Avatar of Damiann47
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1584 (0.44 / day)
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    1. Damiann47 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I’ve seen this argument before on the Internet. Pretty sure Drache is right because that’s literally the pronunciation found on the Nutella website.
1 like
7 yrs ago
Yeah... you just need to chill out. Look, you haven't been here for that long and you just gotta have patience. Throw your ideas and interest out there, that's all you can do to find good people.
7 yrs ago
Oh hey, someone who's not shitting all over Andromeda. It seriously fell short to meet its hype and animations were jank as hell, still wasn't a terrible game and I liked it.
7 yrs ago
Man... everytime Discord goes offline I'm reminded how important it is for my communications with people. All by myself now.
7 yrs ago
So I'm starting to feel sick, little bit of fever and all. That's the reason why I might not be too responsive.


Alright new bio because the one I had before was about... two... three years out of date? Basically I haven't touched this since I joined the site. Nothing fancy to say here, I'm a person who also happens to write stuff with other persons. Simple stuff. In a more serious note I mainly stick with 1x1s nowadays, but not for any particular reason other than that's how it worked out. I suppose the other major thing to note is if we do have an RP going, and I haven't responded for a while then feel free to get my attention. I'm also a fan of OOC chatter, its nice to have, but hey it isn't required either.

And... that's it.

Most Recent Posts

@SaintRice You know, just realized how bad this might seem looking from outside. A big, beefy dude pinning down a girl by sitting on her, eh?

Silvia realized her mistake but it was too late. Of course she attempted to pull her leg free from the man's grasp, however she found that his grip was too strong for her to fight. Her only other option was to follow up with another kick to Gareth's hopefully sensitive face with her other leg. If she were able to free herself, she would likely only be particularly successful and end up tumbling onto her back anyway. Of course she had also just taken a hard punch to the ribs, which while hurt like hell, wasn't enough disable her. Not by a long shot.

If she does manage to get free, she would then roll away from Gareth before making an attempt at standing back up, where if the man is close enough she would try to a sweeping kick to knock Gareth off balance. Otherwise she would quickly run in to take a few quick, yet powerful jabs at his side.
@SaintRice Ah, man sorry about the wait. Anyway decided the way to keep this battle a little more balanced is to have Silvia able to read Gareth's moves very well, after all they are fighting in her specialized wheelhouse.

Silvia let out a deep breath, there was a very good reason why she wanted to wait for Gareth to make the first move. She didn't want to get killed by that bullet-like speed of his. Hand to hand combat was her specialty, so despite his insane speed she was able to read him well enough to avoid that first roundhouse... that was until he did a sudden feint and turned it around. Silvia was somewhat frantic as she scrambled to dodge the back roundhouse, which she did somewhat successfully by jumping back to get out of range. She did get hit by the berserker, however the blow was softened by a combination of blocking, and the fact she was already jumping out of his way. As for the second sudden feint of his was much less successful since Silva was anticipating another such attack and so she instead opted to jump hard to side to not get kicked in the face.

In retaliation, she wanted to keep mostly to kicks in order to stay out of insane close range as much as possible. Silvia gave her own roundhouse right after she dodged his last attack, using the momentum she generated for extra force. Provided her attack connects she would then follow up with a upwards kick, aiming right for the center of his chest, again with the intention of keeping up her momentum.
Well guess another bump is in order.

@SaintRice Right, gonna be making a post soon, sorry about the wait there. I'll... do what I can to keep the fight balanced, but fun for us to write.
@SaintRice So is Gareth using his magic the whole while, because I gotta be honest this might be a very short duel. Silvia is real fast and strong for a human, but I can't in good conscious have her being fast enough to dodge attacks coming at the speed of a bullet, human reaction speed can't compete on that level.

Silvia wasted no time in getting into position, standing right across from Gareth. She raised an eyebrow, "Huh, so you decided to take me on with your own two fists?" The Pugilist shook her head and sighed, although she didn't seem to be upset in the slightest. "You may have magical punches, but don't forget that you're going against me. Alright, Gareth. Let's have some fun." At that she smoothly transferred into a combat stance, and turned to face with her left side with both fist clenched. She wanted to see what the berserker would do first, so instead of taking the first strike she waited instead.


Silvia grinned with clear enthusiasm and in one movement quickly jumped onto her feet, literally so. She accompanied Gareth as they approached their Guild Master, she was feeling pumped about the prospect of a good fight. From her conversation with the man she was convinced it'll be a great duel, and while perhaps she felt a tad mismatched with the berserker, she definitely wasn't going to let these tiny, nagging feelings get in her way. When they were in talking distance with Artura she gave her own friendly wave. Then after her soon-to-be sparring partner suggested they take the next fight, she imminently nodded to show both her agreement and approval. "Yeah pretty much, I'm damn excited to take on Gareth in the ring." Her smirk alone was enough to convey the genuine feelings of her words.
@WingsOfBronze Well I also get the feeling that you're brand new to RPing, if not that then still pretty fresh. After some digging around I found that the sheet you used here was following a format of another RP you're in, and well... that just doesn't work. Anyway yeah, carefully reading the opening OOC post is something you always need to do, if nothing else than to figure out if you even want to take part since that's essentially what went wrong here. Its alright to make mistakes, just learn how not to make them next time.
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