalanced or overpowered, and I have no intentions of taking the fun away, and so my justifications for such large numbers is the fact that Nebula-class motherships are vast vessels, and homes to entire populations of the Kadeshi race, along with serving as supercarriers for their masses of Swarmers.

The amount of support vessels, however, remain unchanged. The rather limited amount of Fuel Pods for such a large compliment of fighters will severely limit squadron deployment. Squadrons consist of 9 microvessels each, and each Fuel Pod can dock only up to 6 at a time. With the extremely short reserves of up to 1 minute of fuel for combat, the Mothership herself must be present directly at the frontlines to sustain the full force if hypothetically all were deployed at once.

TL:DR, crew count and fighter count are bolstered to appropriate levels for such a big ship, while everything else remains unchanged, in particular the count of only 6 Fuel Pods total for 504 fuel-hungry fighters. If all fighters were to be deployed at once, the Mothership herself would be required at the front lines, endangering the entire operation if she were to be targeted.

Sorry, I really feel like I'm causing an inconvenience. This should be the only issue from me, from now on.
@Queen Raidne

Excuse me for the mention, but with the underestimation I just now realized, I have a 2.57 kilometer long supercarrier with less fighters than a standard Republic star destroyer. It might do well to preserve balance if it were an issue, but it doesn't make sense at all, when for example a ship approximately 1 kilometer long carries 228 strikecraft total.
I'm worried of editing my ship's sheet to bolster numbers overall to something like 500 strikecraft and an appropriately larger population for a gigantic, practically empty ship. I would like you know your thoughts on the matter before I touch anything.

Even though I specifically called for the GM, I would appreciate any help at all from anyone so I can come to a good decision.
Hm, makes sense. Just trying to be sure. And damn my estimates, I might've understated the Starlight's compliment. It's 2.57 kilometers long but with only 90 fighters (even though said fighters and their pilots are the best of the best). 90 fun-sized fighters. Ah, well I suppose the issue could be fixed IC, through onboard industry provided that sufficient resources are available.
@Burning Kitty So is it... Based upon reactions? Like say, if someone posts in direct response to yours, that's when you do your thing? I'm really not sure how it works, and I'd like to be certain before proceeding.
Hey, Anom here again, would anyone care to tell me of how the turn order goes? Again, first time on a forum, but right now my current assumption is that, since it's just starting, the turn order will be established from the first poster to the last?
@Queen Raidne And I appreciate the feedback, thanks! Also, I added in some extra images for the Starlight.

Anyways, this is my first time doing anything on a forum, so please be patient with me if I make any mistakes. I know I'm gonna have a good time though. Now to wait and hope for some more Homeworld ships.

Is it too late to add an additional notable crew member to the sheet? I forgot that the Ambassador has quite the presence too.
Nebula-5 "The Starlight Lance"

Far Jump Experiment

Deep within the biggest nebula in the galaxy called the "Garden of Kadesh" by both its inhabitants and those who lived to tell the tale, an aged, monotone voice echoes throughout the vast interior of one of the numerous Kadeshi Nebula-class Motherships; The Starlight Lance.

"This is Fleet Command. This day bears witness to a momentous occasion. Our efforts as the Kiith Nevaar have brought to us the secrets of Far Jump technology, and most of all, permission from the Council to go beyond the outer reaches of the Garden."

As he addresses the Starlight's inhabitants, the bulb of the massive needle-shaped starship slowly begins to split open into eight distinct sections, each separated by enormous glowing blue conduits channeling vast amounts of crackling energy inwards.

"Our first destination for this endless voyage is the Vaygr Reaches, on the exact opposite side of the Galaxy from the Garden. This Jump shall prove our technology mighty and our righteous pilots even more so if the remains of the Vaygr prove to be just as fierce as their long-gone armada."

Great vents exceeding the mass of the nearby frigates opened along the bulky spine behind the bow, while four more sections of the ship push outwards to further expose them to the vacuum of space. With this, the gargantuan maw of the Starlight Lance opens up, 8 plates of armor in the menacing forms of "teeth" retreating into the hull to reveal a black leviathan spire within, a foreboding blue glow from even deeper into the ship emitted by the spinning maelstrom of blade-shaped megacapacitors.

"Stand by for Far Jump. All ships, return to docking bays. Today, history will be changed forever."

By his command, the escorts slip into the huge hangar bay contained behind the shroud of the foremost section of the spine. In moments, a swirling vortex of red energy screams into existence in front of the starship, if only one could hear sound in space. Living up to her name, the Starlight Lance fires a merciless blue beam into the portal, enlarging it further and pulling the vast Mothership through.

...If only he knew the truth behind his words...

The Meeting

A massive portal abruptly bursts into existence, beginning to rapidly spin with conflicting blue and red energies. Only mere seconds after its arrival, an enormous round form crawls out of the anomaly like a shark emerging from the depths of the ocean; the bulbous bow of the Starlight Lance. The rest of its slender needle-shaped hull slips out of the shrinking vortex just as it closes behind it, the menacing starship retracting into a more benign, almost innocent form as it closes its maw and brings its separated sections back together. Coming to a stop, her crew hastily regains their bearings, quickly realizing they are not deep within Vaygr territory.

"Far Jump successful, however, our coordinates do not match those of the intended destination. Something's wrong..." A calming feminine voice announces, the source being a life-sized sky-blue hologram of a pale woman in a long, traditional dress standing in the middle of the spacious round room. Most notably, the sights of cables and numerous wires would be seen behind her, connecting the back of her head and body to an unseen machine. Coinciding with the ship's ongoing system checks, a virtual banner linked to her by a thin blue line conveniently identifies her as Tesline Nevaar, the revered Matriarch of the Mothership, or rather, the Mothership herself.

"Alien vessels detected in the area. Send a representative to that capital ship directly ahead immediately, and as always... Prepare for combat in case of unfortunate circumstances."

Fleet declares to the bridge crew even as the Starlight Lance loomed ominously over the nearest ship still several comfortable kilometers away, a Kandosii Dreadnought it simply dwarfed in size.
Within the vast hangar bay of the enormous Mothership, dozens of Swarmer micro-vessels were readied for battle, a single unarmed individual of the crowd flying between the numerous ship racks on its way to the gaping exit to the vacuum of space.

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