Avatar of Didgeridont
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    1. Didgeridont 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Proverbs 20:15: There is Gold, and a multitude of Rubies: but the lips of Knowledge are a precious jewel.
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6 yrs ago
lol gay haha
7 yrs ago
Matthew 9:34: But the Pharisees said, "He can cast out demons because he is empowered by the prince of demons."
7 yrs ago
*rawr xD*
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7 yrs ago
This riot is getting out of control! Call in the Roof Koreans!


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also Shadowrun ain't real cyberpunk.

real cyberpunk doesn't have dragons, or trolls, or magicky native americans. part of the draw of cyberpunk should be the closeness to a world of our own or of the near future. i can't really imagine a future where portions of the population suddenly become orcs.

Shadowrun just tries for an appeal to a wider audience by pasting in all the D&D stuff, but as a result the game becomes D&D with guns and computers
<Snipped quote by Didgeridont>

so no to triad pc?

Nah you could prolly make a triad character but just keep in mind that they're concentrated in the Southern provinces of China
Triads are more prominent in Southern China/Hong Kong/Macau but they've often been synthesized with companies and other Chinese-based multinationals, primarily due to the fact that Triads fill a need for the type of muscle and loyalty a corp might need in this type of world. There'll be a story arc revolved around them, but I plan for that to be later on down the line.
Imma prolly try and get the IC rolling in the next two days, writing it as we speak. It hasn't been a week yet but I don't know if we'll see any new faces.

Whoever is still working on their CS, let me know, either on this thread or in a PM. It looks like we shouldn't be too crowded with the projected amount of characters, so I think that we should have room for everyone that's still on board.
Yo can we silence/maim/kill commies, anarchists, and others on the far-left because of their history with wanting me/my people/my family dead, as well as their history in restricting my freedoms and condemning millions to unhappiness and suffering? They're inherently dangerous, so me coming across one would be like a self-defense situation, but they've already have made the first move by professing themselves as communists, so I would have to run at the with a melee weapon or pick them off from afar with some sort of firearm. Is that cool?
Friendly reminder that free speech isn't something that is naturally and eternally good, it's just something part of the world decided was a good idea and now people act like the universe itself demands that it be upheld. Nobody has to tolerate anybody else's viewpoint because "free speech", because free speech isn't some kind of moral be all end all. People are obsessed with the idea that western liberal values are somehow universal truths, when they're just as universally true as the social values of the Roman Empire. Morality is entirely relative, and the only reason so much of us have settled on the moral ideas proposed by modern western liberalism is because modern western liberalism happens to have the most power in the world. If it had been China and other Asian nations that rose to power rather than European ones, the values considered "true" by most of us would be significantly different.

Would you worship the god you do or do not had you been born in India? Would you believe that violence is inherently bad and that all views must be respected if you were a slave in the American South? No, you probably wouldn't. You hold the values you do because of what culture you were born into, what ideology is in power where that culture exists, and the other socioeconomic conditions you were born into. If I was born to some well-off family in the suburbs of California I'd probably be making the exact opposite argument that I am now.

The American constitution is not the tablets brought down by Moses.

Yeh but values of classical liberalism have been the most successful foundation for governments. They allow for a steady growth in knowledge, technological abilities, philosophy, religion. America was able to become so powerful partially due to their system of government and the freedoms it allowed.

Who cares how relative an argument or worldview is? That detracts from the point a person tries to make. Don't focus on the person, focus on what they're speaking of. This is why ad homonym attacks and insults are generally frowned upon in conversation, because they take focus away from what a person tries to say and places it on who the person is or might be. It doesn't matter that I might have thought differently if this happened in my lifetime or if I was born here, because that point of view on the subject doesn't prove or give insight into anything I'm talking about other than the history behind my thoughts.
Yeh, we shouldn't deny "global warming", I'll concede to that. But I hope you don't spread ignorance of the fact that we need to curb population growth by drastically limiting means of human procreation, though. That would be p bad.

If you don't want to get wracked with a lock, take off the fucking swastika and go home. I know you fucking idiots think you fucking have me in a corner, with this fucking reach, but fighting against fascism/the growing threat of fascism isn't wrong and will never be wrong.

Now, fighting against black people and gays for simply wishing to exist, that's wrong.

Why is fighting against people who are put under an umbrella label inherently good? What is your logic behind this statement? What is so wrong about fascism that it has no redeemable qualities and thus must be always fought against and silenced?

Plus the guy hit with a bike lock was trying to stop people from fighting each other.
<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

Spoken like a woke and true collaborator.

Why is it that whenever nazis are brought up, some pin-dicked alt-righter has to bring up Stalin and the commies. Bad? sure. Worse? sure. but I don't see communists lighting up torches and plowing cars into people lately.

Ayo heard of Antifa?
>Makes a derogatory statement demonizing people who support the 1st Amendment
>Responds with fierce ad homonym attacks when people reply with their opinion on the matter
>Also proceeds to misrepresent people's ideas regarding the topic and interjects a worldview that isn't conducive to discussion in an effort to prevent others from voicing their beliefs
>Acts smug when people take umbrage with this type of behavior

w e w .
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