Avatar of Crowe
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 50 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Crowe 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I'm heading off to bed a little earlier tonight. Good night, everyone! Have a great Halloween!
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"If you're going through Hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

About Me
  • Caw-llege student majoring in History and minoring in Middle Eastern Studies.
  • Absolutely adores greyhounds, corgis, and pitbulls.
  • Nineteen years old, but almost twenty.
  • Finds crime to be oddly fascinating.
  • Currently resides in Massachusetts.
  • Enjoys caw-tiously worded puns.
  • Is a bit of an "internet sleuth".
  • Basically lives on Reddit.

Most Recent Posts

Just a few thoughts:
  • Halloween costumes become real
  • Zombies, vampires, and monsters appear and create an apocalypse
  • Group stays in a haunted house over Halloween. Monster ensues
  • The goblins and bogans rise as Samhain, day of the unseelie, begins. Heros have to dress as monsters to fit in and get to Lord Samhain. Could be modern our medical fantasy

There are some seriously good suggestions, thank you for these! The first and last ideas are extremely unique while the third idea just seems like a lot of fun to write in general.
Will be edited later. This will be filled with the characters that I have already created and/or will create while on the website.
Good evening @crowe, @Nallore, I hope it's alright for me to hop into this conversation.

Hey there, Cao! You're absolutely welcomed to join the conversation and I would like to welcome you to the Crow's Nest! How are you today? What is the weather like where you are and what are you currently up to?

It's a day to remember the solders of Australia and New Zealand who died during all the wars. It began with the first world war and grew from there.

Ah, I see! That sounds like my country's Memorial Day. It began during the World War, but later expanded to remember Americans who were killed during from all of our conflicts.
Eh, Black Friday isn't much of a thing here at all (that being Australia). Biggest weekend for my place is Easter. The 4 day weekend is the biggest time for home renovations. Anzac day is also around that time and if it works out right there can be an entire week off for some people. O_o

I'm assuming that you work in a hardware store of some sort? Also, if you don't mind me asking, what is Anzac Day? I've never heard of that before now.

@Crowe So what do you like to do for fun? :)

Like I imagine most others on this websites like to do, I love to create stories and write them out! My particular interests lie within genres such as historical fiction, mystery, horror, dystopian, and sometimes science fiction. Aside from writing, I love to read, sleep, and have deep, long-winded discussions. I also have a crippling board game addiction and am very interested in the paranormal (including religions which I am currently taking a class on). I am also obsessed with crime which has led me to YouTube channels such as Rob Dyke, Cayleigh Elise, Vintage Files, Criminally Listed, NightMind, and so on. I also spend a majority of my time playing Pokemon Go and scrolling through Reddit!

What about yourself?
Obligatory welcome (back) to the site!
Today is hot, maybe 30 degrees plus, and I'll be at work on Halloween. Yeah... that's scary in itself. xD

Hey there, NuttnsBolts! Welcome to the Crow's Nest!

I was confused, but then I realized that you were using the Celsius scale. A quick Google search tells me that it is hot there. Sorry to hear about that AND working on Halloween! I imagine it's much better than working on Black Friday (assuming that your country partakes in that as well or has an equivalent) though!
I always got really low grades for anything with science or math, pretty much anything with numbers i'm pretty much screwed but writing, history and stuff like that I was really good with back in high school and college.

And it's not a personal question at all, I currently work at McDonalds lol, but my dream job but it pays the bills. Probably the only good perks are the free meals and drinks while on shift. :)

That sounds about right for me as well. I was actually extremely talented at Chemistry while in high school, but I keep falling on my face while here in college. My irrational fear of mixing chemicals doesn't really help much either. At the very least, it seems like I've decided (somewhat) on where I want to go.

And oh, I see! As long as it makes ends meet, then I understand completely. I imagine that working in the food industry isn't necessarily fun though. I worked in retail as a cashier over the summer and that could be tough at times, but hey, at least it does pay the bills!
@Crowe Thanks for the welcome. :)

Man I totally wish I could sleep in all day that would be awesome. Math really do hate math lol, I could never really understand it beyond the simple stuff. :P

Not a problem!

And I totally understand. I entered college as a Chemistry major, but my math skills are absolutely abysmal and I miiiight have scored too low on the entrance exam. I'm currently taking more classes involving writing and history where my talents have really shined. Due to this, I'll be switching into the History major after a meeting that I have tomorrow.

Oddly enough, I can understand complex Physics, but I fall flat on my face with basic math. I still can't subtract fractions to this day!

If it's not too personal to ask, I'm wondering what your occupation is and/or where you work?
*Waves @Crowe* My day has been alright just worked really nothing to interesting, and i'll be working Halloween sadly so no real plans there, what about you?

Hello there, Nallore! Welcome to the Crow's Nest!

My day has been rather non-existent and tiresome due to pesky rain. I spent most of my day (and evening) sleeping away, so now I'm working on math homework that isn't even due until December (I just want to get it out of the way)! As for Halloween, I'm not sure what I'll be doing just yet, but I imagine that it sadly, won't be very exciting this year.
Hey there! Sorry to hear about what happened to your other website, but you should definitely be welcomed on here!
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