Avatar of Crazy Scion
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Current Is it just me...or is there an unspoken demand for a Monster Girl RP?
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Is it just me...or is there an unspoken demand for a Monster Girl RP?
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@SkallagrimHolly fuck! You burned the entire park down! I mean I will be honest when I say that I knew induction field was important, but I had no idea it could do something like that! I mean to cause that much water to instantly boil, in a park that big, is an absolutely insane amount of heat! Well that actually causes several of my plans to literally go up in flames and I'm even going to have to move Scion to keep him alive. Yes, this is way beyond human survival, even supernatural human. That much heat would cook Scion alive in seconds. Especially given he was in the water.

On a different note. A very mild, and mute, problem is that the park sort of doesn't have a dome. It's an outdoor park if the picture didn't describe/show that being the case from its birds eye view. I actually selected that park, because it happens to be one I've actually visited at one point in my life. I guess I thought it would be fun to see it get wreckt while we fought, but I it's toast now. I am not even sure how I am going to begin to respond to this. I'll sleep on it for now, and will hopefully have something for you tomorrow night after work.
That is perfectly alright. Post when you have the time. I am enjoying are RP thus far and am learning a little here and there about what sorts of things I need to account for in a fight.

As for the fight itself. I find it a funny coincidence that Dennis has a lot of things in common with a Dreamer. They both tend to be very high functioning observers, both capable of perceiving the world in a frame of millionths of a second, while interpreting large amounts of information from a wide variety of sources. As far as perception goes Skallagrim and Dennis are at least on par with each other. Scion is unfortunately no were close to this level of interpretation, having to rely on reflex and speed to evade, parry, and block Skallagrim's incoming attacks by the skin of his teeth.
I thought he was expending some energy in order to use the sword abilities. That and I remember reading that his race could regenerate, out of combat, and would crumple under overwhelming force. So he does have a limit to the amount of damage he can take. One wrist down. Every other body part to go!
So trying to hit him over and over again is not going to get me very far then. Well I guess I should have seen that coming. I mean the guy is practically made of magic. I am actually surprised that the tonfa would be considered my best weapon for fighting him. I'm guessing it has to do with its absorption ability. Still you didn't say hitting him is futile. I am in this for the long haul. I mean Skallagrim would eventually blow all his energy trying to counter all my plans. I seriously have like over a dozen plans still lined up in my head to try on him at one point or another. I also make new ones up on the fly or in response to something you do. The goal being to always either adapt or throw a wrench into things to disrupt the current path.

I also have some not so violent plans as interesting story points come when Scion and Dennis' other abilities come into play. I mean for one at least. I am curious how Skallagrim will react when 'Copy Cat' finally kicks in, and Scion's body starts trying to generate Aser energy.
This will be my last post for a bit. I will be busy for the most of the rest of the night. I may have also just slightly rushed this post, and ask to be forgiven for any grammatical errors. Scion will go on about his feelings about being sent rocketing into the wave pool. In the next post.
Dennis has always had a bit an ego due to his self assumed importance. This trait branches from the fact that he was designed to be the ultimate machine for understanding. His ability to understand is also what allowed him to control the void instead of fading into it along with the rest of humanity. Through his own will and intellect he had turned himself into an immortal, non-physical, construct whose sole purpose was to interpret data of all forms including the void itself. He was able to shield Scion from the effects of the void, and prevent him from being swallowed up by the senseless expanse. He knew everything that earth had been willing to put down in digital format and had it permanently saved in his mind, to reference whenever the need arises. It was with all these advantages that Dennis found himself increasingly frustrated by Scion and his inability to land a single effective hit on Skallagrim. The sword had failed to stab Skallagrim in the back leg, and he had already withdrawn it from the portal, and was preparing to bring it around to bear down on Scion with an ominous hum. The dark shield had also transformed itself into a dagger, and Skallagrim was preparing what looked to be a devastating stomp onto Scion's right foot. He knew the situation was bad, and he was going to need to act quickly if he was going to save Scion from a world of hurt.

Dennis focuses his attention and calls upon the function of the rocket boots on Scion's feet. Skallagrim intended to crunch the metal boot, and Scion's foot, but Dennis wasn't going to allow this. He turns his attention to the right boot and activates the thruster underneath, and turns it to full power. He would have liked to give Scion a heads up so that he may properly prepare, but such luxuries would have to be forgone in favor of safety. The boot would blast off the ground in an unexpected burst and force Scion own knee into his chest with a reverberating impact. Scion would be sent rocketing backwards and several feet into the air. He would eventually fly right past the 'Bass Cannon' and sail over the short wooden fence between him and the wave pool and crash into the water. Where he would lay on his back floating in the water in stunned silence.

However, Dennis' plan did not end with Scion just being safely out of harms way. As Scion lay feet from the 'Base Cannon'. Dennis through his focus into the massive box and called it to action. He noted with some satisfaction, that the song was just approaching the most appropriate point for his plan. As the words of the forgotten song sang out. Dennis activated the sonic cannon and fired at Skallagrim, the words, "Madness Reeeeeeeeeinnnsss!" Amplified as the cannon obliterates the area just before it and cracks and destroys and cracks cement the for cement as far as a hundred feet in its destructive spread. Dennis noted, as he fired, that Skallagrim was standing about fifteen feet from the front of the cannon, and would not receive the worst it could do. However, he would still be hit with forces capable of shattering normal men. If he were unharmed by this attack, then Dennis would have great concern about whether or not they stood any chance at defeating this strange and infuriating man.
I see. Well a tackle was on the list of ideas, but I've been very much paranoid of your dagger shield since you changed Scion's coat sleeve into silver. I am worried that a straight grapple with Skallagrim can lead to an even nastier situation. As for grabbing his arm. I was sort of counting on him not being able to avoid stabbing himself. The leg stab would have made a good distraction. As for the wrist cut not doing anything. I had actually anticipated this, but Scion and Dennis were not fully aware of this fact. So, they at least have a legitimate reason to scale up Skallagrim's durability again. This is actually important, because of the fact Scion and Dennis are non-lethal fighters, they are actively trying to not do life ending damage to Skallagrim. As for the foot stomp. I'm afraid the entire situation is going to end with Scion flat on his ass in the water at this point. You'll see what I mean when I get the post out.

Also, that was a pretty good move. My response is pretty much another backpedal, and is mostly me making use of my items unusual function rather than let it get smashed. As for my counter. I was hoping to save it for later, but I need a leg up, and Skallagrim is proving to be very difficult to hurt so far.
I sort of read this after making my post, but I am curious as to what the two options were. I guess in my mind. The best course of action was to continue what I was doing, and adapt it to the counter. I still don't know if this was a good idea or not, but I guess I will find out.
Would anyone think a comicbook-like battle would be fun to do? It would also be good practice for different poses and drawing the same character repeatedly to get better at drawing them. A written portion would still be done with the comic panel attached to each post to help illustrate was is going on even further. If the best you can do is stick figures then you won't be kicked out as long as you try. The battle would be a team based one, perhaps against a boss.

Maybe the drawings being so bad they are good could add to the charm...unless they end up so bad that they confuse us rather than help us.

I would be tempted to try this, but will forward that I have like zero art ability. So I would be doing the drawings with my computer and most likely trace images, then edit them. It would take a bit of time to do.
Scion's charge step, had been meant to bring his enemies focus forward, but he had underestimated the reach of Skallagrim's sword and had to make a snap decision as it came thrusting towards him. He still had his right leg forward from the his quick step, and decides the best counter is finish the swing, that had been intended for Skallagrim's head, and use it to intercept the blade instead. He also tries to evade the blade, but twisting his body further than intended, as he arches the tonfa's swing across his chest to smash into the side of the blade. He finds that he manages enough forces to just barely throw off its trajectory and miss stabbing straight through him. Scion could feel the sword whoosh past his chin and nick the end of shoulder. The blade continued

As Scion is desperately trying to evade Skallagrim's blade. Dennis enacts his own plan to try to counter Skallagrim's powerful thrust. He had intended to follow Scion's plan to spawn a portal for him, that led to Skallagrim's back, but since that plan was currently falling through. He decides to change the spawn points of the portals. The first dot, instead of in front of Scion, would appear behind Scion's left shoulder, centered with the new trajectory of Skallagrim's thrusting blade. The second dot would also change position and appear behind Skallagrim's back left leg. As the blade is sent sailing past Scion, a smaller portal of only a foot diameter would open to allow the end of Skallagrim's sword to pass through and stab right into the back of his own leg.

Scion, oblivious to Dennis' change in plans and to busy to see the portal behind him, was focusing his attention on Skallagrim's bony hand that was gripping the end of the sword. He knews that it would give him a serious advantage if he could get Skallagrim to release his sword, so in a snap decision, he decides to drop his tonfa and attempt to grab Skallagrim's forearm and wrench it forward, while simultaneously slashing at his bony wrist with Exmouseiber. He would hope that this would force Skallagrim to drop his weapon, but would release his arm regardless and try to hop back and to his right to his right, or to Skallagrim's left. It would only be at this point that he would notice the two portals that Dennis had spawned.

Dennis would wait to see if Skallagrim would release his blade or withdraw it before severing the portals connection. He was tempted to simply close the portal on the blade and sever it, but he did not want to risk the potential magical backlash that could be caused by damaging a sword of such powerful enchantment. It was better to be safe rather than allow their fight to be ended prematurely, because Skallagrim's blade decided it wanted to explode.
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