Avatar of Cleverbird


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3 yrs ago
Current Goddamn commies... They ruined communism!
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4 yrs ago
Fun fact: up close, all burning candles smell of singed nose hair.
4 yrs ago
Just say no to the Corona virus, it cant legally enter your body without consent.
4 yrs ago
The problem with common sense is that its not all that common.
4 yrs ago
I once played Hell March to a cow, now its Moscow.
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Most Recent Posts

Damn, an update when I'm away from my computer for the weekend! Curses!
It was in jest~

Or was it?

Yes it was
... Or was it? Dun dun dunnnn
Whaaaat? I'd never do a thing like that to our most glorious leader to whom we may thank the rising of the sun. That'd just be crazy-talk.
Probably gonna wait till our esteemed master has posted, so I have more to reply to :P
Yesss... Yessssss... Praise me morrrrrrre, master~

I kinda want to post and reply to the hobo harassing Lily, but I'd like to know what everybody else is up to before doing so.
Aw man, I got totally excited hoping there were two new IC posts :'(
Scare me? Nah, it motivated me :D
L i l y "R E D" O a k l e y

"Find him, bind him
Tie him to a pole and break
His fingers to splinters
Drag him to a hole until he
Wakes up, naked
Clawing at the ceiling
Of his grave"

It was a verse Lily had repeated ad nauseam and one she hummed to herself as she rode into the town of Ulysses. The sky was already turning a muddled orange as the sun was setting down across the horizon, casting her twisted shadow across the road. The few people still out and about warily eyed the stranger, but she paid them no heed. In another lifetime, she probably would've been more excited coming to a place like this and seeing so many people; nowadays they were more trouble than worth.

Still, Ulysses was different. Ever since the... Event, she had felt a pull in this direction and only now that she had set foot in the well trodden streets of the town, did she know that this was her final destination. You could feel it in the air, like a building tension just waiting to snap and burst open; pouring its vile intentions all over whoever just happened to be around. Whether she was here to stop it, or help it along was another question all together.

The brown horse neighed in relieve as he finally came to a stop in front of the saloon, happy to finally get some rest after the many days of traveling the desert. Lily slapped the beasts's neck, wishing she could still feel the sense of familiarity; after all, it had been her father's favorite steed. But no amount of wishing could wash away the feeling of the creature simply being another beast of burden among many others.

Irked with herself, Lily turned and headed towards the door; but not before stopping to read the various notes plastered across the wall. Some were old and weathered, the poor printing no longer legible. There were a few fresh ones though, with the first one catching Lily's interest. It was about a farmstead coming under attack. While it lacked any details, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of similarity to what happened at her home. Had the gang of twelve really set up shop around Ulysses?

The second poster was of equal interest. It seemed like the sheriff was rounding up a posse to investigate the farmstead. Tearing the poster from the wall, Lily stuffed the piece of paper into her duster. If the sheriff was this desperate to hire on outsiders and riff-raff, it meant it was beyond him and his deputy's control.

Pushing into the saloon, Lily felt more wary eyes gaze upon her. The town was on edge, that much was obvious. Ignoring the patrons, Lily made her way up towards the bar and caught the bartender's attention.

"A whiskey." She simply stated.

The bartender carefully examined the woman before him, she was a stranger in town after all; and with all the bad stuff happening around the place, who knew what she was here for?

Lily felt the man's gaze sizing her up before lingering around her throat, where the rather obscene scar was hard to miss. Pulling up her red scarf to cover it up, she glared at the man. "Whiskey." She less said and more commanded.

The man silently nodded before fetching her a dirtied glass of liquor. Taking a quick sip while slamming some coins onto the counter told Lily that the swill was watered down to the point where it was barely even whiskey anymore. Still, alcohol was alcohol.

"Where might I find the sheriff?" She asked. "I'd like to inquire about the Jefferson farmstead."
Gotta say, that was an intimidatingly great opening post! Not sure when I have the time to make my post though, super busy with being sick (yay...) and starting a new job (yay!)
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