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    1. Artymis 9 yrs ago


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Current feels good to be back
6 yrs ago
dropped my bleach rp. go check it out
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6 yrs ago
dropped a bleach rp interest check for anyone interested
6 yrs ago
Merry christmas
6 yrs ago
I been watching too much bleach. Makes me want a bleach rp lmao



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Inari and Nick had quite the adventure together. She'd guided him over most of clearbrook mountain given that she knew the area pretty well, but they hadn't gotten very well looking for the necklace. THey were beginning to lose hope looking for the blasted thing, but despite everything, she could say that she was having fun. No matter how cold she was, or how bleak the situation was, she was happy. Best of all, Riina was keeping her company. That made everything fine for her as they relied on Nick's Litleo to keep them warm and his Munchlax to help them search as she let out a yawn after witnessing Nick fall over. The conditions were treacherous

It was around this time she noticed another trainer coming around to them. She was wrapped up as well as them but she was much colder. Confirming herself to be someone named Luna, she asked if she could warm herself up. He wondered why on earth she was on a mountain if she could get this cold this easily, and it made her feel quite sorry for the girl as Nick did the talking for them. She was too busy looking at the stars at this point, trying to distract herself from the severity of nature as every breeze that went by sent a chill even through her clothes.

Nick had addressed them and he had spoken about getting their butts kicked. This was pretty true, all things considered and however prideful she was, she'd have to admit it. Seeing no issue with it given the state that the other girl was in, she'd turn around to talk to them in response to Nick.

"Yeah, for sure. We've had absolutely no luck. I've lived here for a while and the conditions aren't usually THIS bad. Still, things can only get better at this point." she spoke with a smile as she brushed herself off and got up

"I think we can still find it, we just need to try harder." she spoke as she began to jog on the spot to warm herself up near the Litleo. She didn't want to fail, not on her first task as a trainer. Riina followed by example.

You should, it's very useful to keep people posting.

I know it's been Christmas so that's probably why there hasn't been anything, but we're still going with this right?

Aight, threw this together in the morning. If there's any issues let me know as I'm not super familiar with the walking dead universe per se.
The ping worked for me so idk
Oh, do you want me to make my character before you post the thread? If so, I'll get mine out tomorrow.
Aww, thought I had it as well. Though I have got a question for you Poi, why did you pick Belgium of all places in Europe?
Sign me up. I'm gonna take a swing at it and guees that your favorite color is black?

Ezra Jasekade

Ezra had been pretty inactive after his words. Whilst there was passion in his voice, his mind was focused on the task at hand and as a result he had been somewhat blank up until his teammate began talking. He had taken little notice of it, or of those around him. This would be a good thing for him as he would miss Tomoe's sequence with Mina given the rather weird nature of it. However, he would not miss Tomoe talking to him. As she did, he snapped out of his thought and began talking to her.

"Sure, but I'm not really sure how we'll get it to work. I guess we'll see what we can do once it starts." he spoke as he scratched the back of his head, as thought turned into more thought from her statement. His head was beginning to hurt from how much it was doing.

He was once again interrupted from his thought when he felt Tomoe's touch on his back, and a rather worried tone from her, telling him to protect her. The activity hadn't even started, and this was already how it was going. This was rather annoying, but when he had looked up, he saw that Jett had arrived. The team was here, and he recognised the costume from this morning. Figuring that trying to calm Tomoe down would probably be the best course of action, Ezra would turn and pat her on the head, before reassuring her.

"Don't worry. It's just Jett. Do keep ya wits about you though, he's very dangerous around women." he spoke before lifting his hand from her hair and turning toward the teacher as he came into the picture. He wasn't fond of Yoshida since his comments, but he listened attentively. He understood everything that was said, and that was enough for him. The communicator part was essential for him, and he knew who should have it.

"You're up Jett. If there's anything I trust ya with, it's weird techy shit like this." he spoke as he patted him on the back. Once a member of the team had taken the device, he'd take charge again.

"Should we go? I've already thought some stuff through, I'll fill ya in on the way there." he spoke as he waited for the response.

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