Avatar of Demonic Raven


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current I don't know why I went with ye old pirate lingo... it has nothing to do with the plot.
12 mos ago
Avast ye scurvy land lubers! There's a new 1x1 plot dead ahead!roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 yr ago
Also I did not just return to see if anyone wanted to do a phantom of the opera RP... no that would be obsurd! *hides the YouTube movie tab*
1 yr ago
Well 7 months of working 6 days in a row has finally become routine enough I think maybe it's time to return. I wonder if any old pals are here... time to see who will meme my VM section!
2 yrs ago
Planception! DUNNNN


Just a demonic bird living her life on the east coast. My fiancee is the lovely Evil Snowman (usernames not planned but worked so well together we thought "Hey, might as well get married and have some possessed kiddos one day!") That's pretty much it!

Most Recent Posts

Nice! I hope you enjoy! ^~^
Bump before bed
Can I interest you in any of my interest check plots? ^~^
War of the Zodiacs

The Kingdom of Leo and the Kingdom of Cancer, kingdoms of sun and moon, have been at war for millennia. It all began when the two zodiacs first gave life to the land and sea, two human male and females born to rule together in harmony. The humans paired together, the zodiacs living within them. The Leo couple had glorious golden hair and golden eyes, their skin tanned and toned to perfection.

The cancer couple had brilliant blue hair and eyes while their skin was as pale as the moon itself. The two couples were happy, producing heirs as the zodiacs inhabited their souls. More and more humans were brought to life by the zodiacs and they were content with how their human hosts ruled over their precious gifts. But as their kingdom they built together began to grow the two signs began to bicker over what their signs would be upon their creation.

Though the kingdom was broken apart not by the rulers but their heirs, a heated squabble between children leading to the Leo heir killing the second cancer princess. War waged not only in the heavens above but between the humans the zodiacs had so lovingly crafted, blood spilt by brother and by comrade on both sides. After decades of lives destroyed a pact was made as the zodiacs could not bare to see their beloved humans harmed anymore.

Those born of Leo descent would live upon the land, while those of Cancer descent would live within the sea becoming mer-folk upon their first touch of water and they would rule over the vast seas. For generations there was peace, each zodiac living within their human hosts watching them thrive within their kingdoms. But this peace would meet a trial as the next heir to the Leo throne would come across a young woman upon the beach, that young woman being the next heir to the Cancer throne.

We can discuss the plot in more detail over PM if you’re interested! Points for creative PM titles! ^~^
12 day bump! ^~^
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