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3 yrs ago
Current WOW! I haven't ever posted one of these, after being apart of Guild since before the site got zapped away. Living good, rping better!


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Jason Koravil

Time: Evening
Location: Los Angeles, Train Station
Interaction: @Meleck

Jason walked about the masses blending in with the regular members of society. With his powers he was able to secure a negative altered status ID without too much of a hassle. When his mask was donned he was a force of terror & revolution opting to fight against oppression. However in his day to day life he still had a therapist firm to run. With the ability to control others he wasn’t overly concerned about money but he wanted to maintain his civilian guise until the time came when it wasn’t needed.

Thoughts of Saiyu’s untimely demise plagued his every waking moment when he didn’t give the reigns of control over to his alternate persona of Justice & vigilante identity as Reaper. He’d fully embraced his alternate darker self budding beneath the surface as an effective means to push away his ordinary life where he felt inadequate in helping others by merely speaking to them about there problems.

Currently he was on the prowl surveying the thoughts of numerous occupants of the station. Outside of running his rebellion, he devoted equal amounts of time to finding more members to his cause. He selected places at random to perform these searches, preferably those untouched by the growing conflict with altered & the many factions that had spawned as a result of their existence. He was enjoying a cup of tea whilst sitting down with a book in hand, the 48 Laws of Power. His focus was divided between absorbing the strategic lessons from this literary master piece & browsing thoughts to find altered.

He had the unfortunate experience of picking up some vile hate filled thoughts. Turning his head in the direction of the source he spotted a mob of purity members brutally assaulting a helpless black woman accused of being one of the altered. Diving past her surface thoughts he was sickened to find she was a mere victim of regular pre-existing racial hatred I the world & mob mentality. This poor soul wasn’t even gifted with the very powers she was taking a beating for being accused to have.

But a glimpse of another thought swiftly stirred his attention away from the woman’s plight. Here and now he wasn’t Reaper, not to mention there were armed soldiers everywhere. Any conflict he engaged in would require blatant use of his power to avoid being riddled with bullets.

“People that complied are being protected, including you and brother.”

Overhearing this he peered into the minds of two youth, a man & woman. Digging deeper a smile crept across his face as he had finally stumbled upon another of his kind. Sure from what he perceived this boy was timid and perhaps even socially inept. But the power coursing through him could prove to be valuable. Not to mention the world was becoming a very divisive place and in order for survival, those that were alike needed to stick together.

He closed the book and stuffed It in a gym bag he had slung over his shoulder with a few other personal belongings inside. Getting up he waltzed over to the marine heavy check-point producing his identification and making his way through. This family member he’s with doesn’t seem to wield any power, but she has a fiery persona not to mention she’s protective of him. Just as Olivia serves as a key element to infiltrating & acquiring more information from the CIA, perhaps this Marie can prove to be essential as well. To truly spur my movement I believe I’ll need to include those who sympathize with us even if they do not share our powers.

The age of the altered was upon them and he didn’t have a minute to waste. He used his power to infiltrate the minds of Marie & Juan. Using his telepathic powers he caused them all to appear in a different realm of existence. Instead of a train station the three of them alone appeared in a lush garden full of vegetation, fresh fruit & wild-life. In reality they had gone nowhere physically, Jason had merely zapped up their subconscious into a telepathic realm while simultaneously rendering there existing personalities control of their physical bodies still able to carry out communication & any other goals they needed to acquire.

Within the telepathic realm Jason used his power to instill an emotion of calmness into the two as he approached them with a smile on his lips. “Hello Juan, Hello Marie. Forgive me for all of this, I know it’s quite sudden. But do not be alarmed, my name is Jason. I’m an altered human with the power to manipulate thoughts & move objects with my mind alone. As you may have noticed it is quit dangerous for our kind these days, I’m to assume your on the way to San Francisco because of it’s declared status as a sanctuary. At least that’s why Juan Is here, and you Marie are his guardian correct? First off we have not physically left the train station, this is merely an illusion manifested with my power within the private shared collective space of our subconscious. Regardless if this conversation goes on for say twenty minutes, by the time it’s over no more then a minute or two will. Pass in the real world. Anyway I’ve come to you with an offer, that being unlimited protection & wealth for the small price of joining forces with me in forging a new world. One where soldiers assigned to protect us won’t turn a blind eye to a woman In distress getting beat by thugs just for being different.” As Jason spoke, he made angelic wings appear behind him as well as a glowing illuminated yellow halo over his head. “So how about it then, have I managed to obtain your interest?” Jason finished his voice echoing about in this imaginary world formed by his telepathic abilities.
Josiah & Natalia

After rummaging through the belongings of the now deceased witch couple house he did uncover some intel about the enemies plan to shatter the seal In the next town over. Afterwards he gathered his bearings & departed from there. On the way back to the motel he stopped to grab a bite to eat. Additionally he put more stress on his body using divine breaker to counteract a hex bag that was planted underneath his car which of course led to a fight & eventual ganking of the third witch in an ally by the diner spot.

Three outta four witches in this town’s coven are dead, my best bet is to kill the last one so they can’t warn the two sons of bitches actually trying to break the seal in the next town overJosiah thought to himself as he settled into the motel opting to smoke inside just in case he was followed or being watched. He whipped out his phone and pulled up Nat’s contact. “I don’t have Singers number in my new phone, so my best bet is to call Nat.” He decided and pressed down on her name to give her a ring.

As Natalia was waiting for everyone to be done getting ready in the house, she finished her beer and pulled out her car keys of her pocket, swinging the keyfob round one of her fingers as she waited. It was then she felt her phone vibrating in her other pocket and wondered what made her so damn popular lately as she pulled her phone out and saw it was Josiah.

Clicking to connect the call, she held he rphone up to her ear, "what's up now?" she greeted him in her usual manner.

Josiah was walking around the motel room puffing on a joint and sipping honey jack on the rocks as he awaited Nat to pick up. Unlike many hunters who stuck to drinking he prefered a low cross fade to be at his absolute best, the added paranoia from a bit of trees kept him on extra guard. "Hey Nat" He exclaimed happy she picked up. "Look I need to talk to you, I've got some info that's relevant to you or well the Winchesters specifically. Remember that stuff I was talking about earlier, the witnesses. Well listen to this and I promise it's not some nonsense I stumbled on while getting too high. The witnesses is one of the seals, there's over 600 of them, but get this if the demons break at least 66 of them then Lucifer will walk the earth again." He finished wondering if she'd think he was just super inebriated not knowing she'd met an angel herself earlier.

From the way Josiah greeted her on the phone, Nat knew instantly he was getting high once again, making her pinch the bridge of her nose even though he couldn't see it. She listened to him ramble on, explaining everything that Castiel told them all earlier. "yeah we know. Had a visit from an Angel who told us. We're all heading out to to one now to try and stop it from being broken. I'll text you the location so you can meet us there if you want. Seems we gotta stop Samhain from being risen again" she replied to him. "and when you do, sober up a bit please?" she requested. She didn't have too much of an issue with him smoking joints, but drugs were a bit of a difficult subject for her as she spent years being pumped with drugs in the asylum against her will. Something she never ever said to anyone.

Josiah wondered if Nat would be able to tell he was a bit buzzed, that damn paranoia got to him already so he ashed the joint and decided to focus on his cup of jack. "Wait wait wait you guys are friends with angels too? Well I'm not friends with mine." Josiah flashed back to Uriel's rude behavior and quickly got back on the subject at hand. "Damn it Nat I think we're working the same case, that's why I called. I'm in the next town over hunting a coven of witches that's working with the witches trying to break the seal. Anyway I've got bad news, Samhain is the demon lord of the undead, so the witches used recruited a bunch of demons & vampires to come to the town where the seal is, and there assignment is to hunt down any and all winchesters that show up to interfere. Worst it seems they've carved some type of spell called enochian into the bodies of the demons & vampires they recruited, which means no angels can find them." Josiah continued explaining the lengths the witches were going to ensure Samhain was revived.

Natalia listened to what Josiah was saying, sighing as he all but told her in his own way that it was an Angel that told him about the seals as well. When he told her they were already on the same case, she knew it was one less thing she would need to sort out and sending him the location wasn't needed. The extra news he gave her made her sigh and again pinch the bridge of her nose. "fan-bloody-tastic" she said sarcastically. "I'll let the boys and everyone know. Thanks for the warning Josiah, we're gonna need all the advanced help we can get right now. And we're definitely not friends with any angels. It's a long story." she replied, letting him know by her tone that it was a story she was not willing to discuss now. "we'll be there as soon as possible. I'll let you know when we're there" she told him.

Josiah wanted to get this info to Natalia as soon as possible, considering the threat was directed at winchesters & he was familiar with her last name. "Yeah you do that and if you can send me singer number, one of the witnesses smashed the phone I had with his number in it and you never know when his intel will came in handy. Wait wait wait hold on Nat you just said "the boys" as in plural, as in not just Sam? Either I misheard you and really do need to be completly sober while were working or are you implying that Dean's somehow not in hell anymore? Don't tell me you or Sam made a fucking deal?!" Josiah exclaimed in shock even though from stories he heard Sam had tried to reason with plenty crossroads demons to get his brother back without fail, he wondered & feared if maybe the demons accepted Nat's soul, not knowing that Castiel & his soldiers had busted Dean out the pit

Knowing that Josiah knew her last name, she really was grateful to him for giving the warning about what was coming their way. Now that angels were coming into the equation, she just knew deep down that they'd know who she truly was and that she would be just as much at risk as her brothers. She listened to him reply, then suddenly twig what she said. "firstly, yeah i can text you his number and secondly, yeah, Dean is back and no don't worry yourself. Neither of us made a deal, not one that was ever accepted anyway. An angel called Castiel dragged him out of hell and back to us" she explained. She knew that Josiah he would have been beyond pissed if she had sold her soul to save her brother, that much was evident from his tone.

Josiah let out a sigh of relief upon hearing that Nat didn't make any sort of demon deal to get Dean out of hell, which also meant he was glad she got her brother out of Hell as well. "Wow an angel got him out of Hell?! That's great news, i mean I always knew and heard stories that Dean kicked major monster ass, but if the friggin angels got him out the hotbox he must really be legendary." Josiah took a moment of silence out of pure admiration for the hunter, no wonder the witches were collaborating with demons, monsters & angel hiding spells if the Winchester brothers were getting involved. "Alright well send me his number and one more thing." Josiah swiped up to facetime Nat he wanted to look her in the eyes and confirm that she hadn't made a deal eye to eye. As he did he checked his messages a girl he'd met at the diner had taken up his offer to come over for some fun making him grin and send her his address.

Nat could have sworn she heard Josiah's sigh of relief that she didn't make any kid of deal with a demon to bring Dean back. His little fan boy ramble made her smirk a d chuckle slightly down the phone. To her, he was just Dean the sometimes annoying big half brother who was a badass on hunts and saved her life. So when people gushed about him, it was slightly strange to her. She noticed he switched the call to video call, making her hold her phone in front of her. "I swear to you, I'm telling you the full truth. I know what you're thinking. Look, I better get going or I'll be holding everyone up" she told him.

Josiah hated the annoying ring of facetime while it waited but he had to get this final confirmation. He wasn't trying to be too annoying but he cared about her and didn't want her soul to be in danger. When she picked up and he was able to see her face to face he let out a second sigh. "Okay I'm sorry Nat, but from what I've heard your family isn't exactly a stranger to deals and I don't mean that in a mean way, I just...you know my mom got kidnapped by demons, I can't stand the thought of anyone else I care about being messed with by these beasts." Josiah announced before hearing a knock on his door. Oh she's here already, well I need to wrap this up I deserve a little fun after witch hunting all evening

"Oooh looks like I got a visitor, hold on one second " Josiah said more cheerfully then he'd been the whole call putting the phone down as he walked over to open the door letting in a woman with blonde hair in her mid 20's wearing a black skirt that almost barely qualified as appropriate. He introduced himself to her having the briefest of idle talk before rushing back and picking up the phone holding it up. "Look like I said I'm sorry I should of just trusted you, but if you can send me Bobby's number and I'll see you soon." Josiah added at the end holding the phone up to see Nat again. In the corner of Nat's eye through the reflection of the phone she'd be able to see that the woman Josiah let in his room to flirt with face was distorted indicating that she was a wraith.

Listening to his explanation, Nat sighed nodding. She did understand why he was worried, she got it more than he would realised. "I know. Trust me, I know what it's like." she replied when the knock on his door came through, and she got put on hold metaphorically speaking as she waited for him to come back. When he did, she nodded showing she would give him Bobby's number before noticing the woman looking distorted behind him. "Jo, bud, get outta there she's a damn wraith." she said to him, then hung up so he could actually deal with it without her being a distra tion.

As the phone clicked and went dead Josiah groaned. The burning desire in his nether regions wouldn't be satisfied by this woman, he had a few life rules he never broke which included no sex with monsters. "How dare you...you..bitch...you have no idea how bad I wanted to tap something after killing witches all fucking day!!" Josiah roared angry as he turned to face the woman who made her signature insanity inducing blade emerge from the palm of her hand.

"Oh wow looks like I'm here a little late, sorry about that it took a little time to complete my spell to inhabit the body of this monster. Do you know how long this spell took, not to mention I need the blood of ten kids to return back to normal, and it got ruined by a reflection on facetime! You wiped out my coven and made the lengths I went to make you an easy entertaining kill pointless, you'll pay for that hunter." The woman hissed apparently revealing that she was a witch with some pretty strong magic if she was able to switch her body into that of a wraith.

"You think I give a damn about that shit, woman are you crazy?! Never mind I'm wasting my breath asking that if you used your magic to turn into a monster, props on the plan though. I was way too focused on your ass, so you woulda been the one to send me to meet my maker." Josiah exclaimed after some more internal grumbling, it was time for a change of plans. The last of the four witches was here, which meant he was getting out of town tonight.

"Oh well let's hurry up and finish this, I'll need to let Don know that you got chatty with the winchesters already and gave them a hint about our monster demon combo surprise." The woman lunged forward while Josiah jumped out the way running to the corner of the room and drawing his machete.

"Let me ask you something bitch, there was four and now there's one, what's the difference between you and the rest? Wanna know, you used a spell to make yourself a monster, so now I don't have to worry about getting flung in the air or any other spells so it'll be easier to kill you!!!" Josiah snapped back at the creature who laughed.

Josiah charged slinging his blade right and left, but the creature was very agile avoiding the slashes then kicked Josiah sending him reeling into a mirror that broke. "Ugh thank you I didn't wanna happen to catch a glimps of your real ass ugly mug so that'll make things a bit easier on me."

"Your really cocky for the boy who let his mother got kidnapped by demons. Where was all that spunk when they snatched her up, maybe they'll go after your sister next. That'll be what finally saps away that massive ego of yours, well theoretically speaking since your dying today!!!"

"Oh you just extra signed your death warrant you fucking freak, don't ever talk about my mama or my sister again!!!!" Josiah yelled charging forward the wraith using it's wrist spike to knock the blade out of Josiah's hand as he was trying to avoid getting infected.

"Oh what's that about extra signing, come on baby that's weak." The wraith lunged forward tackling Josiah against the bed frame. It grabbed Josiah head lifting it up and slamming it against the metal part then leaned forward to prick him in the neck with it's spike. "Just relax, in a few minutes the real fun can begin. I'm going to make your mind detoriate maybe I'll even make you think you killed me, and drive you to your next little casse, maybe I'll warp your perceptio so much that YOU go to kill the winchesters or your precious little sister yourself. Wouldn't that be funny then give you a moment of clarity as you stand over the dead bodies of your pathetic friends and loved ones knowing they died at your deranged hands hahahhahaha"

"YOU BITCH!!!!!" Josiah screamed as his right hand surged with energy summoning divine breaker he grabbed onto her wrist stinger his hand causing it to disintegrate. The creature howled in pain as Josiah kicked the wraith off of him then turned over and began pummeling the creature with a series of punches. He continued wailing down punches with his right hand beating the wraith savagely until the creature was left with a bruised & very bloodied face. "Don't you ever talk about my family & friends ever again you sick piece of shit." Josiah got up and ran over to grab his discarded machete.

"You humans sicken me, you pathetic monkeys! You think this is over, sooner or later the big man on campus will be back, and it'll be hell on earth! One big never ending hot ass party!!!" The wraith bragged as it struggled to get up after the beating it took. "Wow that little right hand of yours is nifty, those punches should not have hurt as much as they did, I see how you gave the rest of us trouble. But this isn't over this-"

The creaure's words were cut short as Josiah had thrown the machete fiercely itno the creature's chest. The beast wailed in agony from the silver/iron blade impaling it in the heart. "NOOOOOOOOOO"

"Just shut up and die already." Josiah rebutted full of rage as he marched over and dug the blade deeper through the beast it's skin literally burning as it passed away in agony the witch within dying as well having been killed while binded in it's body. "Fuck and now the hotel's gonna charge me for that mirror, oh well let me clean this shit up and get going. Looks like Halloween's getting started early this year." Josiah muttered to himself going over to grab his phone and shoot Nat a text. Thanks for the warning, I'm pissed I didn't get any ass though, but monsters aren't ever on my menu. I'll see you soon Josiah clicked send and turned to look around the torn apart motel room. Well at least the place was already a dump and didn't get booked in his name. All he needed to do was get rid of the body, and anything else incriminating then he was on his way out. "Let's get started." The frustrated hunter muttered as he retrieved his joint sparking it up as he went to work to get rid of any and everything that made this room a potential crime scene for the supernaturally unaware.

Kayla Morris - Prisoner of Tartarus

Kayla Morris was trapped & afraid. Her entire life had come crashing down on her in a matter of six weeks. That’s when her powers had first manifested, and the nightmare began. She had the ability to manipulate the temperature, thermokinesis & it was influenced by her emotions. During a heated argument with her boyfriend her powers altered his internal body temperature giving him a severe fever & sending him to the hospital. In the waiting room she caused a fire to break out and on the way home caused a car accident from flash freezing.

During all of this she was intoxicated on magic mushrooms, Molly & painkillers. She was a college student who loved to party, and had hr apartment blown up in the energy storm. She relocated to a FEMA camp temporarily until her parents got her money to get on campus housing. That’s why after that first horrific day when her powers manifested she began to expect the worst. She knew it was a matter of time before the country began cracking down on altered. Not to mention she found out that people died both from the fiery outburst and the flash freeze incident she caused with her powers. The next few days after the incident she realized both her powers & fault in the incident.

The responsible thing would first be to address her substance abuse as that didn’t pair well with her powers especially since they were tied to her emotions. Her problems with drugs had been present her first three years in college, but the storm had exacerbated them. She was living with her best friend & her younger sister in her apartment prior to the storm. Both of them perished leaving er the only survivor, and drowning her pain in spirits was something she did to numb herself more and more. She lost her job as a waitress fairly quickly and relied on her side hustle working as a e whore and selling cocaine to freshmen & three sororities she had ties with.

A week after getting to on campus housing two of her clients freshmen came to her dorm coked out to rob her at gunpoint. After accidentally shooing an RA who came to check on her due to the screaming things got out of hand. Her power resulted in the would be robbers being burned alive while they fired shots indiscriminately killing some people on campus & harming others. Both of them died she fled the scene wit her cocaine but while rushing to a friend’s place with a car full of drugs and drunk she caused a mini blizzard that led to a truck loosing control and causing a multi car pile up accident. Narrowly she avoided getting caught in the crash but a bystander got the footage on his camera while on facebook live.

Seeing her powers triggering the vicious incident he tried to confront her as it turned out he was a member of the militant anti altered religious group Purity. She attempted to flee and manifested a hailstorm that slammed into his SUV causing him to spin out of control into a Wendys smashing his vehicle into two families & getting all the footage on Facebook live. Luckily the car she was driving was new that she bought from a stranger on the internet so she didn’t have tags yet. She had one of her more criminal friends take the car to a chop shop and she reported it stolen avoiding getting arrested. Still Liberty agents in New Orleans took interest in the footage & started an investigation connecting the Facebook life incident to first violent incident she caused with her powers in the hospital waiting room & the nearby streets afterwards.

She moved to Chicago with her cousins hoping to escape the heat from the chaos in New Orleans. She got tatted up, dyed her hair purple & get colored contacts. Her cousin she was staying with was an aspiring rapper who was a talented local producer & part time robber Taking an interest in her powers he forced her to help with a couple robberies in exchange for money, lodging & helping her lay low in Chicago. In most of the robberies no one was killed, but in the last one the targets returned fire and in self defense she caused a massive amount of heat that literally melted the skin of the shoots as well as their clothes and weapons.

After this she got into a heated argument with her cousin getting drunk and coked out infuriated about being abused with her powers. It turned out he was trying to get one of his clients a record deal with influence from Harper one of the four chiraq kings who was connected to drugs & music. Unfortunately a local liberty agent Gavin took interest in the incident and co-ordinating with New Orleans officers followed up on her case. Around this time fed up with her cousin she froze him and his room-mate alive then shattered them taking over their house and paying the rent in his name for the month. She planned to move to another state to start a new life with an old ex of hers who she confided in as he told her he was also altered.

He lied and still seeking vengeance for their relationship reported her for the reward for information on dangerous altered, having recorded the cell phone conversation where she confessed to crimes with her powers. Liberty took wind of the situate and Gavin working with the New Orleans agents took her in. From there she was transported to the underground prison for altered humans in Nevada, underground the Tartarus Compound.

She was among several other altered who’d been indicted for various crimes some serious like hers and others minimal violations of Forrester’s new laws the were felony charges by technicalities. This maximum security facility was designed with altered in mind & they had individual cells designed with containment plans based off the individuals powers. Hers was reinforced with several layers of steel, metal, & other strong material to be resistant to her temperature manipulation. She was also given hourly intravenous injections of some substance that seemed to nullify her access to her powers as well as a host of other drugs to incapciactate her.

However she was also injected with substances that negated the sedating qualities of some of the medications & actually enhanced some of her senses. She was restrained arms & legs, and fed “nourishment” through tube. It was enough to keep her alive, but it was the worst of the worst & was actually making her & other prisoners sick. Those imprisoned in the Tartarus Compound were free to be used as test subjects in a range of experiments by scientists working for the Forrester Corporation & United States Government. Often they divided time between them & a few other agencies to experiment on the prisoners for a variety of purposes. Many of the guards had utter disgust for them & several on a power trip took advantage of their vulnerable possession.

She’d been slapped, cut, burned, spat on, punched, kicked, sexually gripped, sexually harassed, and even fully violated. Many times the guards performed their own experiments sometimes with soldiers testing things like the altered tolerance to pain, humiliation, and certain torture methods just to confirm that the majority had the same response as regular humans unless they had abilities that specifically allowed them to evade or be immune to a certain type of pain or torture.

This was a living hell she had not seen any other people in her position since coming to the Tartarus Compound. “God please I know I don’t deserve it but please help me. At least help me die please please.’ Kayla begged as some tears rolled down her eyes. The water produced from the ears causing her to face to itch but couldn’t even move a literal muscle or finger to satisfy even that basic need. It seemed beyond hope, beyond possibility there was no one coming for her, but if there was she would have no problem following them as would probably any go the other altered going through absolute living torture here at the tartarus compound.

"Enough is enough I'll show you what your up against." Josiah yelled out, as the beast clone charged. Josiah performed a sweep kick tripping up the monster then his right arm began glowing with a blue hue. The hue then surrounded his whole body except the rest of the hue around him aside from his arm was white, with a focus on his dreads which emenated the most white energy. I told Nat I wouldn't focus on my powers, but perhaps that's not the answer. But neither is abandoning my skills as a hunter I need a dual combination

"Oh please your bringing out your little tricks that won't help" Gideon yelled out casting a spell, the floor boards came to life and formed tendrils surging forward towards Josiah. He performed a karate chop with his right hand using divine breaker to disperse the spell, as the beast woman charged Josiah spun around and kicked the creature sending it plummeting through a wall.

Loraine used her telekinetic power to fling a piano towards Josiah only for him to emit a blue aura that caused the piano to drop to the ground. He then lunged forward grabbing his blade and rolled out of the way of thet monster trying to punch him. He then got up and lunged forward tossing the knife to his left hand. "Night nigh freak." Josiah punched the mutated clone with his right hand causing her to revert to normal, then twirled his machete around cutting off the clone's head.

"What the hell was that" Loraine called out firing another magical blast only for Josiah to swing his arm dispersing the blast. As she fired more Josiah charged forward punching through the blasts before sliding forward and grabbing his gun causing Gideon o cast a spell sending a surge of magic fire at him.

Josiah transfered the blueish hue to his right leg kcking upwards dispelling the fire blast then pulling the trigger firing two shots into Gideon's chest causing him to cough up blood as he fell to the ground bleeding. "How did mere bullets..."The witch called out in shock only for Josiah to lunge forward and plunge his machete into Gideon's forehead then jerk it out tossing his limp body against the stairwell with a thud.

"Witch killing bullets, combined with your powers?! You bastard that was my husband!!!" Loraine yelled calling out another spell that made the floor came to life surging upwards slamming Josiah through the ceiling, then using her powers to fling his gun full of anti witch bullets away.

"No!" Josiah yelled out as she caused vines full of poision to surge forward towards Josiah only for him to jump off from some of the debris created by crashing through the ceiling and use his right hand to punch towards the vines. The blue hue emitting from his right hand disintegrating the vines as he neared the witch and threw another punch shattering a magical barrier she had cast around her.

"No! My defenses! Damn it, so that's the power of your hand to nullify suprnatural phenomnen whether from a physical manifestatio created by magic or an actual spell itself!" Loraine cried out as she pulled out her own trump card a gun of sorts, and pulled the trigger while casting a spell.

Josiah braced himself to defend with his right hand, excep the spell targeted the upper ceiling above him causing it to surge with demonic energy and fall towards Josiah from behind like an evil meteor shower that pelted him into the ground. The hunter slammed into the ground yelling out in pain as his back was struck by the projectile attacks. "Your ability does have a weakness though it seems to come from that right arm of yours, so attacking you from behind leaves you just as vulnerable as any other pathetic hunter!"

Damn it she figured it out so quick, at least I managed to kill one of them before they did but let's see her figure her way out of this Josiah had landed somewhat near his gun with the witch bullets and rolled to the side trying to retrieve the gun only for her to cast a spell that caused the gun's shooting mechanism to lock.

Josiah grabbed onto to the gun and tried to pull the triger to no avail only to be struck in the shoulder by shattered glass Loraine flung at him with telekinesis. "Oh you thought those bullets of yours would help, listen here bastard! Your going to leave the earth today just like my husband!"

"Shut the hell up." Josiah yelled out trying to stand but fell to one knee. Loraine smirked and used her power to lift up several pieces of glass only for Josiah to whip out a second gun firing shots. These weren't witch killing bullets but salt rounds which was good enough to blast back the shards she was flinging at him.

"Salt rounds sorry honey but I'm not a vengeful spirit yet, but I'll happily make you one if you can't accept that your time is up now!"

Right then and there Josiah fully stood up and charged. He tossed his witch killing gun at the witch who flung at aside easily, which provided the opening he hoped for. Lunging forward he drew his machete and dove downwards slashing through her waist cutting her in half before crashing into a wall right behind the cut up witch.

"Fuck that wasn't easy, now I need to search this place, get some clues and get the fuck outta here I'm in no shape to fight two more witches not to mention if I run into the ones trying to raise Samhain. But I need some insight into their plans to break the seal." Josiah spoke to himself spurning himself to get a second wind standing up as both the blue & white aura's around him vanished. Usually his power was easy to mesh with fighting the supernatural, but witches were particularly tricky opponents for him depending on how many spells they had as each seperate spell would require him to use his power seperately to counter them. I should have gotten another gun with witch bullets instead of relying on my arm but whatever, at least Nat wasn't here I'd never hear the end of that

Jonah Hanes

Time: Early Evening
Location: Downtown Oakland,

Jonah was ready & willing to work with Lana. She’d gotten some cream of the crop information, and not the typical warehouse either. The enemy was using residential properties to store boost, and in a affluent neighborhood. The problem they faced was that Lionel had both the police & altered ran gang teams patrolling those areas. Both because that’s where their boost was stored and because they extorted the richer residents of Oakland for premium protection from the chaos his war with Cain was generating as well as his own men & any other violent third parties acting out purge like behavior in the chaos that had befallen Oakland.

The Military had went underground or left Oakland entirely. They were aware of Boost & how outmatched it made them against Cain’s forces, Lionel’s forces & even third party enemies privy to the superhuman enhancement drug. The superiors wanted to get their hands on it, but the higher ups had left Liberty in charge of that operation thanks to Chloe’s manipulations. Little did the know Chloe had called in the Collective to secure boost providing them the same intel she’d received with her connections to the military, homeland security & even Liberty.

“What’s on your mind bossman, you hate riding in the minivan that bad? We’re trying to blend In.” Lana spoke to break the silence. She’d procured a minion and hot-wired it for their vehicle of choice, stashing Jonah’s real car to avoid attention. It was nerve wracking riding around without the standard bulletproof glass that came with liberty’s combat vehicles, but they’d stick out like a sore thumb on the way to their destination in that. Not to mention bulletproof glass wouldn’t hold a candle to violent super powers or people on boost.

“No I just wish we could have gone back to headquarters to get Karlina or some more appropriate weapons. But I’ve gotten word that Agent Hamazuro is in the area & brought down some enemy altered. We sent in an extraction team to detain the criminals, and I’ve instructed them to bring Jaden to us at a drop off location a couple miles away from the target.” Jonah explained taking out his phone to examine the preset route on the GPS. The mansion Lana uncovered had an ample supply of boost in it was the final destination, but the drop off point was the first stop

“So that’s good news right, I mean sure he’s not the best of the best with countering powers but it’s better then fists and fire-arms alone.” Lana encouraginly pointed out while still focused on the road as she was driving.

Before long they reached the back of an empty Chinese restaurant where Jaden emerged from an armored vehicle with liberty agents inside. “Ooooh straight to the bossman on short notice, this must be important, I hear you don’t like people l ike me huh but desperate times call desperate measures.” Jaden responded with some distaste as he approached the director & his fellow liberty agent not exactly happy he got called in simply because Karlina was out of reach.

“You don’t waste any time trying to make a guy hate you more do you. I don’t have the slightest clue about what you mean. I do know that this mission is serious, no doubt this supply will be well guarded, and we need to get our hands on it. This is our first chance to figure out the chemical that enemy is using to terrorize all of Oakland, and put a stop to it at the source Jonah deflected acting oblivious to his well known racism biting his tongue & surprising his hatred of Jaden’s people in light of the assignment’s gravity they were facing.

“Alright hop in get in the back.” Lana blurted out with team-work in mind only for Jaden to roll his eyes as he slid open one of the van’s doors and hopped in.

“Of course that didn’t last long, first you deny being a bigot then you tell the black guy to hop in the back and I’m the only one in the car with powers. Typical I’m the most important, but I gotta ride bar-seat. Damn so if some raging altered attacks and I’m siting on her side, I might only be able to use my powers to save me and her director, I mean maybe I could save you as well but not with this vantage point I have from where I’m sitting now, oh well your a good shot right.” Jaden mocked knowing that his position in the car played a minimal role in whether or not he could use his nullifying powers to save any or all of the occupants,

“Shut the hell up your boarding on disobedience as the director I have no problem reprimanding you I happen to know you don’t have the raw power to be talking that way to me or I’ll beat your ass, so you better keep me alive if you wan to see your quarterly bonus ever go up.”

“Why you..” Jaden groaned but decided to stop talking. He thought back to the advice Karlina gave him, as well as the information about Agent Donovan. This only caused him to smirk and figure this was why it was so easy for the Russians to infiltrate him. Ya know I suddenly don’t want to expose Donnovan, I wanna see how badly she can fuck up Liberty’s chain of command while Director Hanes in charge, a fuck up like that goes public and his best job will be a garbageman, then someone like me a trustworthy altered can take over and from there racists dickwads like him won’t be able to go after innocent altered just cause were minorities, I’ll play the long con Jaden thought to himself. “I apologize, let’s proceed with the mission boss.”

“Hmph came to your senses huh, so you’ve got some sense in that monkey brain of yours, alright Lana let’s go.” Jonah barked out orders and with Jaden putting on his-seat belt the three headed out while the armored truck went to park at a different vantage point ready for their members to jump in during the raid as soon as they were needed or called upon.

Chicago, Illinois - Scheduled Execution
George Sanchez was a dead man, he had the power to manipulate earth. He was 17 years old a month ago, but he’d turned 18 two days ago. The state wanted to try him as an adult, but with the nature of the crime that was a given. He’d been teased & bullied relentlessly for years, for one reason or another. His parents being hispanic he was always the victim of cruel high school jokes often tied to his cultural standing from things like ICE, to his family not being able to vote, and of course the immigrant jokes. He bore the brunt of those taunts with his head up wanting a better life for him & his family.

His parents had sacrificed everything to get him & his little sister to America. They’d done everything the right way, they weren’t illegal immigrants. Hell his first name was George & his sister’s first name was Linda after all, their parents named them knowing they would eventually migrate to the United States. However his life had taken a dark turn in light of the energy storm and the chaotic events that transpired afterwards.

At first he was ecstatic to gain powers, the only good thing that happened to him considering their entire subsidized living was wiped out by the storm. They’d all moved in with their grandparents who unlike them were illegal immigrants who were co-owners of a convenience store in the area. Thanks to his godfather the one who helped them open up the store they’d managed to skate by all this time, George’s life was uprooted in a matter of weeks, and the earth powers were only the start of that. The bullying grew worst for him & others when it came out that minorities were the only ones getting powers. The cruel jokes became worst & he became further ostracized as rumors spread about which minorities had powers.

Like many typical rules spread around in these grades of school they weren’t true, but these weren’t simple accusations as sleeping around or doing hard drugs. They were labeling people as the worst and most distrusted set of society around currently. George who mainly kept to himself to repel the intense violence he felt towards his peers was one of the many who were accused. The irony behind the rumors spread about him was that he was altered & his family knew. They urged him not to speak, and at one point even went as far as to withdraw him from school. Finally his mother relented and said such a thing might actually be all but confirmation that he was an altered.

He was instructed to practice his powers every night to get a grip on them, more so upon learning they could be triggered & affected by his emotions. Knowing that everything was on the line for multiple generations of his family he did just that. But then the worst happened his little sister Linda was brutally murdered, a victim of Purity. Purity was a cross national militant group that was constructed to “purge” the country of the “mystical demons” that plagued it. Purity’s beliefs stated that the Altered were false prophets and whores of Babylon sent to mingle with society and perform fake miracles to lead people astray from God & into the pits of Hell.

Purity believed the Energy Storm was a sign of the end of days and altered humans were the first wave of demonic omens the world would face under satanic attacks. Purity was heavily inspired by the words of fanatic Pastor Tristan, although he denied any & all ties to him in public. Still he preached a message of religious intolerance & hatred towards altered that many adopted into the tenants of Purity. To that end they utilized the website opened to out altered & altered activity as well as other sources to track down altered. From there they would kidnap them, beat them, and ultimately Lynch them. There were some unconfirmed rumors that some of the more fringe members of Purity made the kidnapped altered they eliminated undergo more horrific inhumane punishment such as rape and pointless excruciating torture.

For every altered they killed, they left a mark in blood next to their victim. The symbol was one that meant to identify evil, and the same mark had been found by Linda who was found dead hanging from a tree. The event had made the news, it seemed Purity had connections to the media as they managed to get their gruesome actions reported. Although officially the Government all the way. Up to the Forrester Administration condemned Purity, there was no organized militaristic or law enforcement action being taken against them. Forrester himself had said that while Purity was a threat to society & more vulnerable people in the nation, the military had to focus on the likes of newfound superhuman criminals like Amara & Reaper.

This enraged him, plain unrelenting aggravated racists had easily mingled & intertwined within the ranks of Purity. Their murders were supposed to be altered only, but they took tips from things like the altered cutting website which didn’t strictly regulate the facts of what was uploaded. Leading to some targets being killed being just regular minorities who were accused, beaten & murdered in a racially appalling way over what amounted to a glorified over-spread internet hate rumor. Minority business’s were targeted, windows shattered, shelves pushed over, merchandise stolen or destroyed, properties burned. His grand-parents lost their shop, and worst the insurance claim they failed had been reversed accusing them of destroying their own store leading to his grandparents being charged with insurance fraud.

The Chicago police had pressured his godfather, a white man to lie and claim that his grandparents conspired with him to commit insurance fraud. Thus they were sitting in jail elderly awaiting trial, and had taken a loan out on their house to afford exuberant legal fees combined with their savings. His father had contracted the energy plague & was fighting for his life in the hospital. Meanwhile his mother had become a full-blown alcoholic with everything that went on, but still managed to go visit his father in the hospital almost daily, mainly to see her sickened husband and to have somewhere to sleep at night.

George had bounced around at his cousins place, getting exposed to and surrounded by their drug dealing for survival antics. Finally he had enough and after a particularly bad spout at school where some of his main bullies took it too far and mocked his dead sister he wiped out the whole school. Now he was in jail along with his grand-parens, except he was being held in a maximum security prison constantly injected with sedatives & other drugs to suppress his abilities. He was going to be given the death penalty, and with all the outcries for the lives lost at the high school he was to become the most rushed criminal to get the penalty in chicago legal system history.

Today was the day he was scheduled to die, and the prison staff hadn’t even given nor offered him the traditional last meal which was afforded to even the worst rapists, & murderors. “So this is how it all ends, bunch of putas. I’ll see you soon Linda.”

A few tears rolled down George’s eyes in solitary confinement, everything his parents, his family had worked for over several generations had been destroyed. Eradicated by the rampant racial division that plagued this country like the destructive virus that rummaged the nation. He hugged himself trying to keep warm in this immensely cold cell with nothing but his jump suit. Laying on the steel slab that was suppose to be his “Bed”. The only good thing about being drugged up was all the chemicals actually allowing him moments of escape by being able to sleep so much. Something that would surely be impossible if not for all the incapacitating substances prison officials had ordered to be implemented into his body. That was of course for their protection but they made bullshit statements about how it was mutual.

He knew the reason, so he would’t use his powers and tear apart the prison liberating himself & maybe even more of Chicago’s finest. They were right though, as he’d more than tried a few times. The regimen of drugs they’d given him was a powerful cocktail that rendered him unable to call upon the mental faculties he needed to draw his powers. He figured that it was the same across the country in different prisons, jails & detention centers holding altered. They had no concern for whether any of these medications had any potentially fatal interactions, as long as it kept them out of their gourd enough to be powerless.

“It all ends today, I finally get to leave this hell, I hope I don’t end up in another one.” George muttered to himself as he tossed and turned on the slab. His last dose of heavy duty drugs was starting to wear off, but he was sure they’d be there shortly to give him another. In between doses the most he’d been able to do is make a small tremor, although once when they forgot to dose him for 12 hours he almost caused a chasm of earth to open besides his cell.

After that he got a brutal beating from the guards and they made sure not to miss any doses, in fact they upped the dosages once again with no contact with medical professionals to see if any of this was safe. He’d come to wish multiple times that they’d make a mistake and give him a mixture sting enough to let him drift off peacefully to sleep never to awake again.

“Fuck it one more nap.” George muttered and leaned back closing his eyes. He was happy to know the this was one of his final naps. The next one when he got the injection would be the very least, and this tortured prolonged existence he experienced as the scum of the chicago prison system would finally be over.

Or so he thought he awoke to loud noises, alarms were blaring, people were yelling. “What the fuck” Brtttt Brttt,he heard gun shots going off. Prisoners were yelling along with guards, his survival instincts kicked in and he moved to the back of his cell near his cold almost overflown in-operable metal toilet. “The hell.”

Boom, an explosion went off not too far from him. He shut his eyes to shield himself and cowered in the corner against the unsanitary prison walls ignoring the intense cold. Smoke shuffled into the hallway of solitary he was in, other prisoners were banging on the walls in frustration & fear tr ring to figure out what was going on. He heard guards yelling not to let up, then grunts, groans & yells then rapid gun-fire.

Finally to his shock he looked up to see a man, another person who looked like him with the keys to his cell opening them. That man was none other then Niko, behind him where soldiers working for the Salzaras Cartel. They were speaking in Spanish but George was able to understand them but he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Not getting a response from the disgruntled mystified death row prisoner Niko switched to English.

“So you don’t speak our language kid, get up if you don’t want to die. My boss would like to have a word with you, offer you a second chance at life.”

“What the fuck?! What are you talking about, who are you?! This has got to be some kind of dream, do you know who I am?! George yelled back in disbelief wondering if this was some sort of elaborate last minute psychological torture the prison guards had put together to celebrate his send off to hell.

“Far from it.” Niko slid the door open with the key then opened a portal stepping through it and appearing on the top metal bunk sitting. George quickly drew his make-shift shank only for a smaller portal to swallow the shank and make it appear in Niko’s hands. “I’m one of you, and my boss is Hector Salzaras, even in here I’m sure you’ve heard of them and what they’re up to.”

“The cartel that’s taken over the drug game all over the country working with altered, I mean I don’t want to die, but I’ve los everything, and there’s no such thing as a free lunch, I’m scheduled to get the shot in three hours.” George protested still so many things flowing through his mind. “Your telling me you guys want me some who sank a high school, you want more heat from the feds?”

“More heat? Listen up kid, I used my powers to bring Salzaras forces here, we fought our way through this prison to get to you, killed several guards and plenty cops & SWAT outside, not to met ion freeing lots of prisoners & using our portals to scatter them across the city. Now we don’t have much time, it’s either you come with us or get ready to deal with the consequences for the shit-storm we left you. We can get you out of here, I took the liberty of already freeing your grand-parents, and took your parents to our finest medical facility in Mexico. I can’t bring your sister back obviously, but if you’ll do something for us, I’ll give you the next best thing. Revenge & Riches.”

George was shocked listening to everything that this Niko figure was telling him, and peaked out into the hallway to see pools of blood from dead guards including one guard he particularly hated who took pleasure in mocking him. “I…”I…”George stammered as it was all overwhelming to th earth manipulator. “What the fuck do you need me to do.”

“Ah so your listening to reasoning heh kid, well for starters we’ll need you to a dig a tunnel, more then one but let’s start with one, among a few other things. All of which will include handsome pay and plenty of chances to use those powers of yours to escape this punishment at the hands of these gringos what do you say? Save what family you have left, become wealthy & unleash your gifted weapons upon those who did the to you? “

George looked to the left and the right, then ripped off the inmate shirt he had on leaving him in just the jumpsuit pants and walked over to Niko. “Fine if what your saying is true I can’t refuse, I just…never thought I’d be given another chance, but seeing that Paul’s brains are bashed out you’ve made an impression on me, let’s go.”

“Congratulations and welcome to the winning team, everything you seek and more will be yours, now that you’re apart of the Salzaras. LISTEN UP WE ARE LEAVING EVERYONE COME OVER HERE ITS TIME TO GO” Niko yelled out opening a portal that George reluctantly walked through followed by several Salzaras militia soldiers and then Niko himself before the portal closed. And just like that Sanchez life which had only been given three more horrid hours by the American Justice System, had been extended for a life time by the actions of the notorious Hector Salzaras.

Adora Zayas

Time: Late Afternoon
Location: Oakland, California

“I’ve got this situation under control, I promise. The Collective is growing you think I'll let some idealistic man who can't walk interfere honestly? Have more faith in me than that." Adora boasted speaking to an ally of hers on the phone.

Chloe was on the other line & furious. Mayor Chen had stirred up a sleeping beast, and the situation was getting iratable. Alongside the mayors who’d risen up Altered Lives Matter led on by there leader Dawn had issued a public statement of support for Mayor Chen & all people who supported the so called plight of altered including the other mayors & people who’d started protesting in the four sanctuary cities as well as other areas that took less kindly to the altered.

“Listen if you want us to win, for the Collective to be in charge, then this mess Mayor Chen has begun needs to be sorted, not to mention the boost scenario across the street in Oakland is getting crazier, The people of Oakland are demanding an answer, they want immediate military assistance to quell the absurd amount of antagonistic superhuman activity there, while we’re working to surprise the media &. Third party individuals from letting the rest of the country know how bad it is out there. I teamed up with you because you said you can make miracles happen for us, well I need a miracle right now.” Chloe finished before getting off the phone with her new partner in crime.

“You want a miracle, well that’s not what most people would name my brand of massacres, but whatever floats your boat.” Adora said to herself in a nonchalant manner to herself now that she was off the phone. “What do you think Veronica do I perform miracles? Careful with what you say, because me allowing you to live after getting your power is what I like to call the miracle..of mercy” Adora finished almost purring.

Veronica responded emerging from the shadows literally. Her form shaped from pure darkness that had been ducked off in an ally. She was a light skinned woman clearly biracial but black side was very much apparent. She had long flowing black hair, green eyes, and was wearing a black skirt. “I do owe my life to you, even if you were the very one who was going to take it from me at the support meeting. Of everyone that attended Saiyu’s little function you spare my life, what’s the real reason? You really want me to work for you just because I lost control and used my shadows to sed some people to he’ll who needed to be there.” Veronica retorted still with some disbelief detectable in her tone as she spoke to the altered thief.

“Believe It or not it takes guts to do what you did. To wipe out your enemies utterly & entirely. Those are the type of people, no altered that I want, Those others were sitting around with powers trembling in fear of regular mortals with guns.. Not only that but your powers of shadow & darkness have potential, I wanted to have a living ally with those powers on my side not just the power itself at my disposal. Still if you wish to die I’ll be happy to drain you alive my powers quite literally have a mind & stomach of their own. Not only that I’ve found out I’ll face consquences if If I don’t feed properly, so if you want to become apart of my diet rather then follow instructions it won’t take that many acts of insubordination.”

Veronica jumped back raising shadow tendrils to her defense by instinct then causing them to dissipate. Adora flinched for a second then smirked, Veronica’s powers were dangerous but she knew not to pick a fight with her. Not when she’d experienced first hand Adora’s base power of assimilation itself, having felt the very life being drained from her. “I’m sorry, I’ll do as you say boss, I’m grateful for the second chance at life you’ve given me. Besides I did come to the meeting seeking others who wanted to band together against the humans rather then just give up until their governmental foot of oppression.” Veronica replied finally settling on following Adora’s orders in order to retain her spared life.

“The mission is simple, we’re looking for a chemical known as boost. That is the culprit behind so many bozos & thugs in this town running around with these synthetic abilities. Perform your own investigation from the shadows in the areas I described, meanwhile I’ll be tracking down two of my own leads I stumbled upon with my super hearing. Get to work Veronica I’m serious, you won’t want to disappoint me.” Adora said with edge in her voice, and a not so thinly veiled threat of violence or other alternate repercussions if she failed to co-operate.

Veronica nodded her head in understanding with a gulp and dispersed her body into the shadows. Adora turned to face another direction, turning invisible & flying off. She remained vigilant about turning invisible during any flights she took to avoid detection by regular means of picking up flying aircrafts in the sky available to traditional law enforcement & military.

Later That Evening
Adora’s investigation had continued & turned up ripe results. Initially it started from tracking down two people whom she overheard discussing selling boost near the beach. This assignment gave her the chance to utilize her investigative abilities. Masking her precense she stalked both people, but only one of them was the person she needed. His name was Kenny Myles and he was actually the real deal, a boost dealer. Tracking him down had taken her to a warehouse owned by Cain & his people. Inside the dealer Kenny was speaking with Cain about how this was the last of shipment H and a new batch would be ready today.

“Yeah the bossman says he wants you to come pick it up directly, says you’ve earned it, and that he don’t want that metal skinned motherfucker to be his main supplier, even if he controls the Oakland police department.” Kenny explained inside to Cain who took a few boost pills bagged up and pocketed them for himself, before having his men place the crate Kenny delivered elsewhere.

“That’s fine I’ll be happy to oblige, I knew Hines would come to see reason and realize that I’m the best person to do business with, not to mention my power far exceeds anything Lionel ca produce with or without boost in our systems.” Cain said with a smirk, he oozed confidence about himself & his powers even In comparison to someone as dangerous as Lionel. Adora licked her lips in anticipation unbeknownst to them that she was listening wondering what abilities he wielded to elicit his fearless tirade of insults towards Lionel.

“Great I’ll be sure to let the boss know so everything’s in motion, anyway I’ve got one more stop to make money is money and the mafia’s putting up big bucks for a huge load of boost.” Kenny said with a greedy sneer causing Cain to clap his hands mockingly.

“Hurry along then, the bastard has no qualms with taking money from anyone with the right pocket book for product as long as it’s not the Forrester’s or the feds I can respect that, can’t say I’ll do the same once I’m in charge of distribution. But don’t worry I’ll have no supply of customers for you.” Cain shot back having mapped out a strategy to further distribute boost across the United States & maximize how much income they were making. He already had a cross nation operation shipping drugs to other states for massive profits & planned to implement a similar strategy with boost & many of the vicious street gangs he already moved other drugs with. However with boost not only could he raise the prices, but his allies would be far stronger throwing the police across the country into chaos.

Just Great, Damn it. I wish I had the power to split into two. The Dealer’s headed to middle man a major amount of boost, but Cain’s going to a meeting with the boss himself to pick up the first of a new batch. Of course I should follow Cain to the source, then again it would be child’s play for me to overpower this dealer & some mafia goons to make off with all the boost from their deal giving me my own supply for myself & The Collective. Plus what if this new batch is less potent then what’s already out in the streets The invisible mass murderess was engaged in thought about which of the two individuals she should choose to follow with the options she had.

On top of all that she had fear coursing through her of Amara emerging. The Thirst was gnawing at her hungry for energy & flesh. Both of which it hadn’t been fed as she moved about in hiding trying to stalk this boost dealer & Cain’s operation for leads. I can’t let Amara’s psychosis mess this up, the last thing I need right now is her emerging and going on a random massacre while trying to spread her stupid church.

Kenny left the premise, and Adora messaged Veronica to keep tabs on him. She decided against contacting Chloe who’d no doubt bring in the military to seize boost. For now she wanted full control of anything to do with this chemical.

“Why don’t you come out of your hiding place, no intruders are allowed.” Cain announced calling out Adora who flew over to him and made herself visible, assuming the form of Amara without the glowing black eyes.

“Oh and you think you can command me? Are you feeling powerful around all of your lackeys, as if that’ll make a difference against me. I’m here to inform you that your time on this earth is over.” Adora retorted back followed by giggling at the audacity of Cain to challenge her.

“Big talk coming from someone whose oozing so much delicious fear. I don’t know what your afraid of, but it matters not. Fear is fear and I consume all of it for my unlimited power, honestly the media is scared of you. San Francisco’s cops & soldiers deployed there are pathetic, I won’t lift a finger to kill you Kolak finish her off so we can go pick up the new batch from the boss, everyone else watch and learn what happens when an amateur tries to fly to close o the sun.”

“They don’t just burn up they explode.” Kolak called out leaping into the center of the warehouse. A tall dark skinned man with brown eyes and long dreads. He kicked the ground beneath him causing kinetic energy to surge. The energy coursed through the ground underneath the floor and manifested right next to Adora causing a massive explosion that engulfed her, whilst sending smoke & debris everywhere.

“Enough of this damn talking I’m fucking hungry.” As the smoke cleared a wave of telekinetic energy pushed the smoke apart, and Adora emerged relatively unharmed with a smirk on her face. “And trust me you won’t be a fan of what’s on my menu.” She said in a sinister tone filled to the brim with glee.

Pesky coven of witches, that was something. He'd snuck into the couple's house, that had required help from divine breaker. They'd placed some enchantment on the front door, a few moments later his glowing right hand had helped him dispel that. Then he went snooping around the good thing about being the one who had the jump on them was not having to worry about surprise hex bags making something nasty happen to him.

Still they were working with the witches across town who sought to break the seal. So he had to be alert and see what he could find. Not only that but he thought back to the conversation earlier, how he was assured that his mother was still alive. That they could liberate her from the demons or even take him to do it himself. Either option was fine with him, as long as the left his little sister out of it.

As he crept alongside the corner of a wall he could hear the couple conversing about the actions of their friends across town & their desire to shatter a seal.

"These are quite perilous times for the humans aren't they, the final days are among us. Well at least for them or rather their reign. Honestly I quite like this world, I just wish we could change some things so it was more like the old days where we were feared and in charge" The female witch spoke to her husband who locked lips with her and backed away to show her something in a book.

"I do agree with you entirely Loraine, that's why I've always felt calling this spectacle we're putting together more of a new beginning, taking the planet back to it's rightful state, where humans are second class citizens who live in fear to the superior creatures who deserve rightful ownership of this realm."

Loraine smirked "Oh your so right Gideon, but I suppose before any of that we should deal with the intruder. Can you believe this foolish hunter is trying to stop Don's plans?" The witch said and Josiah felt a shiver go down his spine knowing that that the two witches had identified him. He still didn't make himself known drawing his knife in one hand and a gun in the other, happy that he was ambidextrous.

"Oh fine well I'll send someone to play with you." Loraine yelled out and a clone of her appeared in-front of Josiah. The clone then growled, starting to mutate. Josiah lunged forward slashing at the mutated clone with his blade, only for the clone to form claws blocking it. The clone then began taking on a humanoid wolf appearance and growled biting at Josiah who narrowly avoided getting his neck chomped off. The laughter of the two witches in the living room served to annoy Josiah who elbowed the wolf creature sending it crashing through the wall. This provided an opening for Gideon who used a blast of magical energy sending it surging into Josiah's chest causing him to yell in pain as he was blasted into the stair-case.

"Well Well Well what do we have here look at his right arm honey, that's the divine breaker, you wouldn't happen to be here on business from some pesky angels on your shoulder would you" Gideon asked while Loraine cast a spell causing Josiah to be hoisted into the air and slammed against the wall behind the staircase, as gray energy swirled around Josiah. This caused cuts to appear on his left arm drawing blood which was absorbed into the grey energy then shot back into Loraine's palm who then absorbed it.

"Now I've searched his memories, in-fact the angels warned him not to come here or he wouldn't be under their watchful eyes, which means." Loraine's voice trailed off.

"He's a toy that we can play with to our liking." Gideon said with an evil look as Josiah drew his weapon only for Loraine to use telekinesis to fling his gun away.

"Well heads up I use to break all my toys when I was a kid, so gun or no gun you won't find me a easy toy to play with."

"Oh well we'll see what Wolfaine has to say about that, devour him my precious." Loraine said with a sinistr snarl as the wolf-clone growled and lunged towards the now disarmed Josiah.

Castiel frowned at Bobby's response to him, he'd studied somewhat about human civilization both with his superiors as well as by exploring the heavens of some of the deceased who were granted admittance into heaven. Both to satisfy his curiosity and also as of recent to learn more to be more well suited for his interaction with Dean & other humans.

"Again I'm not the most well qualified to determine what might be a fun or jovial experience, but even I'm able to discern that any sort of encounter with the demonic lord of the dead will be none of those things. I do not know what beach you are refering to when you mention that, but it must not be one that I have ever been stationed at or aware of in all my time working for Heaven. I promise you this will not be a fun experience, nor do I appreciate if this is what you all call humor. Six of my brothers have died in the field this past week, and 75 hunters also perished during that same time frame." Castiel said scorning them for their sarcasm, not knowing it was a tool they utilized to keep sane but rather perceiving it now as them not taking this mission seriously.

"Dean you realize that liberating you out the hotbox left an interdimensional rift behind that also allowed Lilith to release several demons from hell. How often do you think an innocent man winds up in hell, I assure you it is nowhere near the amount of times you humans especially in more barbaric & dark ages put innocents among your people in prison. Almost every human who makes a deal with a demon is one who is filled with greed, pride or one of the other seven deadly sins. What I'm saying is almost without fail the humans that make deals with demons are ones who were already going to hell or would have worked their way to earning a spot there on their own with or without communion with the demons. In the past 700 years the only instances of that happening that I am aware of are you & your father. Luckily in the case of John Winchester when you are all were led by the yellow eyed demon to open that hell gate, he managed to claw his way out allowing us to immediately snatch him up to Heaven after you all slew that monster. However for you Dean no such gate was open, we angels had to lead a militaristic force to break you out, this not only allowed a flood of demons to emerge but demons typically too powerful too emerge to earth also made the trip and in swarms. Our mission to liberate you indirectly allowed great evil to rummage this planet, yet our father still declared it necessary both to avoid an innocent man from lounging about in eternal torment and also because of you being the chosen one to save mankind. " Castiel lectured briefly explaining some of the consequences to natural order that breaking Dean out of Hell cauesd.

"That being said you will be faced with many a threats that are a different caliber then the monsters you've been raised to fight. For the sake of the lives lost both human & Angel, you taking this very seriously would be much appreciated. Lastly I'm not suppose to tell you this, but I...I..'ve heard much about you Dean Winchester & the company you keep. Such as that you are very capable at combating evil especially for humans, but in truth there are some battles that Heaven dosen't even want you to risk your life fighting. This is one of them, and in some situations the alternative that is usually implemented is utter angelic annihilation of the entire area. To put this in simplistic terms because the possibility of a threat as grave as Samhain is at stake, to 100% prevent that we would lay waste to not only the entire town but all the surrounding towns as well. Just my garrison alone could use our collective grace as a heavenly missile or bomb for lack of a better word, that would disintegrate everything caught in the blast human, monster, demon, witch or otherwise. Every angels concern for the preservation of all human life at all costs is not created equally, there are some like me who wish to spare & save every life, while there are others who lay waste to few to save many without blinking an eye as a prefered method."

"The power i described pales in comparison to the devil's by himself alone, the same experience you had in Hell he will be able to make ALL humans experience on earth.I say all this to paint a vivid picture of why there are angels who are willing to lay waste to an entire state to save a seal that imprisons absurdly powerful demons like Samhain. With that being said I must go, I fear I've said too much already. I just wanted you to know both the ramifications your liberation from the pit had on the earth, as well as how many lives are at stake with this assignment should you fail or even cause my superiors to "think" you will fail." Hurry and get a move on saving this seal immediately." Cas said with finalty in his tone, before he vanished into thin air accompanied by a fluttering of wings.

Dean Rivers

Time: Afternoon
Location: Downtown San Francisco to River Intel PI Office

Dean was at his cousin’s place of residence who was using his powers to investigate Paige’s belongings to get any more information they could. He’d presented to him the whole situation from before & after Paige’s involvement. As they sat together in the office sipping crown, watching the news & going through material they began to fully see & Realize just how interconnected everything truly was.

”Damn I never knew how much this all tied together. I mean when I pulled up here I was just worried about Paige & I knew that would be the only way you’d give a damn much less actually speak to me. But to see that what she got herself into trying to take out this Banker kid might have actually helped with everything else is…damn” Dean didn’t have the luxury of having any powers to help him with his police work like Paige had or like Devin did. So it was a relief to finally have the enemies parlor tricks on his side rather than entirely against him.

Devin wasn’t doing this for Dean, like he said this was for Paige. By using his power he could get see the history of objects he placed his hands on. For Dean he’d uncovered that an altered human named Niko was behind the string of missing women as well as a major key to the Salzaras Cartel gettin drugs in the country with his portal powers. Floyd Banker was getting drugs from the Salzaras Cartel & selling them here as well as transporting them to other states for additional profit. He played a direct hand in other people’s addictions, as well as other situations tied to the drugs including overdoses, addicts committing crimes to support habits, & other criminals fighting for drug territory.

“As usual Paige was right about something and you weren’t, are you really surprised? I’ll admit you played a part to, instinct was refusing to give up on this missing girl case even when your superiors said to, that I’m surprised about to it’s not like you to not just follow orders. Maybe I wouldn’t be so reluctant to help you if you had that same backbone when internal investigations was cracking down on me.” Devin couldn’t help but retort, it stung a bit that Dean had actually started to fight back against his orders but never had so much as an inkling or motivation to do when his family was involved.

”If I could change things I would, but I can’t cuzzo. So what you’re saying is this this guy can make portals, and he’s the one kidnapping girls. You were able to find out all of this just from the discarded belongings of the girls I brought from the evidence locker? Dean was impressed, he knew of Devin’s powers through Paige who’d let it slip thinking that his cousin had shared his altered status with him. She wasn’t oblivious to what went down when he was fired, but figured they’d already kissed & made up which wasn’t the case at all.

“Of course, don’t be shocked you came to get help from the best and that’s exactly what the hell you got. Some things never change, I’ve been a better detective then you even before I got this gift and you know it. Like I said you were the one who refused to give up on this case, refusing to listen to the knuckleheads spouting nonsense like maybe it’s just an overblown case of runaways or that they just up and moved because of all the crazy shit going on out here. The force already let me go, but if they told me some bullshit like that to my face when it’s obvious someone is kidnapping these poor girls I woulda decked em In the face and been on unpaid leave. Ya know I feel like I can do more for people as a private investigator than I ever could as a cop. Sometimes the rules make sense, other times they get in my way more than the damn criminals operations.” Devin replied, thinking back on his days working with the SFPD. In a way he was happy things played out how they did, and that he was a free agent.

He’d had a rough time of it at first, sure running an independent PI firm in California of all places. The staggering high rent for the building, the cost of keeping his few employees well paid & keeping up with the proper licensing for everything required to effectively carry out the operations were all obstacles. But his big heart & desire to do the right thing, actually clean up the state he grew up in outgrew all that other stuff. It was strange to be sitting around drinking liquor & working a case with Dean. Someone he swore to never speak to again after he refused to stick up for him during the final proceedings that led to hm being disqualified as a law enforcement officer. However seeing what happened to Paige, he could slightly sympathize with Dean. His strict abiding of the rules was probably what kept him from loosing it & ending up like Paige. Getting to a point where bombing a gas station to take out a cartel head at the cost of innocent lives. With how driven and obsessive Dean could be, he needed a set of rules to reel him in. He didn’t have the self control it took to work outside the lines without veering off the deep end.

”Here you asked me to pull up the police database for you right, I’m guessing you were able to catch a glimpse of the monster kidnapping these girls, the man summoning the portals right. You know we’ve got some good sketch artists down at the office, but if you recognize the guy maybe you can find him already in the criminal database, besides the foul shit he’s been doing to our women with the power you described him having I’m betting he plays a massive role in transporting the Salzaras drugs into the country without having to worry about the border Dean turned the laptop over to his cousin, and went back to sibling through the paperwork they had strewn across the room.

Paige’s death was hitting him hard, and they hadn’t even confirmed her passing. Even with her powers it was looking like she’d bit the bullet some how. He could imagine a few ways to send her to her maker even with the powers she’d attained from the plague. With her last known location being the Banker residence, it was all but confirmed to him that his former friend was no longer among them in the land of the living. I wish I woulda listened to you Paige, you were right about everything. This Banker kid is a fucking demon, I can’t believe I sat you down & told you that you were in the wrong for trying to plat those drugs in his car. Monsters like him don’t deserve fairness, they need to be taken down by any means necessary. I know you weren’t a evil woman, with what I know now you were just trying to silence a greater evil even at the cost of your morality, your soul Dean was locked in deep thought about Paige, the kidnappings, the Salzaras Cartel, the streets flooded with illegal narcotics, & the role Floyd Banker played in the middle of all this madness.

“Bingo!” Devin yelled out and turned the laptop too Devin. On the screen was a man with a rap sheet longer than Reed Richard’s arms. “Nikolai Rasputin, of Russian & Mexican descent, been arrested 11 times his whole life, he did a two year stint in prison for arms smuggling between 2015 to 2017. He’s supposed to be on parole till 2022, but he cut his monitor & went on the run a month after the energy storm. According to police intelligence he contracted the energy plague two weeks after the storm & was in critical condition. His parole officer contacted the courts to put a warrant out for his arrest, until getting confirmation that he was lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life.. Doctors said he was a goner, but he made a full recovery. After getting released he had to go straight to parole, apparently he was working as a driver for a CEO of some tech company. With a record like his I’m almost positive that’s a front, but the person he’s working for died in a home invasion 11 days after he got out.” Devin replied going through the information on Rasputin’s file.

”Sounds like the boss wasn’t covering his end of the bargain, there’s usually no loyalty among these types is there. Anyway it says he had a home visit during that 11 day period and even submitted to a surprise drug screen which he passed surprise surprise. Then again he had scripts for all types of pain medication cause of the plague, maybe he had enough drugs in his body to satisfy him or maybe drugs aren’t his poison. Either way that don’t matter, we’ve got that son of a bitch. He’s behind everything the missing girls & the drugs, which means he’s in league with or doing business with Banker. Banker’s not some street pusher, he owns two business’s himself, all of his files have been sealed, meaning he’s managed to buy his way into some powerful connections or he’s gotten himself mixed up with people bad enough that the best of the best is handling him themselves. But I’m not about to throw my hands up and say leave it to the professionals, Paige is probably dead cause of this bastard. Fuck a bigger picture, or some hidden plan, innocent girls are getting trafficked right along side these drugs, we need to finish what Paige started & take this bastard down ourselves! Dean replied with vigor and newfound energy as he stood up to stretch a bit.

That wasn’t just the liquid courage talking, that was the deep seated resentment built up over years that he had towards anyone who profited from the drug trade with no regard for the lives of the people they destroyed through addiction. Devin clapped his hands in a celebratory yet mocking fashion. “Congratulations you finally grew a peer, this is the b biggest case of stunted growth I’ve ever seen. I need you to slow your roll, yeah we know he’s trafficking women mainly of color to avoid stirring up a major reaction from the cops. We know he’s playing an integral role in getting the Salzaras product into the country with the border closing. We don’t know where the hell he is, and with his powers he could literally be ANYWHERE on the planet. Not to mention even if we had a for sure precise location we can’t go at him half ass. He wouldn’t think twice about sending us through a portal with a fatal end destination like say above a volcano, shark infested waters in the middle of the ocean or in the middle of some armed militia conflict in a third world country. “ Devin continued pointing out how dangerous someone with portal powers could be, not to mention the difficulty of bringing them in.

”Well I’m not about to sit on my ass and do nothing. Nor do we have any time to waste trying to follow any sort of rules or regulations. Lives are at stake, every minute we sit around twiddling our thumbs this sick fuck could be snatching another girl off the streets to sell to whomever on the other side of the country. Fuck bringing him in, we don’t need to hold him, we need to put a bullet in his head.” Dean was adamant in this instance, he couldn’t stand to let such unbridled evil go about undeterred anymore. Not when he’d confirmed the culprits identity & powers with Devin’s own abilities. The usually strict sticking to the rules officer was more then willing to shatter them to rid the world of this demon for the sake of hopeless addicts & enslaved kidnapped women.

“Holy shit, I didn’t expect to hear that from you. To be honest I had no intention of bringing him in, the only place I’m sending him to be held is Hell. Those girls are long gone, there’s no telling if there even alive. Not to mention like you said the logistics of trying to both capture & hold some who can walk across the street out here in San Francisco and end up in China by the time he reaches the end. I’m going to kill him, I just wasn’t sure you’d be tagging along. Banker’s a different story, I have no sympathy for the devil. But him we need to bring in, he deserves to rot I a cell until his gray hairs get gray hairs, especially If he’s working with motherfuckers like this with no qualms as long as he’s lining his pockets. Really the only question of the matter is how we get him.” Devin replied frustratingly, as taking down Rita’s lover would be the final & most difficult phase of his endeavors to end this madness & bring the people involved to justice.

Dean looked up at his cousin with a smirk on his face that was un befitting of the usually stoic & serious LEO. ”Bringing in Banker, luring him into a vulnerable position? No, that’s not the problem, that’s the easy part. I know someone who can help, who’d be more than glad to help, especially if we present them with the full details of what’s going on. Leave drawing Banker out to me, I gotta make a call.” Dean replied earnestly before taking out his phone to go to his contacts. In a matter of seconds he had Lisa’s info pulled up and quickly made the call. Evil would not be allowed to go unpunished and now it was time to set the stage to bring the elusive multi business owning drug trafficker to rest.

CyberCorp's Debut Chicago, Illinois

Gavin Reynolds was ready for whatever, and today was one of those days with lots of what-ever. He was a liberty agent who use to work for the CIA & as a technician as CyberCorp. Working with Liberty had swept up his entire time & the nature of the agency made it smarter to cut ties with his other positions for now. He always wanted to be a big man, strive to do important things in life, really make history. Working in this organization being a high ranking officer he was doing just that. His wife & daughter had both been seriously injured in the energy storm, but only he had contracted the plague.

He immediately quarantined himself not wanting to expose his family, but lucky he recovered from his illness. Just as medical professionals helped them nurse the wounds they sustained during the energy storm itself. Already he was a man who was a stickler for justice & enforcing it on those who disregarded the laws with impunity. It was a righteous feeling to him to be able to shut down criminal organizations & detain perpetrators taking them off the streets away from their illicit activities that only served to endanger the people & communities around them.

Suffice to say he had built up a tendency to see the worst in most people, and had a very strong us vs them mentality with his fellow agents & regular civilians. He’d worked primarily in the northern United States during his eight year tenure with the CIA most of which was in Chicago, Illinois a hub of all sorts of crime both from the multitude of violent street gangs to organized cartels, mafia’s & even corruption within the chicago police department. Drugs especially ravaged the inner cities & seemed to be a second economy relying soley on narcotics alone which often was ten-fold and above what average regular hard working citizens were making.

The whole thing, the cultures behind them disgusted him. But he didn’t swell all his hatred into one particular group or race. He had a disdain for the most criminal members of society equally, but that did tend to make him a somewhat biased man unintentionally. However to those on the outside looking in all they saw was another judgmental man with an assumed superiority complex because of the color of his skin. He had his share of bullet riddled encounters with mainly white mafia’s & groups but they had standards which they uphold such as never involving innocent women & children. The killings they did were towards other enemy mafia’s and even when it wasn’t they moved in silence, very clean, swift & most importantly relatively unseen.

But he had much more harrowing experience during encounters with black street gangs & hispanic cartels. A whole different range of evil & violence including innocents being shot in broad day shootings, sometime on accident, sometimes on purpose, homes being sprayed with bullets with the intention of harming family members only because of relation with no ties to the criminal lifestyle, more instances of spiked drugs, demolishing properties they used to manufacture product, many times in residential neighborhoods, a well as far more instances of beating, robbing & killing random people for mere reasons such as initiation into said groups or just for the mere fun of it. Deep down maybe he did resent people of color more due to his line of work and the place he did most of it in. Well that was a consequence of the job, he didn’t consider himself a hateful man, but simply one who dealt in facts and didn’t care who his facts offended.

In short he deemed Altered a major threat, especially in Chicago. Gang leaders with powers quickly recruited other altered & were even more brazen with their crimes, similarly with the cartels. Somewhat new was the Salzaras Cartel was in charge now, they’d spread across the entire country in a matter of 2 and a half months. They were working with altered humans to get drugs into the country despite the border being closed, and as a result had become the middle man for bulk drugs for almost every group that needed them, not to mention charging other cartels a middle fee to bring there drugs in forcing them to either raise the price or rely more on cheaper synthetic versions of popular drugs that were far more potent but far harder to dose at even more alarming rate then I the past two years prior.

Worst then that the altered gangs, the strongest ones had quickly eliminated the weak & managed to attain a level of power they never had prior to abilities. There were now 4 men known as the Chiraq Kings or sometimes more formally “The Four Kings of Chiraq”. Dawson had control over gravity, Harper had telekinesis, Quinn had the power of pryokinesis & Krael had the power of earth manipulation.

Gavin had been given an advanced ear piece & remote, which he would use to commandeer the robotic army he’d been supplied with by CyberCorp. President Forrester was adamantly against CyberCorp obtaining any sort of military defense contract due to the intense family rivarly, but the Lorizilla incident led to his personal opinion being over-risen by those in congress who saw the need for Norman Chaplin’s machines on the battlefield against the threat of the altered. Gavin was use to working with these machines, and such Liberty had selected him to head one of the first missions where they’d be working in tandem with the technology against superhuman opponents.

This was an ambush on Quinn’s base of operation. Gavin was accompanied by a handful of other armed liberty agents & regular military soldiers. They were all briefed on the mission together as well as how Chaplin’s technology worked. They’d worked together doing a few training drills with & without the technology over the past three days. The soldiers working with them had been told that Gavin & the other liberty agents were with department of homeland security. A squadron of armored vehicles rode down towards Quinn’s base of opration.

The four kings had grown brazen thanks to their powers & the powers of their pawns. Admitteddly there was little traditional chicago police could do to quell the expansion of their criminal empires. The inner cities of the Windy City had already been riddled with rampant crime, gun violence & illegal drug activity, but now it was even worst. Ten minutes passed and Gavin’s team was in position to take offensive maneuvers against Quinn’s base of operation.

“Aye who the hell iz dat, it look like da boys” A gangster standing on the corner with a pocket full of dope and gun in hand noticed one of the liberty agents. As he raised his weapon he was shot multiple times by a soldier ducked behind a nearby dumpster.

Shots fired, everything started. Swarms of armed thugs began coming out armed to the the teeth with weapons, while VT-Droids armed Began marching down the street. The sound of whirring helicopter blades filled the atmosphere as large air-crafts were seen coming from all directions. Opening up XP9’s emerged from the carriers flying down to the ground level thanks to there jets. One altered woman with a Glock on her hip was firing lasers at the legions of robots, hitting a few but not putting them down.

“Ayo the fuck, get Quinn! The Feds dun brought robots out to fuck wit us!” The girl yelled out, while another man came running out. His howled and his body began talking on wolf like features, the humanoid wolf man lunged forward tackling one of the robots ripping parts of it’s chest. As he did two more androids tackled him.

“WOLF!” The woman yelled out only for a torrent of bullets from an XP9 to pepper her killing her instantly, Gavin & the actual humans had stayed back. THey’d taken positions nearby in the shadows weapons in hand but allowed the machines to do the actual combat. They were on stand by to pick off any stragglers, while missiles were launched at the safe house by the XP9’s blowing the door off it’s hinges as wells demolishing walls.

“ENOUGH” One voice boomed above all others, and a man engulfed in flames came flying out the house, this was Quinn who similarly to the Human Torch had mastered the art of “Flaming on”. Quinn flew forward releasing a volley of fire balls as well as large waves of scorching regular & blue fire at the androids, the XP9’s began focusing there firepower o him. The Chiraq king formed a massive wall of flame to protect himself, making the wall of flame white. Doing this caused the projectiles aimed at him to melt as they went towards the wall.

Quinn was truly a powerful altered human, his emergence from the house had inspired others in his gang to keep fighting. Those within the safe-house had emerged with heavier artillery, RPG’s, machine guns, and more to try to match the destructive power of their robotic oppressors. “Y’all ain’t going stop shit, I don’t give a fuck if y’all got terminators! Swarzzanazer’s kinfolk ain’t got sht on a real one!!”

Quinn yelled from the skies above eliciting victory cries from others working with him. Another altered man used his powers and began spinning around becoming a rapidly spinning human twister. The human twister lunged forward successfully tearing through two androids, however a RPG launched by one of the VT Droids was able to finish him off. Launched at the ground beneath him causing it to explode disrupted his spinning motion.

With the spinning ending he hurtled through the air unable to activate his power mid-flight. He was hit with multiple shots killing him instantly, while wolf lunged forward towards an XP9 plunging his claws into the machine. “You’ll die!” Wolf yelled out ripping parts out the machine only for Gavin to perform some action, and the robot self destructed taking out Wolf, some thugs near him and even two androids.

The laser girl crawled towards the house her body riddled with bullets, a trail of blood behind her. A stray missile made short work of her, while Quinn flew down towards the Vt Droids sending out more waves of fire. An XP9 proved to be his undoing producing a powerful flame extinguisher and blasting him. The foam assault was joined by two other XP9’s also equipped with extuinsihers, modifications made to deal with him in particular

The Chiraq king yelled out as the trio of enhanced flame retardants pushed him out of his flaming form and sent him crashing into the concrete below. Yelling Quinn gathered fire in his hands to fire two bursts of flame, while trying to “Flame on” again but was doused in anti inflammatory chemicals thus preventing him from accessing the pinnacle of his powers. For the first time in hs reign as a superhuman drug lord fear coursed through his body.

All around him he could see the streets were littered with the deceased bodies of his compassions. Those who tried to flee in vehicles had failed, indicated by cars & SUV’s filled with bullets or blown apart by missiles. Now only being able to channel his destructive torrent of fire through his hands he used all the power he had to unleash the fire, only to yell out as a bullet his his shoulder fired by a Vt droid. Quinn screamed as another bullet hit his other shoulder blade, the combined pain of getting ht twice causing him to cease firing the massive column of flames from his hands.

“Fuck Fuck” That brief interlude of ending his attacks proved to be his fatal undoing. He was gunned down, meeting his end in the same manner of death he had delivered personally as well as ordered others in his gang to do to others. In the end he made a desperate attempt to turn and run another fatal error. Bullets from armed VT Droids & XP9’s riddled the drug lord’s body, before a XP9 charged up it’s plasma cannon and fired a blast right through his neck. His body hit the ground in a pool of blood whilst bullets continued to hit him.

Within twenty minutes Quinn’s entire group had been wiped out by VT Droids & XP9’s. Thanks to the assistance of Norman Chaplin’s machines, Quinn & his forces were overwhelmed. After confirming through the machines that the streets were clean, Gavin & his team began moving out. On top of that SWAT teams in conjunction with military/national guard came to survey the scene & put up yellow tape to prevent others from coming out. Those unfortunate enough to live nearby on the block were screened by VT droids and identified. Those with warrants were easily taken into custody, all who’d seen the quick decimation of the chiraq king’s forces put up no fight against the heavily armed robots not wanting to meet the same fate as the drug dealing human torch.

Footage of the gruesome but effective & quick slaughter of the superhuman criminal & his underlings had been transmitted to Gavin, Liberty, Department of Homeland Security, the military & lastly the news. The news however had received a somewhat edited version of the conflict, the intelligence agencies who’d obtained the full complete video audio included had made some edits to the version the news obtained. Within the hour footage of the confrontation was being aired on live news mediums, with warnings to viewers to have young children stay away as the footage was shown to the public.

Since Chaplin’s succesful obtainment of a contract with the United States to utilize his machines following the Lorizilla incident, this slaughter of Quinn & co was the first time they’d been deployed to aid military & Law Enforcement in their ongoing battle against criminal altered. The results were as expected by Chaplin & resulted in rapidly increasing almost staggering support for using the XP9’s, and VT Droids in both other parts of the country & overseas. Gavin was off to the side lighting up a marble while shooting the sht with another Liberty agent named Tom nearby. Tom was also a smoker but had forgotten to pick up smokes on the way to carry out this grueling task.

“I can’t lie, I know the Forrester’s don’t fuck with Chaplin, but they need to get over it. This was a landslide victory, I mean I’ve been working here since the start, and today Is the easiest mission I’ve had so far.” Tom said as he lit the cigarette Gavin gave him.

Gavin took his lighter back and pocketed it before taking a few more drags. “You ain’t lying about that, although operating these machines was a bit difficult. It honestly didn’t require as much manual implementation of orders as I thought, Chaplin’s toys have come a long way from the days I worked as a technician. All it took was one crazy bitch going Godzilla mode & trampling people out west for the suits to put these things out on the street.” Gavin replied back satisfied with the results.

Quinn was dangerous, and a brutal man. He’d been a notorious gangster before his powers, but they’d exacerbated his already violent & ambitious behavior. He’d burned many who opposed him indiscriminately rival dealers & law enforcement alike. Chicago was well known for it’s high murder rate, as well as absurb number of robberies, shootings & murders. They’d been aptly nicknamed Chiraq long before the Energy Storm & altered humans entered the equation.

“Shit really, they need to teach me or you do on how to help operate these things. Shit the next thing Chaplin needs to come out with is something we can wear. Ya know like some Tony Stark, Ironman sht, now that would be awesome and really level the playing field.” Tom said with some optimism that didn’t fit the bloody scene littered with soldiers, cops, ambulance’s, fire-trucks, blaring sirens, armed robots & news vans.

“Yeah I think we’re a long ways away from human piloted shit that’s anything like this, besides if you ask me even though that sounds riveting, this is the best thing possible. I mean imagine how many of us might not be able to make it home to our families going up against Quinn and the rest of his pissants had we not had these bad boys on our side.” Gavin stated as he finished his smoke and flicked it on the ground before grinding it out with his shoe.

“Yeah and the nerve of that bastard, calling himself a king, just another crook with an inflated ego, only difference is he had super powers to back up his atrocious actions. Either way your right human piloted or not, this is a game changer for sure.” Tom agreed entirely with Gavin, happy they’d completed their assignment with no loss of life on their side.

Gavin looked around taking in the whole scene around him. Blood had been spilled, quite a bit of t but none from any liberty or military personnel. What truly got to him about this was he no longer felt like he was lying to his wife & daughter. Every day he told them he was okay and that he’d make it home. The truth was working as a liberty agent going up against the worst of the worst equipped with abilities beyond mortal man, that was little more then hopeless optimism at best, and flat out lies to ease their fears at worst. But for the first time in a long time in the past three months he felt like he’d be able to make it home to the two women he loved the most everyday. “I’m just glad it’s over, those other altered bastards better look out, cause now we’ve got an answer to there madness.” Gavin retorted confidently before taking out his buzzing cell, seeing he had a call from some liberty superior.
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