Avatar of deso
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  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 84 (0.04 / day)
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    1. deso 5 yrs ago
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1 yr ago
I farted.
1 yr ago
Well Deso hopes you have a better day soon.
1 yr ago
I'll flood the whole city Batman!!!!
1 yr ago


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Elkko sat, leaned up against an old wooden building in a neighborhood full of old wooden buildings, looking up at a spire object from what appeared to be the middle of the city. The sun was out and as bright as ever, so bright, Elkko found it almost odd but today seemed like any other normal day for him, which was a day spent trying to con money off of the local denizens of the port city of Coven. He watched as an unobservant women walked slowly by him, leaning forward as she came close. He outreached his hand, sliding it into her pocket with a sly look. Before she even felt a thing, his hand was out with a light bag of coins, he opened it wide, only to see nothing but a few gold pieces.

"What an awful start." thought Elkko as he slipped the tiny amount of gold he retrieved into his thinly lined pockets. He looked unamused as he rose from his seated position, wrapping the hood of his brown robe around his face and headed off towards the spire which marked the center of Coven, where most of the business and transactions of many kinds went down.

Always open for suggestions of what races, creatures, etc to be added. This will constantly evolve of course as roleplay goes on.
PM me your character template first for a quick look over and approval to post it here if your interested in joining!
@Rusalka Thanks for applying! Feel free to start roleplaying anytime!

Landscapes And Cities (As Discovered):
Coven- Compact port city with interwoven areas of high wealth and shantytowns.

The Races Of The Land and Surrounding Areas:

Creatures and Other Entities (As Known to Livingkind.):
Nighthounds: Predatory creatures more shadow like than actual dog, almost seems to swallow it's prey whole. Rumored to be old pack hounds neglected by their previous owners a very long time ago.

If you would like to join, PM me your interest with a brief character description, any form or template.
I'm interested in this!
Elkko Vannor

Age: 19

Race: Half Drow, Half Human.

Elkko is a young adult in between two worlds, or should I say a half Drow, half Man. Elkko lives on the streets, eating whatever scraps he can muster, there ain't nobody to help him, but himself and he understands that. Especially on the streets of Coven, a shanty port town right up to the ocean waters. Though a bit emotionless as all Drows tend to be, he is mistaken quite often to be the apathetic sort which is not true.

Elkko as a half-breed does indeed showcase a caring side for certain things and shares his true emotions, although rarely. He is the clever sort, pulling mostly, sometimes harmless pranks on people or swindling them for the amusement of it and the gold he could muster them out of. Though he's trapped on the streets, he strives for more, for truly greater things, that of which, he doesn't quite know yet.

Alteria is a beautiful country off the coast of Tian, filled with many a mystery, and many denizens call it home. Many a race, many an odd species of creatures come prowling around, some with evil intentions and misdeeds. Though Alteria looks beautiful, it houses many dark and ancient secrets, some even involving old magics that have been discarded and long forgotten. Most of these magics should never be awakened on fear of the very destruction of the world itself. In-fact, any kind of magic is feared, not praised, hence it was outlawed, in castles and in walled off settlements around the land.

Any form of the use and death could very well serve you if you were to be caught. Dark evils are plotting everywhere, currently trying to release said magics and letting it free to tear up upon the very soil in which they even stand. Even the most peaceful creatures of the land are acting up, sometimes turning violent. Nowadays in Alteria, the once beautiful and peaceful country is slowly turning more and more violent and chaotic... even the shadows seem to move at night.
Hey, I'm Deso and I'm new here, I used to forum roleplay as long time ago but moved to roleplay on actual game servers but now I'm looking forward to getting back into the classic forum, post by post roleplay of all kinds. I'm mostly into fantasy, sci-fi and even post-apoc stuff in general, I'm a casual to moderate roleplayer and if anyone ever wants to roleplay just let me know or pm me or something, I'm most likely down for it.
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