Avatar of Black Death
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    1. Black Death 9 yrs ago
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I might be having a post in the works where Thorin, Lugdush and Scatha part ways and head off to sleep. I just want to know what time of the day it is on the Dovahfeyn posts. ;)
Is this still open?
Always! If you want any extra info, ask me!
You don't have to pay for Nexus. In fact you failed the first test to modding; Reading the Instructions carefully. But yeah it's free/ Just for fun: http://hubpages.com/hub/better-looking-characters
You do have to pay to register to Nexus, but not for the downloads. And as for the Snow Elf mod, I will look into the instructions more carefully, that is if there are any.
Consider me interested! ;)
Hmm... Everything seems to be in order, in my opinion, but let's wait and see what the GM-s think.
Name: Octavius of Chalcion Gender: Male Race: Chalcionese(Westvarlder in origin) Age: 25 Outward appearance: 6'4" high and weighing around 220 lbs. Octavius has long, but muscular limbs and broad shoulders, making his frame a powerful one. He has long black hair and light blue eyes. He has a small beard as well. Personality: Octavius is firm and forceful in his approach to problems and commonly words things with certainty and confidence. He is courageous and defiant of those who dare oppress him and will fight until his last breath to save his highly-valued freedom. He has high self-esteem and tends to care about what he looks like in public on occasions that don't involve combat. Octavius is extroverted and despises spending time alone, and will always seek to converse with someone nearby to gather any information for a cause of his. He generally believes he is right and has an immense stubbornness about admitting his flaws, mostly due to pride and his reckless nature. Despite these negative qualities, Octavius is a devoted, loving friend who would gladly take an arrow to the heart for those he holds dear. He is also very generous, has a forgiving nature and is strongly optimistic, refusing to fall into despair, regardless of the situation at hand. Biography: Octavius was born in Isvarld, on August 7th, 4975. Very early in his life, tragedy seeped in, as the Hadrianites laid waste to the Westvarlder villages, after Baldric signed the peace treaty with Hadrian VI. As the Hadrianites attacked, Octavius' mother grabbed her son and put him into a wicker basket, and then, sent him down the Burgen river, before her life, like her husband's, was taken by an 18-year-old Hadrian VII. Octavius drifted along the river and went into the oceans that divided Chalcion and Isvarld. By pure chance, Octavius was discovered by a Chalcionese fishing party who were heading out to catch crab. When they returned to port Canonfire, king Akakios was making a regular visit to the hold to see how things were going. He attended the docking of the ship and noticed that the fishermen discovered a baby boy. Akakios' wife, Queen Cloelia, failed to give a successful birth twice prior to this, so the king felt urged to help the baby, but not without asking the captain if any of the men is able to raise the child. The sailors were unable to do so, because they were either too poor, or had enough children. Moved, Akakios adopted the baby and gave him the name Octavius. Five years later, Cloelia successfully gave birth to a baby boy that was meant to be the future king of Chalcion - Alexander. As Octavius and Alexander grew, they never had an air of jealousy about heirloom between them and loved each other like true brothers. Both would grow up to be fully trained for the army and become skilled warriors. On the day of the attack on Chalcivitas, on September 13th, 4999, Alexander was captured by the Hadrianites and the Chalcionese general was dead, and the Hadrianites were too strong in numbers to take on. Akakios had no choice but to give his sword to Octavius and entrust him with leadership over the troops of Chalcion. Octavius fled Chalcivitas with around 2000 knights, and watched as his hometown was taken by the Hadrianites. Over the course of the year, Octavius made sure to keep all the other holds and villages safe of the Hadrianites, and now come the months of the final operations to free Chalcion. What is to come - he does not know. Equipment: When riding, Octavius wears strong leather clothing complete with a green cape to minimize weight. However, when fighting on foot, he can be seen wearing full steel plate armor. He prefers not to wear a helmet. His main weapon of combat is a longsword, while he always carries a dagger strapped to his waist. On other occasions he carries a double-bladed, two-hand battleaxe. He also uses a longbow on more silent attacks & solo missions. Skills: Octavius is a master swordsman and a very skilled wielder of two-handed hacking and bashing weapons. He is also a great archer, and fairly skilled at using siege weaponry. Other: Octavius often enjoys drinking ale, but hardly eats a lot of meat or sweets for that matter. Years of physical training taught him that it is better to stay strong without such foods.
I did Rozalia a while ago, and I have to say that I will redo her, due to the overly glossy hair.
He is quite the dashing devil is he not? XD Also, you can make Valerion on your character creator if you want? It would be quite interesting me thinks :P
Aw, man, you have no idea how much I'd love to, but I don't know if there's an armor set that's appropriate enough for him, because I doubt the armor on that fan-art is out there. Should I dig up the internet to find something similar? As for the helmet, I think Miraak's mask would suffice. ;)
I found only Nexus, but it was small enough to be downloaded without registration. :) However, when I placed the files into their appropriate folders, I started the game and didn't manage to find the Snow Elf race in there... I have to look into this.
@Leos Klien, Valerion is more handsome than I expected him to be! X) If there is a Snow Elf mod that isn't on Nexus, I'll gladly look it up(a registration to Nexus requires you to pay some money and I don't know how to deal with that stuff)! Otherwise, nada. :P Well, here is Dreet-Na! I designed him to look as consistent to the description given by @Lord Pie. ;)
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