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    1. demonspade64 10 yrs ago


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Current Also screw those who claim Talos is not a god
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The Imperials let the Thormal walk all over us Nords we must retake our independence!
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I just review what anime was premiering this season, and i notice that Detective Conan IS STILL AIRING. LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!
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imagine you died, and then god come to you and asks. "So, how did you like heaven?"


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Goblin Luz


The second Luz heard the sound of that loud crunch, She smiled in delight as time begins to slow down for just a second before she land. She then slammed to the ground, rolled to the side and quickly got back up as quick as she could before looking at the rabbit to make sure Gird didn't miss and saw the wounded rabbit. Though Gird target wasn't killed instantly, it practically now on Duvelna's doorstep waiting for the underworld to claim it into its ranks. She then smiled proudly at Gird before giving him a thumbs up and a smile before looking in the direction...or rather where it was at before the two made their move.

It was now gone, it fleed with its tail between its legs cause it lacks the fighting spirit the alpha's had, what a shame; but then again it didn't surprise her, she knew this would happen. Now that battle over Luz then bend down, and close her prey's eyes and said "Requiescat in pace" Now that the battle's over Luz then looked at Gird, smiled, and replied: "Thank you and you too. You know i don't think that most goblins back in that cave would have gone through it such a daring move, so i'm glad to have you by my side." She told him at least that what her guts were telling her for some reason.

Luz then watched him as he skinned his rabbit, tore out its heart and begin drinking it bleed and now that she thought of it. She was thirsty too. "Can you hold on for a minute let me try that, i promise it will not take long." She told him before she took one of the rabbit's horns she collected and used it to punch a hole in the rabbit so she can dig inside its body and rip out its dead heart. She then raised it heart above her and begin pouring it blood into her mouth and made a weird face as she moved it to the back of her throat and shallowed. "Wow, that salty." She remarks before getting ready to go. "Okay i'm ready to g-" She then heard the sound of branches rustling in the distance. She then froze in place before taking a combat stance as something rushes at them. "Something coming." She said to him, ready to face whatever threat emerges.
@demonspade64@ReusableSword You guys wanna hold up a sec before heading back? Ren's currently sprinting in your direction.

Will do, i will post tonight when i get home
I finally posted before Sword!
Goblin Luz


Now watching from above, Luz now notice that using Pinpoint Accuracy to target its head from above as a pretty bad idea thanks to the chance that the rabbit's horn may get in the way of her attack. So it best just to use a pinpoint accuracy to try to target its body instead; it was best to try and kill or disable the rabbit the second best way she can think of. on another note, despite all the climbing, the two did the fight was still going on which made Luz realize that if the rabbits were to for some reason look up all the effort Luz and Gird did would be for not, so it was best to try to start the fight while they still had the element of surprise.

Luz then looked at Gird and nod at him in order to signal him to prepare the sneak attack, then she would carefully position herself right above one of the rabbit's and then hold her spear out carefully before looking at Gird to make sure he was in position as well, then she made sure Gird was watching before she draws a line in front of her neck, signaling him it was time before she leap off her branch, took her spear with one hand, then as she fell she would try to use Pinpoint Accurary to make a downward stab on one of the alpha's back with her spear before she hit the ground.
Goblin Luz


When circling around the church area resulted in nothing interesting being found; Luz then led the party of two back into the woods in search of pray. As the group of the Group, she kept her eyes peeled for pray as well as signs that suggest where they loom until eventually, she notices a flicker, that caught her attention and made her stopped in place, She then looked in Gird direction and found him already getting on his knee and arms, and she did the same leading the way to a point where the two can get a view of the would-be prey, as well a chance to prove herself in front of Gird.

Now in a bush right beside Gird, Luz watched as the two fiercely looking rabbits prepare to face off in front of another rabbit. She then whispered to Gird. "This is just speculation but those two rabbits seem like alphas." She speculated based on their aggressive stances; she can now base the difference between aphla and beta based on their behaviors. Gird would likely confirm her speculation before he started to come up with a plan. "Good point, I'll keep that in mind." She whispers to him looking both happy and slightly angry around at the same time. It was apparent the Gird disappointed her right around the part where he suggested a plan.

Nevertheless, she decided to let it go after sighing. "Very well, we will wait for a little. See if they will either tired themselves out or injury their rival in the fight. Meanwhile, we shall be climbing the trees and onto the branches above them. Once there we will wait until the golden moment before we both down at the same time and kill them with our spears, oh and try not to miss. When i draw a line around the front of my throat that will be the signal." She told him sounding confidence.

Luz then moves the tree that was behind the other tree the rabbit was fighting near, and begin to climb up the tree with the help of her claws. She then navigates the branches of the tree until she can find a branch that would allow her to move from one tree to the other with the minimum sound made. After the transition from one tree to the other Luz will then stay still for a minute before navigating the tree until she was now above the aphla, then Luz then waited for the golden moment to attack one of them from above using her skill Pinpoint Accuracy to one the aphla's head as she fell.

Goblin Luz


Gird may have been wise not to try something while she was eating. She was already halfway done eat and had food in her mouth when he came out and asked her a hard question, to which she took the eat to chew and shallow while she thinks. "Not really, To be honest serving that goddess just doesn't seem appealing to me. Though i am willing to protect this forest for the sake of my clan." She told him honestly and bluntly while the two was being honest with each other. Afterwords Luz tried to eat her food a bit faster than normal so the two can get back on their hunt, and yet what he was doing had interesting enough to take some of her attention as she ate.

“That other god, Duvelna, the one for death.” he spoke up again while cutting the rabbit pelt into two smaller pieces. “I think that one will be more my style. Although I understand the importance of life, somehow I don't think we could have life without death. I for one enjoy keeping a balance between the two.”

When Gird mention that he wished to worship Duvelna she didn't look to surprise, nor did she looked scared for him or of him. She just looked at him looking a bit more interested. "Duvelna huh? I suppose there is honor in death causing. After all, we can't live unless something else dies right?" Luz pointed out casually. "Take Our food, for example." She pointed out before looking at the food in her hand that was almost finished. And with that, she said no more, for their's nothing else she could say without insulting Gird intellects for she felt that he already knew the catch of surviving.

After Luz finished eating she then took her new rabbit's horn and used it to punch a hole near both ends of her rabbit hind. Then picked up a nearby flexible tree branch and bent it into a "C" like shape then she moves both of the branches ends through the holes that made in both ends of the rabbit's hind, making a makeshift cloak like the one had Gird made yesterday.

After Gird offered her a chance to take leadership and give her his 2 cents on what they should Do Luz then smiled at him and replied. "Very well, we will circle around the area but will keep time in mind. Though i do hopefully i can get the wind to blow in my favor, unlike the last time i led." She told him calmly seemly not bothered by her responsibility. So with that in mind, Luz led the hunt circling around the church area.

Goblin Luz


OOC: Oh boy i forgot to say that Luz wouldn't begin eating until Gird does, in my last post. Sorry for the confusion.

Luz watched Gird looking dumbfounded as saw him kill the rabbit with his own mouth before quickly dress it to be eaten before he begins devouring it like a savage beast. Luz then turns her glaze when Gird turned to her watching his performance. After helping him up Gird then told her.
“Eat your food or I will.”
To which she jokingly replied. "You have seen what i can do yet you want to try taking food from me? My how daring." She told him with a playfully.

And just like that Luz then began dressing her kill to be eaten. First Luz removed it horn from the rabbits head, once that was done with that she then used the new horn to punction a hole in the both of the rabbit's hind legs, afterwards she then stuck her finger between the fur and the skin and begin ribbing apart a path from the rabbit's left leg the other before she began peeling all the rabbit's fur off it skin, all while watching Gird to make sure he doesn't try anything.

If he were to look like he was about to try and take her food, she would release a sinister aura while glaring at him kind of scary-like almost as if she was seriously considering harm him if he tried. Even seen one of those anime scenes were an where one of the characters suggests something that offense another character and that character has an evil looking aura as they advise against do that? Well, it would be a lot like that.

@demonspade64 real quick Gird is next to the hole not in it.


Goblin Luz


Luz smiles as she spills blood from the rabbits back, crippling it, and making it cry out in distress. Then she frowned slightly as she watched it being bleeding out and froze wondering what she should do. Meanwhile, the other rabbit ran near the hole and was caught by her partner. She watched him quietly as he killed the other so she doesn't distracted him. Once Gird deed was done, Luz looked at the rabbit she wounded before deciding to put it out of his misery. So she pointed the sharp end of her spear at his head before saying..."Nothing personal." She told it before moving the spear back a bit before thrusting it into the rabbit head as hard as she could.

Afterward, she then checked on Gird. "Are you okay?" She asked him calmly. Once she confirmed his well being Luz then held her kill under her arm. Her stomach then growled yet she did not yet pick apart the rabbit. "What next?" she asked him. Oh thought she was hungry she didn't want to show any weakness to Gird, for in her path life showing such weakness was counterproductive towards her past goals.

So are our character getting info in their heads about the skills and EXP that they are getting or is that just for us users who are controlling them?
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