Avatar of Canidae
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 186 (0.08 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Canidae 7 yrs ago


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Welcome to my profile page

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I guess it really isn't that hard though either.

I've been on this site for two years and I haven't written a bio, but I figured it's better late than never :P

I like to play a variety of different characters, but most tend to be humans in a modern setting. I feel like I tend to relate better if they're human, and I like roleplay plots that center more around the characters themselves and character development, versus magic or some "quest" going on.

My favorite genres are modern, slice of life, horror, and a good helping of romance on the side. However, I dislike 1x1 roleplays and like for romance to be a casual side plot rather than the center of the roleplay.

I enjoy characters with unusual personalities, but are fairly normal and well adjusted. They don't need pages of backstory or personality, they just need to sound believable to me.

I started roleplaying online about 7 years ago, and I was doing tabletop roleplaying a few years before that. I still actively participate in table top games, and my interest in roleplaying online waxes and wanes.

I like to write a lot, but I find the standards in a lot of advanced roleplaying sections to be rather intimidating, so I stick to casual or free roleplays.

I (like many other people on this site), think wayy too much about their characters and their backstories. I really hope to animate one day or get my characters out to the world in a more professional way, but for now I enjoy roleplaying them and seeing how they change and develop.

Thanks for reading :)

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@BleedingLover Haha, you bet. Randall better be good at those comebacks though, Damien enjoys a good roasting session. Nothing like a witty lover.
Here's my form.

So they were going to the forest, finally. Everyone was amiably talking and making conversation when La'Tavia came up and abruptly announced that they should all go out to the forest now. Damien fell in the back, tagging along, but not in too much of a hurry. He was excited sure, but not that excited.

There were these trees in front of the forest. Damien was going to stroll right past them without another glance, but La'Tavia decided to talk to them. He paused and sure enough, as he continued to look at them, he realized that these were no ordinary trees. They had eyes. As one could expect, the trees didn't like La'Tavia's brashness and most everyone in the group was pulled to their necks in dirt. They didn't seem to take notice of Damien, at least not that he could tell. He had hung back far enough from La'Tavia to escape being rooted to the spot. He stifled a laugh as the students were helplessly stuck there. This school was certainly interesting.

Damien put a finger to his chin, trying to think of what to do now. The talking trees didn't sound like they were open to negotiations, as evidenced by Rhea and Viola's failed pleas. As he sat back, thinking about what to do, another student, separate from the group, came to the clearing and showed what looked to be a permit. The trees seemed to accept this and they opened the gate for her and she ran through. He thought he could see a chance opening up before himself and he was half-tempted to make a bolt for it and speed through the gate behind the girl, but he shook the thought away. No, I can't possibly make a break for it without the trees catching me. I don't have the materials on me to make a fake permit either, hmmm. He pulled out his vape and took a drag. He thought about just leaving them behind, but then he remembered Rhea. I can't leave her here. He sat down, stumped. Maybe Liors can come up with something.
Damien had gone through the rest of his juul pod during the time they were idly standing there and talking. He chided himself once again for going through his pods so quickly. Of course he had another one, mint flavored, in his pocket. He fished it out and resumed vaping once more. A trip to the store might be in order soon.

Back to the present, Damien had almost forgotten what he was doing out here in the first place. He would've left everyone to chat amongst themselves except for the fact that he couldn't think of anything better to do. That, and the uncomfortable realization that he would be alone, made him quickly push the thought of leaving out of his head. At least here he felt like he had company.

Then suddenly, Nulong, as he believed she briefly introduced herself as before being promptly plastered in the face with an egg, came up behind Zane. Now, Damien didn't know Nulong very well, but he could bet that she was probably here to exact some sort of vengeance for what happened earlier. She had an intimidating demeanor about her and Damien took a small step back - he wasn't getting entangled in this.

Turning his attention to the black haired guy, who introduced himself as William, Damien's eyebrows arched slightly, "Story magic?" A wry smile spread across his face, "I never knew being an author was a branch of magic. Let me guess, J.K Rowling goes here too."

As more of an afterthought, Damien decided to introduce himself as well, "Oh yeah, my name's Damien. It's a pleasure meeting you, William, but is there any way we can speed this whole process up?" He waved his hand around, "I thought we'd be at the forest by now."
@Letter Bee @QueenNugget

Damien was glad to finally get moving. Sure, he liked to plan, but he was starting to get a hair impatient with the pace this deliberation was going. What he didn't (but probably should've, he noted in hindsight) expect was William. He felt a smile tug at the corner of his lips,
"I'd go stand next to a handsome guy too, 'cept for the fact that there aren't any here."
Damien wanted to remain stone-faced, but after he said that, his face broke out into a grin. He casted a glance at Will,
"Oh wait, nevermind. Guess I didn't see you there." He moved closer next to him as he said that.

As soon as Damien moved closer to Will, he felt his phone vibrate. It was Rhea. He read the text in a nanosecond and then looked up to find her, but she was facing away from him. He typed his response(s) quickly:
"I've never met someone so infatuated so fast"
"Shoulda known with the way he kept lookin at me"
"Absolutely smitten"
"Not as tall as I'd like"
"But I'm willing to give it a chance"
"He's pretty hot"
Damien tried his best to keep up with everyone pitching in their ideas about getting into this forest. Something about using magic, secret passages, a random tidbit about Excalibur? Wasn't that a sword? He thought he saw a Disney movie about some sword called Excalibur being pulled out of stone by some kid or something. Sword In The Stone? He couldn't remember it very well, though he supposed it didn't matter that much to him, either.

"So...we're gonna sneak through the secret passages to the forest?" Damien said, trying to piece everything together. "Sounds good to me." He took another drag off his vape.
@Letter Bee

Damien could feel his agitation rising until finally, people started getting up. He was about to get up himself when the new guy turned and offered to help him up. Without any hesitation, Damien grabbed his hand and pulled himself up.
"Ey, thanks. What's your name again? I don't think I've met you before," Damien brushed the dust off his hoodie and tried to fix up his hair again, but soon gave up. "We were about to go off to the forest – or whatever the hell the place with the fairies is at, do you know how to get there?" Now that he was standing, he could get a better look at the new guy, and noticed he had black hair and similarly colored eyes. At this point he also remembered that his hands were now free, and he pulled out his vape.
At one point in time, Damien was standing next to Rhea, the next thing he knew, he was sprawled out onto the ground. "Shit!" He said a little louder than he would've wanted. Damien glanced around, trying to get his bearings. He tried to reach over to his pocket for his vape, but his arm was pinned. He sighed, bowing his head in a little sign of defeat.
While trying to elbow his way out from underneath the pile, he could hear Zane start talking to the new guy who came to the door. He was starting to feel exasperated, and this nagging headache certainly wasn't doing his temper any favors either. He narrowed his eyes slightly,
"Look, can we talk later? I'd like to get up."

Damien was still hungry, and now he felt slightly disappointed that there wasn't a pancake party happening. Though he supposed he could get food elsewhere, that would also mean he'd have to pay for it.Oh well. He turned to look to Rhea, who seemed to echo his thoughts. "Well it was nice to meet all you wonderful people, but like Rhea said, we got other things to go do today." He stretched his arms and moved to follow Rhea out when she abruptly stopped in the doorway. He almost ran into her and stopped just in time. Opening his mouth, he was about to ask what was going on when she mentioned something about a reunion party. His annoyance disappeared as he smiled, "Hmm, that sounds dangerous, but fun. I like it," Certainly fairies could liven things up more than this sad bunch can. He took a drag on his vape and put it back in his pocket. "Now we just have to have to think of how we get there." He raised an eyebrow. He liked where this was going, but he figured some amount of scheming would be required before they just waltzed their way into this forest.
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