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Sonya is low on bombs and injured, but I think she could help out if the hord was a threat to her too!@Sol Grim
Anyone wanna have an interaction with Sonya? She's just wandering alone atm :P

"And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above"

Interacting with: No one, open for interactions

Sonya had been wandering around for a while. An uncharasteristic coat of sweat tingled on her forehead, making her suspect the gash on her bicep had some inflammation, undoubtedly due to Sonya not cleaning it and the cloth scrap around it being a bit dirty itself. In case you hadn't noticed, first-aid really wasn't Sonya's forte. She was more into the "boom" and "crash" sort of stuff.
Rummaging through all the empty apartments along her way, Sonya had already found herself a few ingredients for making new handy bombs. She was especially running low on her Molotovs, and for that she not only needed bottles, but also alcohol. Too bad most the glass bottles she came across were broken, and the plastic ones wouldn't have quite the same effect. She'd have to make do, it seemed.

Almost all the apartments had already been looted well before her, so there wasn't much anything that she could use without getting creative. Sonya had half a dozen empty bottles and a pouchful of leftover gunpowder, but she still needed a lot more. All the closets in the houses were mostly empty, save for one where Sonya found some random spices. She did take the pack of yeast because it could be used for many things, but everything else she pretty much left in place. There was a reason no one camped in the houses anymore, after all. Everything was gone, and they had no value for being safe.

After some careful digging and a handful of houses later, Sonya's luck began turning. It was then that she finally found some alcohol tucked away under a sink. The bottle seemed opened, which was a bummer, but Sonya found it didn't matter that much because what she found was indeed vodka. Yes, she had tasted it and yes, she knew it was dangerous to taste things she didn't know their origins of. She just didn't quite have that kind of self-perseverance anymore, let alone an intact joy for living.
Shedding her worn leather jacket Sonya took a new look at her wound. Yup, it looked as bad as it had felt, she concluded. The open wound had stained the cloth covering it completely, dark blood seeping out of the gash. Fuck me, Blue thought, more annoyed than worried. Maybe she should have been worried, though.
Opening the bottle of vodka again, the woman poured the clear liquid as sparingly as possible on her bare bicep where the skin was already beginning to look red. Hissing through her teeth at the sheer pain the contact caused, Sonya paid farewell to her newlyfound, precious vodka. What a waste of an ingredient, she thought with a sour face. The burn of the alcohol didn't go away, making Blue bite her teeth together violently to prevent a growl from escaping her lips. She didn't know if the alcohol would make the wound better or worse, but honestly, she didn't care at the moment. She had once heard alcohol was supposed to sanitize wounds, but with Sonya's luck, she had somehow done it wrong now as well. From the looks of it, the wound was still bleeding and not looking even remotely better, so the woman decided to spare rest of the alcohol for bomb-making instead of half-assed attempts at playing a doctor.
Wrapping the same, dirty and bloody piece of cloth around the injury, Sonya continued looking through the cupboards. She managed to find more alcohol - yay for that - but her victory was shortlived as she suddenly heard noises from outside. People, not zombies.

Fuck. Had Toxo sent people to investigate the bombing? They had for sure seen them, so it was a possibility too high to leave out. Sonya cursed silently, seeing no escape plan. Why couldn't Nat have just... told them something? Fuck if she knew, but she was screwed now. Thanks, Nat, Sonya thought bitterly, even though she knew deep down the woman couldn't have prevented this.
Trying to stealth her way out of the building - perhaps there was a back door? Please? - Sonya listened carefully for the noises coming from outside. She heard a muffled voice from the street; someone was talking. She wasn't about to find out if she knew that someone, since they were from Toxo probably anyway. Finding her way out unnoticed, Sonya took off with a run so fast her lungs were left aching. Soon she was out of the housing area, now nearing big roads that were dotted with lone cars. If she didn't already know they were out of gas, Sonya would have definitely emptied the tanks for her own use.
...Or she could just try to find something useful from a gas station, she mused. That sounded like a plan. There had to be one around here somewhere.

"And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above"

Interacting with: Natalia @Aamaya, open for interactions (please)

Natalia let Sonya lead her to a more discreet location, away from the open space. There was a human voice shouting in the distance, all the more reason for Sonya to hurry.
"Wait.. I have to go back. I can't stay out any longer. All that noise and commotion is going to make getting home even harder if I wait.. On top of that who knows if Toxo heard it, they may send people out in search of the culprit," Natalia said then, halting Sonya by not walking further. Sonya's cold eyes met with Nat's, frowning slightly. Now, really? They had barely escaped...
"...Right. Yeah, whatever," Sonya nodded in response, feeling a flash of something that seemed dangerously like disappointment. It was understandable. After all, Natalia was a big thing amongst Toxo. Despite hating Toxo, Blue couldn't help but feel impressed by the woman's high position.

Natalia was momentarily distracted by their joined hands, and Sonya realised she hadn't thought much, just grabbed the woman's hand in the moment. Did it bother Natalia? Why did the thought of it potentially bothering Nat bother Sonya even more?
Not good with reading emotions, Natalia's blushing went unnoticed by Sonya. She wrote it off as them having run just a moment ago.
"Take care and be safe Sonya, we can try this again soon," Natalia then said, parting their ways. No one called her Sonya anymore. It was weird, yet oddly warming. Sonya looked at her feet before looking back at Natalia and accepting that she had to go.
"Don't go and get yourself killed," Sonya responded in her usual parting manner. Even though she wasn't smiling, her voice held that softer undertone reserved for the brunette only.

Turning away before Natalia could completely disappear, Blue continued on her trail alone. She had little to no idea where she was going, her first priority was to find a place to camp. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, Sonya began to feel the burning sensation of her wound. If only she wasn't so fucking rubbish at first aid. Her bicep would most likely get infected if not cleaned, but Blue's only health measure was to wrap a cloth around it to stop it from bleeding. Huffing, the woman busted into a seemingly abandoned building, trying to find a highground. What she really wanted was some alcohol and other parts, such as bottles, so she could refill her bomb supply. She had used nearly all of her explosives, and for what? I mean she had survived, but now she was all alone again. Gosh, did Sonya miss tinkering. She just wanted to build some explosives before she got ambushed by the infected again... or worse, ambushed by humans.
I'm super interested! I love BHNA
Well this certainly interests me
I hope that's the case because I've been planning on Sonya losing a limb for that reason xD

"And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above"

Interacting with: Natalia @Aamaya, open for interactions

Something was terribly off. Sonya's half-assed smile turned into a frown as soon as she saw Natalia motion at her in a stiff way. What was going on? There was... there was no one here, was there?

The scene unfolded in a horrifying manner before Sonya's eyes. The gurgling sound of the infected multiplied, and it soon dawned on her that Natalia was in grave danger. Shit.
Unable to do anything but watch - bombs could hurt her friend so they were useless - Sonya stood frozen, looking as Natalie tried to come up with a solution. She was clearly feeling panicked, and Sonya didn't blame her one bit. How hadn't Sonya seen this coming? She was a moron. Fucking idiot, she was.
Like a chain reaction, Natalia threw a rock, attracting the zombies' attention, while simultaniously darting towards Sonya's location. Careful not to make a sound, Sonya scooted closer to the edge of the shed, trying to figure out a way to help Natalia. She couldn't let her get hurt. She couldn't.
When a trail of zombies closed the path to the shed from Natalia, the brunetter ran out of the line of Sonya's sight. Sonya panicked herself, not that she would admit it to herself, making herself act without thinking. In cold blood she jumped down from the shed, bombs in hand. She was going to fucking end these bastards. If they would do so much as to lay hand on Nat, she would blame herself.

Boom. Flames were hot near Sonya's face as she ran, following the trail of infected running ahead of her. Sonya's hand trembled in anticipation as adrenaline flowed through her veins, heightening every one of her senses. Now the zombies had spotted her too, and tried to get a hold of her. She evaded, skirting through a window of a shack of a house. Something sharp sank into Sonya's bicep, making her growl in pain. Looking back, she saw the sharp shards of glass sticking out from the frames of the broken window, making it pretty apparent what the source of her injury had been. It didn't matter right now. She couldn't stop running, trying to track Natalia. Where the fuck had she gone?
Explosions went off left and right as fast as Sonya could light her bombs. She was running out soon, she knew it, but it didn't matter. Something had to be done. Reaching the end of the suburbs, slightly out of breath, Sonya's eyes darted around frantically, finally landing on Natalia. She had seemingly escaped the infected, but Sonya wasn't sure if the woman had hurt herself while running. Raising her non-injured hand in a salute, Sonya waited if the woman would notice her. This was the absolute worst place to be right now, no place to hide and zombies all around them, waiting for a free meal like them. Sonya jogged closer to Natalia, wiping the ashes from the flames on her sleeve, only smudging the thing on her cheek more.
"Hey," Sonya said in a rough voice. She didn't have it in her to throw a half assed insult at Natalia for not being more careful. This had been mostly Sonya's fault for not being more aware of the situation, after all. "We should get going before they spot us," Sonya continued, taking Natalia's hand in a grip and pulling her forward. What a lovely meet-up after a week of not seeing each other, Sonya thought grimly. It wasn't like she thought Natalia couldn't take care of herself, quite the opposite actually, but Sonya would have lied if she had said that she didn't feel protective over the brunette. The woman seemed quite visibly shaken, too. Sonya was too, but she was the kind not to show it. It was easier to lock things up inside.

"And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above"

Interacting with: Natalia @Aamaya

Back on the move, Sonya wondered if Natalia had already gotten her message. No, the woman concluded, she's in all likelyhood still asleep. It didn't really matter, though. Sonya was already making her way to their secret spot along the flat land that was dotted by debris falling from the eroded suburbian buildings. Those were the lands that the infected loved the most, which also made it relatively safe from any intelligent snoopers. The wandering zombies were a con, but only a few of them ever had the bright idea of wandering inside buildings.
Making her way through the barren field view before her, Sonya heard something growl from her left. It was a low gurgling sound that was all too familiar to her. A lone infected with a rotten eyesocket approached Sonya slowly, relealing itself from the shadows. Immediately on guard, Sonya's hand flew to the ice pick hanging from her belt. Using a bomb in this area could work, but it would be highly dangerious: Sonya had no place to hide, and the explosion would attract more company than she needed. This was exactly the kind of situation Sonya hated. She'd have to take the ex-creature down discreetly and up-close.
The infected being came closer, ready to lunge on Sonya and bury its foul teeth into her flesh. Staring the zombie down with a cold stare, Sonya looked for a quick opening to stab the undead's neck. It was the safest spot to strike, since Sonya didn't want to get more hurt than she already was from the past week, but the creature was facing her, ruining the element of surprise. Kicking the creature down and ignoring the sickening crack sound she heard, Sonya immobilised her target and stabbed the ice pick deep into its chest, not stopping until its arms stopped flapping and the disgusting gurgling sound faded away with its last breath. Face stoic, Sonya wiped the bloody weapon on the zombie's own, albeit dirty, shirt. The zombie had nothing on it, which was disappointing but not unusual. She spit out the irony taste of blood from her mouth and continued to work her way up to the secret house unshaken.

Sonya did anticipate meeting Natalia this time. Talking to oneself got pretty boring after a while, and Sonya would have lied if she had said she didn't crave human contact. This, Sonya thought, was a weakness. But it made her feel better in a world where pretty much everything felt like shit, so she took what she could.
Seeing the suburbs in the distance, Sonya unknowingly hastened her pace a bit, reaching the housing area relatively quickly. The woman made sure there were no zombies around, since it would make for a nasty surprise.
Unlucky, a pack of them was hanging around in the middle of the fucking road. However, Sonya was prepared. It didn't bother her using explosives this far away from any major camps like Toxo, which could track her. So she felt relatively safe in blowing off a head or two.
"Boom," Sonya stated with a wry smile as she threw the first lit Molotov cocktail into the mix. Taking cover behind a porch of a random house, she could hear the gurgling of the infected, burning all in flames of her little gift. Let them burn, Sonya thought. It was no use mercying something that had taken her whole world and ripped it apart. People or not, there was no cure for the infected, and Sonya wasn't damn well going to wait around for that.

It became quiet after that. Sonya climbed on the shed of a garage, viewing the world opening before her. The dawn was beginning to turn into the morning, giving life to the abandoned buildings in the area. Someone was approaching from the horizon. This caught Sonya's attention, but soon she recognised the familiar style of her acquaintance. Huffing with dry amusement, she hummed: "Took you long enough."
Hey just a PSA about Sonya: Since I write from her perspective, I may use some words, insults or descriptions I wouldn't normally use myself, obviously :'D Since Sonya doesn't really care what's socially correct all the time, she kind of thinks just what comes to mind. This is just for the future posts I may make!
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