Avatar of Determination
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 19 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Determination 8 yrs ago


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Hello! I'm a huge Undertale fan, if you can't tell by the name. I am a new member around here, but I hope I get to know some other members and stay here awhile. Always friendly and approachable! Most of the time wacky out of character, I always love a good OOC while I'm roleplaying. It establishes connection and makes people want to sick around. For FRIENDSHIP!

My interests when it comes to roleplay tend to differ. At the moment, I have really been getting into roleplaying Fandoms. There is some Fandom stuff below. It is varied, mostly because I can never get into anything good. Other general tastes include Horror, Action, Adventure, and things of that nature. I prefer Fantasy over Slice of Life, but may seek out group roleplays involving the latter. Sometimes I just need a little slice.

~Roleplay Specifics~
-I tend to love posting a few paragraphs, but it will always always always be quality over quantity for me. Seriously, I don't expect a thousand paragraphs per post. I prefer posts that know what they are: words meant to advance the storyline. I tend to prefer 2-3 paragraphs, though as I slide into the roleplay I post more. Why? Well, it becomes easier! We establish a connection, talk over plot, keep the roleplay alive, and so it gets easier.
-I play either gender. Male more often than female, but I'm flexible when it comes to this.

-Undertale (Game, current favorite)
-Binding of Isaac (Game)
-Soul Eater (Anime)
-Elfen Lied (Anime)
-Code Lyoko

~Hilarious Jokes~
I did a TON of work today.
A skele-TON.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Dishes who?
Dishes a very bad joke.

(Because I love it.)
A neutron walks into a bar and asks, "How much for a drink?"
Bartender says, "For you, no charge!"

Most Recent Posts

Hello! The name’s Determination, though feel free to call me Det. I’m a friendly person, and just your regular Undertale trash. You’ll find me in the garbage dump of the Underground, hanging with the rusted bike. We’re good pals by now.
If it isn’t obvious, I am seeking partners who have at least some knowledge of Undertale and can roleplay either within its universe or in one of the alternate universes based around it. My preferred genres for roleplay include fantasy, action, adventure, and horror. I like to keep Slice of Life and romance a small part of the roleplay, at most. Please keep this in mind.

What I am looking for:
*Thread roleplays. This makes talking out of character so much easier, since there is a whole other spot to do that.
*High casual posts. A few paragraphs would be superb, but I am not looking for pointless fluff. This is why I am not putting an exact cap on the amount of paragraphs I would like. You should provide substantial posts that will drive the story forward. No need to focus on how big your post is, as long as it does what it should. That being said, one-liners do not do the trick. They provide nothing to the story. I am still looking for literacy!
*Third person point of view, past tense.
*Cooperation. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to drag the roleplay along all by myself. I want my possible partners to be able to handle the story with me.

What you’ll get from me:
*Detail. I love to describe scenery and emotion. I am usually a multi-paragraph kind of girl.
*Flexibility. I can play either male or female, I am fine with any type of pairing (MxM, FxF, MxF), and I am comfortable in many alternate universes. If you know of an AU that isn’t on my list, feel free to introduce it to me! I would love that.
*Replies. Obviously, but I mean in a timely manner. I can usually post every other day on weekdays and every day when it comes to weekends or breaks I might be on. This does not mean one post, though. I usually like to give two or three or more, not just one.
*Communication. If you just want to talk, here I am. I love talking about everything relating to Undertale or roleplaying. I also love talking about ideas and the future of our roleplay. Communication is key!
*Honesty. If I’m getting bored, I’ll tell you. If I feel like we aren’t a good match as roleplay partners, I will tell you. Honesty is also key.

Undertale Ideas

So nice to have you all here! The lurker group is off to a great start! :D

~Our Purpose~
To lurk, of course!
Additionally, this group was established to give attention to roleplays that don't have many members. We will lurk in roleplays, as well as popular topics and other categories on RoleplayerGuild.
If you are looking to join great but underrated roleplays, this is the place for you!
If you want to meet some new and great people, this is also the place for you!
And of course, if you just want to lurk, this is definitely the place for you!

There will be smaller groups created for little lurking sessions in specific categories, and lurking sessions where everybody is involved will take place at a time all members would be comfortable with.



~List of Topics/Categories we have lurked in (The Ten Latest)~




Oh, we'll have to talk about rules! I'm not really sure what the rules would be. Maybe something like:
1.) We lurk. We do not post.
and er... That's all I got!

Maybe... Ooh, maybe we should group people in specific categories as something like Mini-Lurking sessions. I mean, not everyone likes viewing Rules and whatnot. We could schedule Big-Group Lurkings at certain times. Maybe have people fill out a short little bio, like:
Do you have nickname? What is is?:
If not, do you want us to give you a nickname?:
One interesting fact about you: (Who doesn't like interesting facts??)
Which category do you like best?:
and that's all I got, but feel free to tell me your ideas!

Woot woot, approval never felt so good! :D Now, where the hey do I post a topic for a group like this? xD Can't keep spamming this Introduction forever!


A sincere thank you from the wacky Founder! :) We won't interrupt, naturally, lurkers lurk after all! No need to worry about us too much. Lurkers shouldn't be much of a problem. I don't think so anyway, but I wouldn't know. I've never seen a group for them before. If it does become a problem for some reason, we'll see what we can do to fix it of course.

Nuuu, no dying on me please! D: What will I ever do without the person who convinced me to turn my crazy joke into an idea!?!?!?!?


Good, now you people can't conspire against me and take over my amazing idea. XD

Not that I think you will, TOTALLY not paranoid. *shifty eyes like Doggo* DID SOMETHING MOVE!? WAS IT MY IMAGINATION!?

Y'all, I gotta sleep! Don't have too much fun without me! XP

I shall forever be remembered as Founder, muahahaha! Since it was my idea, like a BOSS! You two can be my loyal Co-founders, of course. :) Although I think @SgtEasy would be Recruiter! Still, whatever you guys wanna be!! Now hiring Secretaries and somebody for Treasury! Remember guys, we need the hot Secretaries. XP


WELCOME, YOUNG ONE! Look up the top lurkiest animals and pick one, as our mascot you must wear a cool costume. :D

If you didn't play Mettaton, I'd sue you!! I mean, hello! Avatar! Mettaton's lookin' FAB as always! :D Sans is my obvious choice. He's the one I've been roleplaying with anyways. Thanks, that helps! I have only ever led one successful roleplay. It lasted 3 years... After that, the only successful stuff were roleplays whose owners quit. I took ownership and built the roleplays up to glory! For a few months, anyway. The best types of groups are 3-4 people tops. HAIL!!!

Right, three machines. XANA could materialize monsters in the machines, as well. Nah. She was... SPOILER ALERT!!!

Organized chaos is always delicious, because it's technically not frowned upon. I mean, who frowns at something that's ORGANIZED!? Unless you're a hater, in which case booooo! Boo all dem haters!

Oh I think we'd work well then! I surely love big, long posts, although I hate when restrictions are placed. I've had this amazing 10-paragraph post roleplay happen once, but the other person quit... It was way too much of an expectation. I have also quit one of those, after feeling burned out. You know when it feels like you've done nothing after 10 paragraphs? Yeah... It burns you out FAST. I prefer quality over quantity, most times, though still adore my deets.


Woot woot! Although, shouldn't we make a separate topic for that type of thing? XD

Hmmm... I've done 1x1 the most, although I love group roleplays out of everything. My group ones don't do well usually, though, which makes me sad. Maybe too much detail, or lack of, on my part. I'm not sure which one it is. I usually try to balance that aspect out. Group roleplays bring so much to the table, so much variety! I'm not one for battling, and I haven't tried Tabletop nor Nation.
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