Avatar of Ciphra
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Ciphra
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 978 (0.26 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Ciphra 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Time sure does fly...
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8 yrs ago
Starting a news emester of college, taking a little bit to get used to the schedule, Don't smite me!
9 yrs ago
Finals week...Nuff said...


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I'll just plop in and say interested for others sake of knowing that there is more interest!

Hi again Yosh even though I'm already talking to you!
Well I've been out of the game a bit because nothing caught my interest just enough, but I must say I seem to have something that sparked my interest in this, so I'd be down!
This is ironically a conversation I'm currently having via pm with another player,

Hey again guys :p

And on that note I'm glad we found a way to make it work at least XD
Well I already PMed the GM, but figured I drop in to say hey to everyone and let you all know I'm throwing my hat into the mix here!
>So it would seem...

It was a simple reply for the person Zoe was messaging but it was something. At the moment Zoe was trying to figure out what this man was thinking at the present time. Either way, holding a child hostage like that as a bullet shield was disgusting. He would pay for this. Quickly Zoe started getting to work, taking images of what the inside situation was and then emailing them to the police. This way they could get information much faster. Of course she had used 'AnonymousTip^^@Hotmail.com' an email in which she always sent her tips to the police or the FBI from. She found the joke to be pretty amusing herself, though perhaps not all would. It served its purpose however.

>Do you have a remote controlled car or two by any chance?

Zoe's plans tended to seem bizarre and a bit cruel occasionally, but when she had a plan she had a plan! And why not involve this person who was clearly concerned? It was only fair after all. Besides it was also good to establish worth. In the mean time she picked up her phone to make a couple of calls, and maybe a third to make this simpler. This man would die one way or another tonight if Zoe had a say in the matter.

I just realized I missed a post (Or forgot?) That I could have my character respond to, so I hope we weren't waiting on me! Anyways i'll get to posting soon, maybe now if I can re-read fast enough and then figure out a response in time! I only have a little under an hour to work with though so if nothing comes to mind right off the bat I'll have to wait till tonight or tomorrow.
In XINDI 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Stekkmen Hey again! Nice to see you get around. I'll probably be in on this one, I just have to get some stuff out of the way, like I said in K9 I'm pretty busy right now with an Evaluation thing for my eyes. Once I start training hopefully I'll be more available!
Hey guys just a heads up from my end I'm really busy with my training right now, and I had a lot of things happening over the weekend. I might get a little free time today, so I might be able to get back on and make a post again!
@Kidd It happens! We just gotta make sure we don't let it happen too much so that we can keep things rolling smoothly, and of course that goes for everyone not just you, or me. Speaking of which I would warn that I'm going to busy the rest of the dya probably and won't be able to post till about tomorrow, but I posted recently so I think I'm safe for a little bit at least haha.
As Zoe sat on her bed an alert had gone off. It seemed a bit early for it, but that wasn't too uncommon for the city. As the main screen pulled up a street cam showing the blown up car Zoe saw the man enter the hotel. What on Earth this nut was thinking was unclear just yet. Quickly she went to work taking over the hotels cameras taking only a minute or so to hack into the entire system. By this point everyone was being corralled to the top floor it would seem, or at least off the ground floor.

Zoe took another sip of her wine as she observed her cameras. The cops were already arriving, probably because of the explosion so the situation was quickly getting ridiculous. What still bugged Zoe was the fact that this man had literally screamed at everyone that he was there with that explosion. It just didn't feel right. So did he have back up? Was there a target? What was the purpose here? At the very least Zoe was intrigued. It only got more interesting when someone else hacked into the system. It couldn't have been the cops, not yet anyways.

When she received a message Zoe couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and giggle slightly. The thought of being asked if she was a cop was rather amusing to her given everything she'd done at this point. So was this just an amateur just trying to watch the situation unfold? Or perhaps they had a purpose here as well? In any event with a small smile on her face Zoe decided to send a message.

>If the police could get access to a system this fast I think I'd have to put them in there place for getting cocky. Besides right now despite a dramatic announcement of arrival everything seems to be going fine. They all seem to be moving up the stairs as you'll see when you cycle through the cameras. So do you think I should sprinklers on and piss this guy off or just leave things be?

With the message sent back Zoe included a littled personalized greeting card. Just a simple blue butterfly would follow and fly across the other person's screen and land in the corner and flap its wings before disappearing. Hopefully that would answer the question of who she was. As for the sprinklers she figured she would have fun making the joke, after all she could do it, but given the delicate situation it would probably be best to leave it as just that, a joke.

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