Avatar of ArkmageddonCat
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1311 (0.39 / day)
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    1. ArkmageddonCat 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Okay, let's give it a goo
3 yrs ago
I want to write, but don't ever seem to have the drive anymore. Every time I come back to this place and pop in to see how things are going, I want to come back. But I just can't seem to stick around.
1 like
4 yrs ago
At this point I think it’s safe to say I hate college, since I’m in my graduating semester with 6 classes, but I’m also pretty anxious about whatever will happen once I’m finally done.
4 yrs ago
That last month of the semester hit me real hard, but so begins the recovery process. I just want to chill out for a bit without having to think about another academic paper...
5 yrs ago
Haha yeet all you fams listen up; smash that futhamuckin like button and hit them haters in their pig-ass faces with a DEEP DISH DABBERONI PIZZAAAAA


It's been 4 years so I may as well put something in here, right?

I tend to enjoy worlds verging on the bleaker side of things, not really sure why. I like 'em gritty and somewhat grounded, with a reasonable amount of realism (fun takes priority though, ofc). I guess I just like having a sense that defeat is right around the corner, though overwhelming odds are always best saved for those wonderful moments when everyone feels like a total badass regardless of victory or defeat.

I've really wanted to find an RP set in the worlds of Red Dead, Hunt: Showdown, For Honor, the Metro series, and a few others I can't remember at the moment. Any time I look I come up empty-handed, but I'd still like to find one.

Most Recent Posts

Alright, mistakes happen. Could always edit your sheet in once it's approved.
@Madison Parker No, I do not require a short story for character background.

But, uh... are you aware that you posted in the character tab and not the OOC?
There was a shift in the air of the prison, and the silence seemed to move and quiver. The darkness bent in on itself and gave way to color, first producing hues of blue and then finally shifting to orange fuzz that dissipated back into colorless blackness. It was time. A threat to surpass metal gear was on the rise, and should it be left unchecked all children will be gotten by the dark side of gettening.

Phil, mustering his mightiest roar, let loose a terrifying mewl - much like the most ferocious gerbil you've ever seen - and broke loose from his licorice shackles. The guards at the door opened the peek hole to see a raging Phil beginning to tear away at the gingerbread walls. What an idiot. They thought. He'll never break through those walls, they're dummy thicc.

But then the guards realized he had broken free from his shackles, and barged through the cell door to find Phil had somehow magically disappeared into thin air. "What is this? Magic? Did he just disappear into thin air?" One of the two guards inquired, to which the other replied. "Phil? Magic? Listen to yourself, you sound crazy. Kinda like... Phil." The second guard stopped, turning to his companion and drawing his maraca mace from his side and threatening to be really annoying.

"You're not Phil, are you?! Where were you when he broke free a minute ago?!" He demanded, sweat beading up on the forehead plate of his helmet. The first guard smacked the maraca mace out of the second's hand, severely hurting himself as the weapon rattled to the floor with a deafening thunk. "I can't be Phil you fig-muffin-butt-face! I was outside with you! You were right there! My god... you're almost as dumb as... Phil..." He said, coming to a sudden realization.

"Flabbergasted shiznit! I left my ye olde fire pit burning at my ye olde homestead! My waifu is gonna make me do the tide-pod challenge, I just know it..." He spoke in a worried tone, before coming to a sudden realization. "Wait a gosh-darned second, you're not Phil are you?! Oh, it's the perfect disguise! Pretend to be a guard outside the cell you're supposed to be locked away in, and then blame the other guard when you try to break out so that you're then free to walk right out of here. It's genius!" He exclaimed, drawing his invisible bazooka from his back and aiming as his now ex-best friend.

Putting his hands in the air and fearing for his life, the all too recently unfriended guard pleaded with the other. "Wait, no, you got it all wrong! I'm not Phil! And besides, you'll blow us all up if you're not careful! Everybody knows that gingerbread amplifies explosions from invisible bazookas! Please! Just be reasonable for a second!" He pleaded like a lil bitch.

But his friend, now equally a bitch, conceded to the filthy beggars plea. He lowered his invisible bazooka and looked down at the floor, and that's when he noticed it. Scratched into the floor were the letters K, L, O, P, U - which spelt Klopu. Of course! He was a notorious sentient cinnamon bun wanted in over five territories, so he must've helped Phil escape!

Or... no... wait... it actually spelled "look up". The guard released an audible "oh", with a surprised pikachu face plastered on his helm at the sight of what he saw once he saw it in himself to see what could be seen on the ceiling, and what he saw was what he had seen to be seen and simultaneously sawed. It was the seeing of this thing to be seen that saw the next series of events that would be seen through by all those who saw what was happening and could see it unfold as if they saw it with their own two seeing eyes.

Phil clung to the ceiling, his head turned 180 degrees to observe the two guards below him. Upon being discovered he REEEEd loudly and dropped down upon them from the side, tackling both to the ground. Phil's massive size and weight threatened to crush the cotton balls and pixie dust right out of them, but they survi- what? Of course they're human what kind of stupid question is that? What? What the hell do you mean "humans aren't stuffed with cotton balls and pixie dust"? Of course they are! Did you not take Anatomy 1337 in graduate school? No? Yeah, who's the smart one now bitch?! Not you, that's who! Call me Burnie Sandburns cause you just got INCINERATED!

Now that that loser got his ass pwned, let's get back to the good stuff. Where was I... ah! Yes, Phil tackled the guards from beneath and wrestled both to the ground. The two midget knights could do very little to stop Phil's advances, and so he bumped faceplates with them just as he made kissy noises to lull them into a very real sense of shame. Then he tickled them vigorously only to make matters worse. He had been trapped for so long. So very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long. And it was finally time to cash that check.

Grabbing the maraca mace and invisible bazooka from his incapacited would-be cell guards, Phil rushed out of his cell and into the hallway - ducking through the little door lest he bump his wittle head and get a booboo. What he saw on the other side, however, was a labyrinth of colored plastic play tunnels.

Today was going to be a tough day.
Y'know, I didn't really think much of it when I read it myself.

But, I'll go ahead and say that as long as you alert me, you can make changes to your sheet before your first posts to the IC once that's started. I figure I might need it, as I often get second thoughts about my characters, so you all should be made aware that I'll be willing to make such an exception for you too.
@Ocelot79 Gotcha, understood. You're good to go, then.
@Ocelot79 I like it, but I just want to clarify - is he from one of the four regions or from out east? Other than that, I deem thee worthy of acceptance.

Sorry for the delay, yesterday was a mess. The OOC is now live. If I missed anything, please do tell.
The Black Undeath

It began with a breeze. The first of many from the east, heralding the coming harvest season. A certain foulness clung to the air, tinged by the faintest stench of rot. The sky darkened and the clouds grew in number until, finally, the sun's light could no longer be seen. Unrelenting wind rushed over the land, whipping the trees and bushes with violent fervor. The people began to panic, trading began to cease, and supplies began to be stockpiled. It appeared as though the largest storm in all of history was on their doorstep, and none wished to be caught outside when the bottom finally fell out.

On the fourth day, when it did, it was not rain that fell upon their homes - but the undead. Entire towns were swept away by the coming flood of gangrenous flesh, with few able to flee successfully to the walled cities. They warned of what fate had befallen their villages, and so the guards and soldiers prepared. And when the dead arrived, they were ready. When the fighting was all said and done, the rain finally came to baptize the battlefield and wash away the blood.

Humanity was tested on that day, and only by the strength of their walls did they survive. But the war for survival was not over just because a single battle had been won, no - there would be more to come. Humanity would be tested again; five more times in two months. Every surviving city would be attacked, some growing weaker... some falling to the hordes at their gates. By the third month the face of the world had been drastically changed. The undead roamed freely even as the sun shined, religion evolved to meet new needs, and both men and their enemies adapted to the world as it now was.

And that is where your story picks up - during the transition from autumn to winter. Each of you has been thrust into this new world, and each of you shares more in common than you could possibly know. Something is coming that will challenge every last ounce of what humanity has left to offer... and should they not fight together - they shall all die. So when the dark befalls you, pray that you are not alone.

This is a semi-sandbox, medieval zombie survival RP with a low fantasy garnish for added flavor. The story will be the combination of each of your individual stories, as the world continues to change and new monstrosities appear over time. The danger of this world will be real, and your characters may die - either by us agreeing on it, or your character doing something that will undoubtedly kill them. Heroic acts are one potential exception, but of course that depends on what actually motivated said act - be it courage, wisdom, stupidity, or something else.

Bear with me now
1. Standard RP rules apply - no godmodding, metagaming, Mary Sues, Gary Stues, etc etc. You get the idea.
2. This RP is tagged 18+ for severe edginess (lots of blood, death, and light gore), and though physical intimacy can be inferred is still definitely a no-no as per site rules.
3. If you have a problem with somebody, please make an effort to engage in civil discussion about the issue if you're going to engage at all. Basically, don't be a douche. I don't want to kick anybody but after a couple warnings of increasing severity I will have no choice. But I don't see that being a problem.
4. My word is gospel and I am your god. Okay, I'm not actually serious about that, but as GM I do reserve the right to reject any character for any reason. Though, I will be more than happy to work with you on fixing any issues. However. lack of compliance or disregard for the themes and/or rules may forfeit my help. Also, put Deus Vult (Latin, "God wills it") under your CS when you post it for review. Totally optional but it might do something for you. Who knows?
5. Post your unapproved CSes to the OOC or send them via PMs, and once approved you can post them to the Char tab. Pretty standard but I've seen other GMs address it.
6. You will die. Maybe. We'll find out together.
7. Try to maintain a post length of about two paragraphs or more. Less is fine, too, but don't let that be too often.
8. Try to post at least once a week. Notify me via PM or OOC if something is keeping you from posting and we'll work something out. If you haven't posted anything (IC, OOC, PM) for nearly two weeks - your character is in danger and I will alert you of this. Failure to respond in a timely manner may regrettably result in character death (but I'll see what I can do).
9. Feel free to name villages and towns in your home region if you so please. Walled or otherwise major cities are off limits unless you hail from beyond the four listed regions.
10. Fighting goes by similar rule of thumb; if it's big, it's mine. That goes for both large hordes and exceedingly dangerous undead specimens. If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask - this rule is subject to change over time.


Known Monsters

Character Sheet

Alright, so the OOC should finally be going up on Saturday once I get my Internet restored. Way behind schedule now, so... sorry for the wait.
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