Avatar of Clever Hans
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    1. Clever Hans 7 yrs ago
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Current When the foxlight shines/Take no heed to its design/Even if the pieces change/I know the journey still remains
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When the foxlight shines Take no heed to its design Even if the pieces change I know the journey still remains
1 yr ago
When the foxlight shinesTake no heed to its design Even if the pieces change I know the journey still remains
6 yrs ago
Sorry, squire, I scratched the record...
7 yrs ago
Being hopeful...


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Only an interest check at this point. This is a budding idea with a few salient points in my head so far that would require some significant time to develop into a playable game. But with a two-year wait for season 3, I thought maybe there are others jonesin' for some WW goodness who might want to do some RP in the meantime. 😊

The rough idea so far: A separate company has developed (stolen?) technology similar to that of Westworld and opened their own theme park. Their notion is to run a D&D-style park where guests can take on various stereotypical D&D roles and go adventuring, alone or in groups.

Like Westworld, the park is designed for the super-wealthy. There are safer areas for families and beginners, and rougher (and potentially depraved) areas for those who want that sort of thing.

Players would take on the roles of mid-level employees dealing with problems in the park. I'm thinking there would be some room for sandboxing, but there would be large-scale plotlines progressing. One such ongoing plot might be that the company has recently introduced "non-human" hosts (typical D&D-style humanoids), and complications might arise from their programming.

I would likely use a minimalist system for resolution, possibly Freeform Universal with a few modifications.

This would likely be "high casual," so longer posts would be welcome but not required.

I'd rate it as PG-13. Doubtless there will be unpleasantness, but the really grisly/adult stuff would need to be suggestively faded to black before becoming too graphic.

So. Interested?
Or, I write it up over lunch and submit today. :D

Name: Darthem Doriat (Grandohmus)

Title: Marquess of Northcliff

Species: Manticore

Age: 44

Gender: Male


Human: Doriat appears as a taciturn young man in his 20's. He is tall with a wiry build. His hair is black and receding somewhat, cut short with a widow's peak. His face is narrow and chiseled, with a prominent nose and high cheek bones. His eyes are black difficult to read.

Mythic: A Spell for Chameleon-style manticore, with the body of a large lion, a human/lion hybrid head, bat wings, and a scorpion's tail. His fur is golden with a reddish tinge, as is his mane. The tail is red, and the wings are black.

Outfit: Like most of his race, Doriat does not go in for bright colors or flashy accoutrement. His knee-length formal coat is of black velvet, with some silver piping of simple geometric designs along the seams, pockets, and cuffs. It has a medium-high collar, no lapels, and fairly tight sleeves. The brocade waistcoat peeking out from beneath is of muted green and silver. The lace of his shirt is simple and not excessive. The knee-length pants match the coat. Simple silver stockings and black shoes complete the outfit.

Jewelry/Accessories: Doriat carries a gentleman's walking stick [this would be a sword cane unless such things are banned from court] topped with a massive knob of polished but uncut emerald. His only adornment is a jet signet ring.

Mythic Abilities:

  • Flight – From a physics perspective, Grandohmus' wings are not large enough to lift him off the ground; thus, magic is what propels him, while the wings do the job of course correction. While in flight, Grandohmus can outrace a fast horse.
  • Poison – Grandohmus' tail can deliver two kinds of toxin: one can paralyze a human for 8-12 hours, while the other is a deadly poison that can kill a human in under five minutes.
  • Generate winds – By flapping his wings, Grandohmus can magically produce hurricane-level winds.
  • Powerful jaw – Manticores have large mouths with teeth whorls similar to that of a shark. Their jaws can easily crunch bone and wood, and even deform low-quality metal.
  • Enhanced senses – Manticores have an acute sense of smell and hearing, and they can see well in the dark. They also have a general sense of magicalness around them, though it is non-specific and directional only in proportion to the power of the magic.

Human Magic:

  • Flight - While not able to fly in human form, Doriat can enhance his movements, making him very agile and fleet of foot.
  • Poison - This ability has no human analogue.
  • Generate winds – Doriat can conjure light breezes ("He seems never to sweat") and quick puffs of wind that can blow out candles or lanterns.
  • Powerful jaw – Doriat has strong jaws and teeth, for a human. He can take a punch better than a prizefighter.
  • Animal senses – Similar to his mythic form, but to a lesser degree.

Backstory: Grandohmus comes from a long line of manticores charged with defending a part of the northern border from barbarian invaders. Much of the time, they prefer to keep to themselves, guard the northern marches, and avoid the sometimes-unwanted attention of their erratic emperor. Grandohmus is very much his father's son, and shares their general disdain for emotional outbursts, frippery, and attention-seeking. The primary instruction he was given was to not incur the wrath of the emperor – in other words, don’t go overboard in trying to win, and concentrate more on trying not to lose. Grandohmus has a bit of a competitive streak, though, and it remains to be seen how he approaches the games…

Entourage: In keeping with his race's austere lifestyle, Grandohmus brought just one servant: Eton, his personal aide-de-camp and valet. In human form, Eton appears as a man in his late 60's, with silver hair and wizened features. In his mythic form, his abilities and appearance are similar to his master's.
I am interested and will begin writing a submission. It may be a day or two before I get it posted, though.

My family is hosting a Christmas party this Saturday. I'll probably be absent from the boards most of the day Saturday, and possibly most/all of Sunday, too, depending on how wild the party gets. :D Anyway, it might be a hiatus of 48 hours or more, so don't fret if you don't immediately see a response from me.
OK, so far I have responded to:


If anyone else has posted rolls, then my eyes are worse than I thought, and I just plain missed it (this white-on-black interface doesn't help much :) ).

Anyway, please let me know if I missed your posted rolls.
I finally figured out how to use the Dice Campaign.I feel so accomplished..Haha

Anyway my rolls are..

Roll 1. Powers 80 Shrinking

Roll 2. Powers 76 Regeneration

Roll 3. Stats And Extras 2 Heightened Agility

Roll 4. Stats And Extras 26 Heightened Endurance

Roll 5. Device 63 Natural Weaponry

Roll 6. Weaknesses 11 Phobia/Psychosis

Shrinking: Gettin' small. You can decide how small you can get. You do retain your regular "stats" while shrunk.

Regeneration: Your body heals up from wounds. There should be one kind of damage that you don't heal from (fire, acid, electrical, etc.)

Heightened Agility: Your reflexes, balance, and body control are above human limits.

Heightened Endurance: You can exert yourself physically at peak levels far longer than the average hero.

Natural Weaponry: Something of an oxymoron as a device, but think of Wolverine's claws...

Phobia/Psychosis: Some situation or event causes you to slip from your normal range of emotional responses into the pathological. It's to be taken seriously.

@Clever Hans Updated
1) Powers-32 Flight
2) Stats-71 Pet
3) Powers-60 Magnetic Powers
4) Stats-55 Heightened Strength
5) Powers-34 Heightened Defense
6) Weaknesses-71 Special Requirement
In that order


Flight: A classic power. The method of propulsion is usually dictated by your other powers.

Pet: You have a pet. It's smarter and tougher than others of its ilk, is well-trained, and completely loyal to you. I should point out that a "pet" may be one wolf, or a swarm of cockroaches. Either way, it functions as a single entity for most purposes.

Magnetic Powers: This is for manipulating and moving things with a large component of iron, and not for pulling excess iron out of someone's blood and turning it into floating discs.

Heightened Strength: Super-strong, you are.

Heightened Defense: You are difficult to hit. This could be from sheer combat mastery, buffeting winds that blow about your person, some kind of light-distortion effect that makes you appear five inches to the left of your actual body, etc. Armor means you can take a hit. Heightened Defense means you aren't often hit, period.

Special Requirement: You need something to activate/maintain your powers: an Underdog energy pill, the ability to speak a magic word...
I'll go with...

1) Power - 5 Armor
2) Power - 3 Adaption
3) Device 5 Android Body
4) Stats & Extras - 86 Willpower
5) Stats & Extras - 34 Heightened Intelligence
6) Weakness - 32 Reduced Charisma

A bit of a hodge-podge, but it might lead to something interesting. Lets see if my luck holds out and I get something cool.

Armor: This is pure protection, against almost anything. It can look like anything: rocky skin, a bug-like exo-skeleton, or it can look like normal skin.
Adaption: Your body can alter itself in response to extreme environmental conditions (extremes of temperature or pressure, radiation, submersion, high/low gravity, etc.).
Android Body: Wow, two of these! I'll PM you.
Willpower: this grants both the grit to push yourself past usual physical limits, and the ability to resist (not indefinitely) physical effects like torture or poison, and to (sometimes) resist mental effects like mind control.
Heightened Intelligence: You're a genius. A super-genius. You probably have a specialty.
Reduced Charisma: There is something about you others find repellent, repugnant, and unpleasant. It might be an aura of madness or malevolence (that may nor may not have anything to do with your actual personality and psychological makeup). It may be an utter inability to function appropriately in social situations, or that your physical appearance is just plain terrifying.
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