Avatar of Claw2k11
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    1. Claw2k11 10 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Played VA-11 Hall-A and I didn't realize that a bartending game could give me such an epiphany about my life, to be perfectly honest.
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5 yrs ago
Am I the only one who never knows what to write in their status bar?
5 yrs ago
Orthodox Easter has arrived, which means my time for replying to stuff is going to be close to nonexistent. I apologize.
5 yrs ago
It's been a stressful past few weeks for me, so I apologize for how that may affect the quality of my posts and my general grumpiness.
5 yrs ago
I feel extremely tired and stressed right now, so responses might not be of the highest quality, I apologize.


Well hello, what are you doing here, my friend?

Well, if you're still here and you wish to know more about me, then:

I'm a 22 fella who's currently in college and is trying to RP while attending college at the same time. I've been into roleplaying since about the mid 2013's, though I was really bad at it during the first year or so. I "migrated" to RPGuild around 4 years ago since the previous site had banned roleplaying due to a large influx of newbie roleplayers polluting the site with shitty RP's. Either way, since then I've been on this site quite regularly, except during a few occasions when real life took precedence and I had to vanish for a month or two.

As for writing capabilities, I'd like to think myself right now that I'm somewhere in-between casual and advanced levels of writing, though if I'm really into an RP, I'll tend to force myself to write something advanced. As for writing in general, you don't have to worry about that, I really love writing and I do it all the time even when I'm not roleplaying, though there are "dry" periods when my creativity seems to vanish for no discernible reason. General interests include most types of fantasy writing as long as it's properly written, though it has happened in the past for me to be interested in something when I thought I would like it, so if you have an idea and you want to roleplay, then pitch it to me and I'll tell you if I like it or not. As for smut, well, I'm not actively looking for one, but if you think you have an interesting idea, then feel free to pitch it to me.

Well, that's about it, if you want to know more personal stuff about me, or simply wish to have someone to talk to about any topic you so desire, then feel free to PM me.

Most Recent Posts


War Room
Southern Jewel

"And there's another thing, they have absolutely no field..." IIyarion wanted to say more about how the two girls had absolutely no field experience, making the use of their actual combat experience somewhat limited, however, it was Lenius' turn to interrupt him. Illyarion listened to the argument and the proposition of his friend without as much as saying a word and he when he did, he found several problems.

However, he realized as soon as he spoke that Lenius had most likely thought about all of these problems ahead of time. Instead, he turned towards Maryvale and Princess Azmyn and studied them for a moment, to see if they would perhaps be ready for a bit more than just fighting on the front lines. So, giving the two a brief smile before turning towards Lenius, with an idea for the Ravenguard to be more than just bodyguards to the two girls before him.

"I admire your generosity my dear friend, but I have a slightly better idea, instead of the girls just fighting on the field of battle like a common soldier, why don't I make them temporary officers within the Ravenguard and allow them to lead men into combat as well, it would give the girls some much needed experience as commanders, experience which they'll both need if they are to become Queen and Grand Marshal respectively, am I correct? he asked his friend with a smiled on his face, though soon a thought came to him that he already had such a thing in mind for them, and his smile diminished a bit, though he did not ask Lenius if that was the case.

As he waited for his friend's response as he looked on at the map. If they would take the path he thought they would take through Eamonvale, then they needed someone who would know the lands beforehand at least and though he did not like to admit it, he had done his fair share of raiding deep into Eamonvale back when he worked for the Crow King. "I also think that I should mayhaps serve as the vanguard of our forces, considering my special knowledge of the terrain." He said, not even saying what he meant to say. The Grand Marshal would know what he meant by this, however, he did not want the two girls to find out that he had been part of some of the atrocities that the Crow King had committed, it would be likely that the girl's opinion on him would change a bit if they found that out, and not for the better.

"So, is there anything else we need to know, my friend, or shall we be on our way?"

I apologize if the post is a bit sub-par, but my creativity is a bit down-under at the moment.
Saxan was none too pleased that he had been dragged to talk with the nobles. Saxan considered himself an authoritative figure, able to give commands and the such to soldiers and they would obey, but he knew that if he tried that with the nobles in their own estates, things might not go as well, he was not a very charismatic person when it came to persuading people, nevertheless, he acquiesced to his friends eagerness and spoke.

"I believe that we should go talk to Lord Hyde first and check with him and ask if his son had started acting differently than usual shortly before this entire scandal took place." He said, placing a hand on his chin as he thought. "Or, we could go to Lord Aderan and ask him the same question about his daughter, I suppose." He said as he strained to think of any other questions that they might be able to ask the two lords, and yet, none truly came to mind.

He placed a hand on Tam's shoulder and said. "You know what, my dear friend, I propose we go to Lord Hyde first and since you're a much more charismatic person than me, I'll even let YOU do the talking and if they don't want to, then I'll step in and try to intimidate the answer out of him, though I sincerely hope that it won't come to that." He said to his friend with a light smile on his face. "So, what do you say?"

Orkag the Bloodletter

Orkag had been a bit sad, the young cat girl that he had met and had begun to connect with chose to stay back and go somewhere her life would at least not be at risk. He could accept that much, not everyone would rise to a challenge as dangerous as this and someone like her would be unfit to enter a place such as this, however, he had to be rather forceful towards the raven, Beak, who had taken an unusual liking to her. The raven itself had gone so far to peck him a few times before accepting that IT would have to be separated from its new friend to serve its master.

Before entering the portal, Orkag said a quick and silent prayer to the nature spirits here and prayed that the spirits of wherever he was headed were at least friendly enough. However, as he passed the portal, it seemed like his prayer had been ignored by the spirits, perhaps they had even done quite the opposite as he arrived into the arid half-desert alongside his ravens and his two other companions. Other than a town, there was nothing of much actual interest for Orkag and he guessed that if they were to proceed on their mission, they would have to enter town, secure themselves a place to stay for at least a night and then they would be able to question the locals as to where they were.

"I am not sure myself, but I suppose that we must head for that town over there!" He said, pointing his staff towards the town in the distance. The raven, Claw, the one who had tried to no avail to inspect the wizard that had sent them on this mission in the first place was the first to take off and it flew as high as it could in the sky to inspect the surroundings and to see in the far distance beyond them. Orkag knew it paid to be aware of one's surroundings, and considering that they were in an entirely unknown place, it was the best first action to do for the orc.

Have you decided part of what house you would make him, or have you still not decided yet?

Well, I can understand that, not everyone has the time to hang out on Discord, hell, I only started to use it a few days ago myself.

Speaking of your character being part of the kingsguard, do you still want her to be Brienne of Tarth's daughter? I'm asking because my and another player's characters and are the twin sons of a Tarth woman(a cousin of Brienne's we created for the purpose of this RP), so if your character is still a Tarth, then our own characters would be related.

Oh yeah, our characters are Baratheons by the way.

Join the Discord group and ask him. It would be faster that way.
Illyarion Myriavin

Southern Jewel, Kron-Nesis

As Illyarion entered the War Room and saw the Grand Marshal, his anger towards him was diminished. At least enough to not ask him the question he wanted to ask right as he entered. "Aye, those winds have been keeping me alive for over a hundred years, what's a few more years to add to that." he said as he approached his long-time friend, signaling for his two Ravenguard to let the apothecary go. "You're planning to go to war, am I correct?" Illayrion asked his friend as he joined him by the tactical map, looking at the various pieces on the board there, studying each one's location.

However, he did not even allow the Grand Marshal the time to answer the question, because it was quite obvious to the many commanders of Kron-Nesis what was going on. "Though that is not my main concern, nor is it my main question, you know I'd support you in any war you'd start, even if it was the king's idea to start it in the first place, you would always have my blade and the blades of my Ravenguard." The moment the two Ravenguard heard their name, they stood at attention, as if already waiting for combat orders.

"What I wanted to ask you, is if both you and the king have lost your minds, or have both of you gone senile?" he said, quite calmly, knowing that Lenius would not take it as an insult, though he did turn towards the princess briefly "I apologize, my princess, but you will find out in a bit why I am angry." And with that, he turned towards the Grand Marshal once again. "I hear that both Maryvale and Princess Azmyn will participate in the war with them probably fighting in the front lines, I assume, to teach both of them warfare and true combat experience and to show to common soldiers that the Princess is with them and all that."

Now, he stared straight into the Grand Marshal's eyes as he asked his final question. "Are you trying to get both your daughter and the Princess killed in this war?" he asked. "Because if you wanted them to get combat experience, then you should have sent them over to my lands, where they would gain that and they'd be safe under the protection of my Ravenguard."
I don't have anything else planned to be honest with you, so I say we go directly to the Grand Marshal.
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