Avatar of Bea
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 206 (0.11 / day)
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    1. Bea 5 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current <o/
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4 yrs ago
Nothing like GMing a solid Star wars RP with good old friends, then being invited to join back in on an old Witcher RP with another good group <3
4 yrs ago
Alexa, play "I'm Deranged" by David Bowie for someone who thinks I stalk them, ty. Then follow it up with something along the lines of "Only Because It Bugs You". Thanksss!
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4 yrs ago
As a crazy plant lady, this outbreak and quarantine is not helping my random online buying sprees... I'm gonna live in a jungle by time this is over.
4 yrs ago
Oh hell yea 🔥🔥 roleplayerguild.com/posts/5…



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I didn't know if you were at the character limit for what you wanted!
Guess next time I should ask xD

I'll see what I can get working on!
Also @Euphonium I read your responses to someone making a younger character. And from watching the Walking Dead, I wanted to see if I could do a younger kid like Karl. I understand that they shouldn't be able to survive anything and need some sort of adult supervision, just like in the series.


I'm tempted... have any of you seen Sirius the Jaeger... might base a character of the Jaegers, a people who turn into wolf-like beings and have incredible reflexes, only when their power is triggered though.

I'll definitely think about it! :D Thanks!
I found this waaay to late. Ahh well, I'll definitely be up for reading along once it starts!

@Ruler Inc

Yea I'm waiting for that too.
I guess an understanding of how our characters received their powers might help people narrow down their sheets :D
I'm slowly working on mine, waiting to hear back from Classy on a few things :)
Welcome! I joined just a few days ago! Everyone is super helpful and really kind! Glad to have you!
Yaaaas! I'm so excited... this will be my first RP in two years, ever since my friends were too busy to keep posting... so excited <3 I can finally fill my creative void <3
Interest~! I've never participated in an RP of this kind! I usually stick to Medieval/LOTR type rps, but this suits my fancy!
I'll have to take my current OC and make her a little more modernized, but it'll be a fun experiment!
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