Avatar of Dutchess Sarah
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 280 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Dutchess Sarah 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Back in business... game on! :)


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I'll have a look myself, too... was thinking you might have a schematic somewhere or something!

I'll have a CS for you soon!

Quick question: any primary and secondary talents that are under-represented? Might be more fun if the group is as diverse as possible?

Dude, if you don't let me in, I'll hex you, lol lol

seriously, this sounds amazeballs!
This sounds like fun!!!
Guys... are we still here????
howls in anguish, because she has no discord account.... and has been separated from you all by buggy website issues...

shall we move on?
discord insists I sign up with phonenumbers and all and I just won't do that...

I'm home sick right now... flu turned to pneumonia... really annoying... so whenever you have time to relieve my boredom... lol lol


Now put me in a class and let's get some mayhem started?
Lizzie Darcy

Location; Washington Square.
Interacting With; Mrs. Sanguis @Lionhearted, Aimee Du'Désir @Hero & Cain @syn

Lizzie watched the exchange between Ms. Sanguis, Aimee and the stranger with amazement. Ambrosia was usually much more subtle and careful around people. And much more charismatic. The almost unveiled hostility and immediate obvious mutual dislike surprised her.
Then again, the man was giving off a rather strange, unsettling vibe. And if he really was a doctor, why was he so focussed on this one girl. Surely the EMT's would be more qualified to handle this level of injury? And he should be focussing on the others, so they could focus on rescuing her? There was definitely something fishy about this whole situation.

Lizzie almost breathed an audible sigh of relief when Aimee ordered the man to leave, without the girl. She managed to resist the urge to take a deep breath, and concentrated on ignoring the man in front of her. While the other two ladies were concerned with him, Lizzie looked around, trying to take in everything that was going on around her. Part of her mind remained focussed on the mystery of the injured girl, and the strange man's curious obsession with her, but most of her attention went to taking in everything else that was going on.
<Snipped quote by Polaris North>

How is the collab coming along?

<Snipped quote by Dutchess Sarah>

How is the post coming along?

Kinda slow... just heard I'm looking for a new job...
will work on it and post Monday at the latest!
Sorry for the delay!
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