Avatar of Ciaran
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 375 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ciaran 7 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current We got a new Skynd release. Today is a good day.
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2 yrs ago
It's been a few years, but yeah... I'm thinking I'm back
5 yrs ago
Really in the mood for some gothic steampunk right now.
5 yrs ago
Alright guys, I'm back. Will be posting very soon.
5 yrs ago
Estimating about two weeks until I can get my laptop replaced and my posting will be back up to speed.


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@Ruler Inc Oh, okay. I just saw "redacted" and feared the worst about what might have been redacted.
Do I want to know what that said before?

St. Mercer Hospital
@Ruler Inc

Briefly after leaving her room, aiming to investigate the scream, Paige encountered Lynette, another of the girls from among the Awakened. Paige knew about as much about Lynette as Lynette did about Paige - meaning very little. She did remember Lynette's assistance in the farmhouse, and subsequently the garage, where the Reids lived. The very first stage of this little adventure that had taken place after a psychopath had tried to murder her. Anyway, she trailing off, losing focus.

"Yeah, I've been worse," Paige replied. She looked down at her plastic leg, painfully visible in the hospital gown. "I've, er- I've had worse experiences in hospitals before. So I'd suggest we get out of here as soon as possible, but I don't know where the exist is, and since each direction is only as good as the others-" she turned and faced the direction the scream had come from. "-I suggest we see who needs help over this way."

Thuds and crashes were now audible from the same direction as the scream. It sounded like a battle. Paige didn't intend to leave Lynette behind, especially without waiting for her input - in the brief time they'd had together, Lynette had come across to Paige as a very intelligent, composed person - but time seemed to be of the essence. If Lynette had a different plan, Paige wanted to hear it now. She would already be slowed down just by her own walking pace. She didn't want to waste time over-thinking the course of action, or she might not have the choice.
@CDT0925 I will check over your character first, but once you get the go-ahead from me, then you can post. Also make sure you read up on the IC first, obviously. Plenty of people will have seen the attack in the square, since it was preceded by a hanging, so it would make sense if your character had seen that, linking them to the others that way. Otherwise, most of them are in a tavern right now, and as D&D players tend to learn quickly, you can meet anyone in a tavern.

As a side note I'd prefer it if you played a female character, just because we've got 6 male to 1 female right now. If you're not comfortable with that, though, that's absolutely fine.

discord.gg/Ypsx6B Here is a link to our Discord (expires in 24 hours).
Now that business seemed to be concluded and all danger had been dealt with, for now, Lillith gathered a handful of guardsmen and set them about clearing the square of bodies. It was messy, menial labour that was below her paygrade, but those that had died deserved proper treatment and the guards wouldn't do it without being told. Once they got to work, she returned to the Reave's manor and began setting about her business, which involved gathering the money for the reward, drafting a speech for Reave Bosko in response to the attack, and a handful of other administrative tasks which were delegated to her. She would be busy in her office for several hours.
@CDT0925 This is listed as full, but a player left since then, so sure. As long as you're okay with this being a fairly slow-moving game (as that's how it has been and probably will continue to be in the future).
@Ruler Inc New paragraph for the weaknesses section:

Additionally, Eodyth's skillset is almost entirely combat-oriented. What she can't achieve through brute strength, she probably won't be able to achieve at all. She is not intelligent either, though smart enough to know she should listen to people who are. As such, she is not a good decision-maker and will often make poor choices if forced to make a plan herself. She is also inexperienced with technology and will certainly not be able to intuitively teach herself to use a piece of tech, like many modern-day people can. With a teacher she will be able to learn simple systems, though.
Finished making my, character @Ruler Inc

@ZAVAZggg Quoted the wrong person back there, mate. You were talking to me.
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