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    1. DragonofTheWest 7 yrs ago


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12:15 PM
Brooklyn New York
November 3rd 2019

John sat on a bar stool, slightly hunched over as he stared off into the wooden table drowning in misery and attempting to ignore everything around him. For someone who wanted to be alone, being crammed in a packed bar that was eager to watch the upcoming boxing fight seemed like a dumb idea but John didn’t exactly think this through. On the tabletop before John lay several empty glasses of alcohol with none of them having any sort of effect on his muscular frame. He never understood alcohol, everyone around him was being affected by it. But he never could, no matter how much he tried. Of all the noises one line of dialogue made it's impression.

And with the conclusion of the co-main event we have New York’s own Marvin Hayes challenging for…”

“FUCK IVES!” Someone shouted as the television panned over to the defending champion warming up in the locker room before the fight. The expletive earned loud cheers throughout the crowded bar room. New York was always ready to support one of its own.

John however sat alone and quiet not bothering to look at the television, he could hear it precisely even through the countless conversations going on at once. There was time he would struggle attempting to focus as the noise consumed him but he was older now, his focus on what he wanted to listen to was absolute. As people struggled to move between the crowd, John caught several unintentional bumps. They never hurt but he didn’t like being touched. Finally sick of the noise, the smell and the crowd in general, John caught the barkeep’s attention and placed some cash down. He didn’t exactly count it and neither did the barkeep…John was without a doubt physically imposing and the barkeep wasn’t exactly going to try and tell the man before him he paid too little or maybe too much. Making his way towards the exit a random other bar patron tripped amongst the crowd, his pint of beer spilling over on to John’s jeans.

“Oh shit my bad!” The guy shouted. He looked down at the mess and nervously looked up. John gave him a disinterred look in return.
“Watch yourself.” John coldly stated and started walking off.
“The fuck?” The man replied under his breath as several of his friends had squeezed themselves over. “Shit dude, you lucky he didn’t just bash your face in” One of them said, laughing at his friend’s reaction to being so rudely dismissed of.
“Yeah well fuck that guy. Fucking prick. It was an accident. Fucking dick head.” He mumbled off though his slurs didn’t go unheard. John paused and turned around and stared down the small group of guys behind him. They were at least in the middle of their college years. John for a moment understood in that moment, he easily could have a group of friends like that. But there was nothing ordinary about his upbringing and seeing them all packed together like they were challenging him made his blood start to boil.

“Oh what? You got something to say now? Bring it asshole!” One of them shouted as they all stood together, ready to bull rush the lone patron John tensed slightly. He could break him and all of his friends in an instant. It wouldn’t be a challenge at all but right now he wasn’t in the mood and if he felt any sort of satisfaction for shutting up a few assholes, then so be it. John stepped forward and he could see the subtle movements in their bodies as if they suddenly regretted their actions. They were nervous but pride kept them in their place.

John was stepping closer, he could feel eyes gathering on him as people’s attention went from themselves or the television and on to towards the incoming altercation. Suddenly a strong grip was placed on his shoulder.

“That’s enough. If you gonna beat their asses, take it outside. Owner want no trouble in here. Main event starting soon enough.” John turned to see a large bouncer having approached and witnessed the whole thing. As big as the bouncer was, even he wasn’t going to do anything to stop him. John gave the group before him a strong glare before spitting on the ground as an act of defiance before making his way towards the exit. The bouncer tried to grab John again but his fingers couldn't grip anything. He was far too weak.

Upon leaving the bar John took a glance around and for a moment felt his heart sink. If it wasn’t the couple holding hands down the street, then it was the group of friends walking and laughing together. Or maybe it was the family that was singing to the radio in the cars on the street, or the other families chatting together in their homes or at the restaurant tables that he could see through the windows. In the immediate area, it seemed like everyone had someone… but him. Despite his towering size, John lowered his head and started walking with no destination planned. He just wanted to get away.
Are there any immediate plans for everyone to gather or perhaps each city suddenly being exposed to its own crisis?
"So perhaps the Brotherhood isn't as depleted as he once thought" Dragos thought as he surveyed the room and eyed the 2nd half of the brotherhood. Quite useful that the Brotherhood managed to have a quick way of traveling to Dawnstar, such convince would definitely make it easier to travel throughout Skyrim considering the rather sizable travel difference between the two sanctuaries. Considering the amount of individuals they had gathered it would not be long for the Dark Brotherhood to actually go about and complete their tasks, Dragos personally wondered just how potent they could become considering their start was already looking like a success. The vampire bowed his head as he introduced himself "It is an honor to meet the rest of the brotherhood" short and sweet but from the looks of it, he would have plenty of time to meet the rest of the other members.
@The Whacko hey you mever know lol i just did some minor changes just to alleviate some concerns that my character maybe too much of a prick
Powerhouse low Tier


@DragonofTheWest@Blackstripe If I may, it sounds like John would be pretty close to the personality of Mon-El from Supergirl's second season. He's a bit of a prick, overly cocky and most of the time goes into things without even thinking of the danger, but he's got the right idea when he does so. Sure, he would come off as a bit of a bruiser and a thug, but he thinks he's doing the right thing and wants to be doing the right thing. That about right, Dragon?

Unfortunately I am unfamiliar with Mon-El but that pretty much sounds exactly what I was going for.

I also wasn't intending to go for that ultra tier right away of course as well, especially at his age

Maybe I put too much emphasis on the "aggression" and the bullying but I was going for someone whose knows he's "different" but is in need of a mentor or sorts. He's also young and misguided but wants to do the right thing but isn't exactly sure how or to balance being a "good guy" and not be a dick basically.

Also tried to make it like he knows he has powers but has no idea just how far he can really push it and that was something I was going to gradually expand on as the RP went on.

I don't mind changing the personality at all but I also didn't want to make him too "perfect" in a personality sense as he is suppose to learn what it means to be a "good guy" and be a "leader" and positive influence and sorts
Wiling to make what changes are necessary

It was truly incredible. If there was one way for a young fighter to get excited it was seeing a legend himself in the flesh but only then as he stood, gave his speech and introduced his academy to his students did Kevin truly understand that he was in a special situation. Every boxing gym he had been to had their own unique feel but this new MMA academy was something unlike anything else. "I can't wait to get started..." he silently thought as he watched the crowd of students go their separate ways. Considering that Dan Green himself was going to return and make more official announcements Kevin figured it was best not to get to worked up. Still The young boxer stretched his neck and rolled his shoulders in an attempt to warm up as he approached the right wall while taking note of the two other female students working the heavy bag. In a way watching others working out sparked a little bit of a competitive fire in him, he should be at least doing something. After taking a quick glance at all the striking bags, Kevin smirked as he focused on the wall mounted speed bag. What started as a steady rhythm suddenly began to rapidly pick up in pace as speed and hand-eye coordination were put on display. Just another session for a boxer working on his craft.
I would like a chance at the kryptonian archtype if thats ok. I could get a profile up some time tonight
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