
Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Wondering if I should just delete this since no one really seems interested
4 yrs ago
Nothing worst when you have an RP you REALLY want to do but everyone choices all the other ones instead >.<
1 like
5 yrs ago
They don't tell you how crazy adult life can get for literally no reason.
7 yrs ago
They finally added a delete option for all the PMs I have gathered over the past three years?! FINALLY!
7 yrs ago
I finally think life is slow enough to come back >.>
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I'm looking for someone whod like to do a rp. Quick bio! I'm 26 and have been rping since I was a freshmen in high school. When it comes rp length I tend to average 3-5 paragraphs a post but can do more if my partner is able to match. Nothing gets my dandruff up like putting alot of work into a post only to get a small response. I tend to do my rps in PM only and OOC conversation through out isn't necessary but it's encouraged. I'm looking for a female partner is at least close to my age.

Here are some of my rp ideas. I

Rating system: Out of Five stars. On scale of how much I'd like to do an rp.
Rps with a line through are not being accepting at this moment

1. Princess of Point Place: Rp about Jackie Burkhart from That 70's Show
Rating: *****

2. Chalkboard Romance: A rp set in a prestigious private school between two teachers
Rating: *

3. Tales of Aldizon: A fantasy rp set in a world of magic
Rating: ***

4. First Contact: An to about an astronaut crashing onto an alien planet full of oversexual humanoid aliens.
Rating: *****

5. Uncivil Ways: An rp set during the height of the civil war about a northern white man and a runaway slave he helps
Rating: ***

6. Lost in Time: Rp about a time traveler getting sent back to the 1970s
Rating: *****
Bump still open
I'm looking for someone whod like to do a rp. Quick bio! I'm 25 and have been rping since I was a freshmen in high school. When it comes rp length I tend to average 3-5 paragraphs a post but can do more if my partner is able to match. Nothing gets my dandruff up like putting alot of work into a post only to get a small response. I tend to do my rps in PM only and OOC conversation through out isn't necessary but it's encouraged. I'm looking for a female partner is at least close to my age.

Here are some of my rp ideas. I

Rating system: Out of Five stars. On scale of how much I'd like to do an rp.
Rps with a line through are not being accepting at this moment

1. Princess of Point Place: Rp about Jackie Burkhart from That 70's Show
Rating: *****

2. Chalkboard Romance: A rp set in a prestigious private school between two teachers
Rating: *****

3. Tales of Aldizon: A fantasy rp set in a world of magic
Rating: ***

4. First Contact: An to about an astronaut crashing onto an alien planet full of oversexual humanoid aliens.
Rating: ****

5. Uncivil Ways: An rp set during the height of the civil war about a northern white man and a runaway slave he helps
Rating: ***

6. Lost in Time: Rp about a time traveler getting sent back to the 1970s
Rating: ****
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