Avatar of Aurrorian
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 364 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Aurrorian 9 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current @Zelosse Don't be like Rudy Gobert, DPOY - Dumbest Player of the Year. Just don't.
8 yrs ago
Just came back from being brutally, utterly wrecked at the 2016 Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival. Then nearly going broke after a full day at Disneyland.
8 yrs ago
Congratulations Class of 2016! We finally made it out of the purgatory that is K-12 education! XD
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8 yrs ago
Just placed 2nd with my robotics team at our tournament today. Only thing that kept us from 1st place was the dreaded L word: LAAAAAAAAAAAAG!!! T_T
8 yrs ago
What a day I've had! First a blackout no doubt caused by living near the Super Bowl stadium. Then a logical leap to work on my computer offline, aka clean a bit of dust inside only to nearly break it.


What's up people, here's my intro, just deal with it. B)

Anyways, this is my first time forum roleplaying, closest thing I've ever done to this would be chatroom Mafia and organizing a Facebook faction page for gameplay, besides IRL PnP RPing. However I'm quite prudent and dedicated to being online everyday just to check for posts and such. I'm also very (overly?) assertive when it comes to dealing with game mechanics and GM rulings, and I will raise issue with the GM when I find one that's loose, unsatisfactory, or missing (I may come off as a harsh critic at times, though offering an assistant GM role would help XD).

From what this site offers, I'm interested in joining up a Free, Casual, or Advanced Roleplay thread. Specifically I'm interested in:
- High fantasy
- Cyberpunk sci=fi
- Deeply conflict driven
- Anything idealist/philosophical bound (then broken)
- Based on character origin/progression
- But I'm willing to try anything else if it sparks my interest!

Most Recent Posts

Technically two high schools if you want to be in a Catholic all girls one lol

@Jangel13 Will the targets be the meeting points for our characters or another event?

  • If you didn't math it already, Angela's 22 years old as of Winter 2020. Yes I used IRL dates because I decided to make her arbitrary birth date a Catholic holiday specifically.
  • I decided to write a simple Persona awakening scene ahead of time to fulfill the CS requirements, of course I will rewrite a new one IC when we get to that in the RP.
  • Persona Stats:
    • Skills: Cleave, Bless, Sukukaja
    • Resists: Curse
    • Weaknesses: Zio
  • Phantom Thieves

@Jangel13 Uh okay, next time make the age requirement more explicit please. Hard for me to retcon now without rewriting a lot of my character, can I just be one of the exceptions (considering someone else is 19 years old)? It shouldn't be difficult for my character to interact with high schoolers from her position, essentially a social worker from a community charity that also reaches out to families for helping solve their problems other than basic needs. And yeah disregard the awakening scene, that's just an example to fulfill CS requirements. Also I technically wrote that down from the rules way back in the interest check. :P
@Jangel13 CS is ready now, let me know if you prefer a TL;DR version though.

@Dark Light If your Persona can be female and yokai count, the yuki onna could work off the top of my head. Otherwise maybe the Lesser Key of Solomon or another demonology book has at least one ice related demon.
@Killy Uh hey, since you seem new here, general rule on this RP forum is to submit your CS in OOC first for approval by GM before you can post under Characters.
@Jangel13 That's fine, I'll try to finish it before 2 other people submit their CS. If it isn't before then I'll try giving you the TL;DR version in your CS format. I wanted to write my character as a backstory first in order to get into it, since this is my first time RPing with a preset motive by the GM, and I don't want to take up IC posts writing flashbacks.

  • If you didn't math it already, Angela's 22 years old as of Winter 2020. Yes I used IRL dates because I decided to make her arbitrary birth date a Catholic holiday specifically.
  • I decided to write a simple Persona awakening scene ahead of time to fulfill the CS requirements, of course I will rewrite a new one IC when we get to that in the RP.
  • Persona Stats:
    • Skills: Cleave, Bless, Sukukaja
    • Resists: Curse
    • Weaknesses: Zio
I've been procrastinating a bit, but also still laying out the basics for my lengthy character background. Will continue working over the next day, expect to be finished then or the day after.
Depends how long this RP lasts, the later it goes the more likely I might have to leave due to school and work, in that case one more co GM that can stay consistently may be needed. To be honest I never played any of the Persona games before, but I got into the franchise because of the psychology it covers, mainly by one guy named Carl Jung whom I read about in my pastime. Features like the Persona and Shadow are Jungian concepts that I can explain from the abstract standpoint, if that could help non Persona fans RP. Anyways will wait for more people to join before fully committing to this, but if you want me as your co GM feel free to message me any details I should know.
I remember joining then dropping a Persona RP back when I was active on this site. Now that I'm less busy again, I'd like to know if you can have me back as a partner @Jangel13 from our Accel World RP before. I can co GM if you require someone with knowledge on Persona, also I have an amateur interest in the psychology topics the franchise covers so I can give explanations to anyone who needs them. Dibs on Moon Arcana by the way. And uh the Phantom Thieves called. XD
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