Avatar of DestinyStar
  • Last Seen: 25 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: DestinyStar
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 480 (0.13 / day)
  • VMs: 10
  • Username history
    1. DestinyStar 10 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current It's been a long time, RPGuild. I hope you're all well.



Thank you for visiting my profile!

You can call me Destiny. I am a 26-year-old pansexual woman from the USA who has been roleplaying since 2007. I got my start on a Kingdom Hearts fan-forum, and now here I am! My roleplaying interests include slice-of-life, romance, drama, fantasy, and anime fandom. Did I mention I am a HUGE otaku? :D

I write at a high-casual/advanced level as far as the amount of content I write per-post, but I'm not into flowery language most of the time. My writing is very simple, with a lot of the focus being on the characters and how their thoughts and feelings are developing. Realism is the name of my game! This stems from the fact that, when I am not roleplaying or slaving away for a large technology conglomerate at my day job, I am working on plays and films as a professional actress. With this being my passion, it's quite literally my job to pick apart each character's brain to find the motivation behind their words and actions. I'm just saying, that kind of obsession shows in my writing.

For my partners, I mostly do 1x1 RPs unless a group really catches my eye. I expect 2-3 paragraphs per post and prefer those who can respond at least once a day. Original stories catch my eye more than fandoms, but I don't rule anything out until I've tried it- trust me, if something's not working I'll let you know. I do not write smut, but if it is story-driven I will consider 18+. I'm really not picky; these are just guidelines for how to *guarantee* I will love our RP! I've been surprised before!

A fair warning in advance: I'm also a little crazy. I am diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression, so if I am feeling off I may just stop responding. My mental health does come first. Rest assured, I will pick up the pieces and clear my head enough to reply soon. I use my writing as an outlet, so I can never stay away more than a couple of days. That being said, my Guild partners are my family. Y'all have helped me through the worst times of my life and continue to remind me why I'm still alive on this Earth. So just know that I am here to do the same for any of you, even if we've just met. :)

Anywho, if this sounds like your thing then shoot me a PM! I swear I'm friendly, albeit a little strange, and I don't bite (hard)!

Most Recent Posts

Mari was surprised to have been helped up so suddenly. "T-Thank you... I'm alright..." She murmured before looking towards the people Megan pointed out. Who was Minkyu and who was Amelia? She was so disoriented by her fall that it took her a moment to process why she was being handed a handkerchief. Huh? Oh, I'm bleeding! The young girl flailed for a bit in panic before she took the handkerchief and held it to her nose. The fabric was soft, and it was so cute... She felt bad ruining it. Before thinking, she blurted out, "I-I'll wash it tonight and return it to you!" The girl didn't seem to mind as she went back to work. Seeing the boy waving as her, she flushed red and looked down at the ground. Everyone was so nice, but she was still embarrassed from her fall.

Her mind was reeling by the time she was directed to Minkyu for the interview. It confused her that she called him the barista. If he was interviewing her, wouldn't that make him one of the owners? Or a manager? Mari had never had a job before, so she admittedly didn't know how these things worked. However, she wanted to redeem herself, so she put on her best smile and nodded. It was impossible to hide her nerves. "Y-Yes! That's o-okay..." Her eyes drifted up to the plastic ears on their heads. She was surprised, having thought it was just the theme. Were they cosplaying today? It made her curious. The bleeding had all but stopped, so she placed the handkerchief in her pocket as she followed him to the back room.

She sat across from Minkyu at a small table, sitting straight up with her hands balled into nervous fists on her lap. What sort of questions would he ask? She was feeling nervous and dizzy and sick from all of the excitement and activity this far, but she was determined to give this her all!

It was a beautiful day outside. Mari had gotten up early, put on her cutest, frilly shirt and pleated skirt with heels, and eaten a delicious breakfast. Her parents had been so stressed, lately - she was eager to finally be able to help them ease at least one worry. They weren't a poor family, but they were definitely starting to struggle a bit since her father had lost his job at the office. She vowed to make sure and do her part to keep things happy, which is why she found herself standing at the entrance of Café Crème.

"Standing" may no longer be the best term... Rather, the young woman had tripped over the door frame to fall face-first onto the cold linolium. It took her a moment laying there to realize that she was no longer upright, before she suddenly scrambled back to her feet. "I-I'm sorry!" She squealed to whomever may be nearby as she adjusted her clothes and hair. There was no real reason to apologize. That had been embarrassing so it was the first thing she could think to do. Mari was used to falling down, but she had wanted to leave a better first impression than that.

Slowly, her eyes scanned the room around her at the dumbfounded faces staring back. Of course, none of them knew who she was. Mentally smacking herself, she meekly held up her a paper with her letter of interest. "I-I'm here to interview for the waitress job... M-My name is M.. Mari..." She became very nervous, her cheeks flushed a light shade of red. Was this the right place? A thin line of blood dripped from her nose where she had hit the floor. What a bad first image...

Marietta Locks ("Mari")

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Job: Waitress
Personality: Very shy and clumsy, but always tries to do her best! Can be quite hard on herself from time-to-time. Easy to overwhelm or embarrass.
Background: Mari was born and raised in this town, and has a doll-like appearance. Her father recently lost his job and, though they insist she doesn't have to, she wants to do what she can to help out. She is coming to the cafe for an interview and a trial run, hoping to be able to work while she goes to school to be able to help ease her father's stress. She loves cats and cafes, so when this place opened she decided to apply.
Color of Uniform: Yellow
Other: She loves sweets! Especially cute ones!
One of us! One of us! :P
@OliveYouSounds good! TYVM!:)

Marietta Locks ("Mari")

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Job: None (Yet)
Personality: Very shy and clumsy, but always tries to do her best! Can be quite hard on herself from time-to-time. Easy to overwhelm or embarrass.
Background: Mari was born and raised in this town, and has a doll-like appearance. Her father recently lost his job and, though they insist she doesn't have to, she wants to do what she can to help out. She is coming to the cafe for an interview and a trial run, hoping to be able to work while she goes to school to be able to help ease her father's stress. She loves cats and cafes, so when this place opened she decided to apply.
Color of Uniform: Yellow
Other: She loves sweets! Especially cute ones!
@OliveYou Great! I am at work now but will have a char sheet up in a few hrs~! :)
Ari was so distracted by her nervous thoughts that she didn't even think to fix her shawl; her gills were plainly visible. Calm down, calm down... She was nice. Surely you didn't make her dislike you. Just grab something to eat and go talk to her, again... She blinked and suddenly stopped walking. What did shape-shifters like to eat? Ari looked around the room in confusion, not sure where to go for this task. The young woman had been so flustered that she hadn't thought to ask Elizabeth about her food preferences. Nice going...
"You were?" That was sort of comforting to hear. She was glad to not be the only one unsure. Ari was a bit surprised at how downtrodden the girl appeared, and her heart sank. I made her sad! I shouldn't have asked her so suddenly! "Y-Yes... You are a very kind person. B-But you don't have to decide right now! We did just meet, So you don't know me that well..." She didn't realize as she spoke that her shawl had dropped down just enough to reveal part of her gills on her neck. "How about food? Are you hungry? I'll go get us something! Be right back!" She sauntered off before Elizabeth could respond, wanting to give the girl some space. Idiot...!
I am interested! This sounds cute and fun! :) May I apply to play someone who is coming to interview as a waitress- like she doesn't work there, yet? Thought it might be fun to add a clueless newbie to the mix! ^.^
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