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The Mandela Effect: Part 8

Christopher Arthur III

Lost Haven, ME

Minerva impatiently tapped her foot as she peered out of the window from the top floor of the Sherman Center. Although everyone in the future headquarters of the Guardians saw this woman as Chris’ assistant, it was all a façade. The Greek goddess, Athena, used this disguise as a way to keep an eye on Chris and the other heroes. Obviously, most of the secretary work was beneath the goddess and she therefore used used apparitions for most of the day-to-day work. But when something needed to get done, Athena would step in, like when Athena had to locate all the heroes during the Pax Metahumana crisis. Only a being like a goddess could have accomplished such a task.

Christopher Arthur had departed about an hour ago in response to a situation in the financial district. The report was that a couple heroes had shown up on the scene and were unable to apprehend the suspect. No one knew quite what the villain’s powers were, but the initial report was that he could emit black energy from his hands. Because Chris had a couple new devices he wanted to test, he ran out of the Sherman Center as fast as he could when he heard that even those heroes were in trouble.

When Minerva saw Chris’ power armor soaring back to the Sherman Center, she gave a sigh or relief, although she also rolled her eyes. She then turned and walked over towards the express elevator that connected to the rooftop. The elevator dinged as the two doors slid open, revealing Chris standing within while still dressed in the undersuit he always would wear beneath his power armor.

“You should have seen that guy’s face when his powers did nothing against my armor,” Chris boasted while he exited the elevator. Minerva just gave him an unimpressed look when she heard his boast. When Chris did not get the expected response from his assistant, he continued after taking a gulp from the water bottle he had been holding.

“The perp’s metahuman powers allowed him to nullify someone’s powers temporarily. He almost wet himself when he realized you can’t cancel out powers that didn’t exist.”

“How did the devices fare in your field test,” Minerva asked while she ignored Chris’s boasts.

“The sonic emitters worked like a charm,” Chris reported. Back when the Hounds of Humanity had attacked Lost Haven University, Chris had been able to procure some of the rubble of the towers that the Hounds had used to dust some metahuman students, lacking a better word. He then reverse-engineered the technology and created a proto-type that used a fraction of a percentage of the power that the original device used. Chris wanted something that could stun, not kill. “Blackout—“

“Blackout?” Minerva asked for some clarification.

“That’s what the dude called himself,” Chris explained. “Anyways, the emitters stunned him long enough for me to get a jump on him, not that I really needed it.”

“And how did the sonic emitters affect the other heroes?”

“They experienced slight annoyance, although that might have been mitigated by Blackout’s powers. I still need to figure out a way so the emitters only affect the baddies.”

“And what about the nullifying cuffs?”

“No cigar,” Chris admitted, “he must not be one of Diplodoc’s. Kind of limits its usefulness. Anything else?”

“I think we should fast-track the installation of the wavelength scanners in Pacific Point. They have a metahuman population higher than the national average, so it would be an efficient location for scanning.”

“It will take some time to shuffle the installation schedule,” Chris told his assistant after he had taken another gulp from his water bottle. “We’ve been at this for an entire month now and we don’t even have the Eastern Seaboard completely covered yet. It won’t be a quick fix.”

Chris then paused for a moment. He knew that Minerva’s suggestion was right. The majority of people who had their memories or even powers altered were metahumans. What was the point of prioritizing some small town in the Midwest with little metahuman activity when there are bigger fish to fry? But manufacturing the devices, securing the proper permits for installation, and the manhours required to get everything done meant that he could not just wave a magic wand and produce an instant fix. These things took time.’

“If you think we should prioritize Pacific Point, why don’t we send one of the miniaturized proto-types to either S.P.A.R.K. or the Immortals? It has limited range, but if they find anyone, they can contact us.”

“I’ll put the paperwork in and set everything in motion,” Minerva told Chris.

“Alright. Unless you have anything else, I’ll be in the shower. Got a big date tonight,” Chris mentioned as he backpedaled towards the elevator.

“Have fun,” Minerva said with sarcasm. Even though Minerva had her back to him, Chris knew she was rolling her eyes at him. But it was not like he cared. She could judge him all she wants. He was the one who was paying her salary.

Once Minerva heard the elevator ding, indicating that the doors had shut, she gave a sigh of relief. She did not think that it would have been this easy to manipulate Chris to help out. It only took Minerva one look at her unconscious pupil to know that there was something wrong with Aubrey. Once she found out what had happened to Kelly Brown and Sammy Kadowsky, Minerva could easily connect the dots. Now she had to wait and see if her hunch turned out to be correct.
New post up. Feels good to get something out finally.
The Mandela Effect: Part 7

"90's" Aubrey Adkins

Pacific Point, CA

A cool breeze from the Pacific Ocean had brought its refreshing air into Pacific Point, transforming what would have been a sweaty night into a comfortable evening. This made it a perfect day for a visit to the Pacific Point state fair, even for the resident superheroes. Even the people who save the world every Tuesday need some rest and relaxation.

Aubrey and Will were wading through the huge crowds that had surrounded all the star attractions at the fair. Even with the cool breeze, the packed-together crowd still made things a little uncomfortable. Since Aubrey knew this would happen, she dressed accordingly, with a pair of athletic shorts and an Ohio State t-shirt. There, the two young adults kept their eyes out for anything that was not already swarmed by locals and tourists alike. This unfortunately would be a difficult situation, considering the situation the two of them had found themselves in.

“Why don’t we try that house of mirrors? It doesn’t look too busy,” Aubrey suggested once that building had come into her line of sight. Since Will had not found any other alternatives, he readily agreed with his girlfriend’s suggestion. The building bore a sign that said: “The Four Ages of Man.” Aubrey had no idea what this had to do with mirrors, but it was better than staying outside.

Once Aubrey and Will had entered the building, they soon realized that they were almost the only souls inside. They might have seen two, maybe three, others wandering through the glass maze. Not that this was a bad thing, as they were free from the crowded mess just outside the entrance to the house of mirrors.

For the first few minutes, nothing eventful happened, as a superhero’s day off should turn out. However, once Aubrey had stumbled upon one peculiar mirror that had the letters “FE” printed all around the mirror’s rim. Unlike all the other mirrors she and her boyfriend had seen in this attraction, instead of seeing her own reflection warped and distorted, Aubrey saw herself dressed in her Arachne costume, along with her drider physique on display instead of her human form.

“Will, are you seeing this?” Aubrey asked her boyfriend as she turned away from the mirror.

“Should we leave? Someone obviously knows your identity,” Will suggested to his girlfriend.

“It’s probably a better plan to play it cool. If they know who I am, they could find me elsewhere.”

Will nodded in agreement, although there was still an expression of concern on his face. However, since she was the superhero amongst the pair, he trusted her judgement and if things happen to go south, she could get them out of danger.

Therefore, the young couple continued through the maze of mirrors, until they found another strange mirror. This one had a bronze rim that had the letters “CU” and “SN” stamped into it in an alternating order. Although Aubrey again saw her superheroine persona looking back at her in this mirror, the reflection was dressed differently from her regular costume.

What Aubrey was seeing was like a warped version of herself, as there were clear similarities between her costume and the Arachne in the mirror, but there were some clear differences, too. This other Arachne had a mask that, although similar in design to hers, exposed her jaw, while also allowing her long, blonde locks billow around her head, unlike her own ponytail. She was also wearing a dark gray bomber jacket, for whatever reason. Plus, she had girted around her waist a belt that seemed to serve no purpose, other than maybe a utility belt, as it was not holding anything up. Furthermore, although this mirror Arachne donned red boats just like those Aubrey wore, she covered the rest of her eight spidery legs with spiderweb patterned fishnet leggings. If any of these differences could not convince someone of this mirror Arachne looking just a little bit stripperish, her flaunting of her even more ridiculous bust through a spider-shaped boob window would have.

Okay, I would never dress like that. What’s even the point of that gaping hole in her shirt? Aubrey thought as she examined the reflection in this mirror.

“Hey, Will. Have you seen this mirror? It kind of like that other mirror, but it’s showing a weird version of me.”

Once he heard his girlfriend’s request, he turned away from the mirror he had been peering at and walked back over to his girlfriend. He cocked his head as he examined the mirror in question.

“And I thought I was the one who needed glasses. That just looks like your normal costume.”

“Normal?” Aubrey muttered because she was puzzled from her boyfriend’s response.

Aubrey then glanced back at the bronze-rimmed mirror and examined the reflection again. But this time, even though the image was the same, for some strange reason the Arachne who was staring back looked normal to her, as Will said. It was the only costume she has ever worn. In fact, it annoyed her to no end how people would complain about the lack of modesty of her costume. Why does a girl who can take bullets to the face have to worry about how much spandex is covering her body?

After Aubrey had finished admiring how she looked in her costume, she then pulled down on the bottom of her minidress. She had no idea why she had not changed out of her “working” clothes to the fair. Her stiletto heels were killing her, as she had worn them for several hours by now. She was half tempted to go barefoot.

Then Aubrey continued through the maze, leaving the bronze-rimmed mirror behind her. Her heels echoed with a click after each footstep. But soon, Aubrey stumbled upon yet another mirror like the other two. However, this one had a silver border, with the letters “AG” decorating it. Aubrey rolled her eyes when this mirror came into her sight. She swore the last mirror had shown a strange version of herself, even though somehow it didn’t.

The Arachne in the silver mirror looked like a prude to her. Her entire body was covered in spandex. She did not even display any of her blonde hair, as it was contained underneath her mask. If Aubrey did not know better, she would have thought that some overzealous and knee-jerky censorship board had erased all of her curves. She probably barely needed a bra with that figure.

What about this one? Aubrey asked her boyfriend, again.

“Nope, that’s still you.”

Aubrey scratched her head and glanced at her reflection again. Yet again, the Arachne in the mirror looked normal to her, even though it had not just moments before. In fact, it looked pretty groovy on her. Plus, who won’t want to hide their identity with a full-cover costume? She had a promising modeling career ahead of her. Why would she want to ruin it by revealing that she was a freaky, giant spider below the waist?

“Why does this keep happening!”

“You look so cute when you’re flustered,” Will told his girlfriend as he wrapped his arms around her capri-clad waist.

“Laugh it up, funny guy! I know you’re thinking I’m having a blonde moment,” Aubrey responded back.

“What? That would be stereotyping! I would never suggest something as horrible as that!”

“Yah, yah, whatever, lover boy. But we better get out of here. You never know when some villain will try to hold the city ransom or rob some strange mystical relic from the local museum. Honestly, they’re sometimes too predictable.”

“Hey, there’s another one of those mirrors. Let’s check it out before we head out,” Will suggested.

“If we have to,” Aubrey sighed as she rolled her eyes. Then, after Aubrey had voiced her half-hearted protests, the two of them approached the mirror. This mirror was surrounded by golden rims that were imprinted with the letters “AU.”

“So, what do you see?” Will asked.

“Just my normal Arachne alter-ego.”

“See, I knew you weren’t going crazy,” Will said as he planted a kiss on Aubrey’s cheek.

I love this haircut. I look so cute with those bangs, Aubrey thought after she had peered back at her reflection in the golden mirror. The skirt and the tall, red boots helped complete the look. They even looked cute on her spider legs. Yet she sighed at how her torso contrasted with her “girl next door” look.

Why do these stupid bullet bras have to be all the rage these days? It makes me look like I’m hauling around two nuclear warheads under my shirt.

Aubrey shook her head as she recalled the day when that Katherine woman had “blessed” her with these endowments. She was kind of surprised that nobody had realized that both Aubrey Adkins and her alter ego, Arachne, had changed physically in the same way. Well, everyone except for her husband, Will, but one should expect that from one who was so close to the drider heroine.

“Hey, Will. Are you ready to—“ Aubrey began to say, but when she turned around, she found he was no longer there.

Where could he have gone? She wondered as she peered around the mirror maze. Maybe he already went into the next room.

Aubrey then advanced into the next room. This room contained dozens of mirrors, each of them forming a wall. However, what was strange about this room was the mirrors did project a reflection, nor did the room possess an exit. How were people supposed to get out of this maze?

“Remember who you are,” Aubrey heard her own voice echoes in the room, although it did not originate from her mouth. She turned towards the origin of her disembodied voice and she found a reflection of the Arachne from the gray mirror gazing back at her. But unlike Aubrey’s past interactions with these mirrors, this reflection did not mimic her movements. Instead, this modern Arachne was moving independent of her.

“What am I wearing?” Aubrey uttered when she noticed that she had been reverted back into her drider form and she was wearing a scarlet and gray costume that was similar, yet different than her own. She soon realized she was wearing the same costume as the Arachne in the mirror. In fact, she looked like a spitting image of the mirror Arachne, except for maybe her bullet bra look and the length of her hair.

“No, I am your true self,” said her disembodied voice, but this time it came from the other direction. When Aubrey turned around, she saw the Arachne from the silver mirror in one of the mirrors. And just like last time, the real Aubrey’s appearance soon matched the mirrors, although the real Aubrey was far more curvy than the string bean in that mirror.

“Don’t list to her, I’m the real you!” The next mirror contained the Arachne from the bronze mirror. Soon, Aubrey had to hold shut that stupid boob window, as saying that the real Aubrey was nowhere as well endowed as her mirror counterpart would have been the understatement of the year. What had Katherine done to this Arachne? Aubrey just had been lucky that her healing factor had reverted herself to her normal, slender appearance when she had her run-in with Katherine. But that could not be right. She clearly remembered that day when her healing factor went haywire and randomized a new body for her from the various forms Katherine had transformed Aubrey into. Yet this did not match with her slender build. What was happening to her memories?

“Don’t let them fool you. You know we’re one and the same!” the Arachne from the golden mirror claimed.

Ugh, I look like a hooker wearing a catholic schoolgirl outfit! Aubrey thought as she saw her costume change yet again to match the one belonging to the Arachne from the golden mirror. Sure, both of them were curvy, but the real Arachne’s body looked like Katherine had cranked it up to eleven. Even the thought of this mirror Arachne being lucky because she had not cursed been cured like she had been had crossed Aubrey’s mind.

Then, even more Arachnes began to appear, each slightly different from the last. For example, there was one Arachne who looked almost like the gray-mirror Arachne, but her costume was pink and blue instead of scarlet and gray. Furthermore, other Aubreys, who clearly were still superheroes despite not bearing the Arachne name, also appeared in these mirrors. One even looked like she had Kelly Brown’s powers. Or was it Victoria, who used to be the Silver Sorceress before Kelly and her swapped powers? Aubrey could not remember, as she had too many conflicting memories.

“Stop! Stop! Stop! Aubrey shouted as she crumbled onto the floor. She grasped at her head, as a headache racked her mind, as if someone had taken a sledgehammer and smashed it against her cranium.

Aubrey suddenly sat up in her bed. Her forehead was drenched in sweat and her breathing rapid and irregular. But this seemed to have been all a dream, as Aubrey found herself in her apartment in Pacific Point. She could feel her head spinning, no doubt from all the pop she had consumed before she headed to bed. Although Aubrey’s healing factor would soon make short work of this hangover, it was going to suck until then.

Once Aubrey had realized that what she had experienced was just a dream, she tried to rest her head back onto her pillow and get some more rest. She had not gotten much sleep yet, as it was still the middle of the night. And what little sleep she did get, it was quite a restless one because of the nightmare she had experienced. Considering she was going to spend the rest of the week with her husband, Will, she needed all the beauty rest she could get.

Wait, don’t I live on Nautican Island? Aubrey thought, opening her eyes once this thought passed her mind. And Will and I aren’t married! Sure, we’ve been together since high school, but we haven’t tied the knot yet. Or has it been only a couple months? Why can’t I remember?

Aubrey immediately sat back and threw off her sheets. She then rolled out of bed and landed on all eight of her spidery legs. Maybe all she needed was to splash some water in her face to snap out of whatever this was. This had to be the worst hangover ever.

She stumbled out of her bedroom, zig-zagging here and there. Once she had entered the bathroom, she turned the nob of the faucet and filled the palms of her hands with water before splashing it against her face. Then, she peered up and gazed at her reflection. She was relieved when she saw that her normal reflection was looking back at her. Aubrey knew she could not endure any more of those stupid mirrors form her nightmare.

“Why are my memories so clouded?” Aubrey muttered as she continued to gaze at her own reflection. “Maybe I need another drink.”

Aubrey then headed out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen. But as she made her way to the refrigerator, she noticed that her living room couch had become vacant. Where could Will have gone? Aubrey would have suited up and gone after him, but she was in no state to go wandering around the city in colorful tights. Since her spider-sense would have warned her if something bad had happened while she was asleep, she guessed someone or something had not kidnapped her boyfriend.

When Aubrey opened the refrigerator door, she was disappointed when she found that the only liter bottle left barely had any liquid left in it. There was barely a drop. Why did she even bother to put the plastic liter bottle back? Maybe she was too drunk off of the caffeine to know what she was doing? She then reached for the self-filtering water pitcher and poured herself a glass. She probably could use some water after drinking all those cokes last night.

After Aubrey had quenched her thirst, she went back to bed. She hoped that some more shuteye would be the perfect medicine for her memory problems. And for the hangover, for a matter of fact. However, before Aubrey crawled into her bed and rested her head on her pillow, she noticed her phone was flashing.

“Athena, what updates do you have that are so important that you have to bother me at this hour?”

<Your work called. Whitney has called in sick and they want to know if you would be willing to move up your photoshoot for next month’s edition tomorrow. They would like an answer in the morning.>

“Well, I’ll send a response in the morning, when I can actually think straight. Is that all?”

<There is on other thing. The news has reported that there have been sightings of someone dressed like you. Obviously it’s not you, as this person is entirely human looking.>

“And he’s a dude.” Aubrey stated as she looked at the hologram projection of one photograph of the supposed spider-person. She had no idea how anyone could confuse this person with her. Isn't her drider physique distinct enough to ensure that?

Could it be? Aubrey wondered as she examined the picture more closely. Will had been missing when Aubrey had gotten up for a drink. But this hypothesis was impossible; Will did not have any powers. Well, this was a mystery for future Aubrey to figure out. Now, she needed to catch some z’s.
Should have a post up tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Character you have created: Araceli Holguín y Muguruza (Or, simply Araceli Holguín in Yanqui naming conventions)

Alias: N/A. Araceli embraces being superpowered as part of her rocker life, and makes no attempt at hiding that she has powers.

Speech Color: Cyan

Character Alignment: Walking the Line.

<Snipped quote by nitemare shape>

Don't make me have Ben chase Lyger up a tree. He's not a pussy cat at least.

Christopher Arthur III

Lost Haven, ME

1 month after the defeat of the Hounds of Humanity

Because the Hounds had burned Chris’ mansion back in Richmond, Chris had to temporarily use the Sherman Center as a residence until he could reconstruct his home back in Virginia. Luckily it was still summer. Else, Chris would have had to deal with the headache of transferring his half-sister from one high school to another, especially across state borders. Sure, she complained a little about not being able to spend the entire summer with her friends. But Chris’ resources could ship her back to Virginia for a weekend if she wanted to hang with her friends.

Chris sat at his desk, reviewing the recent data he had collected from his equipment that had been scanning for more people affected by the weird phenomena. It seemed like for every person Chris had restored their original memories to, several more affected individuals would pop up on his scans. At this point, Chris felt like he was only placing band-aid fixes without resolving the instigating problem. Sure, Chris had helped out a ton of people, like William Kovacs, who would have been rotting in a jail cell for what his alter ego, the Game Genie, had done to Pacific Point a while back. Despite his cross-country search, Chris still had not discovered the cause of these weird transformations.

While Chris was hard a work, his personal assistant, Minerva, entered his study. He peered up from his work for a moment to acknowledge her presence. Then he returned to his work.

“So, what do you have for me today?”

“The board needs your approval for this military contract,” Minerva told Chris as she tapped a few times on her tablet before the contract’s details appeared on Chris’ holographic display. As soon as it had appeared, Chris looked over the document.

Ever since the Hounds of Humanity had launched their crusade against enhanced humans, the United Nations had begun to discuss about a potential international ban on any research aimed at creating more metahumans. Although corporations and even some governments would probably still conduct that sort of research under the radar despite the potential ban, the world governments, like the United States, would need to find alternatives to dealing with any metahuman threats.

“I don’t know about this one. Making a bunch of unmanned robots for the governments sounds like it could go south really fast.”

“Unfortunately, Mr. Arthur, just because you’ve been reducing the military contracts and weapons manufacturing, doesn’t mean the weapons will magically disappear.” Minerva told her boss. “Rumor has it that if you don’t pick this contract up, Midas Industries will. I would hate to see what he would do with this kind of contract.”

“I see I’m stuck in between Scylla and Charybdis. I’ll be damned if I accept and I’ll be damned if I don’t.”

Chris sat there for a moment, pondering his decision. Once he had made up his mind, Chris used his finger to sign the electronic document.

“If we’re going to be fighting a legion of out of control robots, I would rather have access to the kill switch,” Chris tried to reason out his decision. Once his signature was on the documents, they disappeared from the desk and Minerva turned to leave.

After Minerva had left, Chris returned his work. When he looked back on the screen, his monitor showed information on cases from Pacific Point. He could have sworn that he had just been looking at data on affected individuals in Lost Haven before Minerva had come by. In fact, there was a certain spider girl on the top of the list (that’s what happens when you last name begins with the letter ‘A’).

But Chris flipped off the power switch. He had been looking at this data for hours by now. He needed to rest his eyes. There was only so much he could do in a single day.

He also reached down and opened a drawer in his desk that contained a well-aged wine. He poured himself a glass and downed the entire glass. He was going need more than just a glass for the deal he just made.

Nashville, TN

The security feed from the secret underground floors of Emerson Enterprises played before Mr. Emerson’s eyes. When the security team noticed that something was consistently odd about the security tapes, they installed a hidden camera, just to check if someone was tampering with the feed. And boy were everyone surprised when they discovered that Matt’ supposed coma was quite exaggerated.

“Sir, do you want us to run tests on your nephew?” the lead scientist asked Mr. Emerson.

“No,” Mr. Emerson said, “Let’s perform some passive observations before we do anything evasive. We don’t want to blow up the city by pocking and probing the boy.”

“Understood,” the lead scientist acknowledged before turning to leave.

Meanwhile, a news report that quite interested Mr. Emerson appeared on the television screen in his office.

“Ever since the Hounds devastated the city of Philadelphia, a massive restoration project had been planned to repair the historical landmarks caught in the crossfires of the anti-metahuman terrorists,” the news anchor reported. “Although the original plans called for several phases to be completed over a couple of years, it seems that everything is ahead of schedule. Let’s turn to Amy Sullivan to see what’s happening on the ground. Amy?”

“Thanks, Jim. Reports are coming in from every corner of the city that buildings, include some of the historical monuments lost during the Hounds’ attack, have reappeared, almost as if it were magic. Most first believed that this was a hoax, but I am sure the building behind me will prove the contrary.”

Behind Amy stood a giant rectangular building made of glass. On the front of the building, there were three giant purple circles that were orientated in a shape remarkably similar to a certain famous mouse.

“It might have been nearly twenty years late, but DisneyQuest Philadelphia has finally made its appearance. I have tried to contact the Walt Disney Company about their possible involvement, but they have not answered back.”

Although the news coverage continued, Mr. Emerson heard everything he wanted to hear.

“This could prove interesting, indeed,” Emerson muttered with a grin on his face.

Pacific Point

Several Days After the Fall of the Hounds of Humanity

Amanda James found few things more relaxing than sitting in a retractable chaise lounger while listening to the waves crashing against the shore. While today was a prototypical Southern California day, peace and tranquility was not on the horizon.

“Dude, I’m telling you, Blood Spider is the most underrated villain that Spider-Man has ever faced. He’s a truly nuanced character that hasn’t been given the right story yet.” Mike told Andy as Karen tried to ignore the conversation. Although she didn’t find the topic all that invigorating, the fact that she’s heard this exact exchange no fewer than forty times made it all the more tedious.

“Mike, you also said that Maximum Clonage was the single greatest arc ever written. That right there…”

“Kills any credibility you might have had.” Karen and Andy finished the sentence simultaneously.

“They never stop, do they?” Izzy said as she opened the cooler and took a sparkling water.

“Nope.” Amanda said plainly, “But I think it’s kinda cute.”

Izzy just shot Amanda a perplexed look, then put her earbuds back in and went back to ignoring Mike and Andy, at which she had begun to get quite proficient. Amanda on the other hand, found the entire thing amusing. While Mike and Andy were both passionate about their fandoms, Karen was indifferent to it, and Izzy annoyed by the constant conversations revolving around web slingers, sonic screwdrivers, and lightsabers.

“Hey babe, can you rub some sunscreen on my back?” Mike asked as he removed his Deadpool shirt revealing his pale white skin.

“Oh, hon...I don’t think you need any sunscreen. You’ll be fine.” Karen said sarcastically.

“Please. If I were any whiter, my name would be Casper.” Mike protested.

“I don’t know dude, Casper might have you beat by a couple of shades. You’re pretty pale.” Andy said.

“Jar of Mayo pale.” Karen chimed in.

“Okay, okay, I get it. I’m pale...I know. I can’t help it, I’m Irish. I have two shades, Friendly Ghost and overcooked lobster. Would you please just rub the damn sunscreen on my back?” Mike said, visibly annoyed.

Amanda just leaned back in her lounge chair and sunk her teeth into the large Italian sub that she had gotten at PacPoint Deli and Bistro on the way to the beach. Though Mike and Andy could be somewhat annoying from time to time, Amanda was glad that they had started hanging around more often lately. She didn’t have all that many friends due to the amount of time she spent at work, and that was before she became a superhero. Besides, after all the terrible things she had seen in recent weeks, a return to normalcy was just what she needed right now.

Suddenly, there was an uproar from the other beachgoers. At first, the five friends continued with what they had been doing moments before. However, as people gathered around to look up at the sky, it soon became impossible to ignore. On the blue background of the sky, the following letters had been written with the exhaust trail of a small aircraft:

Slipstream, meet @ Stern Tower

Around these letters, the aircraft that had written this message flew about. However, it was too small to be any sort of plane. Because this object was so high up in the sky, the onlookers on the beach could only see an indistinguishable speck. Once the message had been relayed, the small craft zipped away.

Amanda looked up at the message with a blank expression. She didn’t know what this was about, but she had a good idea as to who it was that had sent her this message. If Amanda were to be totally honest, this was the last thing that she wanted to deal with today. Only a few short days ago, she had been up to her eyeballs in Hounds of Humanity thugs, and had seen some things that would haunt her until the day that she died. All she wanted was a nice relaxing day with her friends without any major crises arising that needed her attention. Unfortunately, it was clear that she was not going to have that today.

She went to take another bite of her sandwich, and in doing so, she made eye contact with Izzy, who was, and presumably had been staring at her for several moments. She met Izzy’s gaze with a look that silently said “I’ve got this.” before she got up from her beach chair.

“Hey guys, I gotta run. I just got a text and I have to go meet someone about a gig.” Amanda said as she wrapped her sub in the wrapper and replaced it in the cooler.

“Oh hey, no fair. I thought you said no work stuff today.” Andy protested.

“I know, but this could be a big deal.” Amanda said as she started to make her way back toward the parking lot.

“At least let me give you a lift.” Andy called after her, but she pretended not to hear him and made her way through the crowded beach up to the parking lot and out of sight.

Once Amanda thought that it was safe to do so, she zipped away from the beach’s public parking area. She just had one quick stop to make, and then she’d meet her “mystery friend” at Stern Tower. As she was caught completely off guard by the sudden “invitation” to meet, she hadn’t brought her costume. So before she could go to the tower, she had to make a quick stop at her apartment. Fortunately, the detour only took seconds, and with a supersonic change of clothes, she was on her way to Stern Tower.

In the blink of an eye, she had arrived at the tower, and she could see the sun reflecting off of an object that was touching down on the roof of the tower, so Slipstream rushed toward the building and began to run up the side. It was a risky move, as she had only done this once or twice before, and never on a building as tall as this one. One misstep, if she lost her traction for a fraction of a second, and she would be a greasy stain on the sidewalk below. Fortunately, neither happened and she made it safely to the top of Stern Tower, where she found herself standing face to face with the very person she had expected to find: The Iron Knight.

“You rang?” She said as she waited to find out what this was all about.

“It was more like I sent you a note, but I guess that idiom works, too,” Iron Knight half-jokingly told Slipstream. “Anyways, we have business to discuss.”

“Then, let’s discuss. What can I help you with?” Slipstream retorted.

“A legion of hyper-intelligent apes are plotting to conquer the globe and I’m gathering a team to stop them,” Iron Knight explained. He was lucky that had a helmet covering his face, because he could not say that with a straight face. And he even had a hard time keeping his voice’s tone from betraying him.

“A legion of whatnow?” Slipstream said, unable to hide the shock in her voice. “And I can help how?”

“Giant monkeys who are smarter than the average bear. Of course my I.Q. is higher than theirs, but that’s beyond the point,” Iron Knight continued, not believing that Slipstream would take him seriously. “I had an emergency meeting with the big blue boy scout and we decided that we need to form a more permanent team. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, to steal a copyrighted phrase.”

“Wait...so there’s no monkeys?” Slipstream asked before immediately wishing she hadn’t. Granted, with everything going on in the world these days, spider women, flying strongmen, and death lasers in space, a legion of super intelligent apes didn’t seem like that much of a stretch. However, the second half of his statement really caught her attention.

“A team?” Slipstream asked earnestly.

“Once you took the bait, it was too good of an opportunity to just drop it,” Iron Knight explained his false report of a primate invasion. “But I wasn’t lying about my meeting with Icon. We want to put together a team who can respond to things like the Hounds, D-Day, and the Pax Metahumana Crisis. We believe you would be a good asset to the team.

“Me? Really? I mean...I’m honored, I really am. But aren’t there other heroes who are...I don’t know, more qualified?” Slipstream asked.

“There was a brother-sister duo who were speedsters, but I haven’t been able to contact them recently. So that left you to fill that role on our team.”

“Oh.” Slipstream said, her voice conveying a slight amount of hurt.

“I see.”

“Well, I haven’t heard from those speedsters for several months now. Since we teamed up a while ago, I was able to put the good word in for you with Icon while we discussed the potential recruits.”

“I appreciate that.” Slipstream said, still not entirely sure as why exactly she was being invited to join this super team. “Well, if you’re sure you guys want me, I’m in.”

“Hey! Chin up, Slipstream. You helped out when the Hounds attacked Sherman Square. You’re as qualified as any of the other heroes who helped out that day.”

The confirmation that Slipstream wasn’t being recruited as simply a replacement was enough to bring her spirits up. If Iron Knight thought that she was good enough for this team, and said as much to Icon, that was good enough for her.

“Thank you.” She said. “I won’t let you down.”

“Glad you’re on the team. You’re going to want one of these,” Iron Knight said as he handed Slipstream a card-sized communication device that was identical to the one he had given to Voyager just the day before. “Once Icon and I think we’re ready to unveil ourselves, we’ll contact you through this device. That way, I don’t have to use skywriting again to get your attention.”
The Mandela Effect: Part 6

Will Grant (with Spidey powers)

Pacific Point, CA

Will had been searching all over Pacific Point for whoever was behind whatever had happened to Aubrey, but he had found himself empty handed. Voyager was off world. Game Genie was behind bars. And if Aubrey’s condition still had not changed in the morning, he could also cross off Elixir, too. He was running out of leads to follow. The only idea that Will had left was to find Arachne’s teammates, the Immortals, and solicit help from them.

However, Will had a more pressing issue. Ever since he had departed from the Apothecary, somebody had been tailing him. Although Will did not notice the tail until he had gone a couple blocks, he was sure that somebody was following him now. After every couple blocks, Will had doubled back around the block and, every time he did so, he could still sense someone was still following him.

After Will had made another circle around the block, he landed on the side of a nearby building. Standing on the sidewalk below was a frustrated redhead, obviously because Will had slipped away from her tail. Will was amused by the woman’s retro wardrobe. She wore a pair of short shorts and a halter top that were reminiscent of 40’s and 50’s Americana pinups. She even had a pair of white sunglasses covering her eyes, even thought it was nighttime.

“I’m quite flattered from the attention from a pretty redhead,” Will said after he landed on the lamppost next to the redhead and suspended from that lamppost with a web line. “But I’m already taken.”

“Arachne? Oh, God! You’ve been affected, too!” the redhead gasped when she turned to see Will, dressed in his Araneus costume.

“Jesus,” Will muttered as he released his grip on the web line and flipped himself so he could land upright on his feet. “For like the tenth time, I’m not Arachne! How can people not see it? I would think that the whole giant spider would have given it away.”

“Well, I guess that rules you out as a gender-swapped version of Aubrey.”

“Why are you so interested in Aubrey?” Will asked. However, it took “Wait, how do you know her identity?”

The redhead then lifted up her white sunglasses, revealing her identity as Emily Prichert, Aubrey’s friend and fellow model for Viera.

“Well, that does explain things. Does she know you know her identity?”

“Pretty sure she does. Back when the Hounds were a thing, while I was trying to save her butt, we were miraculously pulled out of the building. She was wearing her civies before we were pulled out, but she was all spidery and covered with spandex. How do you guys wear that stuff?”

“Well, it’s an acquired taste,” Will told Emily. “But the real question is does Aubrey know that you play dress-up and fight crime on your free time?”

“I do not play dress up!” Emily objected to Will’s statement, “Not all of us can be animal-themed superheroes.”

“That really burns.”

Anyways, yes, she definitely knows that too. I tried playing dumb with her when she called me by name, but she wasn’t having any of it.”

“Let’s rewind for a quick second. You were worried that something had happened to Aubrey. What was that all about?”

“Well,” Emily began to explain, “There’s been reports of people acting like an entirely different person and even spontaneously gaining metahuman powers. When I saw someone wearing a costume very similar to Arachne’s, I thought she was affected. But I guess I was wrong.”

“Umm, you weren’t exactly wrong,” Will admitted.

“Wait, did she really get turned into a guy?” Emily gasped in surprise, thinking her hunch was correct.

“What? No! It’s not like that. She’s just—um, she has—gosh darn it! How can I explain this without sounding like a giant perv!” Will said. His hands were grasping at the side of his masked head.

“Do you have a picture? Like the saying goes, it’s worth a thousand words,” Emily suggested.

“Actually, now that you mention it,” Will answered, “I might have one on my phone.”

Will then pulled out his phone and searched for one of the photos that he and Aubrey had taken while they were at miniature golf. Once he found one that adequately displayed Aubrey’s current condition, he handed the phone over to Emily.

“Wow, I see what you mean. I didn’t believe she could get anymore…ridiculous.”

“And do you have any idea what might have caused it?” Will asked.

“No. I hoped you would have some answers.”

“I’m almost out of leads. I was on my way to met up with Aubrey's teammates before you showed up. Maybe they have a better idea of what’s happening.”

“I don’t have any other ideas. So, I agree that talking with the Immortals next is probably the next best plan. Lead the way and I’ll follow behind.”

“It probably would be easier if we websling together,” Will suggested.

Emily nodded before throwing her arms around Will’s shoulders. He then started to climb up the side of a neighboring building. Once he was on the roof, he shot out a web line and leapt off the rooftop.

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell Aubrey about our little joy ride,” Emily whispered into his ear.

“You’re not the one I’m worried about…”
The Mandela Effect: Part 5

Will Grant (with Spidey powers)

Pacific Point, CA

Carey McClean was starting to close up shop. Ever since the Hounds of Humanity had attacked Pixy Stix and Club Morte several weeks ago, Carey’s family and friends have urged her to sell her trendy bar, the Apothecary, and find a safer line of work. But she could never bring herself to let go of her business; she had built it from the ground up. A few bigoted assholes were not going to scare Carey away.

After Carey had wiped down the last few glasses, she poured a quick shot for herself. As she swirled its contents by tilting the glass in her hand, a golden shine briefly irradiated from the drink. Once the little light show had concluded, Carey downed the drink. She paused for a moment, taking in the alcohol’s aftertaste. She then picked up a shard from a glass that had been shattered earlier that night. With the fragment in hand, Carey began to jab the palm of her hand. However, instead of bleeding profusely from her hand, Carey saw that there was not even a scratch. Carey immediately scribbled down some notes on her notepad so she could remember how she created this side-effect.

“Want a taste of tonight’s mystery brew, Tif?”

Tiffany, the only person still left in the bar, gave Carey a cross look before looking back down at her phone.

“I wasn’t born yesterday, Carey.” Tiffany finally pipped in.

“Oh, come on! Last time wasn’t that bad!”

“Sure. My boyfriend was so happy to feel something hard poke him in the thigh when we were curled up on the coach.”

“Wait, did you hear that?” Carey suddenly asked.

“Hear what?”

Carey peered around the room. She could have sworn she had heard something. The clicking of the skylight. The taps of footsteps. But she did not see anyone among the empty sea of tables and chairs.

“Must have been my imagination.” Carey admitted. “Anyways, how about a little taste test before we close this joint up?”

“Fine,” Tiffany finally admitted as she snatched the shot glass from Carey’s hand. She downed the drink with one gulp. Before the liquid touched her lips, Tiffany had braced herself for whatever the drink was going to taste like. These mystery brews were like those magic jellybeans from Harry Potter; you never know if you’re going to get something normal or something disgusting. Tiffany was lucky when she discovered that the shot was rather fruity.

“Wow, you’re getting good at your mixology. Before you know it, you’ll—” Tiffany started to complement Carey’s work, but she suddenly felt a tingling sensation in her tongue. Something slimy began to roll around in her mouth. When she opened her mouth again, she watched her tongue spill out of her mouth. Tiffany could not utter a single word as her tongue kept coming and coming. By the time her tongue stopped, it was already a couple feet long.

But that was not all of it. Although her elongated tongue did not have a mind of its own, Tiffany could contort it, as if it were a third arm.

“Prehensile tongue,” Carey muttered to herself while she scribbled a few additional notes on the same sheet of paper from before. “Not really useful in combat situations, but I could earn a mint from selling it to certain cosplayers.”

“Great…” Tiffany barely mumbled because her tongue was still sticking out.

“Hey, if you hurry home now, you could have some fun with your boyfriend,” Carey winked at Tiffany.


The miniature bell attached to the front door of the bar suddenly rung. Two ruffians came bulldozing through the door and strolled up to the counter. The first man through the door held a baseball bat over his shoulder. The other man was not holding anything, although that did not mean he was not concealing anything.

“Sorry, boys. We’re closed for the night. You’ll have to come back tomorrow,” Carey told the two intimidating men who stood before her.

“Oh, we’re not here for your bougie drinks,” one of the two men told her.

“Alright, let me just get you what I have in the register.”

“Girlie, we have our eyes on a bigger prize,” the other man jabbered as he and his accomplice pulled out their sidearms. “It’s open season on heroes. What you have in there is chump change compared to the jackpot we’re about to land!”

“And we can’t leave any witnesses behind,” the first man threatened by aiming his gun at Tiffany. However, when he saw her face, he contorted his face in confusion. “What the fuck’s wrong with her tongue?”

“Chill, bro. Maybe we can collect double the reward by claiming she’s a meta, too!”

“Really? You’re going to threaten two women when I’m just sitting right here?” A man’s voice came from behind the two intruders. When Carey, Tiffany, and the two ruffians turned their heads towards the origin of the voice, they saw a man wearing a scarlet and gray superhero costume. Its most prominent feature was the white lenses, outlined with a black and then a golden band, on the mask.

“What the hell is Arachne doing here?” One of the ruffians asked aloud.

“Are you sure? This guy looks like a dude!” The other one uttered.

“How could you possibly confuse me with her! Arachne wears blue and pink, not scarlet and gray!” the arachnid hero quipped.

“Has someone turned Arachne into a dude? Or has he been pretending to be a chick this whole time?” The first ruffian pondered aloud while ignoring the comment from the hero sitting in front of them.

“I not even going to entertain such a dumb question…” the hero sighed.

“I don’t care if this bug is a he, she, or whatever pronouns people are using nowadays. Let’s put a bullet in his head and earn another 500 grand!”

Because of this hero’s arrival, Carey found a short respite from the would-be murderers, who had shifted their attention to the wall-crawler. While the men were distracted by the newcomer, Carey had pulled out another glass, larger than the others, and filled it to the brim, all while keeping glance focused on the two men. After she had applied her powers to the liquid, she waited until the right opportunity to act.

The man with the baseball bat then rushed at the arachnid hero, swinging the wooden club aimlessly. This effort was very much in vain, as the man’s target kept dodging out of the way. The man’s partner, seeing this, began reaching into his jacket, as if he were drawing something out of it. This was the moment that Carey was waiting for. Before the man could pull out his weapon, Carey splashed the man with her enhanced drink, drenching his entire back.

“You’re going to regret—” the man threatened, but he cupped his mouth with his palm when he heard his voice jump an octave.

“That one was on the house,” Carey said with a smug smirk on her face, as she watched the man fall to the ground and squirmed on the ground in pain.

“What the hell did you do to me, bitch?” The ‘man’ barked at Carey after the pain had ceased. When Carey saw him, it was like looking at an uncanny mirror of the man, or rather a mirror image of what the man’s sister would have looked like.

“Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?”

“Why you little—” but the ‘man’ was interrupted when ‘his’ partner was tossed directly into ‘him.’ The hero who had made a timely appearance, walked up to the bar as he slid his hands past each other as if he were dusting off his hands.

“Sorry, Arachne, but you can’t blame me for whatever happened to you.”

“Didn’t you hear me? I’m not Arachne!” he responded in frustration. “I’m Araneus, not Arachne!”

“Are you really splitting hairs on such similar names? Plus, you’re basically wearing a copy of her costume.”

“Why am I having to repeat myself so much...” Araneus trailed off his voice as he shook his head. He then slid his fingers into a slit on the side of his costume that looked like the opening of a pocket and he pulled out a cell phone, that definitely could not have fit in such a small space. He slid his finger across the phone’s screen and tapped it a few times until he flipped the screen towards Carey.

“See! There’s a clear difference between the two of us!”

“Okay, Boy Arachne. I have this feeling you didn’t just come here to save the two of us. So, what’s up?” Carey asked. The photo that Araneus showed her clearly depicted Arachne, although she had never seen the drider heroine wearing a blue and pink costume before. Carey did not really know her that well; she has only run into her one or two times before while on patrol.

“Well, speaking of Arachne,” Araneus mentioned as he tied up the two ruffians with some spider silk. “Have you seen her recently?”

“I can’t say I have. It’s not like we’re BFF or anything. Why such a question?”

“Something weird has happened to her. Knowing your unique flair, I just wanted to rule you out if I could.”

“I really hope you haven’t been going around and asking people these questions directly.”

“I didn’t think I would have to go all Batman on other heroes and toss them off buildings to get them to spill the truth.”

“Hey, I was just checking. I would love to claim that it was my handy work, but alas it wasn’t me. You wouldn’t mind giving me some details on what happened to everyone’s favorite arachnid?”

“Err…I don’t know about that,” Araneus suggested as he looked at Tiffany, whose tongue still has not returned to normal. “I don’t want to give you any good ideas.”

“How disappointing,” Carey sighed. “But I’m guessing you’ll be heading out soon. Do you want me to cook up a concoction to spice things up between you and your girl, Arachne?”

“My girl?”

“You heard me! Partners don’t throw their arms around each other like the two of you did in that picture. So, what do you say?”

“I—um—don’t know what you’re talking about,” Araneus stumbled with his words before shooting a web line up at the ceiling. “I suggest calling the police to pick up these dumbos.”

And with that, Araneus scurried up the web line and exited out the rooftop skylight, leaving Carey and Tiffany alone with the two scoundrels. Carey immediately started to phone the authorities.

“Really, I have to talk to the police like this?” Tiffany continued to complain. “This is the last time I’m taste testing your brews!”
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