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    1. Drakey 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current uuuugggghhhhhh When you can't be on when everyone else you RP with is on....


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awesome, I'll have a CS either today or tomorrow

Are you guys accepting newcomers?

I WANT TO POST, but I feel like I should wait...for others...that is

Also, I need to explain Madrys a little more, will do that later...

Mikhail followed the red-haired Rosaline through the city. Indeed, her parents had a wonderful sense in names. Though, beauty often comes with a darker side, much like the thorns of a true rose. His thoughts turning thus, Mikhail was brought back to this present, his slightly darkened face returning to its lighter nature. Brynhild gave a playful yip as the young Charillos patted her head. It seemed as though he was having fun with the wolf, and Brynhild had always been good with children. Strange when you think about. Something so devastating in combat, and ruthless, yet so caring among the young and helpless. Like a knight in her silver armor, yes that was Brynhild. Much more the warrior than Mikhail would ever be. Smiling, the man's country accent leaked out, "Charillos, do you like Brynhild? If you do. then I can try and bring her around more."

Suddenly, as he stopped speaking, Rosaline started to talk about the surrounding shops. Apparently, the Weyenburg family kept many of them afloat. He had heard rumours that one of their daughters were to be betrothed to the prince. Though he couldn't remember anything else about the family. Like most of politics, they remained unimportant to the young hunter. Then a voice, young and feminine, called out. Of course, when he looked up, the first thing he noticed was not the young girl, but the two armed men following behind her. Immediately, the hair on the back of his neck bristled at the same time that Brynhild's hair bristled. If it wasn't for her armor, Brynhild would have looked as though she doubled in size. His hand falling to the hilt of his sword, Mikhail struggled to keep his smile.

As Rosaline introduced him to Emmaline, Brynhild's tail flicked the inside of his knee. Someone was coming, someone with the scent of the woods, and they were coming straight towards him. However, in the crowd he couldn't see a thing, too many people pressed in around him. Then a hand, reaching out, tugged on his maroon coat. A girl, older than Emmaline, yet looking all the more a child, faced Mikhail. About to speak, she was cut off by Rosaline's question. Ignoring the girl behind him for a moment, Mikhail quickly answered Rosaline. "Oh, about that, well, I was looking for the Hunter's Guild." A smile on his face, Mikhail pulled out the King's Notice. The folded paper came out of his pocket , and, unfolded, held the entirety of the King's original notice.

As he showed the notice to Rosaline, Mikhail heard the stranger's words. A love filter? Mikhail had always been told dark legends about magic ever since he was a young child, but had personally never held anything against it. "I'm sorry, but I have no need of a Love filter, and I believe that you must be mistaken. This woman and her family cannot be nobles." Taking a quick look at Rosaline and the two armed men, looking all the more like guards as they stood there, he continued. "Beautiful, yes, and more affluent than the true commoner, most likely, but surely no noble would walk the common streets. Even if they did, they would would ride in a carriage or on horses, but never by foot." Mikhail smiled at the younger forest dweller. Surely, Rosaline was no noble, or, at least, Mikhail hoped that she was no noble.
I'll have a post up either today or tomorrow
A short post for now, will have a followup post tomorrow. This is all happening while the hunters are out and just across the kingdom. The title of the next hunt is either "Spider Stomping Day" or "Spider-slaughter 2k17"

Thank god, I had been debating on wether or not Mikhail should be afraid of spiders. Thankfully, I chose no, but those damn webs. Oh how I hate spider webs!!!
Mikhail stood there, watching the exchange between the woman and her brother. Rosaline, a rose the color of her hair. Mikhail didn't want to see her go just yet, so he did something that he would never had thought to do. "Um, Rosaline, if you wouldn't mind, could I tag along?" Nudging Brynhild with his foot,the wolf padded back up to the boy. "You see, I'm new here, and I've found that I've gotten a wee bit lost." Hoping that the plea for mercy would allow him to walk with the woman, Mikhail didn't dare hold his breath. Suddenly, someone rammed into him from behind. Forcing Mikhail to take a step forward, right into the space in front of Rosaline. Immediately, their eyes met. Deep blue against jade green.

Taking a quick step back, like the side step of a dancer or a fighter, Mikhail stammered a little. "Sorry 'bout that." A sad smile spread across his face as Mikhail was convinced that his chances were gone now. "I'm not used to the hustle and bustle of the city, so I really need someone to help me out."

His statements weren't an exaggeration. For a small town boy like him, the roads of the city were like rivers of people. Horses moved up and down the street, soldiers in bright armor riding on top of he rolling steeds. Carts, with large andl loud wheels, travelled through the throngs of people. Then the people themselves. Always in a hurry, pushing and prodding, they travelled. Shopkeepers yelled at passersbys as dogs barked at vagrant cats. Rats and mice scurried in the dark corners of the city, carrying disease. Yes, this was all new to the young man. New, and terrifying.
Brynhild jumped as the young boy appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Sniffing, the large wolf backpedaled a few steps, bumping into Mikhail's leg. The man had been reading the notice again, making sure he hadn't missed anything, like directions. Snapped from his thoughts, it took Mikhail a moment to pull himself together. A young woman, maybe two years younger than him stood there. Slightly bent, reprimanding the young boy. However, Mikhail's voice caught in his throat when she looked at him. Vibrant green eyes, bright with life and intelligence, looked out from underneath a few rogue strands of thick red hair. Her skin, pale but not alabaster, glowed beautifully in the sunlight. Blinking, Mikhail responded. "Don't worry about it, I'm used to this." A smile, part facade part true, grew on his face. For the first time in his life, Mikhail was selfconscious about his country accent. With an inner resolve, Mikhail turned to the boy.

Sitting down on his heels, his shoulders on his knees, Mikhail was eye level with the young boy. Just as striking as the woman, Mikhail looked into deep amber eyes, curiosity flowing from them. "Would you like to let her?" Letting the question hang, Mikhail beckoned Brynhild over. With a black-floved hand, the man grabbed her by the scruff, making sure she wouldn't run away. Looking up at the woman, Mikhail truely smiled at her. "If I knew that the commoners in the city were as beautiful as nobles I would have come here long ago." With a joke in his tone, Mikhail waited for Brynhild to get comfortable with the boy. Then, standing up tall, he offered his hand to the woman. "My name's Mikhail, may I ask for your's?"
Ok, isn't Rosaline untaken? If so, I'm claiming my Waifu!!!

Oh god, it doesn't matter anymore! She's a redhead!!!! I will take her from someone else if I have to!!!!

I'm so sad, I'm on a phone so my really short posts look so much longer!!!
Hey, does anyone have someone in the city of that could interact with my character?
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