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  • Posts: 49 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Chain 6 yrs ago


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Eric paid no heed to the ensuing crowd of supers that entered the bar. He silently sipped his drink which - in his own opinion - had a little too much coke and not enough vodka for his tastes.

What really took his attention were the gunmen entering the bar. What took his attention more was the skill on display as they were subdued. What took his attention even more than that was the realization they weren't being subdued, they were being slaughtered.

Eric rose from his stool, grabbing and tossing it at one of the gunmen, knocking him to the floor. With vampiric speed Eric zoomed over, sending an axe kick into the face of the man, knocking him out before Eric quickly spun, dropped to his knees and broke the kneecap of another criminal with a loud punch. He snatched the gun from this criminals hands overhanding throwing it at the shin of another gunman before leaping at a fourth, grabbing his arm and breaking it in a well-executed flying armbar.

He rolled backwards to his feet, an relieved look across his face. He glanced over at Slingshot, replying in an almost jokey voice.
"Plan is, I'm getting my swords back" He said, holding his hand out to Jocelyn. "After that, who knows?"
Interested! Will write up a Black Canary app soon I think.
@ChainI'll respond after we get @Sewer Rat to post his response if that is cool with you. It looked like we had at least one more PC that wanted in on the bar scene. ;)

No worries!


Location: The Rum House

Interacting With:
Mr. T@Sewer Rat

Eric harrumphed, staring down into the bowl of pretzels with a hungry look in his eyes. He wondered if the bar did serve food, and these pretzels were just a ploy to make him more thirsty. At this point, however, he couldn't care less, she could've slid a four course meal to him and he'd probably have been just as happy.
"Pretzel's will do I s'pose" He murmured, picking at them as the bartender very calmly escorted a smoker from the bar.

When the topic of handing his swords over came up, Eric raised an eyebrow. To be quite honest, he'd forgotten he even had them, but the balls on the bartender to ask a man with sleeves doused in blood carrying two swords was quite impressive. He thought to himself for a second, considering refusing if only to see what would happen.

Nah, not worth it.

He removed them from his harness, planting them on the bar top and pointing at the sheathed adamantium blade as he did.
"Keep good care of that one. Worth more than this city, let alone this pub. Any chance you'll tell me what this other condition is?" He half-joked, digging into his pocket, opening his wallet and planting a five dollar bill on the table.
"Don't like opening debts i'm afraid." he spoke, in response to opening a tab.

Location: Golden Gate Nightclub - Berlin, Germany

Eric leaned against the wall of an alley next to the loud 80s themed club which was currently bursting at the seams with various hipster-types and drunk clubbers. Eric, was about to look like the biggest target on the shooting range but he was never one to do things stealthily. He flicked the cigarette he had been smoking to the ground and put on his aviators, concealing his piercing yellow eyes as he rounded the corner and entered the club.

Some vampire had been prowling this club for a few weeks now, turning people and feeding every weekend. It was going to be a tough fight, Eric obviously couldn't carry his sword in so he'd need to resort to more improvised methods of attack. He waded through the crowd of dancing people, scanning the club for any signs of the vampire until he finally caught glimpse of the pale fucker sitting in the VIP section.

A grin grew over Eric's face as he swiped an empty glass from the bar and made his way over, making sure to flash his vampiric eyes toward his target as he walked over. His ruse worked, the vampire allowed him past the bouncers guarding the VIP section with a slightly worried smile.

"Ain't seen you around these parts, friend, you part of a coven?"
"Coven ain't really the word for it. More of a social club."
"Yeah? Where you from?"
"Where I'm from doesn't matter. What matters more is where you're going."

A confused look darted across the vampire's face, but it was all too late. Eric booted the table over, leaping over it and smashing the glass into the vampire's face, grabbing him by the hair as he did. The bouncers had obviously taken notice at this point and were very angrily making their way over. Time to improvise.

Eric kept one hand firmly gripping the vampire's hair, before grabbing his belt with his free hand. What followed next resonated in the minds of the bouncers who had unfortunately tried to subdue Eric. Eric lifted the vampire and used him as a literal battering ram, swiping the bouncers out of the way and charging through the club and out the door before launching him into a wall over the street.

The vampire launched himself at Eric, but Eric was too quick, he expertly dodged any punch, swipe, or kick the vampire threw his way before cracking his jaw with a switch-kick to the face. This guy wasn't going to stay down and Eric was ill equipped to hogtie him until morning. His head darted around the area until he finally came across an alternative to the usual metal wiring he uses to tie down Vampires.

He picked the vampire up, placing him firmly against a lamppost before jumping up, grabbing the neck of the lamppost, bending it down and trapping the vampire inside the bend he'd made. If it didn't at least hold him until the sun came up and killed him, it'd at the very least humiliate him.

The sound of sirens in the distance signaled to Eric that it was time to go.

Location: New York
Blade's earbuds

It had barely passed lunchtime and Eric had already managed to find himself killing vampires. He wondered if he'd ever get a day off, or at least an opponent that would give him some challenge. He thought of Morbius and how the trail had gone cold. He hoped he wasn't beyond saving.

He stood in the dingy crack den, blood staining the cuffs of his jacket and ash littering his jeans and, more importantly, his new white trainers.

Suffice to say, he needed a drink.

He spun his sword around his wrist before sheathing it in its harness. He thought of returning home, taking off his weapons and going to a bar looking like a semi-normal individual. But on the other hand there was a pub very close to where he was right now, and he didn't really care for looking normal. As long as he got his drink and possibly some food, he was happy.

He made his way down and along, before entering The Rum House, getting a few strange looks from people as he entered. Too tired to even focus, he sat at the bar, taking out his earphones as he did.
"Double-vodka coke please, and do you do food?"
@PrinceAlexus Hey! Very interested, sorry if this has already been asked but what will the post requirements be like? I try my best to write quality posts, but every now and then I get stumped for length in all honesty.
This still active?
Here's my completely revamped blade.

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