Avatar of BubblegumQueen
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 452 (0.17 / day)
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    1. BubblegumQueen 7 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current *tap tap* hey, is this thing on?
3 yrs ago
this is probably a bad idea buuuuut screw it, i'm back!
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3 yrs ago
internet was out for a few days buuuut i’m back and desperate for writing!
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4 yrs ago
Wow, I'm back on the Guild! Ah, I've really missed it here~ Excited to jump back in!
5 yrs ago
Gonna be out of town for the day for a last minute thing - Will respond to my partners tomorrow!
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Fun Fact: I am horrible with confrontation.

Most Recent Posts

Lavender was initially annoyed and nervous. Her actions could’ve been thought of as reckless or paranoia-induced. But, you could understand where she was coming from, right? Coming from a world where your next-door neighbor or childhood friend could kill you without a second thought, having a stranger show up out of nowhere visibly armed would be enough to make anyone on edge.

And considering as soon as he showed up, those weird fungus-y monsters showed up?

Yeah, she’d like to think that her ‘paranoia’ was understandable.

But, her worries were diminished when the newcomer and the Latina female both attacked the 3 creatures. These fungal creatures where some of the weakest, you just had to be mindful of the crystals embedded in their skull. But, she would like to assume that they knew that.

Sparing nothing but a glance at those that remained in the shelter, she quickly removed her rifle from her back and levelled it out the outsider. Peering through her scope, she watched the fighting from afar as she looked around for any other enemies. Her eyebrows furrowed a bit before she relaxed, seeing there were only the 3 initially. She’d simply take it as luck and would not question it.

When the 3 were taken care of she put down her gun, trying to calm her nerves and relax her tense form. Rolling her shoulders, she cleared her throat before speaking, making sure to keep her voice down but enough to be heard. (It took a few attempts before she managed.)

“Now that that’s taken care of, maybe we should go back inside? You know, close the door this time?” She knew leaving the door open was a bad call and noted that. She’d remember next time and hopefully everyone else would too.
I'm not the best with fight scenes either so, I think we're all doing great. Post should be coming up soon.

ALSO, don't forget that there are only 3 enemies.
@ProjectOdinWorking on it. Will have it up either later today or tomorrow morning.

Hmm... to let him go off on his own or not... Lavender doesn't have a short-ranged weapon though... hmm.
@Lady SeluneThose are good ideas. Good luck trying to make them.
@mercenariusYeah, just tag me whenever you go somewhere and I'll let you know what is available there and I'll roll for you.
@mercenariusThere's no strict posting schedule. I'd say go for once a day at minimum if you can but, if stuff happens, it's understandable. Just make something happen to your character so that they're out of commission until you're able to return.
@duskshine749It's half of what Dark Light said and also because yes, he has Immature Personality Disorder and ADD. So, hyperactive man-child who has difficult distinguishing what's right and what's wrong. SO, he does need constant watching and looking after.

And Felicity cares. A lot.
@KiwiwiwiYou actually remind me of my character a little bit. I like him.
Lavender’s eyes flickered to her right at the sound of speech, thinking it was to someone else. But, she was taken back to see that the latino girl had been talking to her. Eyebrows furrowing, Lavender looked down at the girl. She’d have preferred to just slip into the background and go about her business, but with the woman literally staring at her and asking about what to do next… what could she do? And that also raised another question:

When did she get silently voted leader?

Giving a somewhat nervous look, the tall girl quickly looked around almost as if hoping someone else could swoop in and be the hero of this group. Let’s see…

Cold and quiet woman who’s only word so far has been a territorial ‘mine’ in regards to a bed. She’d immediately gone to walk to the crates in the mock dining room. So, she’s resourceful then.

And a very nice woman who seemed to be trying to make the best of the situation, seeming to be quite good at making clothing. Size didn’t matter, any clothing would be important.

Welp, no help there.

Eyes moving back to the woman standing by her, she cleared her throat slightly. Ignoring the small twinge of pain, she licked her lips before opening her mouth to speak. “Maybe we should take stock? See what has been left behind so that… we know what we have to… work with?” The light southern accent was practically made naught by the grumbling deepness of her voice. She internally cringed at the sound, not even minding the small ache that came from her throat.

Before she could even ask what the other women thought of the idea, a clearing of a throat caught her attention. And it was distinctly male and, last time she checked, there were no males in this group… quickly looking over as her left hand automatically went to her back as if to grab her gun.

But, she was brought face to face with… a guy. Just some guy. Her eyes flickered to the knife in his hand and she felt nervousness bubble up inside of her along with anger at the sight of the open door. Sure, the big door was no problem. But, we must’ve forgotten to close the other door. She scolded herself, but decided to not focus on her own annoyance and instead focus on the new arrival.

“Who are you? What do you want?"
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