Avatar of CaptainSully
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 810 (0.35 / day)
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    1. CaptainSully 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Apologies to anyone Iā€™ve let down by not being around, had a recent scare with the girlfriend but things are good now.
5 yrs ago
Nothing quite like a heavy weekend of the beer to put you behind
5 yrs ago
Christmas was great...apart from the death of my PC...
6 yrs ago
Does your country's flag have a dragon on it? Didn't think so!


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Most Recent Posts

@Danelaw just in case youā€™ve missed it Iā€™ve sent you my CS. Any adjustments you want me to make then please just let me know.

Male | | 25 | | Northman/Riverman

Birthplace: Fallow Hill

Allegiances: House Landry

Occupation: Fletcher

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Heterosexual





Notable Possessions

Additional Information

@Obscene Symphony the fletchers mid 20s son. What about yourself?
Will hopefully have my finalised CS sent to you by Sunday at the very latest
@Hellion@Briza as I say, I canā€™t deliver on the vision I intended and donā€™t want to do a diluted version of it. I wish you both well and maybe weā€™ll cross paths in another RP some time. Take care.
Hey everyone, I wish I had better news for you all but unfortunately I do not. I think Iā€™m going to have to put this RP on indefinite hiatus. I was really excited by the idea and would like to think I put in a lot of effort to flesh out the world. However real life is getting real right now.

I would love to continue on and give you the RP I intended but with everything going on at the moment I just donā€™t think I could. I didnā€™t want to just post standard GM posts, I wanted to create things beyond just the website to try and increase the ā€œimmersionā€. I donā€™t want to half ass it so itā€™d just be easier to call it a day on this.

I can only apologise guys. Iā€™m really sorry. I wish you all the best going forward both on here and in your personal lives. If anyone wants to take over as GM then just drop me a PM and Iā€™ll give you rights to edit etc.
@Danelaw I honest donā€™t mind either way.

Location: Table in the Ballroom
Tags: Anyone listening

The introductions ended soon after Leo's and before long the organiser of the entire event was on stage. He spoke for a while before departing the stage, it was almost time for each of the singletons in the room to find out who they had been paired with. A small army of waiters and waitresses emerged, carefully placing an array of desserts in front of everyone sat at a table. When it came to Leo's dessert the Welshman grinned from ear to ear with sheer delight. During the rugby season his teams nutritionist flat out banned dessert food but seeing as the season was over, Leo was more than happy to indulge. In front of him sat a bowl filled to the rim with mint chocolate chip ice cream, his absolute favourite...at least before he played rugby anyway.

While he stared at the ice cream subconsciously licking his lips, he could see two of the women at the table had already unearthed their rings. It was then Leo's slightly competitive nature came to the fore and he began to shovel through the ice cream with his spoon. He soon found his spoon hitting against something hard that wasn't the bowl. He was careful to manoeuvre what turned out to be a ring to the top of his ice cream. He picked it up and wiped off the excess ice cream using a nearby napkin. He stared at it for a moment unsure what kind of stone sat a top it. The tigers eye stone, or the name at least was unknown to Leo and so he simply put the ring onto his finger.

For the next few minutes he savoured his ice cream as it's flavours teased his tongue, something he hadn't had for a long time and had missed. With his bowl empty he made sure to wipe his mouth, just in case. He reached out to pick up his glass and took another mouthful of beer. Subconsciously he had used his hand with his ring finger on show so that the others on the table would clearly see what ring he had. For all his comfort of playing rugby in front of seventy thousand people, he was still quite shy when it came to romance.
@Danelaw just responded. I will quite happily continue to make changes until youā€™re happy with it so feel free to continue suggesting adjustments

Also, in terms of character appearance are you thinking artwork/real life for pictures?
@Danelaw did you get my reply to the PM? Feel free to shoot the idea down by the way
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