Avatar of corneredbliss
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  • Old Guild Username: corneredbliss
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    1. corneredbliss 10 yrs ago
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The name's Bliss.
It's been a while.
Hopefully we can be friends.

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This guy was absolutely crazy.

If Jan wasn't sure about it before, she was certain now. "Ito!" she hissed angrily at him as he motioned for her to take the corner to the room before slipping past her. There was no telling what would be waiting for them inside the room, and here he was just diving into the dangerous unknown as if the stakes weren't through the roof or anything. Sure, he probably knew what he was getting himself into, which explained his initial request of her taking the corner (which she did, not wanting to further mistakes), but lack of preparation for whatever might be in the room made her nervous as he stepped in.

Janetta's pistol was up and at the ready just behind her officer, and after the first few moments of quiet passed, she slowly exhaled the breath she had been holding. Nothing was set off, and no one else seemed to be in the room. So far, so good. But guard couldn't be let down yet, and it was with careful steps that the Captain and Ryobi moved toward the device on the table.

"Well... At least it's not attached to Ami's dead body." Her voice was only above a whisper as her gaze darted towards the empty doorway. The attempt at optimism failed and Jan's brows furrowed as she added, "I'm unsure if that's a good or bad thing. Either way, I don't think she would have willingly left her device out. Like this."
The last few moments of the battle seemed to happen in such a rush that it was almost a blur to the bard. It was unfortunate that the final image of their endeavors - which were still very much unjustified - was the normally collected feline completely drenched in their lead's blood. Even with the distance between them, Araerys could see the disturbingly joyful demeanor with which Yvah had mauled the Priestess, and even after the Saughin was long dead she continued with this strange mask. When she had deemed the deed finished, the group was thrown into an uncomfortable silence, left with corpses by their hand in a place of worship. The irony was terrible, and left the impression of a deep frown on the half-elf's already concerned face.

Surely this wasn't the plan. She hadn't meant for the Priestess to die when she unlocked the door. It was starting to seem that anywhere this group went, chaos and violence followed. Ary hoped this wasn't always the case, as she had taken a liking to (most of) the characters, but evidence from the day only pointed to that conclusion. Regardless, she focused her attention on the cat, wanting to prevent her from causing any more damage to the situation than had already been dealt. Aware that Ulor had been hit and needed assistance, she figured it would be best to disarm the danger before tending to his wounds. He seemed capable enough, and in a right mind; which their feline friend most certainly did not.

"Yvah, love," she spoke, loud enough for her voice to travel through the door to the cat, but with the quality of honey dripping from a spoon, "Why don't you come sit with me here for a moment? Take a bit of a breather with me, yeah?" While keeping her eye on her target, Ary moved around the side of the pew and lightly perched herself down, before reaching out and patting the bit of the bench that jutted upwards so that Yvah could see if she was looking. The frown gone from her visage and was replaced with a warmer expression, wanting to seem as inviting as possible. Though she didn't much know the girl, she knew something was happening internally that probably wasn't the healthiest of switches. It briefly occurred to her in a flash of hard curiosity that she should probe the rogue's thoughts, and thought better of it. Perhaps she would find out later what was ailing her, but for now, Araerys merely wanted to bring her down from whatever was gripping her.

With her comrades near the still-flaming doorway dealing damage to the irksome drake, Araerys focused her attention on the Priestess, who was sprinting to the doorway their cat-gone-rogue (an issue to address later) had entered through mere minutes before. "She's trying to flee!" the bard shouted to shift Ceria's attention towards the woman as she herself bolted after her. There couldn't be coincidence about it; whatever was happening prior to their unfortunate interruption had to be of a significant nature. The Priestess's importance in the situation grew by the second, seemingly solidified by the fact that she was trying to escape from the group unscathed and without her precious drake.

Unfortunately, the creature had too much of a head start, and had slipped through into the other room, slamming the door shut before the half-elf could grab onto her. She could hear the lock clicking into place and instinctively spoke the words of a very familiar spell, almost growling them out with the adrenaline that was pumping through her veins. She skidded to a halt halfway to the heavy wood just as a loud knock! emanated from it. Without missing a beat, Araerys called back to anyone who was close enough to take action. "The door is unlocked!"

Mentioned: @Mistiel
Up Next: @Ermine
Your icon is gorgeous. Welcome aboard, Ann! Excited to have you, and I hope to see you around~
Araerys, unaffected by the paralyzation, grimaced at the Priestess's command. Unable to do anything for the elf beside her, she quickly whipped around in the direction of the drake, knowing it wouldn't hesitate to obey his mistress. She rushed forward a few feet just before a harsh and disturbing melody escaped her, aimed towards the flying monster, hoping to bring it down - or at least distract it - before it could do any more damage with its' flames.

Before Araerys was able to move too far from her original position, the drake that had spotted Ceria had attacked, swooping down upon her and leaving her nearly dead where she lay. It seemed that the gods were toying with her today, dropping disaster and blessing in alternate fashion, perhaps to test her patience. It wasn't so much her patience that was being tested, however; more so her sanity from the constant back and forth of the day's events. And much like the earlier battle they had plunged into, the injuries began early on. The elf must have been in bad shape judging from the aggression of the attacks inflicted upon her, and almost immediately the half-breed snapped out of her curious - and admittedly, selfish - decision to investigate the altar further.

In the same instant that Araerys had made the decision to turn back for the elf, a greenish portal of light began growing at her feet. Her guilt quickly dissipated into fear as the foreign, toxic-colored glow grew, trying to engulf her. Reflex urged her to jump away from the pool, sidestepping further into the pew and nimbly jumping over the back of the one ahead of her as it sparked dangerously in her wake. Ary landed on light feet beside Ceria just as the girl swiftly loosed an arrow that arched above her head.

Her gaze followed the projectile as it found a home in the acolyte's esophagus. Somehow vines sprouted from the floor at the acolyte's feet and twisted and braided themselves up her body until she could no longer stand. In mere seconds her body fell to the floor, lifeless, and when Araerys turned back to her companion, she was surprised to see that tears were falling freely down her cheeks. She was still watching the vicious greenery work the acolyte in its hold, and without hesitation, Ary took Ceria's cheek in her palm and gently forced the girl to look at her face. With her free hand, she quickly made the gestures for the spell, and hurriedly murmured the words between them. "Hold it together, girl," she then said in a rushed, yet comforting, whisper, "The time for tears is later, when we leave here with our lives." She stepped aside and released the full blood's face, so that they now were watching the rest of the room.

Coming onto the Guild always feels like the final reunion hug in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
And because everything that could possibly go wrong should and must go wrong, the company in the church began their search party through the aisles. A sinking feeling plopped itself in the pit of Araerys's stomach as the drake soon found Ceria, prone and completely vulnerable beside the pew. By some miracle, the human had completely slipped past her, so she was safe, for the moment. She knew she needed to do something to help the elven girl, but not wanting a repeat of their last combat so soon, she wasn't too keen on attacking it right away. Additionally, there was a burning curiosity to find out what it was that they were chanting at on the altar.

Caught in a moment of split decision, Ary followed her initial instinct and repeated the hand gestures she employed only moments ago. By her will, a distracting pop! resounded from just behind the drake, hopefully making him jolt and look away, even if only for a few moments. It should be enough of a distraction to give Ceria time to react, and enough cover for her to sneak further up the aisle. She didn't wait to see it's reaction, however, and immediately began to make her way towards the alter. She was careful to try and be as stealthy as possible, though in her curiosity and spiked adrenaline, she wasn't really sure how loud she was being.

Not even a minute after she'd told Ceria to keep quiet, the girl proceeded to move from beside her. It was with great willpower that she didn't immediately burst with frustration. Araerys didn't have to wonder too long what she had in mind, and soon watched (with wild levels of incomprehension) as the full blood moved to the side of their pew and lay down on her stomach, like a plank of wood.

Ary had to force herself out of blinking stupidly at the girl; she had to do something to distract the approaching human - and quickly. She crept towards Ceria, just close enough that she would be able to keep an eye on her, before using both hands to make a few forceful gestures.

Immediately, from the left-most side and the furthest pew to the front of the church, came a scuffling noise, as if footsteps were creeping somewhere along over there. The desired effect was to have him think the two of them were on the other side of the church - far enough from their current position to give them time to sneak away or, if they were lucky, have them think the noises were a result of the wind.

Posted! A bit of a chat before we tussle. Or not, heh.
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