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Elliot quickly ran to the position of the ship, where he checked for signs of people intruding, hid valuable stuff, quickly cleaned his medical utensils and ate some food before going back to where Abigail and Eddie where. Only a fool wouldn't want to see a pirate invasion of a marine prison with their own eyes and thought the last marine related event he was in had some disastrous aftermath; he was personally making sure this would be a success. Returning to where Abigail and Eddie was, Elliot noticed a third man was amongst them. Overhearing the name of the person the man was looking for, it seemed more interesting people where on the island, perhaps with luck he would be able to meet the infamous dead eye.

As Elliot approached Abigail, he planned to suggest that he used his devil fruit power to turn himself into paper and reach the wall, where he would attach the rope to a window bar or something. It was not a well-thought plan for the most part primarily because he had thought of it on the way there and because Abigail would solve it by the time he was about to speak.

"Didn't know you were a devil fruit user, Sir much better than what I was going to suggest; Also sorry for not listening to your orders, but I have a personal vendetta with the Marines and what's better than having a medic cure your injuries on the front lines"

Richard Scott

Richard waved his hand at Maxwell's greeting, good thing he hadn't ignored him like some shy people did. Noticing how Maxwell reacted to the man who only seemed to only speak in quotes and had a face only pinhead would love, he thought to himself that this was starting to look like a villain reunion than a hero recruitment reunion. Hell someone was already offering money in return for their services, giving people free tarot reading and someone​ was pressuring people to make out.

Returning back to Maxwell he reminded Richard of his early years, he probably would try to have a short conversation with him and return to his place and not speaking to anyone for the duration of the meeting. As a future hero of justice he couldn't let a person like that alone, so he decided help him to cure his shyness with the ways he cured his. “You know I used to be a shy person like you a long time ago” Richard said as he puts his papers aside and began searching for something on his backpack “ I was bullied since I had no friends at school and no one wanted to help me with it, so I had to get it over on my own” Richard continued to speak as he pulled out his belt from his bag and quickly put it on. “When you have a problem the only way you will be able to put it down permanently is by confronting it directly and beating it down till it's no longer a problem” Richard pressed the button on the belt and was covered in an aura of green light for a few seconds before the light deemed out and revealed the kickhopper armor.

Richard wasted no time and grabbed Maxwell by his shoulders, and lifted him with some effort “I am not sorry about what am I going to do, so brace up and prepare to beat up your fears and problems until they are no longer moving” Saying that Richard prepared to throw him where the movie-quoting man, snake man and angry care bear man were, but realized it may be a bit too far and Maxwell might not make it there before meeting with the floor. So he set his sights in the three men who entered moments ago and who were pressured to make out, did a simple eyeball to know how where to aim and with how much force, shouted “HEY YOU THREE INSTEAD OF MAKING OUT, CATCH THIS” to them and threw Maxwell into their general direction.
Abigail took a moment to sigh, and rub her temples. "Eddie, we're going to need some medical treatment when this is all over, and the ship is completely unguarded. Would you be so kind as keep an eye on her. If anything goes wrong give us a signal." She paused because they didn't have a signal yet. "Make up a signal. Do something with your devil fruit."

Were you referring to Elliot in your post or eddie? Also sorry for lack of posting. Will begin writing something as soon as I get this answered.

The new year's eve was one of the few days where the shrine is full of people. Perfect for someone wanting to go unnoticed like Takeshi, who was thrown out from it a few months ago when he tried to sneak into it in the middle of the night while looking for a supposed ghost that lived there. That incident was no more than a small setback in his plan, with him deciding to wait a few months until they forgot about his face and no better day to try to do it than the new year celebration. Eating some wurst he bought from a German food stand, Takeshi went into the less populated back of the shrine, and while eating his wurst, he looked into potential spots to hide his camera without being discovered. As Takeshi looked into various places in the bushes he heard some steps coming his way, so Takeshi hid in the bushes because if someone saw him fiddling around with a camera in the back of the shrine one may think he was doing shady stuff in there or that he was a creep.

While waiting for the person to leave a question surged on his mind, what was this person doing on the back of the shrine? Could it be that they had discovered his intentions and they were looking for him? There was no point wondering if they were looking for him and not scanning his surroundings, so he took a look outside the bush to see who was there. To his surprise, no one was there, which seemed strange as he was 100% sure he heard some steps coming to the back of the shrine. While it certainly was weird the sounds of the crowds may have fooled his brain. This hypothesis was proven wrong when he heard steps coming from the same direction of the previous ones, thought this steps made different sounds so either they were not the same person or at he was using another type of shoes.

Hiding again in the bushes Takeshi waited to see what happened, and like before, the steps stopped after a while, the difference being that this time there was a sudden yelp before an eerie silence. Not knowing what exactly happened he decided to wait in his position for a bit more, this time grabbing his camera and carefully placing the lens outside the bushes ready to record what was happening. Once he turned the camera on, it showed nothing as if something was covering it, for a moment he thought he had forgotten to take off the lid. Upon checking the camera Takeshi found that indeed he had taken off the lid, the problem was that a skeleton hand had grabbed the lens and was holding it tightly.

Takeshi first thought was try to run away with it to his home and lock it up, maybe keep it as a pet and show it to friends and family, but before he could stand up and run two other skeletal hands grabbed him by his legs and started pulling him away from the shrine. Takeshi was not going to let some skeleton hands drag him down wherever they wanted, so he started grabbing branches and burying his nails into the dirt to try to stop the hands from moving him, unexpectedly the hand that was holding his camera earlier was now in front of his face. Takeshi formed a nervous smile as the skeletal hand formed a fist and headed straight to his face, knocking him out.

Takeshi woke up with his head hurting like hell as he took a moment to calm himself and analyze the situation. A couple of skeletal hands tried to grab him, but apparently, they had given up since he recognized his surroundings as the forest near the shrine, so he wasn't too far away from where they had taken him. His camera was missing, and he seemed to suffer some eye damage as the sky had turned red.

Slowly walking to the shrine, Takeshi began to hear a lot of noise, not like the one the crowds were making previously, rather something more chaotic. Slowing down his pace he peeked from a corner to see what was happening, and of all the things he could have expected, seeing people fight a group of skeletons was not something on his mind. If not for the fact that the skeleton hands grabbed him earlier he would have guessed he had walked into a movie set. Either way, he wasn't a fighter, nor he had a weapon to fight them. Instead, he was doing what he did best, and despite the lack of a good camera he started recording the fight with his phone.

Cesar Ghirga

Cesar began his morning on one of his less favorite activities: intimidating gamblers to pay. It's not that he didn't like making scum pay their dues, but he was sure that one day he would end up killing one of them in a fit of anger. At the moment he was waiting on the doorstep, playing with some baoding balls while waiting for him to open the door, the man asked a bit of time to dress himself, but it was more likely that he was hiding valuable stuff or trying to find a way to escape.

Seeing that 5 minutes had passed since he had talked to the man, Cesar closed his eyes and entered dead heat, as anger flowed through his blood he kicked the door down, and kicked again and again until he calmed himself breaking the door into pieces.

Now that he was inside it didn't take too long to find the man as he had gotten stuck on the bathroom window of the second floor in an attempt to climb to the roof. After pondering if he should just push him and tell Mr Corvi that he committed suicide, Cesar calmed himself and decided to pull him inside, maybe to see if he what story he had created as to why he didn't had the money in hand. Giving the most smug smile he could make Cesar grabbed the man by his shirt collar and dragged him down to the dining room where he would begin his interrogation.

“Now that I saved your life from that predicament you were in, let's cut the chase and ask the important question, shall I take the money by force or will you I give it to me nicely so we can go on our respective ways” Cesar said to the man coldly clearly wanting to end this quick, a quiet -thud- from one of his heartbeats coming from his chest.

“The M-mo-money? I don't​ have the money You see I had the exact amount of money but-

“You have the money” Cesar interrupted the man “I dealt with guys like you every day, you said you don't have any money but you are willing to give me what little you have” the sounds of his heartbeats started getting louder as his skin turned redder “So I am going to make myself a coffee in your kitchen, and when I get back to this table all the money you owe us will magically be there one way or another, if for some reason the money isn't there when I arrive or you try something funny? You will know how a hot ball of iron feels as it travels in your throat, putting one of the baoding balls- which had heated up from Cesar's body temperature in dead heat - into the forehead of the man.

The job seemed to have going well, given that he has maintained most of his composture when dealing with the man, he just had to collect the money and the job would be done. Returning back to the dining table Cesar found the man seated, patiently waiting for with a bag on his hands. Drinking his coffee, Cesar asked the man for the bag and quickly inspected it's insides, luckily it all was money so his job was done. Saying goodbye to the man he headed for the exit, not before recommending the man to stay out of gambling and loans. As he headed through the broken door the sound of a gun firing echoed behind him, followed by a bullet missing him by quite a margin, the man wasn't a good shot with the gun as he expected. Throwing the bag of money into the air scattering bills everywhere in the room, Cesar managed to distract the man long enough to get a hold of him and wrestling him into the ground and take his gun away from him. “Since you brought the money I will follow my promise and not stuff a ball of iron into your throat, instead I will just beat you out into half dead to release my pent up stress”.

After that was taken care of, Cesar washed his hands, took the money of that scattered into the floor, the gun and kicked the man in the face before heading out to Mr Corvi’s meeting. Once arrived there, he became curious on the reason of why he had called all of them, was he retiring or did he discovered a traitor hiding on his ranks? The news hit Cesar like a truck, the idea of a war between the families wasn't something he expected to happen, much less wanting to participate in it, they couldn't just hide it out and Cesar hoped they would come out of it with minimal damage. Upon hearing his mission he remembered what happened earlier “I trust that Sera will prevent things from getting violent” he told Mr Corvi and Sera, and in the case they did get violent, he know had a gun to attack from a distance.


Here's idea for a character number 2!

Still interested, here's my CS

Finished my CS, ended up making a Changeling.

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