Avatar of CleverUsername


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3 yrs ago
Current Update: sleep was achieved. Hooray!
3 yrs ago
I really need to get some sleep. *guzzles soda* I'm so tired. *munches down sugary snacks* Don't know why I can't sleep. *does literally anything but bed*
3 yrs ago
Can't I get paid to roleplay instead?
3 yrs ago
We have ways of making you talk... *brings in a corgi* Tell us your secrets and you may pet the puppy.
3 yrs ago
Digimon RP is more fun than Pokemon RP, because you can actually hold conversation.


Not much to say here, really! I enjoy RP, and I enjoy writing, so I'm on here as much as I can be. It's a lot of fun! I'm an experienced RPer whose even DM'd a few campaigns before! I watch a lot of anime and play a lot of video games, so you know I have the shut-in life on lock! XD

Most Recent Posts

Mira Andrul

Human / 26 / Female
Location: Great Room
Tag: @ThisIsFine

It was rare that Mira regretted asking a question, but just this once, she felt a pang of guilt. She had known Ismael was older than most of the coven, but she never knew he'd been the familiar of the woman who began it all. "She sounds incredible," Mira answered, her cheerful tone now one of somber respect. She gazed up at the portrait once again, a newfound appreciation for the woman within her, and gave a humble bow of her head. "I know this may not mean much coming from me, but I think she'd be proud of what you've done for us all so far." She turned her smile back to Ismael. "Even I know we'd fall apart without you."

Deciding she'd probably touched on this sore subject enough, she resumed her cleaning route through the room, carefully beating dust from the curtains and straining on her tiptoes to reach the higher places. She could have asked Sterling's aid, of course, but given the events of the day, it was probably best to leave the witches to their work and to focus on her own. After this room, she had only a few more to go before the first floor was done. After that would be the second, which - as always - filled her with a giddy excitement. The rooms upstairs were all enchanted in some way, which meant cleaning them was always a memorable experience. Of course, "memorable" included the few times she'd nearly been seriously injured and/or cursed by her own carelessness. A tea party with cursed dolls? Delightful! A swarm of books trying to beat her senseless? Not so much.

"Ah, that reminds me," she said, nearly through with the Grand Room. "I intend to step out during today's class and do some shopping. Do you need anything while I'm gone? I'll have the food ready before I go, of course." The handy thing about serving witches was that she rarely actually had to cook the food herself. It was something of an unofficial rule that witches should be able to magic their food to their desired tastes, so all she really did was set up individual plates and trays. She'd tried to cook with magic fire herself a few times, but as ever, she never managed even a spark. Sadness.
Mira Andrul

Human / 26 / Female
Location: Great Room
Tag: @ThisIsFine

"I'm grateful, but please don't trouble yourself," she responded with her signature smile. "I'm fairly certain he and I aren't going to get along, and that's nothing new for me. Still, I appreciate the thought." Mira liked Ismael. Even with all his influence in the coven, he never really let it go to his head. Or, if he did, he never let it show. He'd been kind to Mira, and she had a firm respect for him.

She also found his various animal forms utterly adorable.

Making her way steadily through the room, sweeping and dusting along her familiar path, she paused only long enough to gaze up at the portrait above the fireplace. She knew the woman's name, of course - her parents made sure of it - but other than mentions of her greatness, Mira knew next to nothing about the mysterious Agatha. Still, to warrant a portrait like this, she must have been something extraordinary.

"Who was she?" Mira suddenly blurted out, turning back toward Ismael. She generally had a sense that no one wanted to talk about Agatha - or perhaps they just didn't want to talk to her about Agatha. Naturally, that had only served to further enflame her curiosity, a trait which was at once her greatest strength and greatest weakness. And it was a safe bet that even if Ismael didn't tell her anything, he probably wouldn't cast a curse on her for asking.

@XxFellsingxX Now I hope beyond hope that we get to have Examon on our side at least once. Just imagine our group casually riding into battle on a dragon the size of a skyscraper. The most epic! :D
You guys got me to play Hacker's Memory and even though I'm only a few hours in, I'm having a blast. So thanks! :D
Hello! I've been thinking about dipping my toes into a larger RP, so I thought I'd submit an idea of my own! As this is an interest check, I'll leave most of the lore for later. For now, I'll focus primarily on the OOC information, namely how it'll work and what I'm looking for in potential players.

As the title suggests, this will involve players taking the role of Pokemon in the Mystery Dungeon world! The world itself will be a custom-made map for this RP, meaning new dungeons and original storylines! Players will be part of an Exploration Guild, where they can go on adventures throughout the land to discover new places, rescue those in danger, and maybe find lost treasures or secret dungeons! Of course, there will also be dangers about, with regular Pokemon suddenly becoming mindless monsters, attacking anyone around them. Figuring out why will be part of the grand story!

Speaking of story, I intend to run this somewhat like a D&D game with myself as the DM. Players can split up into different teams to conquer different dungeons, and I'll be running those various adventures. Forum RP is uniquely suited to split parties, so I'll be able to keep up with all the groups at once! Occasionally, the entire guild will be called together to tackle big missions, most of which will help to uncover the mysteries afflicting the world. For the most part, however, players will be free to do as they please.

Now, what do I mean when I tag this as Advanced? First, it means I expect a certain amount of quality from players: minimal spelling errors, good grammar, and posts that give other players something they can work off of. I won't set a minimum post length, as quality is much more important than quantity! As for combat, I believe it would be best to forego the usual Pokemon formula; players will not be limited to four moves, and stats will not be calculated. Instead, battles will be free-form, with players free to narrate their actions and reactions against the enemies I set before them. God-modding will not be tolerated, but I trust that Advanced players will know how to reasonably dictate their characters' potential. In place of stats and levels, combat ability will rely on the Pokemon's own power and will. Type advantages and disadvantages will still play into the mix, however; a Weedle is unlikely to defeat a Charizard, no matter how badly it may want to.

Ideally, I'd like to have anywhere between five and eight players. As time goes on, I may open the gates and allow new players to join in as well, but for a starting group, no less than 5 and no more than 8. If you've liked what you read so far and think you'd be interested in joining, leave a message here! I look forward to exploring the world with you all!
Kabump! Things have been slow the past few days (not that I blame my partners for that! Real life always comes first), so I thought I'd toss a line back out!
Another update: Just working on writing samples now. Should be done tonight once I have the time to finish up.

I'm excited to see it!
More lady witches and non-witches! Mira needs friends. XD

I'll have my CS up and ready later in the day! Definitely looking forward to playing this one out!
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