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Character Name: Robin

Title: Has several - "The Tatician", "High Deliverer", "Mystery Tatician", "The Tactician Magician"

Kingdom: Nintendo (Though "Intelligent Systems" was the designer, Nintendo published it.)

Visual Description:

Written Description: Stands around 5'9" or so. He also has a hidden pocket inside his cloak to hold an extra tome and sword.

Personality: Very friendly. Also percetive to a point that he can gauge another persons feelings through conversation due to his tatical mindset. This Robin in particular is self-sacrificing, always putting his health on the line for the sake of others.

Game: Fire Emblem Awakening

Current Story: There are perhaps several timelines as to where this Robin in particular belongs to. While there are key differences in such timelines, it seems all the Robins have something in common.

They defy destiny.

Even when he or she had found out about his or her lost memories and their past before meeting Chrom, Robin still fought on alongside him and the Sheperds. While he refuses to reveal his decisions in his timeline, such as his wife and children, he will admit to this.

He himself dealt the final blow that should have killed both Grima, the dark dragon, and himself.

Slowly disappearing, Robin thanked everyone and said his goodbyes as he faded from existance...but fate itself had something else in stored for him.

Instead of the gates of heaven or the fires of hell, he instead found himself inside Platform City, summoned there at Tetris castle during his supposed final moments of his life. At first, Robin was shocked. Sure, he had traveled through the Dragon's Gate of his world and had seen his fair share of weirdness but all that pale in comparision to the wonderous place he had arrived in. Even more shocking was the fact that no one there could figure out why or how he had gotten there to begin with.

Even more strange, he had somehow gained the memories of those he supposdly "fought" against in the fourth smash tournament even though he claims he has no recognition of doing so.

After some time, Robin had settled into his new surroundings. Even finding many books on the other worlds out there to read up on. When he also found out about the "team" that was put together should anything threaten other universes outside it's own, he decided to lend his tatical genius to the cause.

At some point, Robin was able to return to his timeline, right on the same grassy plain where Chrom and Lissa found him the first time though now without the mark of Grima on the back of his right hand. Though he didn't tell them nor his family about his stay at Platform City.

Then one day, Robin's skills were requested through a letter from Platform City. Leaving a note to his family at their home, Robin immedately left for the Dragon's Gate. There, the "Anna" in charge of the gate got him up to speed with what she had heard from other Anna's then made sure Robin was sent to the right spot for his journey...

Bronze Sword
Thunder Tome
Heal Staff


Level One
(P)Damage 2
(P)Defense 2
(M)(E)Damage 2
(M)(E)Defense 2
Dexterity 2
0% chance at critical damage
XP ////////// (0/10)

Squad: Alpha

General Abilities

"Rally Spectrum" - Similar to it's video game incarnation, Robin uses his turn to temporary give another character +2 to all stats for one turn or post.

Special Abilities
None for the moment.



"Jack-of-all-trades" - As stated, Robin can use a variety of weapons. Swords, axes, lances, staffs, daggers, tomes, etc.

Tatician - As also clearly stated, Robin is a clever strategist. He knows how to lead an army when he has to.

Support - Much like in the game, Robin also supports all his allies equally in and out of battle. He always makes sure everyone is ok and ready to fight when necessary. If something is troubling them or they speak to him first, Robin is always happy to make conversation.


"Jack-of-all-trades" is also a weakness because it means he doesn't specialize in one weapon, meaning that while he's good with said weapon, he's not a master of it. This Robin also has trouble riding mounted units during combat. Plus, while he can fight, he's more about planning strategies than fighting and tends to work better in a group rather than by himself. His self-sacrificing part of his personality may also put him at odds with others.


* * * * * * * * * *

Ok. I should have asked this before but I'm guessing Rally Spectrum would be a general ability right? If so, is it actually too broken for this?
Sorry for the hold up Holy Soldier. To recap, here it is and I'd imagine you want me to change certain parts:

Character Name: Robin

Title: Has several - "The Tatician", "High Deliverer", "Mystery Tatician", "The Tactician Magician"

Kingdom: Nintendo (Though "Intelligent Systems" was the designer, Nintendo published it.)

Visual Description:

Written Description: Stands around 5'9" or so. He also has a hidden pocket inside his cloak to hold an extra tome and sword.

Personality: Very friendly. Also percetive to a point that he can gauge another persons feelings through conversation due to his tatical mindset. This Robin in particular is self-sacrificing, always putting his health on the line for the sake of others.

Game: Fire Emblem Awakening

Current Story: There are perhaps several timelines as to where this Robin in particular belongs to. While there are key differences in such timelines, it seems all the Robins have something in common.

They defy destiny.

Even when he or she had found out about his or her lost memories and their past before meeting Chrom, Robin still fought on alongside him and the Sheperds. While he refuses to reveal his decisions in his timeline, such as his wife and children, he will admit to this.

He himself dealt the final blow that should have killed both Grima, the dark dragon, and himself.

Slowly disappearing, Robin thanked everyone and said his goodbyes as he faded from existance...but fate itself had something else in stored for him.

Instead of the gates of heaven or the fires of hell, he instead found himself inside Platform City, summoned there at Tetris castle during his supposed final moments of his life. At first, Robin was shocked. Sure, he had traveled through the Dragon's Gate of his world and had seen his fair share of weirdness but all that pale in comparision to the wonderous place he had arrived in. Even more shocking was the fact that no one there could figure out why or how he had gotten there to begin with.

Even more strange, he had somehow gained the memories of those he supposdly "fought" against in the fourth smash tournament even though he claims he has no recognition of doing so.

After some time, Robin had settled into his new surroundings. Even finding many books on the other worlds out there to read up on. When he also found out about the "team" that was put together should anything threaten other universes outside it's own, he decided to lend his tatical genius to the cause.

At some point, Robin was able to return to his timeline, right on the same grassy plain where Chrom and Lissa found him the first time though now without the mark of Grima on the back of his right hand. Though he didn't tell them nor his family about his stay at Platform City.

Then one day, Robin's skills were requested through a letter from Platform City. Leaving a note to his family at their home, Robin immedately left for the Dragon's Gate. There, the "Anna" in charge of the gate got him up to speed with what she had heard from other Anna's then made sure Robin was sent to the right spot for his journey...

Bronze Sword
Thunder Tome
Heal Staff


Level One
(P)Damage 2
(P)Defense 2
(M)(E)Damage 2
(M)(E)Defense 2
Dexterity 2
0% chance at critical damage
XP ////////// (0/10)

Squad: Alpha

General Abilities

Multi-Class - Anothing thing that all the Robins seems to have in common is being a "Jack-of-all-trades" type. Being able to reclass into any other unit in the game. Robin is no different here. He's able to equally handle swords, axes and lances of a variety of types with ease along with staffs and tomes. The exception being that he's only familiar with weapons from his timelines (in this case, weapons from the Fire Emblem universes) though that hasn't stopped him from practicing with other weapon types. This Robin also has trouble with "Mounted Units" such as horses, wyverns and pegasai (even though pegasus riders are female only). He could travel on them but has trouble controlling the beasts during combat situations.

"Rally Spectrum" (Requires Level Up to learn) - Similar to it's video game incarnation, Robin uses his turn to temporary give another character +2 to all stats for one turn or post.

Special Abilities



"Jack-of-all-trades" - As stated, Robin can use a variety of weapons. Swords, axes, lances, staffs, daggers, tomes, etc.

Tatician - As also clearly stated, Robin is a clever strategist. He knows how to lead an army when he has to.

Support - Much like in the game, Robin also supports all his allies equally in and out of battle. He always makes sure everyone is ok and ready to fight when necessary. If something is troubling them or they speak to him first, Robin is always happy to make conversation.


"Jack-of-all-trades" is also a weakness because it means he doesn't specialize in one weapon, meaning that while he's good with said weapon, he's not a master of it. He's also limited to weapons within the fire emblem universe as stated earlier plus has trouble riding mounted units during combat. Plus, while he can fight, he's more about planning strategies than fighting and tends to work better in a group rather than by himself. His self-sacrificing part of his personality may also put him at odds with others.

Well...that was a cool but emotional battle...the new Mai now Maria, taking up her mother's mantle, has alot to think about now. Not just her 100% sync but now her raw feelings and keeping herself in check now.

From the losses in that battle to her past life choices to even the mind screws that battle put her through, Maria might be a bit unstable and, yet again, in a hospital bed. Being stabbed through and most of the front part of her mech being melted by Cruxi weapon fire would do that to you at 100% sync I'd imagine -_-'

But hey...she got the Cruxi sword...
Ok. I tried touching up the profile a bit so here's the finished version. I also threw in that other character I had in mind though she's mostly going to be a support role if you accept her too. Anyways, here's what I have:

-Pilot Sheet-

Name: Jake Armstrong
Age: 21
Origin: Unknown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: Unknown

For Jake, the war between the three nations left him with nothing. No friends, no family, no material possession. Nothing.

To say that Jake Armstrong is your typical war victim would be an understatement. No one knows if Armstrong is his real last name. He doesn't talk about his past nor wishes to. The last name "Armstrong" is a name he picked up after he started wandering the freelands on his own. From one town to another. Doing as much as "honest" work as possible. It typically ranged from odd jobs like playing housekeeper to even playing music or D.J. at certain social groups as odd as that may sound considering it's the freelands.

One thing that Jake picked up quick was mech maintiance. People within the freelands who had hired him to assist with mech repairs says the "music head is also a gear head". It was through this reputation that Jake was offered a job at the Outcast Guild on the side to be their technician should the need for it arise. Agreeing, he was then given a used mech that he personally repaired and modded to handle whatever jobs that now come his way.

A teen with a strong moral compass, he may hate fighting but will do what he must to protect whatever he has left and those he cares for.

Tactical Preference & Skills: Despite what his appearance may say, Jake is a survivor and a surprisingly good mech pilot, usually liking to plan things out over rushing in if possible though sometimes his emotions do get the better of him. Other than his love for music, Jake also knows how to maintain a variety of mecha and other machinery so long as he's gotten familiar with said mech and machinery.

Quote: "Get out the plates because you got served." - Direct quote from Advance Wars.

-Mecha Sheet-
Name/Title: Gespenst Mk.II (Custom)
Appearance :
Body & Type: Humanoid Bipdeal
Equipment & Armaments :

Hand Slot 1:
Jet Magnum - Basically, three stakes on each hand that pop out into place charged from the fusion core of the Gepsenst. Each of the three stakes stores up the energy to a point that the energy itself becomes a deadly contact melee weapon.

Hand Slot 2:
Assault Rifle - Your generic 30 round clip assault rifle. It actually looks like a mecha sized M4 Carbine assault rifle that foot soldiers use. Jake had to work with whatever he found in the Freelands so when he found this ancient weapon, he put the funds he earned and work to restore it.

Sub Weapon Slot:
Sub Machine gun - A submachine gun that actually looks like a MP5; mecha sized. Either one handed or two, this 30 round sub machine gun has less power than the assault rifle and is mainly a back-up weapon. This was actually given to him by his contact within the Outcast Guild as part of the Gespents deal.

Shoulder/Back Spot:
Basically, there are "slots" of sorts around the shoulder and back parts of the Gespenst that hold spare magazines for his assault rifle and sub machine gun.

Gadget Slot:
"Ghost" system - A special system that Jake and another within the Outcast Guild helped him repair, the "Ghost" system makes the Gespenst invisible to radar and lock-on systems, giving it an edge against mecha that over rely on targetting systems. It's not "Octocamo" though so you can still see the Gespenst visually. Your combat systems probably won't though.

Stats Scale

Light/Heavy Body: 5

Accuracy & Tracking/FIrepower: 5

Air Mobility/Thrusters: 5

Solo/Skirmisher: 5

Flavour Text:
The Gespenst was one of several "mass produced" mech used by many a nation over the course of the 100 years of warfare before it became obsolite. It started as a Mark 1 due to it's cheap production costs but lacked the Jet Magnums and the "Ghost" system. After awhile, better mecha were produced and the Gespenst was left by the wayside. Jake though managed to upgrade this one to Mark 2 status, adding the Jet Magnums and "Ghost" system he found when on mecha part hunts. Considering it's current use of weapons and the "Ghost" system when compared to other mechs, it's not exactly the best mech but it's well-balanced across the board, making it equally effective in most combat situations. Though because of it's Jet Magnums, it does pefer hand-to-hand combat.

-Pilot Sheet-

Name: Sonja Nakano
Age: 18
Origin: Unknown
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Unknown

Not much is known of Sonja Nakano. While she claims to be a war orphan, some wonder if there's any truth behind that. All that's known is that she was personally scouted by the founder of the Outcast Guild to be one of their many members of the Comms Centre. Due in part to her knack with computers and other related equipment.

It's also said that she also excels in information gathering and reconnisance. Usually handling that part of the job should it be requested.

A female teen who seems devoid of human feelings, she does speak and act normally but tends to keep things professional when on the job. She's also Jake Armstrong's personal contact within the Outcast Guild if he needs to find work within the Guild itself if he has nothing else to do.

Tactical Preference & Skills: Sonja is the "brains" of any group she's in. She believes in always having a plan and never going in and "rolling with the punches" as some tell her to sometimes. A computer and software manager as well as being a radio operator, she always does her best to assist with any problems within or outside the Outcast Guild.

Quote: "Brains beats brawn but there's more to that concept than that."
*sigh*...being ignored...go figure.

I was asking about the characters I submitted. Are they approved? At least, is Jake approved?
"This is Weissritter. I just made it in but my Neo Rifle's out of ammo...jesus..", Jake said as he saw the carnage throughout the room.

"...I'm guessing I missed the party...but then again, CWM's were trying to crash it", Jake than said over the line.

"...this...is...Neo Angel...I guess...I'm just alive."

Then, came some painful grunts from now Maria Twilight aka Angel. And yet, now with 100% sync rate, she felt every bit of pain she had taken from that deadly duel with the Cruxi Ace. The Neo Angel itself was also lying on it's back on the ground, it's damaged wings spread out.

"...Ma-er...I mean it's Maria now right?...did you just take down that Cruxi Elite?", Jake said in awe.

"...no...I got wrecked mostly...Caretaker's shot just gave me the opening and my T-...my defeneses held..."

Jake caught that part but didn't bother thinking about it for the moment. After all, "T" wasn't exactly alot to go on.

But again, it was all the "emotion" that he was hearing in Maria's voice that made Jake wonder if something else had happened to her mentally. Then again, this Cruxi sounded like it was screwing with everyone's minds in here.

"...Jake...I avenged mom...this was the Cruxi that killed her in a duel awhile ago...yet...this won't bring her back...it won't bring anyone...we lost...back..."

Then Jake heard something from Mai now Maria that he NEVER thought he would hear from her.

Maria started crying.
Hey uh Dynamo. Thanks for the thumbs up on my character but does that mean he's approved?

Also, here was the other character idea I had but I hadn't figured out a mech for her:

-Pilot Sheet-

Name: Sonja Nakano
Age: 18
Origin: Unknown
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Unknown

Not much is known of Sonja Nakano. While she claims to be a war orphan, some wonder if there's any truth behind that. All that's known is that she was personally scouted by the founder of the Outcast Guild to be one of their many members of the Comms Centre. Due in part to her knack with computers and other related equipment.

It's also said that she also excels in information gathering and reconnisance. Usually handling that part of the job should it be requested.

A female teen who seems devoid of human feelings, she does speak and act normally but tends to keep things professional when on the job.

Tactical Preference & Skills: Sonja is the "brains" of any group she's in. She believes in always having a plan and never going in and "rolling with the punches" as some tell her to sometimes. A computer and software manager as well as being a radio operator, she always does her best to assist with any problems within or outside the Outcast Guild.

Quote: "Brains beats brawn but there's more to that concept than that."
Sorry it took me so long. I had trouble with a character design. Actually, I have two but at least, I wanted to show you the first I had in mind:

-Pilot Sheet-

Name: Jake Armstrong
Age: 21
Origin: Unknown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: Unknown

For Jake, the war between the three nations left him with nothing. No friends, no family, no material possession. Nothing.

To say that Jake Armstrong is your typical war victim would be an understatement. No one knows if Armstrong is his real last name. He doesn't talk about his past nor wishes to. The last name "Armstrong" is a name he picked up after he started wandering the freelands on his own. From one town to another. Doing as much as "honest" work as possible. It typically ranged from odd jobs like playing housekeeper to even playing music or D.J. at certain social groups as odd as that may sound considering it's the freelands.

One thing that Jake picked up quick was mech maintiance. People within the freelands who had hired him to assist with mech repairs says the "music head is also a gear head". It was through this reputation that Jake was offered a job at the Outcast Guild on the side to be their technician should the need for it arise. Agreeing, he was then given a used mech that he personally repaired and modded to handle whatever jobs that now come his way.

Tactical Preference & Skills: Despite what his appearance may say, Jake is a survivor and a surprisingly good mech pilot, usually liking to plan things out over rushing in if possible though sometimes his emotions do get the better of him. Other than his love for music, Jake also knows how to maintain a variety of mecha and other machinery so long as he's gotten familiar with said mech and machinery.

Quote: "Get out the plates because you got served." - Direct quote from Advance Wars.

-Mecha Sheet-
Name/Title: Gespenst Mk.II (Custom)
Appearance :
Body & Type: Humanoid Bipdeal
Equipment & Armaments :

Hand Slot 1:
Jet Magnum - Basically, three stakes on each hand that pop out into place charged with plasma for a powerful melee punch.

Hand Slot 2:
Assault Rifle - Your generic 30 round clip assault rifle.

Sub Weapon Slot:
Small submachine gun

Shoulder/Back Spot:
Spare assault rifle clips

Gadget Slot:
"Ghost" system - A special system that Jake and another within the Outcast Guild helped him repair, the "Ghost" system makes the Gespenst invisible to radar and lock-on systems, giving it an edge against mecha that over rely on targetting systems.

Stats Scale

Light/Heavy Body: 5

Accuracy & Tracking/FIrepower: 5

Air Mobility/Thrusters: 5

Solo/Skirmisher: 5

Flavour Text:
Just like in the Super Robot Wars universes, the Gespenst was also a "mass produced" mech used by many a nation over the course of the 100 years of warfare before it became obsolite. It started as a Mark 1 due to it's cheap production costs but lacked the Jet Magnums and the "Ghost" system. After awhile, better mecha were produced and the Gespenst was left by the wayside. Jake though managed to upgrade it to Mark 2 status, adding the Jet Magnums and "Ghost" system he found when on mecha part hunts. It's not the best mech but it's well-balanced.
@DarkReconHe isn't limited to weapons only in the Fire Emblem universe. Special Abilities givea characters the option to acquire weapons and abilities outside of their game. Also, dude, if you are going to keep telling me that you arw grieving due to some IRL situation, then I'm going to keep rejecting you. That stuff needs to stay IRL and you need to go deal with it. You are better off lying to me. Apply again in August.

Fine. Sorry.
Holy Soldier. I think I'm also ready with my character. I don't know if "mentally" i'm ready since I've been away grieving but at the very least, I want to get Robin approved so when I have, less hassle to get to posting. So here's what I have:

Character Name: Robin

Title: Has several - "The Tatician", "High Deliverer", "Mystery Tatician", "The Tactician Magician"

Kingdom: Nintendo (Though "Intelligent Systems" was the designer, Nintendo published it.)

Visual Description:

Written Description: Stands around 5'9" or so. He also has a hidden pocket inside his cloak to hold an extra tome and sword.

Personality: Very friendly. Also percetive to a point that he can gauge another persons feelings through conversation due to his tatical mindset. This Robin in particular is self-sacrificing, always putting his health on the line for the sake of others.

Game: Fire Emblem Awakening

Current Story: There are perhaps several timelines as to where this Robin in particular belongs to. While there are key differences in such timelines, it seems all the Robins have something in common.

They defy destiny.

Even when he or she had found out about his or her lost memories and their past before meeting Chrom, Robin still fought on alongside him and the Sheperds. While he refuses to reveal his decisions in his timeline, such as his wife and children, he will admit to this.

He himself dealt the final blow that should have killed both Grima, the dark dragon, and himself.

Slowly disappearing, Robin thanked everyone and said his goodbyes as he faded from existance...but fate itself had something else in stored for him.

Instead of the gates of heaven or the fires of hell, he instead found himself inside Platform City, summoned there at Tetris castle during his supposed final moments of his life. At first, Robin was shocked. Sure, he had traveled through the Dragon's Gate of his world and had seen his fair share of weirdness but all that pale in comparision to the wonderous place he had arrived in. Even more shocking was the fact that no one there could figure out why or how he had gotten there to begin with.

Even more strange, he had somehow gained the memories of those he supposdly "fought" against in the fourth smash tournament even though he claims he has no recognition of doing so.

After some time, Robin had settled into his new surroundings. Even finding many books on the other worlds out there to read up on. When he also found out about the "team" that was put together should anything threaten other universes outside it's own, he decided to lend his tatical genius to the cause.

At some point, Robin was able to return to his timeline, right on the same grassy plain where Chrom and Lissa found him the first time though now without the mark of Grima on the back of his right hand. Though he didn't tell them nor his family about his stay at Platform City.

Then one day, Robin's skills were requested through a letter from Platform City. Leaving a note to his family at their home, Robin immedately left for the Dragon's Gate. There, the "Anna" in charge of the gate made sure he was sent to the right spot for his journey...

Bronze Sword
Thunder Tome
Heal Staff


Level One
(P)Damage 2
(P)Defense 2
(M)(E)Damage 2
(M)(E)Defense 2
Dexterity 2
0% chance at critical damage
XP ////////// (0/10)

Squad: Alpha

General Abilities

Multi-Class - Anothing thing that all the Robins seems to have in common is being a "Jack-of-all-trades" type. Being able to reclass into any other unit in the game. Robin is no different here. He's able to equally handle swords, axes and lances of a variety of types with ease along with staffs and tomes. The exception being that he's only familiar with weapons from his timelines (in this case, weapons from the Fire Emblem universes). This Robin also has trouble with "Mounted Units" such as horses, wyverns and pegasai (even though pegasus riders are female only). He could travel on them but has trouble controlling the beasts during combat situations.

"Rally Spectrum" (Requires Level Up to learn) - Similar to it's video game incarnation, Robin uses his turn to temporary give another character +2 to all stats for one turn or post.

Special Abilities



"Jack-of-all-trades" - As stated, Robin can use a variety of weapons. Swords, axes, lances, staffs, daggers, tomes, etc.

Tatician - As also clearly stated, Robin is a clever strategist. He knows how to lead an army when he has to.

Support - Much like in the game, Robin also supports all his allies equally in and out of battle. He always makes sure everyone is ok and ready to fight when necessary. If something is troubling them or they speak to him first, Robin is always happy to make conversation.


"Jack-of-all-trades" is also a weakness because it means he doesn't specialize in one weapon, meaning that while he's good with said weapon, he's not a master of it. He's also limited to weapons within the fire emblem universe as stated earlier plus has trouble riding mounted units during combat. Plus, while he can fight, he's more about planning strategies than fighting and tends to work better in a group rather than by himself. His self-sacrificing part of his personality may also put him at odds with others.

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