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Current @Lady Amalthea, does that mean every post is a Horocrux?


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Giosue Zino

Location: Ville Au Camp: Room 200->202
Skills: The Watch Act III: Time Sense

The traps had been laid, now all he needed to do was calmly make his way back to his room on the other side of the floor and get tucked in and sleep. That's all that was left for him to do for the night. And yet, when he turned around to leave Nancy's room, he happened to notice something that had slipped past on his way in: one of her blouses had simply been carelessly tossed on the floor, crumpled up and left to wallow in filth. Gio knew that if he did something about it, it would be a dead giveaway that he had been here. But it bothered him that it was there, even if chances were that within the next half hour it would be reset back into a closet or dresser. He couldn't just leave it where it laid.

Gio tapped his foot as he stared at the offending garment. He should have the time to do something with it before Nancy returned, but maybe with the new hands they'd actually managed to get the task of clearing out the guests faster than they normally did. The Emendator quick glanced at his bare wrist, as if the figmentary watch therein would tell him something he didn't already know. A few tortured, indecisive moments passed before he snapped. It bothered him too much. Giosue picked up the blouse, smoothed it out as best as he could and precisely, but gingerly folded it up into a smooth, squared package, putting it to rest directly onto a dresser.

Neurosis calmed, The Watch hastily fled the scene of the crime and returned to his room. The day had been quite thoroughly draining, and although technically he would live it again the next day, it was a relief that it was over now. In the solitude of his room, he disrobed down to his underwear, performed a few light stretches and carefully slid in between the bed covers (He was not the type to carelessly throw into disarray the sheets that he had carefully put into place just that morning. Furthermore, they seemed to be more inviting, more comfortable when left as flat as possible).

Location: Outside the Tower
Interacting with:N/A

That was one more person who was able to make it out the tower. Cyne kept her eye on the dwarf as he sprinted out, if only to make sure he didn't accidentally run headfirst into a tree. When she turned back to check on Keystone and Thomas. Oh. Oh gods. Ew. Gross. Gross. Gross. As covered in filth and viscera as she was, there was some unspoken difference between bodily fluids spilled in combat and those expelled from a preexisting orifice. One was an outcome of battle, the other of illness, which made it grosser. The fact that this was the second time today vomit was spewed on Thomas didn't help matters either. So the mage was now a walking cesspool of intestinal backwater.

So disgusting was this sight that the druid couldn't bear to look into the tower any longer. She had to turn away and walk from the entire scene. Yes, they might be about to die, but she wasn't mentally ready to handle what she had just seen, and she didn't want to lose her own lunch as well. She hoped that they would all be able to make it out safely, but on the way back to town, those two boys would have to stay in a separate group well behind the rest of them.

Harry Kingsfield

Halsey's shop

Harry listened to her words and wrote them down in shorthand as she spoke, not really paying attention to what his hand was doing. It was more like how a grandmother would knit while holding a conversation then an intensely focused record keeping like how he normally scriblled down everything he thought could potentially be important. Perhaps his sloppier than normal note taking would come back to bite him in the ass, but he wasn't worried about that at that moment.

"So these supposed Satanists," the investigator interjected, picking up his cup of coffee and taking a sip before continuing, "I imagine that those suspected of being Pagan, let alone devil worshippers became quite infamous figures in the history of the town of Red Lake, regardless of their true status of being guilty or innocent. Would you happen to know more about them? Names, occupations, ownership of any historically significant features in the town. Things of that nature." Could one of these Satanists have been that man who's image he's found in the abandoned house? Very likely, but the fact that there was supposedly an entire group of these people could be far more significant than the actions of a single man.

Atkin Bowman

Location: Palace: Lawn

This Richard fellow seemed to have take a liking to Atkin, or at the very least seemed amused by him, which was definitely a step up from his apparent emotions towards everyone else. First he hissed at Valda's bodyguard (or knight now. Congrats on the promotion?). Who the fuck does that? There was a reason that hissing was something generally done only by snakes and cats. It wasn't threatening when a human literally hissed at another one, it just made them look like a weirdo who didn't know how to interact with other members of their species. Not to mention it seemed like the guy had a temper that made Atkin look like a cold faced stone in comparison. But that wasn't the really concerning part.

It was how he moved when Myrus suddenly exploded. It was fluid, and Atkin could tell that he was no stranger to that dagger. You occasionally saw people like that around the ramblings, and they were the among the riskiest people to be around. If you got on their bad side, you could end up with a dagger through the heart before you realized it. The lady might be a giant flying lizard with time powers, but Atkin couldn't shake the feeling that Richard was by far the more dangerous of the two. He could only hope that Lyra wouldn't end up accidentally creating a bigger incident than the numerous ones that had occurred in the past four hours or so. Under other circumstances he'd offer some kind of warning to her, but he didn't really have any way of doing so that wouldn't get everyone's knickers in a tighter knot than they already were. Asides, she was a grown woman and supposedly some kind of warrior. She could take care of herself and should have been able to see the same thing he had.

Oh speaking of which, what the fuck had Myrus just done? He was still a beginner (well intermediate practitioner if you go by OOC skill names) at this whole Magyk business, but even he could see that what he had done wasn't Magyk. At least, it was no Magyk he had ever seen around the tower or poking around in places he shouldn't be. Maybe it was like what Rowland had said about whatever took Luna not being Magyk. But it was still wild.

"Not to state the obvious or nothin', but the prince should probably be taken to a Physician." Even taking the weird whatever it was he had just done out of account, the guy was freaking out and bleeding from the nose. Maybe it was just a nose bleed, but given he had just been mind scrambled and his hands were glowing red, there was a pretty good chance that there could have been something actually messed up with him physically in the brain area. Or at the very least, perhaps the Physician would be able to calm him enough that he'd be able to communicate properly.

The ExtraOrdinary Apprentice turned to make his way back to Arya's side when he started to feel a killer itch on his chest. Quickly, that irritation spread outward. Soon it covered his entire torso, but kept going, crawling down his arms and legs and up his neck. Finally after it seemed to cover ever centimeter of his skin, it stopped, and the lad was able to pry his hands away from himself. And when he did, he found something peculiar.

They were purple. Or more accurately covered entirely in purple velvet. Quickly he pulled up the sleeves of his dress cloak. Sure enough, more velvet. He pulled his collar forward and looked down into his robes for the final bit of confirmation. From head to toe, Atkin was plastered in the stuff. That funny little quirk about learning Magyk decided to crop up again: when it just decided to manifest without any input from him whatsoever. It had never been this bad; however, considering the rest of the day up to this point, why wouldn't he just become covered in fabric? He couldn't even bring himself to get mad and yell about it. All he could do was march over to his teacher's side and fume.

Why did Magyk have to be such a constant source of grief? One moment the woman was ready to spring into combat, the next she was unable to move, along with everyone else in the room. She recognized the charm, it was one that she'd seen employed in the past, but she forgot the exact name. Fast Freeze? Freeze Fast? It was all she could do to recall the exact word choice required to dispel it while all the witches (and Wizard) undid themselves and started going on their merry business. Luna had been Cradlesnatched (her master wouldn't like that), a snake had been summoned and the other Coven Mother boldly proclaimed her sentiment to make sure that the princess wouldn't be making it out if she could have her way. That definitely wouldn't be allowed.

The woman managed to unfreeze herself right when a new woman entered the scene. One who was very much not a witch, and in whom she saw a lot of things she recognized. This new entrant who had so effortlessly came into the scene and slain the serpent and her summoned snake was not a person. She was a tool, a weapon built to kill with ruthless efficiency. And she didn't loathe her apparent purpose, but rather seemed to enjoy it. What a fascinating creature. But she couldn't let that distract her from the situation at hand. They evidentally had the same purpose, which made them allies, even if she didn't know it. The woman resumed her fighting stance, club at the ready.

"Do not attack me," she spoke to Amarantha, doubting that she sounded in any way compelling, "I am here for the same reason as you. Get ready. They will probably target you now that you've taken out one of their top members." Speaking of which, she would likely be a high profile target as well, and it was in her best interest to ready herself as well. She quickly scrolled through her head, recalling various was of countering a Magykal attack aimed in one's own direction. She had no interest in being frozen again, or worse.
Mali Anson

Location: Club Afterdark
Skills: Driving (Cars)

Mali rubbed her eyes as she casually walked out behind Zoie and Relic. She could only hope that they wouldn't contribute to any potential road rage by bickering while she was behind the wheel. While it was endearing, even now their back and forths got a bit grating. She knew it had to be possible for them to share the same space while conscious and not constantly be at each other's throats. But did they know it was possible was the real question. When she ended up alone, due to Trisha going off to do other things and Zoie and Relic having run off ahead of her, Mali looked at the little bone sculpture still in her hand and quickly tucked it into her bra. What greeted her was immediate slight discomfort that wouldn't be going away any time soon, but she'd need both hands for this. Sacrifices had to be made.

The two siblings had gotten themselves situated in the car long before Mali entered the car herself. She quickly adjusted all the mirrors, the seat and aimed the Air Conditioning right at her before starting the car. When she grabbed the steering wheel she couldn't help but feel a measure of anxiety. She probably wouldn't be doing anything crazy, but there was still the worrying unknown factor that came with driving a car you weren't familiar with for the first time.

"Alright, I don't know the area by car at all, so I'm going to need directions to your place, alright? And if you could, please do not make too much noise, at least until we get out of the city. Justice drivers are crazy and I don't want to end up getting t-boned because I was distracted." Speaking of eliminating distractions, Mali turned that AC knob all the way up. For the first time since arriving in Justice she had full control of a vehicle's inner climate. The power felt good and the cold air blowing away all the bullshit heat of the city was almost enough to make her forget the bone isohedron jabbing into her nipple. Giving the accelerator a light push, Mali pulled out of the parking spot and turned into the streets of Justice proper.

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville Au Camp: Room 203->202->200
Skills: The Watch Act III: Time Sense

The reset would be occurring in less than an hour. If Evelina were out there, then they would already be in the middle of wrapping up the night. But Evelina was having very stern talk in just the next room over. Which meant Nancy and Gilbert were effectively in charge. Which meant Gilbert was effectively in charge. He had full confidence in the man's ability to lead when such activities needed to be done, but he wasn't as poignant about timeliness as himself or Evelina. Furthermore, he had to handle herding the Paradoxes and Nancy through their first loop.

Which meant he had time to pull off another prank. He could set something up for Alicia, but that would probably come off as more mean spirited that intended given the rest of the night's events. Likewise, trying to do something with Evelina was out of the question as well. Her room was occupied and trying to go beyond the confines of the main house wasn't a practical choice given the limited timeframe he was working with. Doubling up on Gilbert wouldn't work very well unless he could throw in enough things so as to cascade into each other like a river of laughs. Which left one target.

With the evident ruin of their joint prank brought to fruition earlier, the current ceasefire between the two of them was null and void. So why not get a head start and throw in a little surprise for her later. He quickly made his way back to his room and picked out a glitter-bomb, a bundle of decorative dust loosely held together by string and plastic. How they managed to make these things in the first place was a mystery, but if too much force was applied (as was easily done, these were not tools to carry around every day), they burst into a cloud of shiny, impossible to clean arts and crafts.

Luckily, the whole time loop kept the entire Camp from eternally being plastered in various colors of glitter. Now armed with a weapon of mass destruction, Gio made his way back to Nancy's room and ever so gently slipped it under her pillow. When she went to lay her head down, POOF. The Watch giggled to himself at the thought of his dear friend's neck and back being plastered in golden sparkles. After this, then he'd try to get to sleep. Promise.

Location: Tower 1F->Freedom
Interacting with:N/A

There was some kind of mess going on behind Nor. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of it was was that his years of experience both in the military and "private sector" weren't enough to provide him with even an educated guess on what could be occurring behind him. Sure, it was probably organic in some way, but that wasn't nearly enough to go by. A very small part of him wanted to look behind and check out what all the commotion was about. But that wasn't the part of him currently in command of the whole situation.

The hypothalamus had taken charge and it told him to keep running. The exit was right there, and nothing behind him was going to keep the tower from crashing down on his head. At best, it was just a distraction. At worst, it was some new monster that had remained hidden until now. But if that were the case, there were plenty of other, squishier targets for it to go for first. Wrapped up in Dwarven Plate as he was, he was about as safe from attacks to the back as he could be. Once out of the tower, Nor didn't break stride until he had gotten past where Sana and Cyne had been standing. If this tower was going to collapse, he wanted to be sure it wouldn't be on him.

Wait a minute. How did these two lasses get out here so quickly?
Mali Anson

Location: Club Afterdark
Skills: Driving (Cars)

"Maybe you're not smelling it because it went cold while you were passed out." Really, that was the thing he was going to complain about right then? It was like deciding to sleep through the whole day, then say to yourself that you don't need to get up because you can't see the sun outside. Really, it made her really want to jump to the more dramatic measure of picking him up by the ankles and letting him hang upside down until he decided he wanted to wake up, but Zoie jumped the gun.

Mali flinched when from out of her field of vision, suddenly a shoe flew in and nailed Relic in the head. The back of her head was able to tell her that it was Zoie chucking her shoe at her brother, but the forefront was having a minor panic attack at the unexpected object. All she could be thankful of was that Zoie wasn't wearing stilettos, that would have been really dangerous. She'd hate to see the kid have to walk around with an eye patch over a simple spat.

"Yeah, they've been like this the entire time I've seen them together," she replied to Trisha's rhetorical quip, "I'd probably be a bit concerned if I saw them getting along now. Do you have the keys, or are they in the car?" One of the advantages of growing up as a Suburban kid was that you basically had to learn how to drive, even if you didn't want to. Everything was just too far away to rely on walking, and the public transit was a joke. So they'd be free from the tyranny of either of the siblings being at the wheel.

That said, she wasn't sure how well she'd do either. It's not like she was a bad driver, but Justice traffic was well out of the league of anything she'd had to go through back home. Even her occasional jaunts to places like Boston went far better than even the average bus trip she had to sit through here. Not to mention that she still had her temper to deal with, and even though it was more or less under her control under normal circumstances, driving was not normal circumstances. Mali really didn't want to end up blowing up in front of Zoie; it'd be really embarrassing after the fact.

Harry Kingsfield

Halsey's shop

Harry wasn't sure what to make of that look that Halsey had given him. Did she think that it was a weird question? Well it kind of was, but that wasn't quite a "What did you just ask me" look. Perhaps there was something related to all this that she didn't want to share. Harry made a mental note to keep a lookout for any cues that she might be trying to conceal any pertinent information. They could be verbal, but they'd most likely be a bodily action. A sudden shift away in the gaze, a lowering of the head, closing off of the body, something like that.

"Coffee," he responded to Halsey's invitation to have some sort of beverage during their chat. He'd already had a cup earlier at the B&B, but really that was nothing compared to how much of the stuff he could drink. But she also confused him by referring to him as one of the "young people." He had stopped thinking of himself as that awhile back. He was a bit into his thirties at this point, and he had long since lost touch with what teenagers these days thought was "rad" or "hip." Perhaps in comparison to Ms. Halsey he could be considered "young," but that wasn't a really good metric for age, especially once you started getting advanced in years. Just like how it wasn't a good idea to use yourself as a meter stick for what was short if you were especially tall or especially short.

"How about we begin with the earliest you can go," Harry said as he pulled out his notebook and pen, opening the former to a clean page. He had a feeling he'd have a lot to record. "Like a time period around the colonial era, when Red Lake would have first been founded. Also, don't be afraid to leave in any supernatural rumors or stories. Those as well could potentially be related to the disappearance of Ms. Walker." The private investigator walked over to one of the seats by the coffee table and sat down, crossing his injured leg over the healthy one, pen at the ready to begin scrawling down anything that caught his attention.
@Morose New skills for Atkin? His culture's the Small Wet Country
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