Avatar of DepressedSoviet
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 669 (0.24 / day)
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    1. DepressedSoviet 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current i.imgur.com/iacvHug.jpg this is probably the greatest cosplay to ever make me irrationally angry
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Thought: A Hamilton-esque comedy-musical about the Russian Revolution, from Trotsky's point of view. Lenin would take a Washington-type role, the Tsar would be King George, and Stalin is Jefferson
7 yrs ago
@Ophidian How do you think I feel? I'm 40-odd years behind you, and that STILL holds true for me.
7 yrs ago
oi, fuk off m8. Don't see me coming into the status bar, shitting all over YOUR nation's political ideology.
1 like


Just here for a bit of roleplay occasionally. I have an odd schedule, so please don't get too upset if I disappear. I'll do my best to let you know beforehand, though.

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@GrecI'd be willing to be Co-GM, assuming @Shifter_Master decides they would rather not.

@MalecBanewoodThe Creation has a fake beard and long hair-wig, very matted and ugly in appearance. Over his torso and arms he has fake sewing marks a-la Frankenstein, to give the appearance of a piecemeal body. The Doctor has just basic TV makeup, and a shorter wig.
Lots of Characters

ha ha ha ha ha ha internet communists talking about LABOR as if they have jobs ha ha ha ha ha

Hey now, I do have a job, which is literally browsing the internet in the name of Communism. And if history plays out the way wikipedia says it does, I have job security for the next 28 years or so, which is probably a lot more than can be said for people with jobs in 2017 America.
@GrecAlright, good to hear. I'm really looking forward to this. The old World of Darkness is one of my favorite settings/systems.
When Jake awoke, he was immediately put off by the surrounding area being different from the one he had fallen asleep in. He patted himself down to make sure everything was still there, including his gear, before getting up. Once he was standing, he pulled a cigarette and a match from one of the pouches on his uniform, striking the match across his armor, and lighting the cigarette. He took a deep puff, exhaling just as the hologram flickered to life and began to speak.

"Greetings. My name is Caleb, and I have a job for you from the higher levels of the NCR." Great, a job from either those stuck-up government suits, or those spooks in the Secret Service... "As you have heard rumors about, the town of Nipton has handed over several NCR soldiers to Cesar's Legion, and gained a rich reward from the local legion commander. This act of rank treachery cannot stand." The hologram turned, gesturing to a stack of water and caps, enough to be split three ways. "Therefore, we are giving a blanket mission; take revenge. You are given complete freedom to define revenge or justice the way you see fit; we aren't weaklings like Chief Hanlon. Just make sure that someone pays for the lives of the NCR soldiers who have been lost today."

After the hologram ended, one of the other two people in the room, the other male, and a normal human, took his share of the caps and water. He mentioned something about acquiring more gear, and rushed out the door.

The other person, a human woman, and obviously a tribal of some sort, mentioned the job seeming to be a good one. She also asked him if he remembered how they got there.

The ghoul replied between puffs of his cigarette, his raspy voice sounding almost like a snarl. "Beats me, smoothskin. I'm just as out of the loop as you are. Hopefully we can figure things out after we get back." With that said, he scooped up his hunting rifle from where it lay nearby, making sure it was okay, before slinging it over his back, and checking his pistol as well.

Just then, the man who had left came back in, now armed with a large minigun. He asked what Jake and the woman thought of the weapon. "Well, that's one way to stick it to the Legion." He said, tossing his cigarette to the floor and smothering it with his foot. The man spoke about a plan for getting to Nipton, and Jake held up a hand. "Hold up there, smoothskin. Let's hear what the lady thinks before he settle on a definite plan."
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