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    1. Darkspleen 10 yrs ago
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Yes. Well talk specifics in a bit.
Talk to me if you want to do that Ek. Otherwise, if you want to be inside someone else's territory, you just need to find someone to host you.
@Willy Vereb What you have thus far looks good. You can add it to the character section, just make sure I get a chance to look over your completed military section before posting.

@El Noche In general it looks good, but I might want to discuss your Volkswrought a bit. No real major concern here, so feel free to post in the character section.

Everyone else: IC starts Friday, so do your best to have your sheets at least mostly done by then.
@DarkspleenI have several questions
1) Was this being talked about for awhile because that is a lot of CS's for 9 hours XD
2) is the political map with the colors...does that mean it is all filled?

Well the interest check went up 2 days ago and I already had 5 countries on the map before that even, so yea. XP

@Poohead189 @Catchphrase I have space for 1, maybe 2, countries in the southwest. All the colors are claimed territories.
@Monkeypants Looked over your sheet. You are good to post it in the character section. Just make sure to finish it before posting ICly.
OOC is up.
Chapter One: The Coming Storm

“You called for me?” Fajar dropped to a knee and bowed his head as he spoke the words. He hated being summoned to the commander’s pavilion. Feared it. Feared the man, if one could call it that, that was in the pavilion.

“I did.” A voice answered, one that Fajar knew far better than he had ever wished. “You may rise.” Fajar hesitated for a moment before doing so.

“Is… Is now the time Lord Goscelin?” Fajar asked as he quickly took in the interior of the pavilion. It was mostly empty, save a large table dominated by a map of a continent he had never seen and an individual dressed in blackened armor.

“It is.” Goscelin said as he gestured for Fajar to approach the table. Drawing closer confirmed his suspicions that the continent was one unknown to him. The names of the countries on that map were not so foreign to him however. And how could they have been? Goscelin and the other Einherjar, the true Einherjar, had been obsessing about destroying the likes of Mycae, Riawin, and Eisen since before Fajar had ever even heard of the Einherjar. “Our attack starts soon” Goscelin stated, “and you shall be our spearhead.” Something about the way Goscelin said that last line caused Fajar to shiver.

“Will the Legions support me, Lord Goscelin?” Fajar asked.

“Of course. We wouldn’t dare miss out on the massacre.” Fajar had seen the Einherjar raze entire cities simply because they hadn’t surrendered fast enough. He had no doubt that Lord Goscelin was speaking literally.

“And what… is the plan?” Fajar asked after a moment.

“It all starts with the so-called ‘Fell Lands’” Goscelin began. “They will either bend their knee to us or flee in terror. Regardless of the decision they make, they will cause chaos in the northern regions of Mycae. And while the Mycaens are distracted in the north, you will lead our armies to strike them in the south.”

Fajar eyed the map for a moment before commenting “This Mycae looks like a great empire. Won’t we sustain serious casualties fighting them?”

“The strongest materials are also the most brittle.” Goscelin stated. “Kill or turn the Mycaen Lord Cornwalkis and the country will fall apart. Even now we are working to turn the nobility to our cause.” Goscelin paused for a moment before adding “You need not concern yourself with these matters Fajar. Leading the vanguard is your task.”

“I understand my lord.”

“Good. Now once Mycae has fallen we will move here” He traced a line from Mycae to a country called Cormyral. “If all goes according to plan Cormyral will already be at war with its neighbor, Riawin. Even if it is not, the outcome will be the same. We will break the Cormyrean hero known as the ‘Lioness’ and in doing so we will break the country. The entirety of the south will soon be thrown into chaos as all the remnants of the Riawin Empire fight each other. They will be easy pickings.”

“From there” Goscelin continued, “The west will be open for invasion. We will have to take care with Dakarragord. They know war better than others. I have great hopes in turning them, but should that fail killing their leader, Vaemaradosth Dakan, will spell their end. Great conquerors they may be, but in the end they are no different from any other group of barbarians.”

“What of the northern regions?” Fajar asked. “This Sakabanatu region and further north?”

“They are of no concern.” Goscelin stated. “The barbarians of Sakabanatu are disorganized and no threat. And those who dwell further north… They may be amongst the greatest warriors on the continent. We will leave them till the end or they will charge at us to their own doom. Either way it makes no difference.”

“When is it that we will use the fleet?” Fajar asked. “Would it not be easier to conquer the likes of Cormyral and Riawin if we struck from both land and sea?”

“The fleet” Goscelin’s tone caused the blood to drain from Fajar’s face, “is not something you need concern yourself with. It will be used in a time and place of my choosing. Not a moment before. Now go. Ready your troops. Soon we will strike.”
Don't post here until I explicitly say you may.

”I had a dream. A dream in which a great darkness from the East spread across the continent. This darkness was angry and hurt; its lust for vengeance was so great that soaking the entirety of Askor in blood could do little but whet its appetite. It is coming. I have seen it. But fear not, for I have seen how to stop it.”

It was these words that the Prophetess spoke to the lords and ladies of the continent of Askor when she had a vision of the future. At first she was ignored, but when her prophecies proved correct time and time again a sense of dread began to creep into them. They couldn’t help but suspect that she could indeed foresee the future. Perhaps more terrifying for these lords was the fact that their peasantry had come to believe in the divinity of the Prophetess and were demanding that she be aided in her quest to stop the darkness.

Heroes and champions from across the continent answered the Prophetess’ call. Soon the Prophetess had a legion of these heroes and champions and they became known as the Silver Legion. The Prophetess and Silver Legion departed for the East, ready to fight the threat she had foreseen. The fight was a harsh one; ten years later the Silver Legion returned, two thirds of its men having passed away.

The continent of Askor had been subjected to droughts, famine, and terrible plagues during those ten years. Some of the people welcomed the Prophetess back as a true hero, their savior. Most viewed her as a terrible demon, the cause of all their pain and suffering over the past decade. The lords of Askor took advantage of this sentiment. They attacked the Silver Legion, killing it to a man, and captured the Prophetess. It is said that the Prophetess had one final prophecy as she was burned at the stake.

“Three hundred years will pass before you realize the terrible mistake you have made. Askor shall suffer through two decades of war before the East brings an even greater conflict.”


This world, in the event that you haven’t caught on yet, is a high fantasy one complete with magic, non-human races, and heroes who can change the courses of entire wars. It has been three hundred years since the passing of the Prophetess and her Silver Legion. The continent has seen its fair share of strife and peace since then, however the past twenty years has seen the entire continent embroiled in war, with all countries partaking in the conflicts. This has been, in large part, due to unknown entities influencing countries to wage war on each other. While this era of war seems to be coming to an end a new threat has arrived on the horizon: the Einherjar. As of the beginning of the RP they are an unknown entity: the countries of the continent do not know they exist and largely do not believe that there is a threat to the east.

Given the high fantasy setting technology will be that of the high middle ages (12th and 13th centuries), except more centralized governments will be allowed. In the interest of preserving the fantasy setting there will be absolutely no guns or gunpowder based weaponry. Magic will be a moderately common sight in the RP. In terms of combat strength the average magician is on par with a single warrior; the average mage will only kill one foe per spell, so don’t expect your run of the mill mage to kill scores of troops with a single fireball.

1) Don’t be a child. Seriously, if you can’t act like a reasonable human being then this simply isn’t the RP for.
2) You are expected to post 1-2 times every 7 days. Any more and you are liable to burn yourself, and others, out and any less and the RP will move along too slowly. If you do not make a post within 14 days with no prior warning you will be dropped from the RP.
3) This is an advanced RP. I expect you have to correct grammar and spelling in your posts, at the very least. One or two mistakes per post is fine, and expected, but if I see ten “teh”s in your post we will have a problem.
4) Please don’t join if you are going to disappear after one or two posts. You know who you are.
5) Just in case you missed it in the above section: guns and gunpowder based weaponry are not allowed.

It's going up tonight. btw: the crimson island to the north is free as of right now.
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