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    1. dragonbutts 6 yrs ago
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I say fuck a lot.

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Well, that was creepy. So, I'm intrigued already lol.
Actually, @Default gave me the idea of Ryder calling a meeting together. So, I will probably do that after interaction with Lauren. It'll give a chance for the members who haven't interacted to do so. I have a couple ideas for why he calls the meeting.
Here's our not-so-friendly neighborhood mean girl to cause drama!

<Snipped quote by dragonbutts>

I love Tom Holland! But I already have it reserved for you so no worries.

I love him, too, and I keep imagining him as some nerdy movie buff on YouTube. His favorite movie is... wait for it... Spider-Man lmao.
Okay, think I've decided for my tv/movie vlogger that my FC will be Tom Holland, and this color (#996B91) of course, my picky ass may change that later, but just in case.
Can I reserve a role for a tv/movie vlogger? I'll think of more details when I'm outta class.
I think I'm really leaning towards a witch or warlock. Okay, I'm just gonna say I'm gonna make a OC witch or warlock, and stop being indecisive lol.
I am soooooo into this. I can't decide between Lilith and Lucficer, or if I just wanna play a hunter, or ughhhh. It all sounds so great.

Arthur simply nodded at Gaius' answer. He had seen many injuries before, had even had many himself. He had witnessed Gaius tending to those injured men, or if he was awake during a minor injury, watching. He made himself watch. He hardened himself to the point he didn't cringe at the sight of blood, or flinch at the sounds of pained whimpers. He trained himself to be able to handle it, for the battlefield or outside world had no care about whether he was sickened by seeing blood or not.

Thus, he watched easily as Gaius pulled the arrow from the young lad's shoulder. Arthur once had an arrow to the leg. He knew the pain of an embedded object in one's body, yet at least his arrow had not been poisoned. Arthur was beginning to wonder if the injured man angered somebody to the point of attacking him. The bandits were growing worse around their area, but his knights and he didn't see poisoned arrows used very often.

The room seemed so quiet as the arrow was removed, the only sounds the noises the young lad was making. Though Arthur was hardened by the sight and smell of blood, by the sounds of pain, he wasn't hardened to feeling utterly useless. But, it didn't take long for him to have something to do. He didn't hesitate to move forward, holding the cloth to the spot an arrow once was.

Arthur was briefly caught by the way the man's eyes were moving beneath his closed lids. He remembered those eyes, a clouded blue, that had been begging him for mercy or help. The prince didn't know which, and it didn't matter at this point, for he was giving help. He moved once Gaius returned, watching the old man work on the wound. The wound was just a hole where the arrow went in; amazing, how such a small thing could cause such a fuss.

Arthur straightened when Gaius turned to him, delivering good news. The young prince nodded. "Thank you, Gaius," his eyes briefly shifted to the sleeping man on the table. "After all, he will owe me for saving his life." he nodded at the physician before leaving the room.

Now, to face his father, and let him know what had just transpired.
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