Avatar of BubblegumQueen
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 452 (0.17 / day)
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    1. BubblegumQueen 7 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current *tap tap* hey, is this thing on?
3 yrs ago
this is probably a bad idea buuuuut screw it, i'm back!
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3 yrs ago
internet was out for a few days buuuut i’m back and desperate for writing!
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4 yrs ago
Wow, I'm back on the Guild! Ah, I've really missed it here~ Excited to jump back in!
5 yrs ago
Gonna be out of town for the day for a last minute thing - Will respond to my partners tomorrow!
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Fun Fact: I am horrible with confrontation.

Most Recent Posts

@T RisketAlso, whenever you get a chance, I would like to ask for your help in bringing my characters into the story? (For their intro and all.)
@T RisketHorrible, that's what.
My word, I looked away for two seconds and we're already on our way. Me and my buddy have almost finished our character sheets - @MissCapnCrunch @BubblegumQueen Molly and Lilith seem like Abigail's (my character) sort of people; do you mind if I already make them sort-of friends? I'm not asking for anything too close - Abi only moved in a couple years ago and she doesn't really talk about herself, so we're not going to have any sort of significant, character-developing scenes that we have to write into our backstories. However, I do think she's been haunting their houses and going to every party in town for those two years, as well as getting into varying degrees of trouble - especially with Molly. What do you say?

Oh, and since it's the 80s, I'd like to know a bit about their families too - at least, Molly's mum and grandma. There's no way Abigail would enter a home without treating the other occupants with the best of manners!

I'd ALSO be okay with Abigal being friends with my character, Lilith! ~

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I'm just waking up, actually. As for Lilith's family, the only real family she has is her brother and he doesn't really care who goes into the house, as long as they don't steal or break anything.

@T Risket
And are my characters cleared as well to be added to the character tab?

Oh yeah, I can definitely see that becoming a thing.
@T RisketMwehehehehe...
My... adorable little balls of... rain... and thunder...

Might edit these a bit more later but I kinda just word vomited all this and went with it, haha.

Yeah, sounds great! I wonder if he will have a cool car...

Oh,and if you are also interested in having your character already know/be friends with/hate my character Max just let me know,same goes for the older brother and Max's sister-she is early 20's and works at Kate's Kitchen as a waitress.

Sweeeeet. And yeah, I think it'd be pretty interesting if my character knew your character, Max. And the older brother character, being the horrible cook he is, would most likely be friendly with Max's sister. (They eat there a LOT.)

And yes, he has a cool car. A very cool car.
Hmm, I'm personally thinking of making maybe a teenage girl and her late 20's - early 30's year old brother. (Or maybe sister, not sure.)

Would that work, do you think?
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