Avatar of DoomFlavored


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3 yrs ago
Current Just opened up a new Fairy Tail rp, enjoy :) - roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Made an interest check for an upcoming Fairy Tail rp :) - roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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4 yrs ago
Fishing rods and Big Freakin Guns - youtu.be/U4lz8MN6MQA
5 yrs ago
A question thread of mine has become possibly be useful for everyone. Thanks @OwO roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Character sheets are necessary for GMs to make sure you have an idea of what you're doing and aren't going to pull random nonsense. Also necessary for guaging power scale.


I'm just a dude who likes vidya games, anime, Star Wars, all that cool nerd shit. Proud of it.

Most Recent Posts

Hey guys it might take me a couple days or so, maybe a little more, before I can get a post up. Yesterday morning I woke up with my uvula (punching bag thing in your mouth) seriously swollen. Like... pressing into my tongue swollen. It turned out to be an allergic reaction to... something... I have no idea what.

Fortunately I'm doing alright and it's getting better, but I'm on some pretty heavy duty antihistamines that are making me very drowsy and out of it. This could be the dosage, as for first day I took double dose to really hit the swelling fast, but could be the medicine itself.

For the rp in general I'd like to be able to meet up with Maul relatively quickly, as I don't want to be off on my lonesome for very long. But I'm okay with Xalles being up against a Jedi on his own for a little while.

I'll post when the swelling is more down and I'm more awake.
Okay... so wasn't able to do anything for a while cuz the site exploded. Seems to be back for now...
Anyway. Is this still on?
Lolololol. Alrighty. Xalles vs a Jedi Knight. This will be interesting.

Name: Xalles Sunflare

Species: Human

Age : 11

Force: Apprentice, Sith

Force techniques:
Force Valor - Some proficiency
Force Speed - Low prociciency
Force Jump - Some Proficiency
Battle Precognition - Minimal Proficiency
Telekenisis - Low proficiency

Combat Techniques:
Form 7, Juyo - Moderate Proficiency
Form 4, Ataru - Low Proficiency
Jar'Kai - Low Proficiency

Blaster Rifle with long range scope

Xalles is nearly always bitter and angry, showing hatred that is just as often legitimate as it is sometimes forced for appearances. While submissive to the will of his master, he treats others with the desire to gain power and control over them, not afraid to resort to cruelty to do so. Occasionally he is able to find great joy in relatively simple things, or company that he grows fond of, but this is rare, and never while his master is nearby.

Xalles was born on Nar Shaddaa from a slave. His very early years were made as pleasant as possible by his mother, though there was only so much she could do given their conditions and her position. The relatively kind years ended when they were sold off at the age of five, a woman in dark clothing having visited and taken some kind of interest in him. Something about sensing he could be useful. The woman turned out to be a sith under the title of Darth Maul, who took Xalles to be her apprentice. As a first measure to instill hate into the boy, the woman killed his mother in front of him, slowly dragging a lightsaber through her shoulder and into her abdomen before going all the way through.

Almost immediately, not even letting Xalles time to grieve, the Sith Lord began training him, forcing him to learn how to fight. Xalles was beaten and battered, put at his lowest point to instill hate and despair in him. Unfortunately it worked. Xalles has been formed into a sith apprentice over the last six years, being trained mostly in combat with a lightsaber in often fatal battles, which the boy took to much more easily than the use of the force. Even the force came easier to him when using it to fuel brutal melee combat, amplifying his body's abilities. His strongest ability being Valor, which by now can surpass the majority of adult human men.

Now, Xalles follows his master to assist her in her mission, and to slaughter her enemies. Hopefully there will even be an opportunity to face the hated Jedi.
So uh... is my CS okay?
Heh. Xalles would get shrecked right now but 10 years down the road... would be a ridiculous fight.
If Sidious (secretly) knows about it, probably would deal with it in the Sidious way heh. Wait and see how much potential he has and decide which of the two he'd rather have for himself :P
Also. As this is a Star Wars rp......... I am obligated to post this.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9t-slLl30E It must be done.
@Burning Kitty Thanks :)

Sounds good to me. I figured Maul would train Xalles to be very expendable, just as or even more so than she is. Were you thinking that Maul would have told him about Sidious with plans to overtake him later? Or kept him in the dark?

And I think you were saying you also were thinking that Maul was keeping Xalles a secret from Sidious as well.
Could always do like Vader did in legends and have a secret apprentice that Sidious doesn’t know about.

Oh and I left the stuff revolving around Sidious purposefuly vague for you to be able to decide what action Maul has taken with this. Whether she's told Xalles about her own master, and what those plans are. If any.
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