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    1. CannedBread 9 yrs ago


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East Blue/LogueTown

His teeth chattered and sweat came from his brow, the heat was unbearable especially the coat. He had completely lost composure like that would take up his rifle and aim to kill. Firing numerous shots at the Fishman, who he desperately wanted to kill as it was Kanki he feared the most out of all pirates. He would fire his bullet aimed at the head of the green skinned bastard, wanting his brains to splattered over the cafe walls. Another shot would be fired a couple buildings buildings back where cafe entrance was face. Once the brute was down it would make things a whole lot more simple.

Down below, the fire of combat began to engulf the area. Some Marines would shift back aiming their rifles at Kanki however not being able to shoot because of their comrades movement. "Pshh, Kid jumped through the roof, get your rifle on him marine." one cockily said. "Caught in my sight, what a blonde twat." The other replied,already loaded, they fired one after another. Another group would climb into the cafe, through the broken windows, their steps being openly heard as their once shined boots trod on the already broken bits of glass. "You think there is anyone in here?" One said in a hurry to get outside. "That's what were going to find out." His more experienced colleague said, cruelty sticking to his voice, like chewing gum to the shoe. The tip of his hat lowered leaving his eyes covered in shade trying to be cool. The 2nd Marine was quite a wide one with a droopy bottom lip, the third had the longest hair out of all of them, as if he spent more time on his gold, blonde mane then his sword skills. Lastly the 4th wore glasses, he would always take a minute to adjust them before oddly placing both of his hands on his shiny cutlass. Slowly they would begin to spread out.

Back outside, the marines would be seeking cover trying hard to get a shot of Red hooded pirate, some even went to the extent of scaling buildings."It won't be long til the squad 2 catches a glimpse of that smoke, they will know somethings up." he voiced to brethren, keeping his eye on the kid pirate.

Adrian Amadeus

East Blue/LogueTown

A heavily concentrated emotion had sat firm on Adrian's face as he watched the attack unfold, he was relieved to know that the marines above and below weren't being completely reckless, but actually using their skills and training, he could see these men weren't just all fresh, some were experienced, passing their knowledge of past combats to the greenhorns. Flexing his fingers became a habit during this this fight, he had chose to sit back and watch his men perform, this was not like the tanned skin captain. He would rather fight with them, however under gaze of an experience captain, he felt it right almost mandatory, to keep his strong sense of what he likes to call "Humble Justice" under the rug. Physically he showed no sign of emotion, when one of snipers began to freak out, causing them to tarnish the orders given to him by his superior, no not one bit did captain show emotion. However on the inside he was disappointed. "He should of said something if he didn't feel ready, was his faith that weak?" His began to narrow as he saw a rather bulky man moving along the rooftops. Clasping his hands together, Amadeus pressed them close to lips. "Amen". "Lord give me strength." The sentence relaxed in his head, as he would pursue the armed man on the rooftops, Adrian would be slowly catching up, his long sleeve white shirt sleeves blowing in the wind, and his cross, slapping his chest. He would try and go unseen.

We still have a lot to build
Guys i apologize but i'm going to have to post tomorrow, i must get up early and i came home later than expected :(, I apologize
@Renny Was expecting Kanki to be dead. I imagined face down with bullet holes in him, now i'm gonna have to kill this bloody fish. :(
Im waiting on renny i will be posting in the evening Uk time probably 19:00 im liking these posts and character interactionsinteractions.
Kanki gets killed in the surprise attack then?
Night guys, i will do my read up tomorrow, Its all looking good :)

Adrian Amadeus

East Blue/Loguetown

The two captains climbed up the steel black stairs, that would enable them to get to the rooftops with little effort. "He left quick, maybe he will be back. May the almighty one bless his efforts today." He said as he carried on climbing on up the stairs with his snipers. "Captain Amadeus, sir. Do you think these pirates are worth all this man power?" One of the snipers voiced as they made it to the rooftops. Carefully crouching and moving Adrian would reply with discomfort. "Expect the unexpected my friend, that is what i have yet to learn more of, however the first lesson wasn't bad. However I am not just responsible for my own life and citizens, but all of your lives, below and here with me right now." He meant his promotion of being captain of course, a big responsibility to him. It was not about the pay, and not about the glory, but about protecting the citizens of where he was posted and his colleagues, which he felt he was failing at. He clenched his thin, small sliver cross lightly, before letting out a sigh. Adrian leaped to the next rooftop with ease, his party of 3 followed. "You all recognize this alley below us right? it leads to a cafe, if you take the next left."

The 3 marines nodded in response. "Regardless if I was a pirate, If I a sailor had just come off the sea herself, the thing i'd want is food. Though there are many cafe's here in Loguetown which i'm sure are pretty great, this one is closest to peer, out of the cafes" Deep down it was a hunch, but he wanted to look confident in front of his Marines, not to mention this was indeed his favourite cafe out of all. He enjoyed their scrambled eggs, they were the best after a hard morning workout. [color=blue]" I want you over there on the right, you should be able to have view of the right side of the building. You will also be slightly closer, probably closest out of your 2 comrades, so your job maybe stressful due to the amount of enemies you will see and fighting. I'm trusting you to keep your cool. Stay hidden. "Yes Captain, I will try my best." He said hesitantly. Adrian saw the nervousness in the marines eyes, he didn't like it one bit. "I understand you are nervous, here i lend you my courage, God bless you sir." An just like that Adrian took of his captains jacket, and placed it on the marine. "Stay in the shadows." and just like that the Marine swallowed his fear and went the direction Adrian told him to go.

Adrian and his two marines moved to another spot, a couple buildings back in front of the cafe. The jacket-less captain gave another order to one of his subordinates. "I need you here, wait, how good is your eyesight?" He asked with a hint of curiosity. "Pretty good sir."" The marine replied with obedience. "I don't believe you, and I don't have time for you to prove it to me, so i would like you to switch, your partner will be put here instead."

Now it was just Adrian and the one marine, they had made quick steps to a building face the back of the cafe. "You told me your eyesight was pretty good, I believe it is more than pretty good. I'm putting trust in you here. So don't let me down... You are furthest so snipe with care, Can't afford you hitting your own men." Holding his gun with tense hands the marine would nod which showed Adrian that the man got message loud and clear.

The tanned skin captain would be later crouching jacketless on a rooftop of random building facing the left of cafe, where down below was an ocean of white and blue. He waited to see if his hunch was right. Even if he was seen, nobody foreign would know he was captain, his name wasn't famous, and to even aid his case, he wasn't wearing his jacket. He felt a little ashamed of putting his man at risk. But it was worth it, he'd make sure he lived through it. " What is Haki?" he asked himself, remembering what Captain Ryuma Zenki said.

The Sweep Out

The flood of white of blue would cover the stone floors of city, men with sharpened cutlasses, and fine tuned pistols were ready for a fight. These weren't just men they were soldiers. A large number of marines would approach the street the cafe was on. "Should we patrol the area?" one said with unsure of his own question. "No fool, we have no time. The pirates could be pillaging and killing, every minute we stand a life could be be taken away." The angrier marine said. The frustration grew, "I will go check this cafe" one of them said. He would creep up to the window as quietly as possible and would peep his head up and then straight back down in fear. "It can't be.. the Redhooded pirate leader Bogard D.Sunny" It left his tongue dry.

5 minutes later the windows glass from every corner would smashed and replaced the tips of rifles, and pistols. "Send for backup, we cannot let him get out them get out alive" A smoke screen, would be thrown into the building in attempt to blind them, then sooner or later, shots would be fired without care that the place belonged to man."You and your accomplices won't get out alive".

<Snipped quote by CannedBread>

Ahh the Otori series? Someone mentioned that to me at work, I'm assuming its worth a look?

BTW Everyone

just adding character sheet now, you can start to think about your ninja

Yes its worth the read you must read it. Read Heavens net is wide first :)
Interested, i smell Across The Nightingale Floor. Dam it you caught me, reel me in sir, reel me in.
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