Avatar of Chickn
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 261 (0.09 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Chickn 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current I'm coming back, bois. Most of y'all probably don't know me. Oh well. I'm back. Hi. Ready to RP again.
1 like
8 yrs ago
"You must look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself." - Prince Zuko


Hi its been a long time since I've been on this site so if I end up staying long term I'll update this. 3 years is enough to build up sufficient levels of cringe. So I removed it all to avoid the cringe.

Most Recent Posts

Hey guys, I think I'm going to have to withdraw from this RP. I'm sorry, but I've just kind of lost interest. :( I wish you all the best of luck, though.
I'll have a post up either tonight or tomorrow at some point.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Archmage MC
Unfortunately, I suck at shading and coloring, so my drawings are lackluster.
I can only edit. I cannot create... :(

I hear you, pal. No matter how hard I try, my stuff always look like it comes out of a kindergarten classroom.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Parfex Those are pretty sick, dude!
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

”Pleased to meet you, Alexandra,” Alex glanced down quickly at the outstretched hand, and shied away slightly as she realized that her arms were still completely hidden by her overly large sweater.

"Oh, uh nice to mee-" Alex was cut off by a masked man who had taken to using her as a meat shield. He introduced himself as Mercury, or Masquerade. Quietly thanking the man for interrupting their little interaction, she turned to face him.

”Hi, you’re very pretty. You don’t mind if I hang out here do you? Hmm… you smell like calamari. Did you have some before coming?”

Completely flustered by his direct approach, Alex froze up. She knew that her arms caused her to produce a unique odor, but she figured that the ocean would at least somewhat mask the smell. Fortunately, Mercury's short attention span drew him away from her. Alex looked on as what appeared to be a ghost flew by the dock. The weird just keep getting weirder.

A girl, Jenny, had given a whole speech upon arrival, where she compared herself to... Pizza. It was a bit strange, and Alex didn't really see where the comparison was accurate, but she let it slide. At least she was trying to be friendly. And, she brought pizza for everyone. Alex, having just eaten, decided to let the others claim their slices.

Alex turned to Lisa as she gave a brief speech on why they were here. In essence, they were recruiting "superheroes" for the Powerbound Alliance. At least, that's what Alex took away from the speech. The most important thing that Alex took note of was the fact that they couldn't turn back once they had chosen. "So, how many of you will call yourselves proud members of the Powerbound Alliance?"

It only took Alex a moment to know that she wasn't backing out. Already, she had been accepted by so many others. Of course, they had yet to actually see her arms. Though, with the sheer weirdness of some of the others, surely she would fit right in. "I'm in," she said.

With her being officially committed to the Alliance, Alex took off her hoodie for the whole world to see her for who she was. She wore a worn black t-shirt, with the sleeves ripped at the shoulder. Everything about her outfit screamed "street rat," which is exactly what she was. Stains from the liquid that her arms secreted covered the baggy shorts. Her hair was tangled and matted from never being properly washed.

Alex figured that she should start making friends with the others. She looked around for anyone who wasn't currently conversing, and settled on the man with the iron arm. He had been somewhat quiet so far, which intrigued Alex. Alex quietly dismissed herself from her current group, who seemed to be escalating to a fight. She didn't want to be any part of a fight on her "first" day.

Alex approached the man from behind, where she lightly tapped him on the shoulder. "Interesting group of people, isn't it? My name is Alex, by the way. I'd offer to shake your hand, but, well..." Her words drifted off as she gestured to the arms that hung at her side.
@Royzooka@Chickn *gives you both the death stare* ...... ok. You're both in the clear.... FOR NOW. *Eyebrow wags then rolls away*

Yeah, sorry about that. My schedule's been cleared quite a bit for the summer, so I shouldn't fall behind again.
Bryson Anderson

Interacting with:
Christie @Royzooka, Grace @unfallenangel, Johnny @Mr_pink
Location: Xavier's Institute Basement

With their team all grouped up, Bryson let out a slight smile. They seemed nice enough. He ignored those that had come in late, and instead turned his attention to his new teammates. After some quick re-introductions, Bryson was confident that his new teammates would make for good friends. Most of his time at the Institute was spent huddled away in his room, with the three of him playing various board games. Perhaps this would be his opportunity to actually get out and be normal for once in his life.

He was about to ask about the other two's powers, but was caught off guard when their leader, Johnny, called them over. Bryson took a step closer to where Johnny was sitting. "What'd you have planned for us, 'captain'?" Bryson heard Grace use the term captain, and decided to just go with it. The man seemed like he could have been a captain of sorts.

"Bryson, I do not believe the man is actually a captain, which would make your statement potentially offensive," Orion said to him.

"Well yeah, but he sure does look like one," Bryson said while staring up at the ceiling and casually glancing at Johnny.

Sorry for being quiet. I'm still here, and I'll have a post up later this afternoon.

EDIT: If y'all want an excuse, I blame Smite. Damn video games are too addicting.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm good with whatever, as long as I don't have to re-make my character. That thing took forever to make. Lol
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I think we need an order in which we post, lmao.

I don't think post order would work with this many people. We could get hung up on one person very easily.
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