Avatar of BespeckledCeph
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 267 (0.11 / day)
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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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Ok well then @Traps Arthur is finished! Tell me if there is anything I need to fix
@Traps Daddy Traps can I plzzzzzzzz skip the personality part that's like the worst and I already did the other stuff, and I don't like being pinned down by one personality when the guy probably is bipolar as well.
Good, that's the exact tone I wanted him to have @Sierra
@Sierra He's found the Easter egg

Congrats, best comparison I could think of
Well then, you know whats going to go down @Traps

Quod Deus vult, illud est complebitur

And his theme will obviously be some Powerwolf, I didn't know it would fit so perfectly
I decided to get the best of a criminal and a radical christian. BTW Is Christianity here? Also some critiques are appreciated
@Traps The time has come to begin

@Traps Again, can I make a character that does illegal things on the regular?
Hope this isn't dying... ;-;
Well then, I think you can know which one I might be joining for the dark cleric @Traps

Also illegal question again
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